Journal of Refugee Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Refugee Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
World War Z. An Oral History of the Zombie War. Edited by Max Brooks27
Who Owns the Future of Syrians in Lebanon? Intimate Family Explorations of Refugees’ Own Search for Durable Solutions26
Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew. By Avi Shlaim23
Correction to: Understandings of Happiness and Life Satisfaction Among Refugees in the UK22
Correction to: Methods for the Future, Futures for Methods: Collaborating with Syrian Refugee Youth in Jordan21
The Education of Arabic Speaking Refugee Children and Young Adults: Education, Employment and Social Inclusion. By Nina Maadad and I Gusti Ngurah Darmawan20
Breaking the Encanto18
The Digital is Political in ‘Mediated Lives’: A Review of Mirjam Twigt’s ‘Mediated Lives: Waiting and Hope among Iraqi Refugees in Jordan’. By Mirjam Twigt18
Immigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and the Politics of Racialized Incorporation. By Yang Sao Xiong18
Curriculum Choices for Refugees: What UNRWA’s History Can Tell Us about the Potential of UN Education Programs to Address Refugees’ ‘Unknowable Futures’16
Refugee Settlement and Decision-Making Venue: Does Public Concern Instigate Preferences for Local Referendums? Experiences from Norwegian Cities14
Erratum to: Informing hard-to-reach immigrant groups about COVID-19—Reaching the Somali population in Oslo13
Escape, Bureaucracy and the Politics of Refuge: The Ungrateful Refugee, By Dina Nayeri13
Those We Throw Away Are Diamonds: A Refugee’s Search for Home M. Dogon and J. Krajeski11
Fleeing as an Activity of Waiting: Visual Representations of the World’s Refugee Situation on Médecins Sans Frontière Sweden’s Website11
Coproducing a film resource for asylum seekers in the UK—A field reflection11
Psychological Distress Among Bhutanese Refugees Living in the Northeast Region of the United States11
When the Government Comes to the Neighbourhood: Everyday Regulations and Syrian Refugees’ Encounters with Local State Authorities11
#IamaRefugee: Social Media Resistance to Trump's ‘Muslim Ban’10
Displaced Social Suffering: Burmese Christian Refugees in a US Midwestern City10
Messages from Ukraine Gregg Bucken-Knapp and Joonas Sildre10
Japanese Newspaper Portrayals of Refugees—A Frame Analysis from 1985 to 20179
Immigrants and Refugees: Trauma, Perennial Mourning, Prejudice, and Border Psychology (1st ed.). By V.D. Volkan9
OUP accepted manuscript9
Social Connections and Displacement from South Sudan to Uganda: Towards a Relational Understanding of Survival during Conflict9
Syrians in Sweden: Constructing Difference Regarding Gender and Family9
Corrigendum to: Once We Were Refugees: Refugees, Security, Solidarity and a View from the Global South—A Case Study of the Rohingya Reception in Bangladesh8
Towards a Shared Practice of Encampment: An Historical Investigation of UNRWA and the UNHCR to 19678
Refugees, Democracy and the Law: Political Rights at the Margins of the State. By Dana Schmalz The Political Philosophy of Refuge. Edited by David Miller and Christine Straehle8
Deconstructing the Refugee, Protecting the Vulnerable—A Review of Crossing: How We Label and React to People on the Move. By Rebecca Hamlin8
Problem-Solving Skills Groups for Female Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: A Study of a Mental Health Intervention8
Cross-effects of cultural and gay capitals in access to refugee status on the grounds of SOGI in France: Study of the formal and informal preparations of West African men for asylum trials7
The ‘inherent vulnerability’ of women on the move: A gendered analysis of Morocco’s migration reform7
TWAIL, archives, and refugee law7
From Refugees to Citizens? How Refugee Youth in the Dadaab Camps of Kenya Use Education to Challenge Their Status as Non-Citizens7
Bargaining (in)visibility: Rohingya refugees and the politics of visibility in India7
Accumulated Homelessness: Analysing Protracted Displacement along Eritreans’ Life Histories7
