Population Space and Place

(The TQCC of Population Space and Place is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Understanding patterns of internal migration during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Spain49
COVID‐19 and migration: A research note on the effects of COVID‐19 on internal migration rates and patterns in Japan45
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on internal migration in Germany: A descriptive analysis43
Urban exodus? Understanding human mobility in Britain during the COVID‐19 pandemic using Meta‐Facebook data41
Understanding internal migration trends in OECD countries34
The rural–urban interface: Rural and small town growth at the metropolitan fringe26
Internal migration in the time of Covid: Who moves out of the inner city of Stockholm and where do they go?24
Scenario‐based fertility projections incorporating impacts of COVID‐1923
Internal migration and housing costs—A panel analysis for Germany19
The governance of the Kafala system and the punitive control of migrant domestic workers19
Modelling skilled and less‐skilled internal migrations in China, 2010–2015: Application of an eigenvector spatial filtering hurdle gravity approach19
Living in two countries: Transnational living as an alternative to migration18
Exploring the impact of depopulation on a country's population geography: Lessons learned from Japan17
Interjecting the geographies of skills into international skilled migration research: Political economy and ethics for a renewed research agenda17
Urban sustainability and the subjective well‐being of migrants: The role of risks, place attachment, and aspirations16
Understanding trajectories of population decline across rural and urban Europe: A sequence analysis16
How families affect aspirational migration amidst political insecurity: The case of Hong Kong16
Space, place and internationalisation of higher education: Exploring everyday social practices in the ‘international’ classroom15
First wave of SARS‐COV2 in Europe: Study and typology of the 15 worst affected European countries15
The COVID‐19 pandemic and residential mobility intentions in the United States: Evidence from Google Trends data15
Measuring migration motives with open‐ended survey data: Methodological and conceptual issues14
The mobilities and immobilities of rural gentrification: Staying put or moving on?14
Analysing migrants' ageing in place as embodied practices of embedding through time: ‘Kilburn is not Kilburn any more’14
The roles of family and friends in the immobility decisions of university graduates staying in a peripheral urban area in the Netherlands14
Rethinking lifestyle and middle‐class migration in “left behind” regions14
Defining distance thresholds for migration research13
Feeling at home across time and place: A study of Ecuadorians in three European cities13
Geography, psychology and the ‘Big Five’ personality traits: Who moves, and over what distances, in the United Kingdom?13
Determinants and consequences of rural‐to‐urban migration patterns in China: Evidence from sequence analysis13
Spaces of well‐being and regional settlement: International migrants and the rural idyll12
Mechanisms of migrant exclusion: Temporary labour, precarious noncitizenship, and technologies of detention12
A tale of three villages: Local housing policies, well‐being and encounters between residents and immigrants11
Staying for the benefits: Location‐specific insider advantages for geographically immobile students in higher education11
Continuity or change? How the onset of COVID‐19 affected internal migration in Australia11
Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: Do children of migrants and non‐migrants differ?11
Time, temporality, and (im)mobility: Unpacking the temporal experiences among Chinese international students during the COVID‐1911
A shifting yet grounded transnational social field: Interplays of displacement and emplacement in African migrant trajectories across Central America11
Understanding brain waste: Unequal opportunities for skills development between highly skilled women and men, migrants and nonmigrants11
Active aging in the countryside: Space, place and the performance of leisure–work lifestyles in contemporary rural China11
Staying in the city or moving to the suburbs? Unravelling the moving behaviour of young families in the four big cities in the Netherlands11
Analysing the effects of residential mobility behaviours on the composition of personal network in Switzerland10
Housing and identity expression among in‐situ urbanised rural residents in China10
Inequality as a driver of migration: A social network analysis10
Between stuckness and stillness: Why do young adults not undertake temporary mobility?10
Trends in internal migration in Japan, 2012–2020: The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic10
Immigrants' spatial concentration: Region or locality attractiveness?9
Family change and variation through the lens of family configurations in low‐ and middle‐income countries9
