Human Resources for Health

(The TQCC of Human Resources for Health is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Internally versus externally trained residents and fellows hired as attendings at a large integrated healthcare system: a 20-year retrospective study185
Challenges facing the More Doctors program (Programa Mais Médicos) in vulnerable and peri-urban areas in Greater Brasilia, Brazil121
Establishment of clinical pharmacy services: evidence-based information from stakeholders113
Health workforce needs in Malawi: analysis of the Thanzi La Onse integrated epidemiological model of care108
Self-reported continuing professional development needs of medical laboratory professionals in Ghana78
A review of the continuous professional development system for pharmacists74
The faces behind vaccination: unpacking the attitudes, knowledge, and practices of staff of Cameroon’s Expanded program on Immunization72
Implementing care coordination in a large dental care organization in the United States by upskilling front office personnel63
Changes in work conditions and well-being among healthcare professionals in long-term care settings in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study46
‘You say you are a TB doctor, but actually, you do not have any power’: health worker (de)motivation in the context of integrated, hospital-based tuberculosis care in eastern China43
Clinical competency of nurses trained in competency-based versus objective-based education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a qualitative study34
The association between multi-disciplinary staffing levels and mortality in acute hospitals: a systematic review33
Achieving universal health coverage and sustainable development goals by 2030: investment estimates to increase production of health professionals in India32
Mitigating psychological distress in healthcare workers as COVID-19 waves ensue: a repeated cross-sectional study from Jordan32
Human resource needs and costs for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis provision in nurse-led primary care in Eswatini and opportunities for task sharing29
The UK prosthetic and orthotic workforce: current status and implications for the future27
From pressure in the pipeline to accelerating ascension: a survey to understand professional experiences of and opportunities for Canadian women in the healthcare sector22
Transforming UNICEF’s approach to health system strengthening: what place can a blended learning course play?20
Factors that influence scope of practice of the five largest health care professions in Australia: a scoping review20
Gender composition and wage gaps in the Canadian health policy research workforce in comparative perspective19
Evaluating the effectiveness of Uganda’s Supranational TB Reference Laboratory quality management system training program19
Comparison of depressive symptoms among emergency physicians and the general population in China: a cross-sectional study based on national data19
Systematic review of performance-enhancing health worker supervision approaches in low- and middle-income countries18
The experiences of new graduate nurses and midwives going through a virtual interview recruitment process during the COVID-19 crisis: a cross-sectional study18
Assessing the contribution of immigrants to Canada’s nursing and health care support occupations: a multi-scalar analysis17
COVID-19 and human resources for health: analysis of planning, policy responses and actions in Latin American and Caribbean countries17
Variations in regulations to control standards for training and licensing of physicians: a multi-country comparison17
Willingness to pay for chronic disease management services provided by primary care nurses16
What are the job attribute preferences of physicians and nurses in Türkiye? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment16
Nurses’ steps, distance traveled, and perceived physical demands in a three-shift schedule16
Stakeholder attitudes to the regulation of traditional and complementary medicine professions: a systematic review16
Assessing the mental effects of COVID-19-related work on depression among community health workers in Vietnam16
Nurses in advanced roles as a strategy for equitable access to healthcare in the WHO Western Pacific region: a mixed methods study15
Equity and trends in general practitioners’ allocation in China: based on ten years of data from 2012 to 202115
Applying WHO COVID-19 workforce estimate tools remotely in an African context: a case report from Mali and Kenya15
Factors associated with the rural and remote practice of medical workforce in Maluku Islands of Indonesia: a cross-sectional study15
COVID-19 vaccine uptake among health care workers in Ghana: a case for targeted vaccine deployment campaigns in the global south15
Hiding in plain sight: the absence of consideration of the gendered dimensions in ‘source’ country perspectives on health worker migration14
Strategies for maintaining and strengthening the health care workers during epidemics: a scoping review14
Primary health care coverage in Portugal: the promise of a general practitioner for all13
An assessment of existing surge capacity of tertiary healthcare system of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan using workload indicators for staffing need method13
Regulation of non-conventional therapies in Portugal: lessons learnt for strengthening human resources in health13
Harnessing peer mentorship as a tool to turn human resource for health brain drain into brain gain: a case study of a Nigerian peer-mentored research group13
Trends in the geographic inequality of advanced practice nursing workforce in cancer care in Japan from 1996 to 2022: a panel data analysis13
Human and financial resource needs for universal access to WHO-PEN interventions for diabetes and hypertension care in Eswatini: results from a time-and-motion and bottom-up costing study13
Family caregiving experiences of medical school faculty: high prevalence, high strain, and low resource awareness12
Methylphenidate use and misuse among medical residents in Israel: a cross-sectional study12
Development assistance for human resources for health, 1990–202012
Effects of task-shifting from primary care physicians to nurses: an overview of systematic reviews12
Research capacity, motivators and barriers to conducting research among healthcare providers in Tanzania’s public health system: a mixed methods study12
Patterns of health workforce turnover and retention in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in remote communities of the Northern Territory and Western Australia, 2017–201912
Trends in the practice environment of Chinese healthcare professionals from 2008 to 2023: an age period cohort analysis12
