Studies in Comparative International Development

(The TQCC of Studies in Comparative International Development is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Beyond Donation: China’s Policy Banks and the Reshaping of Development Finance41
The Rise of Data Politics: Digital China and the World38
The Rise of the Investor State: State Capital in the Chinese Economy33
Exploring the Parameters of China’s Economic Influence29
Mapping Populism and Nationalism in Leader Rhetoric Across North America and Europe22
Taxing the People, Not Trade: the International Monetary Fund and the Structure of Taxation in Developing Countries16
Controlling Corruption in Development Aid: New Evidence from Contract-Level Data15
Populism and Hindu Nationalism in India14
The Most Vulnerable Poor: Clientelism Among Slum Dwellers13
Are Peruvians Enticed by the “China Model”? Chinese Investment and Public Opinion in Peru12
Populism, Nationalism, and Nationalist Populism12
Right-Wing Populism and Vigilante Violence in Asia11
State Responses to the Gold Rush in the Andes (2004–2018): The Politics of State Action (and Inaction)11
Populism and Nationalism: An Overview of Similarities and Differences9
A “China in the World” Paradigm for Scholarship9
Does Foreign Aid Bifurcate Donor Approval?: Patronage Politics, Winner–Loser Status, and Public Attitudes toward the Donor8
From “the Moon Is Rounder Abroad” to “Bravo, My Country”: How China Misperceives the World8
Migrant Remittances and Demand for Redistribution7
Electoral Volatility in Latin America, 1932–20186
Take or Reject State Power? The Dual Dilemma for Teachers’ Unions in Brazil and Mexico6
Populism and the Past: Restoring, Retaining, and Redeeming the Nation6
Civil War, Institutional Change, and the Criminalization of the State: Evidence from Guatemala5
When Do Strong Parties “Throw the Bums Out”? Competition and Accountability in South African Candidate Nominations5
Democracy, Natural Resources, and Infectious Diseases: the Case of Malaria, 1990–20165
The Incoherence of Institutional Reform: Decentralization as a Structural Solution to Immediate Political Needs5
More than Meets the Eye: Understanding Perceptions of China Beyond the Favorable–Unfavorable Dichotomy5
Upgrading Big Brother: Local Strategic Adaptation in China’s Security Industry4
Foreign Aid, Norm Diffusion, and Local Support for Gender Equality: Comparing Evidence from the World Bank and China’s Aid Projects in Africa4
Transformation Towards Renewable Energy Systems: Evaluating the Role of Development Financing Institutions3
Inequality and Immigration Policy3
No Accounting for Bad Contracting: Private Military and Security Contracts and Ineffective Regulation in Conflict Areas3
Aid Management, Trust, and Development Policy Influence: New Evidence from a Survey of Public Sector Officials in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries3
Harmony or Cacophony? A Disaggregated Analysis of Aid Fragmentation3
How Climate Change Affects Organized Criminal Group Behavior3
Electoral Politics, Fiscal Policy, and the Resource Curse3