Leadership Quarterly

(The TQCC of Leadership Quarterly is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Abusive supervision: A systematic review and fundamental rethink147
Crisis leadership: A review and future research agenda113
Ethical leadership: Mapping the terrain for concept cleanup and a future research agenda99
A critique of the Leader-Member Exchange construct: Back to square one97
What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research93
A bibliometric review of the leadership development field: How we got here, where we are, and where we are headed91
Four decades of CEO–TMT interface research: A review inspired by role theory84
Country differences in the relationship between leadership and employee engagement: A meta-analysis76
Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against75
Upbeat leadership: A recipe for – or against – “successful” leadership studies61
Effects of charismatic leadership and rewards on individual performance55
Advancing the science of 21st-century leadership development: Theory, research, and practice48
Just what do we think we are doing? Learning outcomes of leader and leadership development42
CEO proactiveness, innovation, and firm performance39
How follower traits and cultural values influence the effects of leadership37
Leadership in the digital era: A review of who, what, when, where, and why35
Let’s agree about nice leaders: A literature review and meta-analysis of agreeableness and its relationship with leadership outcomes34
Polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology in leadership research34
The military imprint: The effect of executives’ military experience on firm pollution and environmental innovation33
Instrumental variables estimation: Assumptions, pitfalls, and guidelines31
Nurturing overconfidence: The relationship between leader power, overconfidence and firm performance30
Where is “behavior” in organizational behavior? A call for a revolution in leadership research and beyond30
Follower behavior renders leader behavior endogenous: The simultaneity problem, estimation challenges, and solutions30
Seeing is not believing: Leader humility, hypocrisy, and their impact on followers' behaviors28
A neuroscience-based model of why and when CEO social values affect investments in corporate social responsibility28
Knowing me, knowing us: Personal and collective self-awareness enhances authentic leadership and leader endorsement28
The XX factor: Female managers and innovation in a cross-country setting27
Common methodological mistakes27
Reconciling identity leadership and leader identity: A dual-identity framework27
How (not) to motivate online workers: Two controlled field experiments on leadership in the gig economy26
Does leadership still not need emotional intelligence? Continuing “The Great EI Debate”26
The pandemic that shocked managers across the world: The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on leadership behavior25
Opening the black box: Uncovering the leader trait paradigm through machine learning25
Effect of charismatic signaling in social media settings: Evidence from TED and Twitter24
Virtual charismatic leadership and signaling theory: A prospective meta-analysis in five countries24
A juggling act: CEO polychronicity and firm innovation24
A conceptual replication of ambidextrous leadership theory: An experimental approach23
The perks of narcissism: Behaving like a star speeds up career advancement to the CEO position23
In pursuit of causality in leadership training research: A review and pragmatic recommendations23
Leadership selection: Can changing the default break the glass ceiling?22
A meta-analysis of humble leadership: Reviewing individual, team, and organizational outcomes of leader humility22
Building cross-disciplinary bridges in leadership: Integrating top executive personality and leadership theory and research21
Leader development for adolescent girls: State of the field and a framework for moving forward21
The science of leadership: A journey from survey research to field experimentation21
Using structural topic modeling to gain insight into challenges faced by leaders21
Board diversity’s antecedents and consequences: A review and research agenda21
Determining causal relationships in leadership research using Machine Learning: The powerful synergy of experiments and data science21
Human-robot collaboration: A multilevel and integrated leadership framework20
Does power corrupt the mind? The influence of power on moral reasoning and self-interested behavior20
State extraversion and emergent leadership: Do introverts emerge as leaders when they act like extraverts?19
Examining the role of Donald Trump and his supporters in the 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol: A dual-agency model of identity leadership and engaged followership19