Contemporary Problems of Ecology

(The TQCC of Contemporary Problems of Ecology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Ecological and Geographical Analysis of the Ornithocomplexes of the Tobol-Irtysh Forest Steppe and the Steppe of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan in the Winter26
The State of Soil Macrofauna in Pine and Spruce Forests of the Middle Taiga Zone during Reduction of Pulp and Paper Industry Emissions (Komi Republic)14
Polyvariance of Ontogeny of Alluvial and Nonalluvial Species of Salix L. (Salicaceae) of the Boreal Zone of Eurasia9
Main Directions and Factors Determining the Variability of CYTB Amino Acid Sequences in Mountain Voles (Alticola, Rodentia, and Arvicolinae)8
Determining the Effect of Green Space Ratio and Urbanization on the Land Surface Temperature, a Case Study in the Istanbul Metropolitan7
Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystem Productivity of the Belarusian Polesia According to Remote Data6
Betula pendula Pollen Viability in Suburban Biocenoses with Different Technogenic Loads6
Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus on Wiese (Vize) Island, Kara Sea6
Growth Regularities of Scots Pine Climatypes in the Provenance Trial under Different Soil Conditions6
Spider (Arachnida: Aranei) Communities in Mountain-Hollow Steppes of Southeastern Altai and Tuva5
The Influence of the Chemical Composition of Soil and Vegetation on the Soil Mesofauna in the Potash Mining Impact Zone in the Middle Prikamye Region5
Changes in the Growth Rate and Fluorescent and Cytometric Parameters of the Microalga Dunaliella salina (Teod.) at Different Cu2+ Concentrations in the Cultivation Medium5
Morphological and Genetic Differentiation of Populations of Rhododendron aureum Georgi. (Ericaceae) in the Mountains of Southern Siberia and on the Kamchatka Peninsula5
Genotoxic Effect of Unused and Banned Pesticides on the Body of Cattle Kept on the Territory of South Kazakhstan5
The Fish Part of Community of the Vychegda River in a Pulp and Paper Mill-Treated Wastewater Discharge Area5
Background Concentrations of Chemical Elements in Plants Inhabiting the Northern Part of Western Siberia and Changes They Undergo under the Impact of Oil and Gas Production5
Content and Distribution of Fluorine in Soil Catenas of the Kulunda Plain5
Emergence of Amphibious Insects from an Old Beaver Pond in the Upper Khoper Valley under Conditions of the Forest Steppe5
Valuation of Madhupur Sal Forest Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration Potency in Bangladesh: an Avenue for Mitigating Climate Change Impact4
Analysis of Forest Condition Based on MODIS Remote-Sensing Data4
Assessing Hydrological and Climate Conditional Productivity of Ecosystems in the Southeast of Western Siberia4
Differentiation of Plant Communities with Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. on the Southern Border of the Secondary Area in European Russia4
Features of the Biology and Ecology of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. in Southern Ural4
Seasonal and Spatial Variations in the Number of Ammonifying and Denitrifying Bacteria in Communities of Plankton and Epilithon from the Littoral Zone of Lake Baikal4
Space-Time Variability of the Climatic Signal in Spruce Radial Growth in the Pechora River Basin3
Soil and Plant Cover and Microbial–Biomorphic Assessment of Ecosystems in Coastal Depressions of Highly Mineralized Drainless Pulsating Lakes of Dauria (Southeastern Transbaikalia)3
Microbiota of Bottom Sediments in the Coastal Zone of Lake Baikal3
State of the Benthic Communities of the Vychegda River under the Influence of Treated Wastewater from the Pulp and Paper Industry3
Influence of Climatic Conditions on the Composition of Artemisia jacutica (Asteraceae) Essential Oil3
Evaluation of the Water Quality of the Ilke Stream According to Biotic Indices Based on Benthic Macroinvertebrates (West Anatolia, Turkey)3
Size and Shape Variability of Bones in Perch Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 in the Storage Reservoirs of Liquid Radioactive Wastes3
