Journal of Industrial Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Industrial Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Platforms, Power, and Promotion: Evidence from Spotify Playlists*39
Competing with Big Data*36
Platform Encroachment and Own‐Content Bias*27
Self‐Preferencing in Markets with Vertically Integrated Gatekeeper Platforms*18
Technology Protectionism and the Patent System: Evidence from China14
The Herfindahl‐Hirschman Index and the Distribution of Social Surplus*13
Estimating Consumer Inertia in Repeated Choices of Smartphones*13
Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo‐Targeting and the Market for Local News*11
Price Leadership and Uncertainty About Future Costs*11
Why is Distance Important for Hospital Choice? Separating Home Bias From Transport Costs*11
Downstream Cross‐Holdings and Upstream R&D*11
Manipulation Through Biased Product Reviews*10
The only Dance in Town: Unique Equilibrium in a Generalized Model of Price Competition*9
Single Bidders and Tacit Collusion in Highway Procurement Auctions9
Demand for Rarity: Evidence from a Collectible Good*8
Welfare Consequence of Common Ownership in a Vertically Related Market*7
Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?*7
The Impact of Environmental Fraud on the Used Car Market: Evidence from Dieselgate*7
The Strategic Industry Supply Curve*7
Delegation of Regulation*6
Strategic Complementarities in Bank Branching Decisions*5
Choice of Policy Instruments with Endogenous Quality: Per‐Passenger and Per‐Flight Airport Charges in Japan*5
Input Price Discrimination, Demand Forms, And Welfare*5
Productivity Decomposition in Heterogeneous Industries*5
Subcontracting Network Formation Among U.S. Airline Carriers*5
Controlling Sellers Who Provide Advice: Regulation and Competition*5
Local Network Effects in the Adoption of a Digital Platform*5
Local Market Structure and Consumer Prices: Evidence from a Retail Merger*5
Welfare Improving Horizontal Mergers in Successive Oligopoly*4
Market Power and Joint Ownership: Evidence from Nuclear Plants in Sweden*4
A New Approach to Estimating State Dependence in Consumers’ Brand Choices Applied to 762 Pharmaceutical Markets*4
A Structural Empirical Model of R&D, Firm Heterogeneity, and Industry Evolution*4
Patent Licensing, Non‐Practising Entities, and Investment in R&D*4
Platform Investment and price parity clauses*4
Input Price Discrimination, Two‐Part Tariffs and Bargaining*4
Platform Mergers: Lessons from a Case in the Digital TV Market*3
Comparison Between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry*3
Corporate Leniency in a Dynamic World: The Preemptive Push of an Uncertain Future*3
Vertical Price Restraints and Free Entry Under Asymmetric Information*3
How Do Start‐up Acquisitions Affect the Direction of Innovation?*3
Organizational Structure and Technological Investment*3
A War of Attrition with Experimenting Players*3
Defending Home against Giants: Exclusive Dealing as a Survival Strategy for Local Firms*3
Simulating Hospital Merger Simulations*3
Welfare analysis of the subsidies in the Chinese electric vehicle industry*3
Multimarket Contact in Health Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Advantage*3
Is the Patent System an Even Playing Field? The Effect of Patent Attorney Firms3