Religiosity and the realisation of fertility intentions: A comparative study of eight European countries9
Housing characteristics and health in urban China: A comparative study of rural migrants and urban locals9
Understanding the intergroup relations of migrants in China9
How to identify and typify arrival spaces in European cities—A methodological approach9
Virtual special issue: Internal migration in times of COVID‐199
Re‐imagining belonging to Brazil: Active immobility in times of crisis9
Influences of origin and destination on migrant fertility in Europe8
Urban nature and transnational lives8
Growing rights consciousness of the marginalised and the reshuffling of the landlord–tenant power relationship: Examining a country park‐induced displacement in Shanghai8
Socio‐economic groups moving apart: An analysis of recent trends in residential segregation in Australia's main capital cities8
Worse life, psychological suffering, but ‘better’ housing: The post‐gentrification experiences of displaced residents from Xuanwumen, Beijing8
Explaining cross‐national differences in leaving home8
The future growth and spatial shift of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, 2016–20518
Same‐sex marriage and neighbourhood landscape overlap—A revised understanding of the spatial distribution of gay men and lesbians8
Pathways to food insecurity: Migration, hukou and COVID‐19 in Nanjing, China8
School segregation of migrants and their descendants in a dual school system: The case of Barcelona7
The war, refugees, and the future of Ukraine's population7
Aspirations, agency and well‐being of Romanian migrants in Greece7
The importance of reclassification to understanding urban growth: A demographic decomposition of the United States, 1990–20107
Highly educated skilled migrants are attracted to global cities: The case of Greek PhD holders7
The form and evolution of international migration networks, 1990–20157
Intergenerational solidarity, proximity to parents when moving to independence, and returns to the parental home7
Chinese students at U.K. universities: Transnational education mobilities as a stepping‐stone to adulthood6
The association between perceived residential environment, social interaction and subjective well‐being of China's elderly migrants6
The ethnic composition and population dynamics of local communities in Australia6
Syrian trajectories of exile in Lebanon and Turkey: Context of reception and social class6
Emplacing English as lingua franca in international higher education: A spatial perspective on linguistic diversity6
Age‐race‐ethnicity segregation in the United States: Where do minority older adults stand?6
Why do low‐skilled foreign workers have a wage advantage? Evidence from the palm oil plantation sector in Malaysia6
Transnational divorce in binational marriages: The case of Portuguese–Brazilian and Portuguese–Cape Verdean couples6
Body in migration: Bodily experiences and strategies amongst foreign scholars in China6
Examining pathways linking rural labour outflows to the abandonment of arable land in China6
The migration pathway to economic mobility: Does gender matter?6
Temporary destudentification caused by COVID‐19: Motivations and effects on social relations in a Chilean university city6
Migration and the reconfiguration of rural places: The accommodation of difference in Odemira, Portugal6
What is the association between the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools and the formation of mixed‐ethnic unions?6
No place like home: Sociocultural drivers of return migration among Israeli academic families6
Attitudes towards rural migrants and their influence on return migration in China6
Declining internal migration? Patterns, causes and prospects6
Are ethnic employment penalties mitigated in deprived neighbourhoods and in ethnically dense neighbourhoods?5
Economic integration of first‐ and second‐generation immigrants in the Swiss labour market: Does the reason for immigration make a difference?5
Scale and zonation effects on internal migration indicators in the United Kingdom5
Health inequalities between Palestinians and Jews in Israel: The role of extreme spatial segregation5
Brazilian immigrant entrepreneurs' support networks and bounded (mis)trust in Western Australia5
Having a child within a cohabiting union in Europe and North America: What is the role of parents' socio‐economic status?5
Social innovation within transnational flows of knowledge: The example of student mobility from Bulgaria5
Skills on the move: Highly skilled migrants in Switzerland and beyond5
Stability and change in China's geography of intercity migration: A network analysis5
Spatial and social mobility in England: The persistence of the ‘Escalator’ effect for the millennial generation5
Life satisfaction among skilled transnational families before and during the COVID‐19 outbreak5
From mobility attractiveness to mobility fatigue: The impact of repeated transnational mobility on the lives and aspirations of early‐career academics5
