Review of Public Personnel Administration

(The TQCC of Review of Public Personnel Administration is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Public Service Motivation and Prosocial Rule-Breaking: An International Vignettes Study in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands28
Resilience in Public Sector Managers26
Formalization and Administrative Burden as Obstacles to Employee Recruitment: Consequences for the Public Sector24
Work-Family Conflict and Burnout Amid COVID-19: Exploring the Mitigating Effects of Instrumental Leadership and Social Belonging20
How to Fuel Public Employees’ Change-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Two-Wave Moderated Mediation Study19
Organizational Inclusion and Turnover Intentions of Federal Employees with Disabilities19
Teleworking at Different Locations Outside the Office: Consequences for Perceived Performance and the Mediating Role of Autonomy and Work-Life Balance Satisfaction18
Dirty Work and Emotional Labor in Public Service: Why Government Employers Should Adopt an Ethic of Care17
Examining the Influence of Transformational Leadership and Green Culture on Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Empirical Evidence From Florida City Governments17
Emotional Well-being Among Public Employees: A Comparative Perspective15
Public Value at Cross Points: A Comparative Study on Employer Attractiveness of Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations15
Incentives Can’t Buy Me Knowledge: The Missing Effects of Appreciation and Aligned Performance Appraisals on Knowledge Sharing of Public Employees14
Whistleblowing Motivation and Gender: Vignette-Based Study in a Local Government14
Antecedents of Work Engagement in the Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review14
Putting the Humanity Back Into Public Human Resources Management: A Narrative Inquiry Analysis of Public Service in the Time of COVID-1913
Codes of Ethics, Disciplinary Codes, and the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Frameworks: Evidence from a Survey of Civil Servants in Poland13
Leadership Matters, But So Do Co-Workers: A Study of the Relative Importance of Transformational Leadership and Team Relations for Employee Outcomes and User Satisfaction13
The Effects of Innovation Climate on Employee Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment: Findings from Public Organizations12
Well-Being of Public Servants Under Pressure: The Roles of Job Demands and Personality Traits in the Health-Impairment Process12
Comparing Employer Attractiveness of Public Sector Organizations to Nonprofit and Private Sector Organizations: An Experimental Study in Germany and the U.S.11
Assessing the Mediating Effect of Internal Communication on Strategic Human Resource Management and Perceived Performance: An Intersectoral Comparison11
Motivating and Demotivating Effects of Performance-Related Pay in Swedish Public Sector Organizations10
Whistleblowing in the Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review10
The Importance of Merit Principles for Civil Service Systems: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Sector9
The Impact of Gender Diversity and Disparity on Organizational Performance: Evidence from Korean Local Government-Owned Enterprises9
The Emotional Toll of the COVID-19 Crisis on Local Government Workers9
When Perceptions of Public Service Harms the Public Servant: Predictors of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Government9
This for That: What EEOC Trends Reveal About Representative Bureaucracy9
Walking the Walk: Does Perceptual Congruence Between Managers and Employees Promote Employee Job Satisfaction?9
The Performance of Performance Appraisal Systems: A Theoretical Framework for Public Organizations8
Love or Bread? Public Service Motivation and Fringe Benefits in the Retention of Police Forces in Beijing City8
Workplace Disruption in the Public Sector and HRM Practices to Enhance Employee Resilience8
Wellbeing During a Crisis: A Longitudinal Study of Local Government Civil Servants8
What Makes Performance-Related Pay Effective in the Public Sector? Target, Pay Design, and Context7
Organizational Rules and Cognitive Uncertainty Among Public Professionals: A Daily Diary Study7
Why is the Public Sector the Employer of Choice among Women in the Middle East? A Gendered Qualitative Inquiry into PSM in a Global Context7
Shared Perceptions of Supervisor Support: What Processes Make Supervisors and Employees See Eye to Eye?7