Journal of Industrial Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Industrial Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A War of Attrition with Experimenting Players*40
Supply‐ vs. Demand‐Side Transparency: The Collusive Effects Under Imperfect Public Monitoring*37
Profitable Horizontal Mergers Without Efficiencies Can Increase Consumer Surplus*31
Cursed Consumers and the Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Policies*19
Introduction to the Symposium on Contracts, Organizations, and Ownership14
Issue Information13
What Determines Heterogeneous Merger Effects on Competitive Outcomes?*12
Issue Information11
Pricing Patterns in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Unilateral Market Power or Coordinated Behavior?*9
Secret Bilateral Forward Contracting*8
Issue Information8
Modeling Competition over Multiple Variables under Limited Consumer Awareness*7
Customer‐Based Customization and Price Competition*7
New Product Introduction and Slotting Fees*6
Multimarket Contact in Health Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Advantage*5
Resale Price Maintenance in a Successive Monopoly Model*5
Obfuscation and Rational Inattention*5
Search Frictions in Many‐to‐one Markets*5
Incentivized Mergers and Cost Efficiency: Evidence from the Electricity Distribution Industry*5
Platform Encroachment and Own‐Content Bias*4
Win/Loss Data and Consumer Switching Costs: Measuring Diversion Ratios and the Impact of Mergers*4
Estimating Consumer Inertia in Repeated Choices of Smartphones*4
Corporate Leniency in a Dynamic World: The Preemptive Push of an Uncertain Future*4
Privacy Regulation and Quality‐Enhancing Innovation*4
Demand Estimation with Flexible Income Effect: An Application to Pass‐Through and Merger Analysis*4
Competing with Big Data*4
Managing Seller Conduct in Online Marketplaces and Platform Most‐Favored Nation Clauses*3
Collusion Between Supply Chains under Asymmetric Information*3
Issue Information3
Wholesale Pricing with Asymmetric Information about a Private Label*3
Vertical Collusion to Exclude Product Improvement*3
Price Leadership and Uncertainty About Future Costs*3
Inefficient Screening in Online Rental Markets*3
Coupling Information Disclosure with a Quality Standard in R&D Contests*3
Positive and Negative Sorting in Team Contests*3
A Structural Empirical Model of R&D, Firm Heterogeneity, and Industry Evolution*3
Demand for Rarity: Evidence from a Collectible Good*3
How Do Shoppers Respond to Noisy Signals on Price Changes? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Online Supermarket Shopping*2
Input Price Discrimination, Demand Forms, And Welfare*2
Third‐Degree Price Discrimination in Oligopoly when Markets are Covered*2
Industry Structure, Segmentation, and Quality Competition in the U.S. Hotel Industry*2
Comparison Between Uniform Tariff and Progressive Consumption Tax in the Chinese Automobile Industry*2
Issue Information2
Quality Disclosure and Product Selection*2
Platform Investment and price parity clauses*2
Welfare‐Increasing Monopolization*2
Platform design and rent extraction*2
Uniform Pricing as a Barrier to Entry2
Mixed Oligopoly and Market Power Mitigation: Evidence from the Colombian Wholesale Electricity Market*2
Bundling with Resale*2