Production Planning & Control

(The TQCC of Production Planning & Control is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Mitigating the effects of global disruptions on supply chains: gaining insights from the dairy industry during Covid-19164
Enabling explainable artificial intelligence capabilities in supply chain decision support making132
Using ISO 14001 certification to signal sustainability equivalence: an examination of the critical success factors97
Socio-technical capabilities for blockchain implementation by service providers: multiple case study of projects with transaction time reduction and quality improvement objectives86
Wheel hub design of agricultural vehicles based on big data technology82
Industry 4.0 maturity and readiness assessment: an empirical validation using Confirmatory Composite Analysis68
Management innovation in SMEs – taking psychological ownership of Hoshin Kanri68
Generating value in program alliances: the value of dialogue in large-scale infrastructure projects66
Leaning on leadership? Understanding how a lean implementation impacts hospital workers’ performance62
The relevance of tea culture and recreation industry development based on intelligent big data analysis60
Understanding motives for and barriers to implementing asset management system: an empirical study for engineered physical assets56
The impact of blockchain adoption in supply chain systems on corporate performance: a technology–organization–environment framework50
Fast-and-frugal heuristics: an exploration into building an adaptive toolbox to assess the uncertainty of rework50
Doctor unpredicted prescription handwriting prediction using triboelectric smart recognition48
The evaluation of innovation efficiency of China’s high-tech manufacturing industry based on the analysis of the three-stage network DEA-Malmquist model45
Proactive product warranty service planning and control: unravelling the boons of customer-generated content and multi-frequency analyses43
Goal-oriented prioritization of project outputs: a stratified approach43
Effects of supply chain innovation and application policy on firm performance: evidence from China42
Pandemics related-demands upon managers and job crafting in the production sector in Poland40
Variation in project management practices across borders38
Application of mechanical product design parameter optimization based on machine learning in identification38
Curating a domain ontology for rework in construction: challenges and learnings from practice37
The interplay of product modularity, service types, and servitization depth on firm performance: a moderated mediation model34
Digitalization of supply chains in Industry 4.0 environment of manufacturing organizations: conceptualization, scale development & validation34
Supply chain dynamism and ambidexterity for sustainable performance33
The driving and dependence power between Lean leadership competencies: an integrated ISM/fuzzy MICMAC approach33
Take a ride on the green side: from sustainable customer orientation to good supply chains33
Understanding and eliminating waste in Engineer-To-Order (ETO) projects: a multiple case study32
Approaches to performance appraisal in TQM-driven organizations: does control vs. learning approach matter?32
Information sharing for replenishment planning and control in fresh food supply chains: a planning environment perspective30
The impact of supply chain information integration on supply chain coordination and organizational performance: does directionality matter?30
A TISM approach for the analysis of enablers in implementing mass customization in Indian manufacturing units28
Standardization can be good for exploration: a social capital view of the productivity dilemma in operational teams28
Barriers to integrated lean management-industry 4.0 technologies27
Assessing stakeholders’ perception influence on companies’ profitability: evidence from Italian companies26
Circular economy implementation in operations & supply chain management: Building a pathway to business transformation26
Qualitative leanness assessment of hospital using benchmarking: a case study25
Action research as a meta-methodology: insights from an operations development project25
Why Scrum works in new product development: the role of social capital in managing complexity25
Unveiling the impact of industry 4.0 on supply chain performance: the mediating role of integration and visibility25
Towards the next generation of manufacturing: implications of big data and digitalization in the context of industry 4.024
Relationships between competences and lean automation practices: an exploratory study23
A maturity model enhancing data-driven circular manufacturing23
Industry 4.0 technologies: critical success factors for implementation and improvements in manufacturing companies23
Turning German automotive supply chains into sponsors for sustainability22
Circular supply chain implementation performance measurement framework: a comparative case analysis21
Researched topics, patterns, barriers and enablers of artificial intelligence implementation in supply chain: a Latent-Dirichlet-allocation-based topic-modelling and expert validation21
The role of organisational culture in organisational change towards sustainability: evidence from the garment manufacturing industry21
Sustainable production scheduling: insights from real-life applications21
Performance measurement and management in complex environments: a system of systems approach for the public sector20
The impact of economic and political imperatives on the successful use of public-private partnership (PPP) in projects20
From Quality-I to Quality-II: cultivating an error culture to support lean thinking and rework mitigation in infrastructure projects19
Blockchain adoption in food supply chains: a review and implementation framework19
