Media Culture & Society

(The TQCC of Media Culture & Society is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Folk theories of algorithms: Understanding digital irritation84
Infrastructuralization of Tik Tok: transformation, power relationships, and platformization of video entertainment in China77
After the post-public sphere62
Rebel with a cause: the framing of climate change and intergenerational justice in the German press treatment of the Fridays for Future protests57
‘Absentmindedly scrolling through nothing’: liveness and compulsory continuous connectedness in social media47
Global online platforms, COVID-19, and culture: The global pandemic, an accelerator towards which direction?44
Platform governance at the margins: Social media creators’ experiences with algorithmic (in)visibility41
Commemorating from a distance: the digital transformation of Holocaust memory in times of COVID-1940
The virtual stages of hate: Using Goffman’s work to conceptualise the motivations for online hate39
Digital labour: an empty signifier?35
English as lingua franca. Or the sterilisation of scientific work34
The shadow banning controversy: perceived governance and algorithmic folklore33
Hooking up with friends: LGBTQ+ young people, dating apps, friendship and safety32
Public service media in the age of SVoDs: A comparative study of PSM strategic responses in Flanders, Italy and the UK32
Mutual affordances: the dynamics between social media and populism30
Work, play, and precariousness: An overview of the labour ecosystem of esports26
Ethics for the majority world: AI and the question of violence at scale25
Browsing with Alexa: Interrogating the impact of voice assistants as web interfaces25
Netflix audience data, streaming industry discourse, and the emerging realities of ‘popular’ television25
Social media dissidence and activist resistance in Zimbabwe24
Misogynoir in women’s sport media: race, nation, and diaspora in the representation of Naomi Osaka23
Rethinking creativity: creative industries, AI and everyday creativity23
The ethics and politics of data sets in the age of machine learning: deleting traces and encountering remains21
Hiding hate speech: political moderation on Facebook21
Algorithmic logics and the construction of cultural taste of the Netflix Recommender System20
Transgender identity management across social media platforms20
Media power in digital Asia: Super apps and megacorps19
Right-wing populism and the criminalization of sea-rescue NGOs: the ‘Sea-Watch 3’ case in Italy, and Matteo Salvini’s communication on Facebook19
Post-gay television: LGBTQ representation and the negotiation of ‘normal’ in MTV’sFaking It18
Whose pedagogy is it anyway? Decolonizing the syllabus through a critical embrace of difference17
BTS as method: a counter-hegemonic culture in the network society17
Remembering COVID-19: memory, crisis, and social media17
Rethinking journalism standards in the era of post-truth politics: from truth keepers to truth mediators17
Digital mourning on Facebook: the case of Filipino migrant worker live-in caregivers in Israel16
Reclaiming the human in machine cultures: Introduction16
A regional and historical approach to platform capitalism: The cases of Alibaba and Tencent15
Influencers as ideological intermediaries: promotional politics and authenticity labour in influencer collaborations15
Domesticating dating apps: Non-single Chinese gay men’s dating app use and negotiations of relational boundaries15
Ideal technologies, ideal women: AI and gender imaginaries in Redditors’ discussions on the Replika bot girlfriend15
Chatting with the dead: The hermeneutics of thanabots14
Media framing of COVID-19 pandemic in the transitional regime of Serbia: Exploring discourses and strategies14
Fake news as fake politics: the digital materialities of YouTube misinformation videos about Brazilian oil spill catastrophe14
The institutional basis of anglophone western centrality14
Pathway outta pigeonhole? De-contextualizing Majority World Countries14
Marginality and otherness: the discursive construction of LGBT issues/people in the Ghanaian news media13
The end of social media? How data attraction model in the algorithmic media reshapes the attention economy13
Domestication outside of the domestic: shaping technology and child in an educational moral economy13
“Dangerous organizations: Facebook’s content moderation decisions and ethnic visibility in Myanmar”13
Democratic backsliding and the media: the convergence of news narratives in Turkey13
Hierarchies of deservingness and the limits of hospitality in the ‘refugee crisis’13
Understanding the popularity and affordances of TikTok through user experiences12
Laughing to forget or to remember? Anne Frank memes and mediatization of Holocaust memory12
Public intimacy in social media: The mass audience as a third party12
The hypervisibility and discourses of ‘wokeness’ in digital culture12
Fostering intimacy on TikTok: a platform that ‘listens’ and ‘creates a safe space’12
Tweeting ourselves to death: the cultural logic of digital capitalism11
Queering the Map: Stories of love, loss and (be)longing within a digital cartographic archive11
Friction-free authenticity: mobile social networks and transactional affordances11
Buying on Weixin/WeChat: Proposing a sociomaterial approach of platform studies11
#BlackLivesMatter: Exploring the digital practises of African Australian youth on social media11