Ecological and Geographical Structure and Dynamics of Spring Migration of Water and Semiaquatic Birds on the Putorana Plateau3
Demographic Structure of Cypripedium calceolus L. Populations in the European Part of Russia under Climate Change3
Resistance and Activity of Phytopathogenic and Potential Antagonistic Soil Filamentous Fungi under the Action of Heavy Metals3
Phytocenotic Confinement of Fragaria moschata Weston. (Rosaceae) in the Yenisey Sayan Mountains3
Size and Age Structure and Demographic Characteristics of Coregonus sardinella Valenciennes, 1848 of the Khatanga River Basin3
Species Diversity in Larch Forests of Amur Oblast and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)3
Climatic Response of Larch (Larix sp.) Radial Increment in Provenances on the Krasnoyarsk Forest Steppe3
Contingency Variability of Morphogenetic Stability Indicators in Root Vole Populations with Ecogeographic Environmental Factors3
Zooplankton of Lake Pyasino and the Rivers Flowing into It after the Diesel Spill in 20202
Regional Studies of Environmental Management Risks under the Conditions of Modern Climate Change: Basic Approaches and Assessment Methods2
Morphological Differentiation of the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) at the Northeastern Border of Its Invasive Distribution Range2
Fires and their Significance in the Earth’s Post-Glacial Period: a Review of Methods, Achievements, Groundwork2
Density of Tree Wood and Bark in Climatic Gradients of Eurasia2
Mass Reproduction Outbreaks of Phyllophagous Insects in Forests of the Northwest of European Russia2
Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Bird Population of Ufa2
Decomposition of Coniferous Litterfall in Soils Forming under Artificial Pine Stands in Eastern Fennoscandia2
Role of Environmental Heterogeneity in the Species Distribution of Vascular Plants in Periods of High and Low Emissions from a Copper Smelter2
Estimate of the Soil Carbon Stock of Forested Regions in Russia Using Databases of Soil Properties2
Impact of Natural Climate Factors on Mechanical Stability and Failure Rate in Silver Birch Trees in the City of Donetsk2
Changes in the Properties of Cryogenic Meadow–Chernozem Soils in the Central Part of the Sakha Republic under the Influence of Planted Spruce Stands2
Climate Effect on the Enzymatic Activity of Northern Caucasian Forest Soils2
Formation of Age Class Structures of the Primary Boreal Spruce Forests in European Russia2
Stanols in the Sediments of Lake Shira (Southern Siberia) as an Indicator of Fecal Influx into the Lake in the Late Holocene2
Habitat Features and Population Status of Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó (Orchidaceae) on the Southern Border of the Range in the Volga-Kama Reserve (Republic of Tatarstan)2
Impact of Environmental Factors on the Formation of Soil-Mite (Acari) Assemblages on Coastal Marshes of Shokalsky Island, Kara Sea2
Effects of Temperature Variations and Urban Heat Island on the Seasonal Development of Woody Plants in the South of Primorsky Krai2
Genetic Diversity of Nitraria sibirica Pall. (Nitrariaceae) in the Populations of Siberia and Kazakhstan Based on the Polymorphism of Intermicrosatellite Markers2
Water Quality of the Vychegda River under the Conditions of the Receipt of Treated Wastewater from the Pulp and Paper Industry2
Herbivore Diet Selectivity and Its Influence over Ecosystem Recycling in Wrangel Island2
Effects of the Growth Substrate on the Restoration of Stipa capillata L. Populations on Refuse Dumps2
Transfer of Essential Substances from Phytoplankton to Zooplankton in Freshwater Ecosystems (Review)2
Influence of Soil Conditions on the Manifestation of Chlorosis and Parthenocarpy in Lonicera caerulea L.2
Fungal Diversity of Native and Alien Woody Leguminous Plants in the Middle Urals2
Forest Litter in Middle-Taiga Pine Stands of Eastern Fennoscandia: Chemical Composition and Its Spatial Heterogeneity2
Impact of Artificial Forest Stands on the Biological Activity of Soils in Khakassian Steppes2
