Latin American Research Review

(The TQCC of Latin American Research Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Ideational Approach to Populism131
The Architecture of Feminicide: The State, Inequalities, and Everyday Gender Violence in Honduras61
HowMachismoGot Its Spurs—in English: Social Science, Cold War Imperialism, and the Ethnicization of Hypermasculinity41
Indigenous Resistance to Criminal Governance: Why Regional Ethnic Autonomy Institutions Protect Communities from Narco Rule in Mexico37
Imagining Latin American Social Science from the Global South: Orlando Fals Borda and Participatory Action Research34
Leaving the Devil You Know: Crime Victimization, US Deterrence Policy, and the Emigration Decision in Central America31
Determinants of Support for Extralegal Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean27
Sentenced to Debt: Explaining Student Mobilization in Chile24
Organizing Twenty-First-Century Activism: From Structure to Strategy in Latin American Social Movements21
Living in Gang-Controlled Neighborhoods: Impacts on Electoral and Nonelectoral Participation in El Salvador20
Violent Nonstate Actors and the Emergence of Hybrid Governance in South America19
Hydroterritorial Configuration and Confrontation: The Daule-Peripa Multipurpose Hydraulic Scheme in Coastal Ecuador18
Barriers to Egalitarianism: Distributive Tensions in Latin American Federations17
The Functions of Letters to the Editor in Reform-Era Cuba16
The Routinization of Violence in Latin America: Ethnographic Revelations14
Spatially Polarized Landscapes and a New Approach to Urban Inequality14
Social Responses to Criminal Governance in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Kingston, and Medellín14
Teachers, Folklore, and the Crafting ofSerranoCultural Identity in Peru13
Estimation of the Value of Statistical Life in Chile and Extrapolation to Other Latin American Countries13
Evaluation of a CO2 Tax in Chile: Emissions Reduction or Design Problems?12
Foreign Policy Change in Latin America: Exploring a Middle-Range Concept12
From Indigenous Literatures to Native American and Indigenous Theorists: The Makings of a Grassroots Decoloniality12
The Uneven Impacts of Violence against Women Reform in Guatemala: Intersecting Inequalities and the Patchwork State11
Toward Realizing the Potential of Latin America’s Women Entrepreneurs: An Analysis of Barriers and Challenges11
Mexicans and Colombians at Home and Abroad: A Comparative Study of Political Engagement11
Evaluating the Effect of Homicide Prevention Strategies in São Paulo, Brazil: A Synthetic Control Approach11
Vulnerable Women in a Thriving Country: An Analysis of Twenty-First-Century Domestic Workers in Peru and Recommendations for Future Research10
Racism and Race Mixture in Latin America10
Collusion and Cynicism at the Urban Margins9
El Caribe, la colonialidad, y el giro decolonial9
Latin American Critical Epistemologies toward a Biocentric Turn in Communication for Social Change: Communication from a Good Living Perspective8
Vote Buying in Brazil: From Impunity to Prosecution8
Genealogía de la comunalidad indígena: Descolonialidad, transmodernidad y diálogos inter-civilizatorios8
New Media and Support for Same-Sex Marriage7
Swinging Leftward: Public Opinion on Economic and Political Integration in Latin America, 1997–20107
Institutional Strengthening in a Receding Movement: The Trajectory ofPiqueteroOrganizations between 2003 and 20157
Inequality and Inclusion in Latin America7
Aging and Productivity in Latin America6
Practicing Intersectionality: Brazilian Domestic Workers’ Strategies of Building Alliances and Mobilizing Identity6
Fiscal Redistribution and Ethnoracial Inequality in Bolivia, Brazil, and Guatemala6
Short- and Long-Term Partisanship: Campaign Effects and the Stability of Party Identification in Latin America6
Remnants of Truth: The Role of Archives in Human Rights Trials for Operation Condor6
Indigenous Communities, Migrant Organizations, and the Ephemeral Nature of Translocality5
A Monthly Regional Indicator of Economic Activity: An Application for Latin America5
Who Is the Citizen in Citizen Security?5
Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Latin Americans: Covariance of Attitudes toward the United States and China5
Bribery Cartels: Collusive Corruption in Bolivian Street Markets5
Re-visioning Classic Maya Polities5
Candidate Advertisements and Afro-Brazilian Political Marginalization5
Student Mobilization, Higher Education, and the 2013 Protests in Brazil in Historical Perspective5
Race, Racism, and Affirmative Action in Brazil and the United States5
Fighting Past Economic Wars: Crisis and Austerity in Latin America5
The Electoral Buzz: Rational Prospective Voting and the Politics of the Zika Epidemic in Brazil5
Liberalism and Its Contradictions: Democracy and Hierarchy in Mestizaje and Genomics in Latin America5
Political Decentralization and Party Decay in Latin America4
Contemporary Latin American Inequality: Class Struggle, Decolonization, and the Limits of Liberal Citizenship4
Party Systems, Political Competition, and Inequality in Subnational Brazil4
Colonialidad múltiple en América Latina: Estructuras de dependencia, relatos de subalternidad4
What Went Wrong? Rethinking the Sandinista Revolution, in Light of Its Second Coming4
Mexican Anthropology and Inter-American Knowledge4
The Colombia-Israel Nexus: Toward Historical and Analytic Contexts4