The Convent Camp: Sacred Places in Palestinian Refugee History7
Displacing Territory: Syrian and Palestinian Refugees in Jordan Karen Culcasi7
No Longer a ‘Lost Generation’? Opportunities and Obstacles of Online and Blended Learning Programmes for Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon7
The Capability ‘To Be Secure’: Media Coverage of African Asylum Seekers During Covid-19 in Israel6
Brothers, Workers or Syrians? The Politics of Naming in Lebanese Municipalities6
‘Being free’: Indigenous youth and future making in the wake of forced migration6
Autotopographies of Forced Displacement: City Walking Tours as a Path for Political Visibility6
Refugee Children and Families During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Resilience Framework for Mental Health6
What Do Asylum Seekers Prioritise—Safety or Welfare Benefits? The Influence of Policies on Asylum Flows to the EU15 Countries6
Refugee Crisis, Valuation of Life, and Violent Crime6
Opportunities and Obstacles for Achieving Language Equity among Adolescents Resettled from the Middle East and North Africa6
At the Crossroads between Care and Control: A Cross-Country Comparison of Assisted Return6
The Path to Adulthood: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Exploration of the Experiences of Unaccompanied Minors in Portugal6
The Borders of Migrant and Refugee Activism in South Africa6
‘Enjoying Time Alone’: Exploring Solitude as a Positive Space for Refugee Wellbeing6
Supporting Young Children of Immigrants and Refugees: The Promise and Practices of Early Care and Learning. By Maura Sellars, Scott Imig, and Doug Imig5
Searching Refuge in Thailand or Brazil: Long-Distance Refugees and the Emergence of Global Asylum Hubs in Middle-Income Countries5
Young Newcomers’ Convoy of Social Relations: The Supportive Network of Accompanied Refugee Minors in Urban Belgium5
Drivers of Loneliness among Older Refugees5
(Re-)Construction of Identity and Belonging after Forced Migration: A Sociology of Knowledge Approach5
Beyond Agency as Good: Complicity and Displacement after the Siege of Sarajevo5
What role for law in refugee studies? Towards a transdisciplinary agenda5
Older Refugees and Internally Displaced People in African Countries: Findings from a Scoping Review of Literature5
Disciplining subjectivity in Australian migrant deterrence campaigns5
How Rohingya refugee parents support children’s prosocial development in crisis-affected and resettlement contexts: Findings from India and Canada5
Forced Migration as a Crisis in Masculinity: A Sociological Approach to Refugee Men’s Remasculinization Strategies in Turkey5
Perceived Discrimination as a Moderator between Living Difficulties and Psychological Distress among Asylum Seekers from Darfur5
The Power of Positive Thinking: How Positive Opinions of Refugees’ Impact on the Host Society Generate Positive Behavioural Intentions5
Surviving Seemingly Endless Refugeeship—Social Representations and Strategies of Palestinian Refugees in Ein El Hilweh5
Using forced migration to foster emergence? International aid and development policies in Cameroon5
Success or Self-Sufficiency? The Role of Race in Refugees’ Long-Term Economic Outcomes5
Refugee Participation through Representative Committees: UNHCR and the Sudanese Committee in Beirut5
Indeterminate Liminality and the Refugee Journey: Partition and Hindu Sindhi Women’s Life Narratives4
‘On the Border, I Learned How to Advocate’: Borderlands as Political Spaces for Burmese Women’s Activism4
When Being a Good Samaritan is Not Good Enough: Church Sanctuary and Privileged Responsibility4
Creating Educational Borderlands: Civic Learning in a Syrian School in Lebanon4
Book Review—The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee and Global South Researchers. By Kate Reed and Marcia C. Schenck, eds4
The 2021 UNHCR-IE SOGI Global Roundtable on Protection and Solutions for LGBTIQ+ People in Forced Displacement: Toward a New Vision for LGBTIQ+ Refugee Protection4
Assessing Liberal Democratic Values of Refugees in Germany and Their Origin Countries—Evidence for Cultural Self-Selection?4