Arils of Dried Fruits and Their Relationship with Dissemination2
Effect of Flocks of Anseriform Birds on Seston and Phytoplankton in Lakes of the Taimyr Peninsula2
Comparative Characteristics of the Physiological State of Pikeperch (Sander Lucioperca) from Various Habitat Conditions: Lake (Natural Habitat), Ponds, and Fish Farm Cages2
Physiological and Reproductive Disorders of Baltic Amphipods Gmelinoides fasciatus Exposed to 4-tert-Octylphenol2
Resilience of Forest Ecosystems to Climate Change2
Environmental Monitoring of the Autotrophic Section of Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Severo-Chuisky Glaciation Center (Central Russian Altai Mountains)2
Ecological Niches of Fusarium poae (Peck) Wollenw. in Western Siberia1
Nutrient Cycle in Indigenous Polytric–Sphagnum Spruce Forests of the Komi Republic1
Variability of Some Meristic Features and Polymorphism of the Mitochondrial DNA Fragment, Including the nd1 Gene, of Whitefishes of the Coregonus lavaretus sensu lato Group from Water Bodies of Northe1
Abundance and Distribution of Bacterioplankton in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Ob River in Areas Impacted by Cities1
Community Structure of Oligochaetes (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of the Vychegda River in the Zone of Influence of Wastewater from Pulp and Paper Production1
Demographic History of Scots Pine in the Pleistocene in Northern Eurasia and the Caucasus Region Based on an Analysis of Nuclear Microsatellite Loci1
Phytoplankton Communities of the Vychegda River in the Area of Treated-Wastewater Intake from the Pulp and Paper Industry1
Morphological, Histochemical and Biochemical Features of Cultivated Rhodiola rosea (Altai Mountains Ecotype)1
The First Information about the Phytoplankton and Ecological State of the Vasyugan River (Tomsk Oblast)1
Ecological and Geographical Analysis of Ornithocomplexes of the Tobol–Irtysh Forest Steppe and Steppe of Western Siberia and North Kazakhstan in the First Half of Summer1
How the Physical Properties of the Leaves of Common Plants Affect Dependent Acoustic Characterization in Urban Areas of Istanbul, Turkey1
Assessment of Post-Fire Forest Loss in Siberia Using Satellite Data and Its Relationship with Characteristics of Fires1
Assessment of the Toxicity of Bottom Sediments from Coastal Areas of Peter the Great Gulf (Sea of Japan)1
Genetic Diversity of Coenopopulations of Larix sibirica Ledeb. and Picea obovata Ledeb. in Taimyr1
Ecological Valence of Rosa corymbifera Borkh. to Conditions of the Technogenic Environment1
Parasites of the Invasive Snail Viviparus viviparus (L., 1758) in the Tura River (Tyumen oblast, Western Siberia)1
Determining Optimal Plot Size Using Saturation and Unsaturation Curves in the Western Taurus Area of the Mediterranean Region, Turkey1
Effect of Motor-Vehicle Emissions on Biochemical and Morphological Characteristics Indicating the State of English Oak Trees1
Post-Fire Changes of the Neuropteran Assemblages in Forests of the Mordovia Nature Reserve1
Spatiotemporal Structure and Dynamics of the Late Succession Stage of Taiga Cedar Pine of the Western Sayan Mountains1
History of Forest Climate Projects in Russia1
Vertical-Fractional Structure of Aboveground Phytomass of the Tree Layer of Pine Forests in the Northern Ural Foothills (Komi Republic)1
Specificity of Studying Spatial and Typological Variations in Bird Assemblages across Certain Species Groups and Their Distribution (Using the Example of Corvidae)1
First Detection of Trematode Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884) in the Ide Leuciscus idus (Cyprinidae) in the Chany Lakes System, Western Siberia1
Phenological Reactions of Perennial Plants to Climate Change in Western Siberia1
Lipids of Cold Soils of Transbaikalia1
Karyological and Cytogenetic Studies of Coniferous Plants Growing under Extreme Conditions1
Effect of Forest Mosaic on the Functional Diversity of Earthworms (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in the Forest-Steppe Belt of the Ob River Region (Novosibirsk Oblast)1