Changing migration rates in England and Wales over a 40‐year period: Is mobility declining?5
The phenomenon of spiritual homelessness in transnational spaces among international students in the United States5
Living and working on the edge: ‘Place precarity’ and the experiences of male manual workers in a U.K. seaside town5
Moving to ‘Bei–Shang–Guang’? Internal migration, local hukou barriers and labour market outcomes among college graduates in China5
Tracking the role of self‐employment on perceptions of citizenship: Evidence from urban migrant workers in China5
Population responses to the 1976 South Dakota drought: Insights for wider drought migration research5
For better or for worse mental health? The role of family networks in exogamous unions5
Pandemic transformations in migrant spaces: Migrant entrepreneurship between super‐digitalization and the new precarity5
Ethnic differences in self‐assessed health in Scotland: The role of socio‐economic status and migrant generation5
Counterurbanization, gentrification and the potential for rural revitalisation in China5
Residential segregation by nationalities: A global and multilevel approach to Barcelona and Madrid (2008–2018)5
Pre‐arrival temporalities of displacement in refugee migration: The case of resettled Ethiopian refugees in Australia4
The dynamics of gender in the intergenerational transmission of homeownership: A case study of young couples in Shanghai4
Gender differences in the impact of residential mobility on subjective well‐being in later life: Evidence from Guangzhou, China4
Urban labour market and de facto citizenship: Understanding migrant's settlement intention in China4
Migration for co‐residence among long‐distance couples: The role of local family ties and gender4
Migrant mothers, rejected refugees and excluded belonging in Hong Kong4
Opting out of neighbourhood schools: The role of local education markets in student mobility4
Editorial introduction: Social and spatial inequalities in health and mortality: The analysis of longitudinal register data from selected European countries4
The impact of trade liberalization on individual fertility intention: Empirical evidence from China4
‘Unintended transnationalism’: The challenging lives of Thai women who partner Western men4
International migration and its short‐term effect on partnership stability4
The ‘intention to stay’ of the floating migrant population: A spatiotemporal meta‐analysis in Chinese cities4
Transnational divorce and remarriage between Pakistan and Britain: Intersectionality, harmful immigration rules and internal racism4
Housing costs, self‐employment, and fertility4
Beyond the (im)mobility and social‐environmental dichotomy: Young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe4
Internal migration following adverse life events: Assessing the likelihood of return migration and migration toward family4
Intrastate applicability of National Census Response Rate Models: The case of the 2020 Census in the state of Illinois, United States4
From urban to highly urban: Internal migration patterns of sexual minorities in Brazil4
Low fertility spread in China: A blended adaptation and diffusion explanation4
Migrate to divorce, to overcome divorce, or to avoid divorce? Divorce and migration nexus among Chinese (wo)men migrants in Paris4
Recreating a sense of home in a foreign land among older Chinese immigrants in Australia4
Socio‐spatial negotiations in Lisbon: Reflections of working‐aged lifestyle migrants on place and privilege4
Brexit, acculturative stress and mental health among EU citizens in Scotland4
Locational preferences of high‐level overseas talent returning to China: Evidence from microdata analysis4
Terrorism, migrant crisis and attitudes towards immigrants from outside of the European Union4
Involuntary resettlement outcomes following the regeneration of informal communities: The case of Baishizhou urbanizing village in Shenzhen, China4
Globalization‐driven internal migration in China: The impact of foreign direct investment and exports since 20004
Worker intra‐urban residential migration and spatial labour market change in Melbourne's functional economic regions4
From rural exodus to repopulation in Mexico's Mixteca Alta? Analyzing differential trends4
Does increased migration affect the rural–urban divide in suicide? A register‐based repeated cohort study in Sweden from 1991 to 20154
Long‐term trends in intergenerational proximity: Evidence from a grandchild design4
Stories of conflict: Ethnicity, social class, and difference in transnational divorce narratives4
Welfare and social protection: What is the link with secondary migration? Evidence from the 2014‐crisis hit Italian region of Lombardy4
“In the back of my mind, time always ticks one hour forward”: The transnational temporalities of Moldovan domestic workers in Italy4
Neighbourhood context and young adult mobility: A life course approach4
Transnational, translocal, and transient: Economic communities of Arab entrepreneurs in Yiwu, China4