From linear to circular sustainable supply chain network optimisation: towards a conceptual framework18
A methodology to boost data-driven decision-making process for a modern maintenance practice18
Heat-as-a-Service (HaaS): a Complex Adaptive Systems perspective on servitization18
Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT18
A framework for the systematic implementation of Green-Lean and sustainability in SMEs18
Combining lean and agile manufacturing competitive advantages through Industry 4.0 technologies: an integrative approach17
Digital supply network design: a Circular Economy 4.0 decision-making system for real-world challenges17
Development of framework integrating ergonomics in Lean’s Muda, Muri, and Mura concepts17
Modelling interactions of select enablers of Lean Six-Sigma considering sustainability implications: an integrated circular economy and Industry 4.0 perspective16
Guanxi and information sharing in supply chain quality management: a multi-method investigation16
Smart heuristics for decision-making in the ‘wild’: Navigating cost uncertainty in the construction of large-scale transport projects16
Agile manufacturing and transformational capabilities for sustainable business performance: a dynamic capabilities perspective16
Managing switching effects in sustainable projects: case studies16
Leveraging digitalization and servitization to improve financial performance15
Causes of delay in offshore wind turbine construction projects14
Supply chain management in times of crisis: a multi-case study14
Extenuating operational risks through digital transformation of agri-food supply chains14
From ocean to table: examining the potential of Blockchain for responsible sourcing and sustainable seafood supply chains14
Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: enablers and constraints in pre-development, deployment, and post-development stages13
Exploring the role of lean managers within the Toyota supply network: evidence from a social media platform13
Operational decisions of live-streaming platform supply chain based on control power: considering the dual preferences of consumers13
Exploring lean team development from the Tuckman’s model perspective13
The role of collaboration in reducing quality variability in Brazilian breweries13
Supply chain 4.0: a multi-sector grey systems-based analysis of buyer-supplier relationship development in Brazil12
Improving the forecasting approach for crude oil sourcing at an oil refining firm: a decision theory perspective12
Managing the global service transition: employees’ reactions and management responses12
Opportunities and challenges of drones and internet of drones in healthcare supply chains under disruption12
Engaging with ‘Engineer for Supply Chain’ (EfSC): insights from two engineer-to-order manufacturers12
Green Lean Six Sigma practice in the industrial and service sectors: from the systematic literature review to an integration diagram11
Modular product architecture implementation and decisions on production network structure and strategic plant roles11
Continuous improvement implementation models: a reconciliation and holistic metamodel11
How have lean supply chains coped with the COVID-19 pandemic? A normal accidents theory perspective11
Unpacking critical success factors to improve supply chain effectiveness, efficiency and performance: a 7Vs framework for consideration11
Untangling the cumulative impact of big data analytics, green lean six sigma and sustainable supply chain management on the economic performance of manufacturing organisations11
Analysis of critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 integrated circular supply chain – moving towards sustainable operations10
Development of a conceptual model for lean supply chain planning in industry 4.0: multidimensional analysis for operations management10
Application of Industry 4.0 tools to empower circular economy and achieving sustainability in supply chain operations10
Development of fuzzy based ergonomic-value stream mapping (E-VSM) tool: a case study in Indian glass artware industry10
The role of Engineering-to-Order machinery manufacturers in future Cloud Manufacturing supply chains: a business case and a strategic perspective10
Dominance and collaboration in logistics triads: the case studies from New Zealand10
Integrating product design and supply chain management for a circular economy10
A meta-analysis of the relationship between quality management and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises10
Decoding the context of servitization: socio-technical pivots on the journey to service-oriented business models in manufacturing firms10
Opportunity management enablers in construction projects: a systematic literature review10
Towards a unified theory of supply chain value creation and capture10
How do institutional forces affect firm agility through organisational justice? Differences between Chinese and foreign firms in China10
Quantifying and exhibiting the congruence of process choice criteria with traditional and additive manufacturing systems10
Sustainable humanitarian supply chains: a systematic literature review and research propositions10
From data to value: conceptualising data-driven product service system10
Adoption of AI-empowered industrial robots in auto component manufacturing companies10
Contract, network or hierarchy? Selecting governance mechanisms in megaprojects from the perspective of contractor alliances10
Unique control priorities for parallel machines in high-variety manufacturing10
Lean and job satisfaction: the mediating role of how employees perceive implemented lean methods10
Sustainable supplier selection based on industry 4.0 initiatives within the context of circular economy implementation in supply chain operations10