Population Space and Place

(The TQCC of Population Space and Place is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The School Transition Estimation and Projection (STEP) model: A flexible framework for analysing and projecting school enrolments52
Residential segregation by nationalities: A global and multilevel approach to Barcelona and Madrid (2008–2018)50
Spatial variation of migrant‐native mortality differentials by duration of residence in Belgium: A story of partial convergence49
Unique times, unequal mobilities: Daily mobility during the de‐escalation of the COVID‐19 pandemic46
Migratory birds: Dehumanization of migrant workers in West Hungary34
Nonlinear relationships between human development and international student mobility: The prominent role of employment prospects and cultural and linguistic ties28
The remarkable stability of fertility desires during the Colombian armed conflict 2000–201623
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Rethinking migration networks on the move: Associative, professional and global encounters between Romanians in Spain19
Trade‐offs in destination choices among the urban populations in three Southeast Asian countries19
Seeking (desperately) for gentrification? Population change, immigration and economic recovery in a Mediterranean city18
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How to derive spatial agents: A mixed‐method approach to model an elderly population with scarce data16
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The narratives of new rural residents in the configuration of the peri‐urban area: From circumstancial constraints to openness16
Escaping from the identity enclave: Social inclusion events and floating migrants' settlement intention in China16
Refugees and religious institutions in a mid‐size Canadian city15
The COVID‐19 pandemic and residential mobility intentions in the United States: Evidence from Google Trends data15
Temporalising barriers: Postsecondary schooling access among precarious status students in Toronto15
Terrorism, migrant crisis and attitudes towards immigrants from outside of the European Union14
Changes in mixed ethnicity households and neighbourhood transitions in England and Wales14
Interaction of ancestry and agency: Challenges, constraints and options for second‐generation Albanian youth relocating from Greece14
Body in migration: Bodily experiences and strategies amongst foreign scholars in China13
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Persistent racial diversity in neighbourhoods across the United States: Where does it occur?12
Union formation, within‐couple dynamics, and child well‐being: A global macrolevel perspective11
Increasing diversity, precarity and prolonged periods of education in the transition from school to work in Britain11
Residential mobility in Hong Kong 1991–2016: Demographics, policies and housing market dynamics11
Places and mechanisms of belonging and exclusion: Intra‐EU academic migration in a comparative perspective11
A conceptual framework studying transnational immigrant family experiences: The phenomenon of Chinese seasonal parents/grandparents in New Zealand11
Analysing urban integration through place attachment: How do university students contribute to the formation of an integrated urban space?11
Income difference between highly educated migrants and highly educated local‐born workers in urban China11
Migration and development, without care? Locating transnational care practices in the migration‐development debate11
The joint distribution of age and race in racially integrated neighbourhoods10
The phenomenon of spiritual homelessness in transnational spaces among international students in the United States10
Skills on the move: Highly skilled migrants in Switzerland and beyond10
Internal migrants' charitable giving to hometowns in China: The effect of community embeddedness10
Not going out during the Covid‐19 pandemic? A multilevel geographical analysis of UK Google Mobility Reports, February 2020–December 20219
Urban sustainability and the subjective well‐being of migrants: The role of risks, place attachment, and aspirations9
Intentions and abilities to migrate from Africa to Europe9
The socioeconomic trajectories of New Zealand's diverse language communities: A longitudinal perspective9
How does the neighbourhood environment influence migrants' subjective well‐being in urban China?9
The ‘intention to stay’ of the floating migrant population: A spatiotemporal meta‐analysis in Chinese cities9
Cross‐border marriages in pre‐ and post‐handover Hong Kong9
Living and working on the edge: ‘Place precarity’ and the experiences of male manual workers in a U.K. seaside town9
The gainers and losers from the United Kingdom's university‐related migration: A subregional analysis of Graduate Outcomes Survey data8
Detecting temporal anomalies with pseudo age groups: Homeownership in Canada, 1981 to 20168
Pre‐arrival temporalities of displacement in refugee migration: The case of resettled Ethiopian refugees in Australia8
Moving to ‘Bei–Shang–Guang’? Internal migration, local hukou barriers and labour market outcomes among college graduates in China8
Transnational, translocal, and transient: Economic communities of Arab entrepreneurs in Yiwu, China8
Who stays in their birthplace? The role of multigenerational local ties in young adults' staying behaviour8
Social innovation within transnational flows of knowledge: The example of student mobility from Bulgaria8
Support or burden? Mental health and transnational family contact among female migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong7
The importance of classification schema choice in internal mobility: An examination in contemporary Mexico7
Space, place and internationalisation of higher education: Exploring everyday social practices in the ‘international’ classroom7
Understanding patterns of internal migration during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Spain7
How families affect aspirational migration amidst political insecurity: The case of Hong Kong7
COVID‐19 and migration: A research note on the effects of COVID‐19 on internal migration rates and patterns in Japan7
Redefining family structures: Births out of wedlock in 21st century Greece6