Understanding the scope of practice of physician associate/physician associate comparable professions using the World Health Organization global competency and outcomes framework for universal health 12
An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 1): qualitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada11
A needs-based methodology to project physicians and nurses to 2030: the case of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia11
Conceptual framework for task shifting and task sharing: an international Delphi study11
Informing policy with health labour market analysis to improve availability of family doctors in Tajikistan11
Retention of healthcare workers 1 year after recruitment and deployment in rural settings: an experience post-Ebola in five health districts in Guinea11
Correction: Accreditation as a driver of interprofessional education: the Canadian experience11
Management of burnout among the staff of primary care centres in Spain during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-211
Missed nursing care in acute care hospital settings in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review11
Task-sharing to support paediatric and child health service delivery in low- and middle-income countries: current practice and a scoping review of emerging opportunities11
The transition of human resources for health information systems from the MDGs into the SDGs and the post-pandemic era: reviewing the evidence from 2000 to 202210
Correction to: Real wage growth in the U.S. health workforce and the narrowing of the gender pay gap10
Determinants of safety climate at primary care level in Ghana, Malawi and Uganda: a cross-sectional study across 138 selected primary healthcare facilities10
Documentation and dissemination of scientific evidence by the Uganda Public Health Fellowship Program: experiences and lessons learnt, 2015–202010
Characteristics and distribution of respiratory therapy practitioners in Saudi Arabia: national cross-sectional results10
Correction: The transition of human resources for health information systems from the MDGs into the SDGs and the post-pandemic era: reviewing the evidence from 2000 to 202210
“The emotions were like a roller-coaster”: a qualitative analysis of e-diary data on healthcare worker resilience and adaptation during the COVID-19 outbreak in Singapore10
A multimodal mentorship intervention to improve surgical quality in Tanzania’s Lake Zone: a convergent, mixed methods assessment10
Correction: Systems that evaluate international equivalency in health-related professions: a scoping review with a focus on Canada10
Depression among healthcare workers in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis10
An overview of health workforce education and accreditation in Africa: implications for scaling-up capacity and quality10
Migrant physicians’ choice of employment and the medical specialty general practice: a mixed-methods study10
Mutual recognition of qualifications, health workforce migration, and graduate outcomes: a comparative mapping study of undergraduate dental education in Europe9
“Family doctors are also people”: a qualitative analysis of how family physicians managed competing personal and professional responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Evaluating a capacity building program on women’s health for displaced community health workers in fragile settings in Lebanon9
Recruitment, training and supervision of nurses and nurse assistants for a task-shifting depression intervention in two RCTs in Brazil and Peru9
Job preferences of undergraduate pharmacy students in China: a discrete choice experiment9
Three decades of a lesson learned from Thailand: compulsory service for dentist workforce distribution9
The enhancement of the employer branding strategies of Polish hospitals through the detection of features which determine employer attractiveness: a multidimensional perspective9
Prevalence and predictors of workplace violence against emergency physicians in China: a cross-sectional study9
Assessment of staffing needs for registered nurses and licensed practical nurses at primary care units in Brazil using Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) method9
Nurses’ job preferences for working in deprived areas in Tehran: a discrete choice experiment9
Retention of visa-trainee post-graduate residents in Canada: a retrospective cohort study9
Regional inequalities and substitutability of health resources in the Czech Republic: a five methods of evaluation9
A systematic review of the profile and density of the maternal and child health workforce in China9
A novel approach to estimate the impact of health workforce investments on health outcomes through increased coverage of HIV, TB and malaria services9
Effectiveness of interventions by non-professional community-level workers or family caregivers to improve outcomes for physical impairments or disabilities in low resource settings: systematic review9
Primary care providers’ preferences for pay-for-performance programs: a discrete choice experiment study in Shandong China8
An integrated primary care workforce planning toolkit at the regional level (part 2): quantitative tools compiled for decision-makers in Toronto, Canada8
Stock-outs of essential medicines among community health workers (CHWs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs): a systematic literature review of the extent, reasons, and consequences8
Evidence for recency of practice standards for regulated health practitioners in Australia: a systematic review8
Diversifying the health workforce: a mixed methods analysis of an employment integration strategy8
“At the mercy of some of the regulations”: the impact of the residency match and return of service requirement on the early-career decisions of international medical graduates in Canada8
Health professionals’ licensing: the practice and its predictors among health professional hiring bodies in Ethiopia8
Does engagement with frontline health workers improve maternal and child healthcare utilisation and outcomes in India?8
Online faculty development in low- and middle-income countries for health professions educators: a rapid realist review8
Attracting and retaining physicians in less attractive specialties: the role of continuing medical education8
Use it or lose it? Identifying reasons for the low use of psychosocial support by hospital staff8
The association between health workforce availability and HIV-program outcomes in Côte d’Ivoire8
Health expenditure: how much is spent on health and care worker remuneration? An analysis of 33 low- and middle-income African countries8
Reflecting on the current scenario and forecasting the future demand for medical doctors in South Africa up to 2030: towards equal representation of women8
Because they’re worth it? A discussion paper on the value of 12-h shifts for hospital nursing8