International Journal of Conflict Management

(The TQCC of International Journal of Conflict Management is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Escalation of relationship conflict into work disengagement: uncovering mediation mechanisms44
Conflict management 101: how emotional intelligence can make or break a manager34
Is abusive supervision always harmful toward creativity? Managing workplace stressors by promoting distributive and procedural justice25
Multicultural conflict cultures: more similarities than differences in diverse societies25
Treating top management team conflicts through employee voice for reducing intentions to quit: moderating role of union instrumentality22
The effectiveness in international mediation of international organizations18
Mapping societal trust and trust in negotiations16
United we stand: a principle-based negotiation training for collective bargaining15
The effects of subordinates’ performance on manager–subordinate conflict under the moderation effect of propensity to trust: an attribution approach15
Conflict personalization: a systematic literature review and the development of an integrative definition15
Nested insider-partial mediator: South Korea’s mediation in the US–DPRK crisis in 2017–201814
The overlap between workplace bullying and organizational dissent in New Zealand14
Does relationship conflict reduce novel idea communication through perceived leader openness? Power distance orientation as a moderator13
Workplace bullying and employee silence: the role of affect-based trust and climate for conflict management12
Getting to Yesin the cross-cultural-context: ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ – a critical review of principled negotiations across borders11
Seeing differently from others: the impact of relationship conflict asymmetry and realization on team performance11
Interpersonal conflict as a barrier to task performance: the mediating role of workplace deviance and the moderating role of emotional intelligence11
Does injustice perception threaten organizational performance in the healthcare setting? A sequential mediation examination10
Does religiosity matter in the workplace? A moderated-mediated examination of abusive supervision, revenge and deviance10
I am done now! Linking workplace incivility to job search behaviour and employee silence10
Conflict, communication and team collaboration: a comparison of Nigerians and US Americans10
An evaluation of a de-escalation conflict management training in a behavioral health hospital setting9
Having no negotiation power does not matter as long as you can think creatively: the moderating role of age9
Study on the influence mechanism of leaders’ abusive supervision on employees’ bootlegging innovation behavior8
Ripeness obscured: inductive lessons from Türkiye’s (transactional) mediation in the Russia–Ukraine war8
The buffering role of emotional intelligence in conflict transformation8
The link between interpersonal conflict and knowledge hiding: mediated by relatedness need frustration, moderated by narcissistic rivalry7
Who is cooperative in negotiations? The impact of political skill on cooperation, reputation and outcomes7
Despotic vs narcissistic leadership: differences in their relationship to emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions7
The effects of ethnic conflict and foreign fighters on conflict duration: a statistical analysis7
Chinese international students and American domestic students’ intercultural communication in response to group criticism: collective face and discomfort feelings6
A tale of two paths: the divergent effects of anger and compassion in face-to-face versus computer-mediated dispute negotiations6
When employees are bullied: a longitudinal multi-study exploration of its consequences in the Indian hospitality industry6
Abandoning good and following evil: a study on the dark side effect of self-sacrificial leadership—from the perspective of moral licensing6
The conflict coaching challenge: design and evaluation of an online conflict coach6
Major powers’ management of complex peace relationships5
Conflict with customers: the limits of social support and job autonomy in preventing burnout among customer service workers5
When injustice triggers retaliation: examining the dual impact of power distance orientation5
Does family incivility trigger suicidal ideation? The role of emotional exhaustion at work and regulation of emotion5
Connecting international and domestic dots: how conflict entanglement informs resolution and escalation5
Initiating salary negotiations: a mixed-methods study into the effects of gender, shame and pay-raise justifications5
The increase of counterproductive work behaviour from organizational and individual level due to workplace conflict: a sequential moderated mediation model4
Boundary violations and teleworker counterproductive work behavior: the role of working time demands, threat to family role and involuntary teleworking4
An investigation of the relationship between subordinate–manager conflict and job satisfaction in a cross-cultural context: An affective events theory approach4
Surviving trust from conflict in the construction industry: an interaction between conflict handling behaviors, behavioral outcomes, conflict and trust4
The three–way interactions of gender, supervisor’s gender, and country on the strategies for managing conflict of millennials: an exploratory study in 10 countries4
Strategic adaptability in negotiation: a framework to distinguish strategic adaptable behaviors4
How much conflict is too much? How frequent task conflict expressions affect angels’ reinvestment intention4
Taking a conflict perspective to explain an employee’s creativity4
The effect of interpersonal conflict on employee behaviors: the role of perception of politics and competence uncertainty4
The interpersonal effects of emotion on rejection of severely unfair ultimatum proposal4
Navigating the innovation dilemma: the paradox of leader’s self-confidence in conflict management4
Foreign language effect in negotiations: negotiation language and framing effect on contract terms and subjective outcomes4
Exhibiting emotional flexibility to alleviate employee hateful emotions and elevate their justice perceptions4
Exploring role transitions and conflicts on work disengagement under varying settings: the moderating role of individual resilience4