Journal of Banking & Finance

(The TQCC of Journal of Banking & Finance is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board159
No-Arbitrage pricing of GDP-Linked bonds149
Interest rate risk in the banking book: A closed-form solution for non-maturity deposits143
Estimating the probability of informed trading: A Bayesian approach134
Editorial Board124
Norwegian interbank market's response to changes in liquidity policy101
Editorial Board96
Market discipline and policy loans88
Competition, peer firm effects, and cash composition87
Shades of trade: Dark trading and price efficiency79
Why does option-implied volatility forecast realized volatility? Evidence from news events76
Editorial Board75
Systemic risk allocation using the asymptotic marginal expected shortfall75
Bank foreign assets, government support and international spillover effects of sovereign rating events on bank stock prices71
Negative news and the stock market impact of tone in rating reports69
Editorial Board69
Determinants and predictability of commodity producer returns66
Non-recourse mortgage law and housing speculation65
Reprint of: Delegated asset management and performance when some investors are unsophisticated61
Negative externalities of mutual fund instability: Evidence from leveraged loan funds61
Compositional effects of bank capital buffers and interactions with monetary policy57
Algos gone wild: What drives the extreme order cancellation rates in modern markets?57
Fair advice54
Editorial Board54
Aggregate Distress Risk and Equity Returns48
Post-crisis regulations, market making, and liquidity in over-the-counter markets47
The capital gain lock-in effect and seasoned equity offerings47
An analysis of finance journal accessibility: Author inclusivity and journal quality43
Stocks versus corporate bonds: A cross-sectional puzzle40
Banking relationship, information reusability, and acquisition loans39
Reducing credit card delinquency using repayment reminders38
Editorial Board38
Impact of systemic risk regulation on optimal policies and asset prices37
What are reference rates for?36
Editorial Board35
Covid-19, credit risk management modeling, and government support35
CEO inside debt and mutual fund investment decisions34
Stocks versus bonds for the long run when a riskless asset is available34
Foreign exchange exposure and analysts’ earnings forecasts34
Financial development and wage income: Evidence from the global football market32
Optimal investor life cycle decisions with time-inconsistent preferences31
Discount rates and cash flows: A local projection approach31
The performance of marketplace lenders31
Does the deposit channel of monetary policy work in a high-interest rate environment?30
Does portfolio concentration affect performance? Evidence from corporate bond mutual funds30
Editorial Board29
Context‐specific experience and institutional investors’ performance29
IFABS 2017: Towards an Integrated View of Financial Regulation: Key Lessons from the Crisis and Future Challenges27
In Memoria Giorgio and Emilia Szegő A special issue on institutions, risk measures, and portfolio optimization26
Evaluating the validity of regulatory interest rate risk measures – a simulation approach26
Market discipline and regulatory arbitrage: Evidence from ABCP liquidity guarantors25
Banks, credit supply, and the life cycle of firms: Evidence from late nineteenth century Japan24
Deferred pay: Compliance and productivity with self-selection24
Two faces of the size effect24
Cranes among chickens: The general-attention‐grabbing effect of daily price limits in China's stock market24
Biased risk perceptions: Evidence from the laboratory and financial markets24
Quality is our asset: The international transmission of liquidity regulation23
Imposing Choice on the Uninformed: The Case of Dynamic Currency Conversion23
Supervisory stringency, payout restrictions, and bank equity prices22
Dark premonitions: Pre-bankruptcy investor attention and behavior22
Editorial Board22
Canonical portfolios: Optimal asset and signal combination22
Capital regulation induced reaching for systematic yield: Financial instability through fire sales21
When should retirees tap their home equity?21
CEO performance impact on medical leave outcomes21
Investment decisions and financial leverage under a potential entry threat21
The COVID-19 shock and consumer credit: Evidence from credit card data21
Do professional ties enhance board seat prospects of independent directors with tainted reputations?21
The Pricing of Skewness Over Different Return Horizons20
Timing sentiment with style: Evidence from mutual funds20
The impacts of a large-scale financial education intervention on retirement saving behaviors and portfolio allocation: Evidence from pension fund data20
The impact of laws and institutions on financial contracts: Evidence from relationship lending across the world20
Coherent risk measures alone are ineffective in constraining portfolio losses20
Economic activity and the bank credit channel20
When emergency medicine becomes a staple diet: Evidence from Indian banking crisis20
Experimental Research on Retirement Decision-Making: Evidence from Replications20
Life-cycle portfolio choice with imperfect predictors20
Do analysts disseminate anomaly information in China?20
Bank solvency risk and funding cost interactions: Evidence from Korea20
Limit-hitting exciting effects: Modeling jump dependencies in stock markets adhering to daily price-limit rules19
Banks incentive pay, diversification and systemic risk19
The incremental information in the yield curve about future interest rate risk19
