Review of World Economics

(The TQCC of Review of World Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Fiscal policy and economic growth: some evidence from China27
Do data policy restrictions inhibit trade in services?25
Is international tourism responsible for the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands23
Global migration in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: the unstoppable force of demography17
Modeling complex network patterns in international trade17
Do developing countries gain by participating in global value chains? Evidence from India14
Commodity price pass-through along the pricing chain12
Trade agreements and international technology transfer11
Quantifying Brexit: from ex post to ex ante using structural gravity10
The contribution of immigration from Ukraine to economic growth in Poland9
Cultural change and the migration choice8
Bank liquidity creation: A new global dataset for developing and emerging countries8
The role of imported inputs in firms’ productivity and exports: evidence from Indonesia8
Trade policy and global value chains: tariffs versus non-tariff measures7
One belt, one road, one way? Where European exporters benefit from the new silkroad7
Income inequality and the quality of imports7
The geopolitics of international trade in Southeast Asia7
Intra-African trade7
Total trade, cereals trade and undernourishment: new empirical evidence for developing countries7
Genetic distance, cultural differences, and the formation of regional trade agreements6
Where has the rum gone? The impact of maritime piracy on trade and transport6
Trade and welfare effects of a potential free trade agreement between Japan and the United States5
Productive government expenditure and its impact on income inequality: evidence from international panel data5
Time changing effects of external shocks on macroeconomic fluctuations in Peru: empirical application using regime-switching VAR models with stochastic volatility5
Composite global indicators from survey data: the Global Economic Barometers5
Evolution of the effects of mineral commodity prices on fiscal fluctuations: empirical evidence from TVP-VAR-SV models for Peru4
Can international coproduction promote the performance of cultural products in the global markets? Evidence from the Chinese movie industry4
The breadth of preferential trade agreements and the margins of exports4
Trade policies and growth in emerging economies: policy experiments4
The pro-export effect of subnational migration networks: new evidence from Spanish provinces4
‘Whatever it takes’ to change belief: evidence from Twitter4
International trade and face-to-face diplomacy4
Domestic interest rate, foreign direct investment, and corruption4
Measuring economic impact in Korea, Japan, India, China, and ASEAN considering agricultural sectors: a dynamic CGE approach based on GAMS4
Domestic formal and informal institutions: their substitutability and comparative advantage4
Domestic product standards, harmonization, and free trade agreements4
Interlinkages between external debt financing, credit cycles and output fluctuations in emerging market economies3
Global governance and gross capital flows dynamics3
Is there a euro effect in the drivers of US FDI? New evidence using Bayesian model averaging techniques3
Eurasian economic integration: impact evaluation using the gravity model and the synthetic control methods3
The importance of deep integration in preferential trade agreements: the case of a successfully implemented Ukraine–Turkey free trade agreement3
FDI on the move: cross-border M&A and migrant networks3
Cross-border investment and the decline of exchange rate volatility: implications for Euro area bilateral investments3