Internal migration in the time of Covid: Who moves out of the inner city of Stockholm and where do they go?6
Between spaces: Unravelling motives and distances in internal migration6
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Between stuckness and stillness: Why do young adults not undertake temporary mobility?6
How many moves are too many? Repeat internal migration and subjective well‐being in young adulthood in Australia6
Understanding the association between (im)mobility and life satisfaction in Australia6
Mobility as Capital: A ‘Three‐Step’ Education Pathway of Chinese Transnational Migrant Families in Zimbabwe6
Intergenerational Care in Local, Long‐Distance, and Transnational Families: The Role of Geographical Distance and Cross‐Border Separation on Subjective Care Burden6
European Union border technology in Africa: Experiences en route6
The call of the green: The role of green spaces in residential relocations across the life course in Germany6
China's provincial optimum population sizes under SSP‐RCP scenarios6
A longitudinal analysis of arrival infrastructures: The geographic pathways of EU labour migrants in the Netherlands6
International students' socioeconomic affluence and staying likelihood5
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Locational preferences of high‐level overseas talent returning to China: Evidence from microdata analysis5
Subjective well‐being and school outcomes among children of immigrants and natives in Italy5
Residential mobility and social capital: Regional analysis in Finland5
Entrepreneurial Back‐to‐Landers: How Neo‐Farmers in Turkey Choose Where to Settle5
A shifting yet grounded transnational social field: Interplays of displacement and emplacement in African migrant trajectories across Central America5
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The wellbeing turn: A necessary consideration in international student mobility5
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Social bonding strategies in the context of retirement migration to nonmetropolitan areas in the United States—Insights from Michigan and North Carolina5
The association between perceived residential environment, social interaction and subjective well‐being of China's elderly migrants5
The importance of reclassification to understanding urban growth: A demographic decomposition of the United States, 1990–20105
Housing and identity expression among in‐situ urbanised rural residents in China5
Possibilities of population thinking: Histories and futures of Population Geography through reflections on 50 years of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Population5
Parental education and neighbourhood‐effect heterogeneity in educational attainments of native and minority youth in Belgian metropolitan cities5
A longitudinal area classification of migration in Great Britain: Testing the application of Group‐Based Multi‐Trajectory Modelling5
Place attachment and mobility in the context of job‐induced multilocal dwelling—The case of China5
Migration and Diverse Belongings in a Neighbourhood Context: Population‐Based Study of Older Russian‐Speaking Migrants in Finland5
Neighbourhood attachment, city attachment or beyond? Residential mobility and scales of place attachment in Shanghai, China5
The ethnic composition and population dynamics of local communities in Australia4
Ethnoracial disparities in intergenerational coresidence among Canadian millennial4
Social networks and drivers of highly skilled migration: The case of Shenzhen City in China4
International migration and its short‐term effect on partnership stability4
Spaces of well‐being and regional settlement: International migrants and the rural idyll4
The safe space of transnational friendships of young adults migrating from Essaouira, Morocco4
Health costs and benefits associated with economic transitions: Linking records of address change, property value, and self‐reported health4
Older British migrants in Spain: Return patterns and intentions post‐Brexit4
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Postgraduate education and job mismatch in Italy: Does migration help?4
Upward social mobility? The capital accumulation of Taiwanese talent in China4
Infrastructuring arrival and homemaking in COVID‐19 times: Experiences of newcomer Chinese students in Dutch cities4
Issue Information4
Having a child within a cohabiting union in Europe and North America: What is the role of parents' socio‐economic status?4
Family migration in China: A longitudinal analysis of couples' migration behaviour4
Refugees from Ukraine in Poland—Differentiation of spatial distribution and impact on demographic structures4
Migration policies on migrant–native marriage: A multilevel analysis of 43 Chinese cities4
Ethnic context and fertility differential in post‐Soviet Kazakhstan4
Mobility against all odds: the experiences of Chinese international students in Portugal amid the COVID‐19 pandemic4
‘Going to study or plan to stay on?’ Mobility profiles of Angolan and Cape Verdean students in Portugal4
The impact of the L'Aquila earthquake on demographic changes4
‘Door‐to‐door’: An emerging transnational business model along the Global North‐Global South migration corridor4
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Beyond brokering for recruitment: Education agents in Armenia4
Transnational divorce in binational marriages: The case of Portuguese–Brazilian and Portuguese–Cape Verdean couples4
In and out of privileged and disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Sweden: On the importance of country of birth4
The migrant perspective: Measuring migrants' movements and interests using geolocated tweets4
Does the Development Level of the Origin Country of International Students Influence Where They Enrol? A Case Study of the Netherlands4
What is the association between the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools and the formation of mixed‐ethnic unions?4
The intergenerational social mobility of internationally mobile students: The status attainment of returnees from abroad compared with non‐returnees4
Introducing the role of the municipality of residence in studying the secondary migration of international migrants. Evidence from Lombardy (Italy)4