The case for CASE: Estimating heterogeneous systemic effects19
Vulnerable funding in the global economy19
How does corporate culture affect IPO price formation?19
Marginals versus copulas: Which account for more model risk in multivariate risk forecasting?19
Weather-related disasters and inflation in the euro area19
How do bank-specific characteristics affect lending? New evidence based on credit registry data from Latin America18
Algorithmic trading and firm value18
Do banks price production process failures? Evidence from product recalls18
Corporate stress and bank nonperforming loans: Evidence from Pakistan17
Award-winning CEOs and corporate innovation17
Banks’ investments in fintech ventures17
On the cash-flow and control rights of contingent capital17
Bargaining power and trade credit: The heterogeneous effect of credit contractions17
Social capital, finance, and consumption: Evidence from a representative sample of Chinese households17
Cooperative lenders and the performance of small business loans16
Financing a corporate venture capital program16
Under-reaction in the sovereign CDS market16
Bank instability: Interbank linkages and the role of disclosure16
Do ETFs increase the comovements of their underlying assets? Evidence from a switch in ETF replication technique16
The Banker’s oath and financial advice16
Firm life cycle and cost of debt16
Leveling the playing field? The effect of disclosing fund manager activeness to individual investors16
Forecasting the realized variance in the presence of intraday periodicity15
Share pledging and optimism in analyst earnings forecasts: Evidence from China15
Does the CARD Act affect price responsiveness? Evidence from credit card solicitations15
Editorial Board15
Inclusive banking, financial regulation and bank performance: Cross-country evidence15
Crowding of international mutual funds15
How should we measure the performance of corporate bond mutual funds? Evaluating model quality and impact on inferences15
Preopening auctions and price discovery in initial public offerings15
Family ownership during the Covid-19 pandemic15
Labor unions and corporate social responsibility14
Variance risk premiums in emerging markets14
How financial shocks transmit to the real economy? Banking business models and firm size14
Asset pricing and FOMC press conferences14
Personal bankruptcy costs, union bargaining power, and capital structure14
CFO social capital, liquidity management, and the market value of cash✰14
Changes in the global investor base and the stability of portfolio flows to emerging markets14
Supervisory enforcement actions against banks and systemic risk14
Federal reserve intervention and systemic risk during financial crises14
Complexity and riskiness of banking organizations: Evidence from the International Banking Research Network14
Does banks’ systemic importance affect their capital structure and balance sheet adjustment processes?14
Pandemic payment patterns14
Relationship lending and SMEs’ funding costs over the cycle: Why diversification of borrowing matters14
Risk-adjusted return managed carry trade14
The effect of lenders’ dual holding on loan contract design: Evidence from performance pricing provisions13
Financial returns or social impact? What motivates impact investors’ lending to firms in low-income countries13
The sum of all fears: Forecasting international returns using option-implied risk measures13
Measuring financial interdependence in asset markets with an application to eurozone equities13
Do institutional investors monitor their large-scale vs. small-scale investments differently? Evidence from the say-on-pay vote13
Do intangibles matter for corporate policies? Evidence from organization capital and corporate payout choices13
Financial Sector Policy Response to COVID-19 in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies13
Corporate culture and firm value: Evidence from crisis13
The conditional impact of investor sentiment in global stock markets: A two-channel examination13
COVID-19 and lending responses of European banks12
Expected and Unexpected Jumps in the Overnight Rate: Consistent Management of the Libor Transition12
Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic12
Minority shareholder voting and dividend policy12
Zombies, again? The COVID-19 business support programs in Japan12
Liquidity provision during a pandemic12
Suppliers as financial intermediaries: Trade credit for undervalued firms12
It’s a wonderful loan: local financial composition, community banks, and economic resilience12
Nonlinearities and a pecking order in cross-border investment12
COVID-19 and bank branch lending: The moderating effect of digitalization12
FinTech adoption and financial inclusion: Evidence from household consumption in China12
Common institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility12
The gender gap in the first deal: Equity split among founding teams12
Bank liquidity creation and systemic risk12
Lender effects on gains from mergers and acquisitions11
Exploiting the dynamics of commodity futures curves11
A general approach to smooth and convex portfolio optimization using lower partial moments11
Decreasing returns to scale and skill in hedge funds11
IPO underperformance and the idiosyncratic risk puzzle11
How do experienced analysts improve price efficiency?11
Stock-selection timing11
How free is free? Retail trading costs with zero commissions11
Is lending distance really changing? Distance dynamics and loan composition in small business lending11
Did QE lead banks to relax their lending standards? Evidence from the Federal Reserve’s LSAPs11