An autoethnography of automated powerlessness: lacking platform affordances in Instagram and TikTok account deletions11
Dual ambivalence:The UntamedGirls as a counterpublic10
The conquest of the world as meme: memetic visuality and political humor in critiques of the hindu right wing in India10
Techno-emotional mediations of transnational intimacy: social media and care relations in long-distance Romanian families10
Defusing moral panic: Legitimizing binge-watching as manageable, high-quality, middle-class hedonism10
Anatomy of a precarious newsroom: precarity and agency in Syrian exiled journalism in Turkey10
Toward a non-binary sense of mobility: insights from self-presentation in Instagram photography during COVID-19 pandemic10
Traces of orientalism in media studies10
Film distribution by video streaming platforms across Southeast Asia during COVID-1910
Legalization of press control under democratic backsliding: The case of post-national security law Hong Kong9
Keep it Oakland: e-commerce meets social justice9
From audiences to data points: The role of media agencies in the platformization of the news media industry9
Media and information literacy for developing resistance to ‘infodemic’: lessons to be learnt from the binge of misinformation during COVID-19 pandemic9
On super apps and app stores: digital media logics in China’s app economy9
Towards the engagement economy: interconnected processes of commodification on YouTube8
Agency and servitude in platform labour: a feminist analysis of blended cultures8
Alt-right and authoritarian memetic alliances: global mediations of hate within the rising Farsi manosphere on Iranian social media8
The show must go on? The entertainment industry during (and after) COVID-198
From scheduling to trans-programming8
The platformization of misogyny: Popular media, gender politics, and misogyny in China’s state-market nexus8
Migration, non-use, and the ‘Tumblrpocalypse’: Towards a unified theory of digital exodus8
Three narrative patterns of the city image visually presented on Instagram under the influence of self-presentation7
Google’s lens: computational photography and platform capitalism7
Hardware and data in the platform era: Chinese smartphones in Africa7
Beyond platform capitalism: critical perspectives on Facebook markets from Melanesia7
Encounters with Western media theory: Asian perspectives7
Embedded authoritarianism: the politics of poor press freedom in Indian Kashmir7
How to think about media policy silence6
How to train your algorithm: The struggle for public control over private audience commodities on Tiktok6
Rethinking participatory video in the times of YouTube6
Sinclair broadcasting as mini-media empire: media regulation, disinfomercials, and the rise of Trumpism6
Facing AI: conceptualizing ‘fAIce communication’ as the modus operandi of facial recognition systems6
Mainstream media use for far-right mobilisation on the alt-tech online platform Gab6
The trouble with ‘quiet advocacy’: local journalism and reporting climate change in rural and regional Australia6
From user-generated content to a user-generated aesthetic: Instagram, corporate vernacularization, and the intimate life of brands6
Why journalism’s default neglect of temporality is a problem6
How propagames work as a part of digital authoritarianism: an analysis of a popular Chinese propagame6
French theoretical and methodological influences on Brazilian journalism research5
Framing safety of women in public transport: A media discourse analysis of sexual harassment cases in Bangladesh5
Youth and social media: the affordances and challenges of online graffiti practice5
Twitter trolling of Pakistani female journalists: A patriarchal society glance5
Framing the Israel-Palestine conflict 2021: Investigation of CNN’s coverage from a peace journalism perspective5
Opinions that matter: the hybridization of opinion and reputation measurement in social media listening software5
Media coverage of COVID-19 state surveillance in Israel: the securitization and militarization of a civil-medical crisis5
Themes and tones of cannabis news reports and legalization outcomes5
The criminal trial as a live event: Exploring how and why live blogs change the professional practices of judges, defence lawyers and prosecutors5
Cultural politics of Netflix in local contexts: A case of the Korean media industries5
Platform ecosystems, market hierarchies and the megacorp: The case of Reliance Jio5
Compulsory interracial intimacy: Why does removing the ethnicity filter on dating apps not benefit racial minorities?5
Algorithmic power and African indigenous languages: search engine autocomplete and the global multilingual Internet5
Games and data capture culture: play in the era of accelerated neoliberalism5
Embodiment in activist images: addressing the role of the body in digital activism5
Rural media studies: making the case for a new subfield5
Mediating a regime in crisis: corruption and succession in Zimbabwe’s state media5
Translating a Chinese approach? Rural distribution and marketing in Ghana’s phone industry5
Drone trauma: violent mediation and remote warfare5
Traumatic past in the present: COVID-19 and Holocaust memory in Israeli media, digital media, and social media5
Social personalities in sports: an analysis of the differences in individuals’ self-presentation on social networks5