Integrating Gap Analysis and Corridor Design with Less Used Species Distribution Models to Improve Conservation Network for Two Rare Mammal Species (Gazella bennettii and Vulpes cana) in Central Iran1
Morphological and Genetic Studies of Copepods in River Areas Affected by Thermal Pollution in the Komi Republic1
Changes in the Dendroclimatic Response of the Picea Jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carriere along Altitudinal Gradient in the Southern Sikhote-Alin1
Climate Effect on Carbon, Phytomass, and Litter Stocks in Forest Stands in the South of European Russia1
Experimental Industrial Fellings with Undergrowth Preservation in Fir–Spruce Forests of Khabarovsk Krai1
Taxonomical and Ecological and Geographical Characteristics of Algae in the Khutinsky Nature Reserve (Republic of Tyva, Russia)1
Assessment of the Ecological and Genetic Potential of Poplar Mixoploids in Voronezh Oblast1
Bilberry and Lingonberry Cenopopulation Mosaic Structures and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in Southern Moscow Region Pine Stands1
A Reality Check of the Global TX2 Goals of Doubling the Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) Population by 2022 in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest1
Productivity and Carbon Sequestration of Pinus sylvestris L. Ribbon Forests in the Dry Steppe of Western Siberia According to Dendrochronology and MODIS Satellite Measurements1
Hydrochemical Indicators of Water Quality in the Norilsk–Pyasino Lake–River System after a Diesel Fuel Spill at Norilsk Heat and Power Plant 3 in 20201
Impact of Windblow on the Structure and Phytomass of Siberian Pine and Birch Forests of the Central Sikhote-Alin1
Postfire Recovery of a Broad-Leaved Forest in Submountain Dagestan1
Decomposition of Main Litter Types and Nitrogen Release in Post-fire Larch Forests of the Russian Far East1
In vitro Conservation and Thidiazuron-Induced Micropropagation of Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense (H. Lév.) Nakai1
Dynamics of Vegetation Productivity in Floodplain Meadows of the Mongun-Taiginsky District of the Republic of Tyva According to Terra MODIS Data1
Terrestrial Vertebrates Inhabiting the Northeastern Part of the Kanin Peninsula1
Macroparticle Charcoal in Lake Sediments of the Central Tunguska Plateau (Siberia, Evenkia) as an Indicator of Forest Fires and a Possible Trace of the Tunguska Event of 19081
Vital Structure of the Larix gmelinii Population in an Urban Environment1
Effects of Radial Growth in Mire Pine Stands from the Perspective of a Phytosocial Paradigm1
Cytogenetic Characteristics of Embryogenic Cell Lines of Different Ages Obtained by Somatic Embryogenesis in Larix sibirica Ledeb.1
Ecological Features of the Renewal of the Boxelder Maple in Arid Regions of Russia1
Climatogenic Cryomorphogenesis in the Southeastern Altai Mountains1
Natural Fires in the Larch Forest of the Cryolithozone: Monitoring and Firefighting Strategy under the Conditions of a Changing Climate1
Small-Leaved Forests of the Center of the East European Plain: Ecology and Regeneration Prospects of Native Forests1
Distinctive Features of the Biology of Black Scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus from Marine Waters along the Coast of Southeast and Southwest Crimea1
Decalcification of a Clam Shell Caused by Trematodes: Side Effect or Manipulation of the Host Phenotype?1
Pollen Viability of Picea obovata Ledeb. under Technogenic Stress Conditions1
Bird Fauna and Community of Northern Taiga in Central Siberia1
Increased Rate of Fixation of Nucleotide Substitutions in the Mitochondrial DNA of Bony Fish Species (Osteichthyes) That Originated from the Arctic or Settled through It1
Trophic Specialisation Levels of Geese, Lemmings, and Ruminants with Regard to the Transformation of Arctic Herbivore Communities1
Phenotypic Plasticity of Two Stipa in Grassland Responses to Elevated CO2 and Precipitation Change1
Recreational Assessment of Green Belt Forests of the City of Ulaanbaatar1