Task-oriented speech and information processing11
How managerial ownership and the market for corporate control can improve investment timing11
Editorial Board11
Corrigendum to ‘Data Snooping Bias in Tests of the Relative Performance of Multiple Forecasting Models’, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 126, May 2021, 10611311
Private information in trades, R2, and large stock price movements11
Modeling the time-varying dynamic term structure of interest rates11
A Density-Based estimator of core/periphery network structures10
Do stock-level experienced returns influence security selection?10
International stochastic discount factors and covariance risk10
Reconciling interest rates evidence with theory: Rejecting unit roots when the HD(1) is a competing alternative10
Assessing and mitigating fire sales risk under partial information10
Conservatism and representativeness heuristic in peer reviews: Evidence from the finance literature 1946–202010
Momentum life cycle, revisited10
Modeling your stress away10
Mean-variance portfolio optimization based on ordinal information10
Editorial Board10
Debt-stabilizing properties of GDP-linked securities: A macro-finance perspective10
Political promotion incentives and banking supervision: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China10
Short-term reversals, short-term momentum, and news-driven trading activity10
The impact of RMB’s SDR inclusion on price discovery in onshore-offshore markets10
Back to the funding ratio! Addressing the duration puzzle and retirement income risk of defined contribution pension plans10
Do firms obtain multiple ratings to hedge against downgrade risk?10
Market timing in open market bond repurchases10
Market distortions with collusion of agents10
Editorial Board9
Longs, shorts, and the cross-section of stock returns9
Expectations, credit conditions, and housing boom-bust: Evidence from SVAR with sign and zero restrictions9
Editorial Board9
Intertemporal imitation behavior of interbank offered rate submissions9
Mutual fund tax implications when investment advisors manage tax-exempt separate accounts9
Editorial Board9
Credit shocks, employment protection, and growth:firm-level evidence from spain9
So Sue Me! The cross section of stock returns related to patent infringement allegations9
Editorial Board9
He who lends knows9
Information networks in the financial sector and systemic risk9
Does secrecy signal skill? Own-investor secrecy and hedge fund performance9
Technology spillovers and the duration of executive compensation9
Special issue on green and ethical finance9
The Role of Moving Shocks, Unemployment, and Policy in Understanding Housing Bust9
The agency costs of family ownership: Evidence from innovation performance9
Money market reforms:The effect on the commercial paper market9
Stabilising virtues of central banks: (Re)matching bank liquidity9
The positive externalities of leveraged buyouts9
Monetary easing and the lending concentration channel of monetary policy transmission9
Trust and local bias of individual investors9
Bank balance sheet risk allocation9
Credit ratings and firm innovation: Evidence from sovereign downgrades9
Cross-sectional dispersion and bank performance9
Sign matters: Stock-movement-based trading decisions of individual investors9
Partial moment momentum9
WITHDRAWN: In memoria Giorgio and Emilia Szego8
Double the insurance, double the funds?8
The FOMC’s new individual economic projections and macroeconomic theories8
Fair-washing in the market for structured retail products? Voluntary self-regulation versus government regulation8
News indices on country fundamentals8
Editorial Board8
Does CDS trading affect risk-taking incentives in managerial compensation?8
Low interest rates and banks’ interest margins: Does belonging to a banking group matter?8
When does the fed care about stock prices?8
Demand shock, speculative beta, and asset prices: Evidence from the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program8
Intraday momentum in the VIX futures market8
Shareholder litigation and bank risk8
Competition, coinsurance and moral hazard in banking8
Editorial Board8
Customer concentration and stock liquidity8
Religion and insider trading profits8
Winning connections? Special interests and the sale of failed banks8
Employment Protection and Household Mortgage Debt8
Functional distance and bank loan pricing: Evidence from the opening of high-speed railway in China8
Common institutional blockholders and tail risk8
Penalty interest rates, LTV constraints, and screening laxity in mortgage markets8
The Real Effect of Monetary Policy under Uncertainty: Evidence from the Change in Corporate Financing Purposes8
Actions speak louder than words: Environmental law enforcement externalities and access to bank loans8
The dark side of bank taxes8
Financial literacy and mortgage stress8
Fifty shades of QE revisited8
Editorial Board8
Local peer influence on dividend payout decisions8
Do Hedge Funds Value Sell-Side Analysts Differently?8
Stress tests and information disclosure: An experimental analysis8
Lease-adjusted productivity measurement8
Signal strength adjustment behavior: Evidence from share repurchases8
Household willingness to take financial risk: Stockmarket movements and life‐cycle effects8
Pension funding and the cross section of stock returns - The case of Germany8
The information content of stress test announcements8
Forecasting Value at Risk and expected shortfall using a model with a dynamic omega ratio8
Enhanced momentum strategies8
The changing landscape of treasury auctions8
A new approach to credit ratings8