Latin American Research Review

(The TQCC of Latin American Research Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Transimperial Networks of Slave Trading, Piracy, and Empire Building in the Iberian Atlantic151
Embodying Blackness in Latin American Religion63
Rereading Postrevolutionary Mexico City: Recent Trends in Mexican Cultural Studies42
The Global Financial Crisis and Latin America37
Materiales de viaje: La función de los objetos en las fotografías, ensayos y diario personal de Alice Dixon Le Plongeon en Yucatán34
La narrativa revolucionaria de Mirta Yáñez: Entre la norma y el deseo33
Brazilian Inequalities in the Global Balance: From Jogo Bonito to Jogo Diplomático27
Fabling about Infinity: The Arithmetization of Writing in Salvador Elizondo’s “Grünewalda, o una fábula del infinito”26
Character Types in Brazilian Reality Shows: Cultural Manifestation of a Media Protagonist Syndrome21
Andean or Caribbean? Nine Books on Colombia20
Unoriginal Opinions of an Original Man: Jorge Luis Borges’s Views on Race and Brazilian People in His Conversations with Adolfo Bioy Casares and His Literary Works18
Note from the Book Review Editor17
Viviendo las minas16
Editor’s Foreword14
Indigenous Communities, Migrant Organizations, and the Ephemeral Nature of Translocality14
Perdonar sin olvidar: El difícil proceso de paz en Colombia a través del documental14
Structuring Public Opinion on Foreign Policy Issues: The Case of Brazil14
The Act of Listening to “Battered” Women: An Ethnographic Comparison of Police and Emergency Responses in São Paulo, Brazil13
The Struggle to Legitimate Political Regimes in Venezuela: From Pérez Jiménez to Maduro13
New (and a Few Old) Directions in Latin American Visual Cultural Studies13
Beyond the Revolution: New Perspectives on Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Mexico12
Del lenguaje audiovisual al lenguaje digital: Un análisis comparativo en cuatro autores latinoamericanos a inicios de los siglos XX y XXI12
Manejo de recursos forestales no maderables y las políticas de simplificación: El caso de la palma xate en la Selva Lacandona, México12
The Unexpected Amazon: Past, Present, and Imagined11
Municipal Plenty, Municipal Poverty, and Brazilian Economic Development, 1836–185010
US-Mexico Relations in an Age of Uncertainty10
New Waves of Immigration and Departure in Modern Latin America9
From Indigenous Literatures to Native American and Indigenous Theorists: The Makings of a Grassroots Decoloniality8
Democracy in Latin America: “Minimalist” in Concept and in Achievement8
Crafting Nationness: DIY Venezuela in Deborah Castillo’sRAWand Violette Bule’sREQUIEM200≤8
Before the Thaw: The Transnational Routes of Cuban Popular Culture8
Reading the Affects in the Colonial Americas: The Exteriority of Feeling in Cabeza de Vaca’sNaufragios8
Place-Based (In)formalization: A Bolivian Marketplace for Consumer Electronics and Global Brands8
State Building, Ethnic Land Titling, and Transnational Organized Crime: The Case of Honduras7
Evaluating the Effect of Homicide Prevention Strategies in São Paulo, Brazil: A Synthetic Control Approach7
Remnants of Truth: The Role of Archives in Human Rights Trials for Operation Condor6
Prensa satírica popular en Chile y la actualidad de un debate: El Ají (1889–1894) y José Arnero (1905–1914)6
Memory Activism and Mexico’s War on Drugs: Countermonuments, Resistance, and the Politics of Time6
Race, Racism, and Affirmative Action in Brazil and the United States6
The Architecture of Feminicide: The State, Inequalities, and Everyday Gender Violence in Honduras6
Pitfalls of Trauma: Revisiting Postdictatorship Cinema from a Semiotic Standpoint5
The Colombia-Israel Nexus: Toward Historical and Analytic Contexts5
Corte al Congreso: Poder judicial y trámite legislativo en Colombia5
A Failed Link between Chilean Workers’ Subversive Past and Submissive Present in Diamela Eltit’sMano de obra5
Afro-Latin America in Flesh and Blood: Lives from the Battlefield, Cane Field, and Courtroom; Representations from Literature, Politics, and the Genomics Lab5
War Games / Puro Vacilón5
Crime and Its Aftermath: New Inroads in the Study of Violence and Public Safety5
Afro-Cuban Cyberfeminism: Love/Sexual Revolution in Sandra Álvarez Ramírez’s Blogging5
Racism and Race Mixture in Latin America5
Swinging Leftward: Public Opinion on Economic and Political Integration in Latin America, 1997–20105
Capitalism, Inequality, and Development in Latin America4
El éxito de los nuevos chamanes: Turismo místico en los Andes ecuatorianos4
Changing Landscapes of Faith: Latin American Religions in the Twenty-First Century4
Bribery Cartels: Collusive Corruption in Bolivian Street Markets4
The Challenges to Mexico’s Press, Past and Present4
Inequality and Inclusion in Latin America4