Theoretical Ecology

(The TQCC of Theoretical Ecology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Mathematical modeling shows that ball-rolling dung beetles can use dances to avoid competition12
Host plant limitation of butterflies in highly fragmented landscapes12
Estimation of the present status of the species based on the theoretical bounds of environmental noise intensity: An illustration through a big abundance data and simulation9
Analyzing the effect of restrictions on the COVID-19 outbreak for some US states9
Thermal asymmetries influence effects of warming on stage and size-dependent predator–prey interactions7
Suppressing evolution of antibiotic resistance through environmental switching7
Coexistence, dispersal and spatial structure in metacommunities: a stochastic model approach7
Introduction for special issue: integro-difference equation models in ecology7
`Spatial patterns as long transients in submersed-floating plant competition with biocontrol6
Dynamics of a discrete-time pioneer–climax model6
The biological cropping hypothesis over evolutionary time: an experimental test6
The dynamics of evolutionary branching in an ecological model5
A hybrid dynamical system approach to predicting the resilience of community dynamics with seasonal migrations under climate change5
Effects of transmission pathways, immunological thresholds, and long-distance dispersal on infectious spread: chronic wasting disease case study4
Efficacy of dynamic eigenvalue in anticipating and distinguishing tipping points4
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of autotomy4
Sea-level rise can reverse the conditions that promote the spread of ecosystem engineers4
Biological invasions forming intraguild predation communities in homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes4
Fire mitigates bark beetle outbreaks in serotinous forests4
Effects of predator novelty on intraguild predation communities with adaptive prey defense3
Applying symmetries of elasticities in matrix population models3
Examining the generality of the biphasic transition from niche-structured to immigration-structured communities3
Nonspreading solutions and patch formation in an integro-difference model with a strong Allee effect and overcompensation3
Coexistence patterns and diversity in a trait-based metacommunity on an environmental gradient3
Coupling strength between omnivory loops and their one-species-delete subloops drives real food web stability3
A general mathematical model for coevolutionary dynamics of mutualisms with partner discrimination3
The effect of non-linear competitive interactions on quantifying niche and fitness differences3