Addressing the Continuum of Violence with a Continuum of Resilience. Book Review ‘Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp: Gender, Violence, and Coping in Uganda’. By Ulrike Krause4
Correction to: ‘Doing’ Legal History in Refugee Law: A Snapshot of Bangladesh’s Engagement with Non-Refoulement4
Time and Power in Azraq Refugee Camp: A Nine-to-Five Emergency. By Melissa Gatter4
UNHCR–state relations: transfer of authority over refugee status determination4
Unaccompanied Girls with Precarious Odds4
Characterization of Vulnerability of Internally Displaced Persons in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger Using Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS)4
Correction to: Community-Led Education among Rohingya Refugees and the Politics of Refugee Education in Bangladesh4
‘If I Knew How to Speak English…’: How language shapes refugee mothers’ perceptions of past, present, and future in Canada3
Correction to: Geographies of Shame: Diachronic and Transnational Shame in Forced Migrants with Experiences of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence3
African Refugees. By Toyin Falola and Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso3
The Common Market Makes Us Richer and Brings Us Closer Together: An Impact Assessment of the Common Market Project at Nyarugusu Refugee Camp3
‘My Family Needed Me’: Exploring Caring Dimensions and Care Circulation among Older Venezuelans on the Move in Peru3
Introduction to Special Issue: Displaced Syrians3
Assessing the Impacts of COVID-19 on Women Refugees in South Africa3
‘Refugee Education Is Our Responsibility’: How Governance Shapes the Politics of Bridging the Humanitarian—Development Divide3
Cold War Refugees: South Korea’s Entry into the International Refugee Regime, 1950–19923
What Kind of Weapon Is Education? Teleological Violence, Local Integration, and Refugee Education in Northern Ethiopia3
Displacement in Place and the Financial Crisis in Lebanon3
Migration Control in Practice. Before and Within the Borders of the State. Edited by Federica Infantino and Djordje Sredanovic3
Trajectories of Post-Disaster Recovery in Healthcare Access for a Major Refugee Enclave: Vietnamese Americans in Post-Katrina New Orleans3
How do perceptions, fears, and experiences of violence and conflict affect considerations of moving internally and internationally?3
America’s Arab Refugees: Vulnerability and Health on the Margins. Edited by Marcia C. Inhorn3
Writing global displacements: A review of the book ‘Resettling Displaced Communities’3
Children on the Run: The Reception and Integration of Unaccompanied Minors in Israel and Germany3
Borderland Porosities: Migratory Journeys and Migrant Politics in Lebanon and Turkey3
Working with Afghan Evacuees: Field Reflections on Five Useful Supervision Questions for Crisis Intervention Workers3
Gender Differences in Second Language Proficiency—Evidence from Recent Humanitarian Migrants in Germany3
Remodelling (Un)certainty: Outsourcing and Auditing Refugee Reception in Switzerland3
Constructions of Multiple Deservingness Frames towards Refugees in Everyday Work Life in İzmir3
Solidarity Work as Political Action: Advocating for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the USA3
Single Motherhood of Refugees in Poland and the Challenges of Socialization in the Face of Cultural Alienation3
Corrigendum to: Protection in Natural Disasters: The response to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique3
Navigating Asylum, Resettlement, and Integration: Syrian Refugees in France Beyond the Suffering Slot3
Data-Driven Futures of International Refugee Law3
From Dadaab Camp to Kismayo City: A Call for Local Evidence to Inform Durable Solutions3
The Precarious Lives of Syrians: A Review of Feyzi Baban, Suzan Ilcan and Kim Rygiel’s the Precarious Lives of Syrians: Migration, Citizenship and Temporary Protection in Turkey. By Feyzi Baban, Suzan3
The Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment of Refugees. Edited by J. David Kinzie and George A. Keepers.3
Chinese Refugee Law and Policy3