
(The TQCC of Oikos is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Phenotypic plasticity may mediate habitat filtering in a forest edge community365
Effects of parental age on salt stress tolerance in an aquatic plant53
Incorporating vertical dimensionality improves biological interpretation of hidden Markov model outputs47
Resource availability and plant age drive defense against herbivory in salt marshes46
Size matching between fruits and bill gapes differentially affects gulper and masher frugivorous birds45
Many roads to success: different combinations of life‐history traits provide accurate germination timing in seasonally dry environments38
Height growth and biomass partitioning during secondary succession differ among forest light strata and successional guilds in a tropical rainforest33
Temporal variation of soil microarthropods in different forest types and regions of central Europe30
Spatial phylogenetic and phenotypic patterns reveal ontogenetic shifts in ecological processes of plant community assembly30
Scavenging and social interaction of an apex avian scavenger is governed by bioregional and seasonal variation28
Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions27
Microclimatic variability buffers butterfly populations against increased mortality caused by phenological asynchrony between larvae and their host plants27
Informational constraints on predator–prey interactions27
Direct effect of artificial warming on communities is stronger than its indirect effect through body mass reduction26
Fire favors sexual precocity in a Mediterranean pine26
A field experiment reveals seasonal variation in the Daphnia gut microbiome25
Landscape‐scale dynamics of a threatened species respond to local‐scale conservation management24
Tree diversity effects on litter decomposition are mediated by litterfall and microbial processes24
Marine gastropods at higher trophic level show stronger tolerance to ocean acidification24
Urbanization shapes the relation between density and melanin‐based colouration in bird communities23
Focusing on individual plants to understand community scale biodiversity effects: the case of root distribution in grasslands23
Early‐life environmental conditions influence parasitism at adulthood and life‐history of a cuckoo host23
Press versus pulse nutrient supply and species interactions mediate growth of coral reef macroalgae22
To disperse or compete? Coevolution of traits leads to a limited number of reproductive strategies22
Stable motifs delay species loss in simulated food webs22
Space resource utilization of dominant species integrates abundance‐ and functional‐based processes for better predictions of plant diversity dynamics21
Climate and intraspecific variation in a consumer species drive ecosystem multifunctionality20
Adaptive plasticity to drought of Grime's CSR strategies20
Intraspecific trait variability mediates the effect of nitrogen addition and warming on aboveground productivity20
Dissimilarity analysis based on diffusion maps19
The nutritional condition of moose co‐varies with climate, but not with density, predation risk or diet composition19
Shadow competition: its definition, prevalence, causes and measurement19
Testing the generality of sea otter‐mediated trophic cascades in seagrass meadows19
Effects of tree species diversity and conspecific seedling density on insect herbivory and pathogen infection on big‐leaf mahogany seedlings18
Does natural root grafting make trees better competitors?17
Dynamic larval dispersal can mediate the response of marine metapopulations to multiple climate change impacts17
Host plant phenology shapes aphid abundance and interactions with ants17
Seasonal release from competition explains partial migration in European moose17
Grazer host density mediates the ability of parasites to protect foundational plants from overgrazing17
Trees out‐forage understorey shrubs for nitrogen patches in a subarctic mountain birch forest16
Broad‐scale genetic monitoring suggests density‐dependent dispersal in a large carnivore16
Methods for calculating coexistence mechanisms: beyond scaling factors16
Summer litter decomposition is moderated by scale‐dependent microenvironmental variation in tundra ecosystems16
Intertidal mussels as ecosystem engineers: maintenance of invertebrate assemblages amid intertidal stress gradients15
Why sex matters in phenological research15
Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional turnover of tree assemblages in Europe15
Developmental reaction norms vary among families of lizards in response to multivariate nest environments15
Inter‐ and intraspecific spatial distributions, spatial segregation by dominants and emergent neutrality in understorey plants15
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in pollinator communities maintains within‐species floral odour variation15
Climatic disequilibrium of recruit communities across a drought‐induced die‐off gradient in Mediterranean shrubland15
Generational variation in nutrient regulation for an outbreaking herbivore15
Special Issue: Root traits and functioning: from individual plants to ecosystems14
Allochthonous subsidies drive early recruitment of a subtropical foundation species14
Urban spatial heterogeneity shapes the evolution of an antiherbivore defense trait and its genes in white clover14
Effects of evolution on niche displacement and emergent population properties, a discussion on optimality14
Sterol limitation of Daphnia on eukaryotic phytoplankton: a combined supplementation and compound‐specific stable isotope labeling approach14
Intra‐ and interspecific density dependence mediates weather effects on the population dynamics of a plant–insect herbivore system14
Information theory and plant ecology14
Population resistance and recovery after an extreme heat event are explained by thermal effects on life‐history traits14
Intra‐ and interspecific variability of specific leaf area mitigate the reduction of community stability in response to warming and nitrogen addition13
Stand biomass decreases towards the edge of a range expanding invasive plant, Mikania micrantha, but only on thick soil layers13
Recreation and hunting differentially affect deer behaviour and sapling performance13
Ecological consequences of urbanization on a legume–rhizobia mutualism13
Reproducing in a changing world: combined effects of thermal conditions by day and night and of water constraints during pregnancy in a cold‐adapted ectotherm13
Ecological impact of changes in intrinsic growth rates of species at different trophic levels13
The rate of environmental change as an important driver across scales in ecology13
Prey metabolic responses to predators depend on predator hunting mode and prey antipredator defenses13
The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale13
Long‐term responses to large‐scale disturbances: spatiotemporal variation in gastropod populations and communities13
Direct and indirect effects of global change on mycorrhizal associations of savanna plant communities13
Improving the dialogue between public health and ecosystem science on antimicrobial resistance13
Retreat, detour or advance? Understanding the movements of birds confronting the Gulf of Mexico12
Genet dynamics and its variation among genets of a clonal plant Convallaria keiskei12
Environmental conditions and seed traits affect seed dispersal patterns in a slug–legume model system12
The individual‐based network structure of palm‐seed dispersers is explained by a rainforest gradient12
Untangling the mechanisms of cryptic species coexistence in a nematode community through individual‐based modelling12
Foraging personalities modify effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity12
The joint evolution of learning and dispersal maintains intraspecific diversity in metapopulations12
Contrasting responses of early‐ and late‐season plant phenophases to altered precipitation12
Are fine roots ‘leaves underground' in terms of allometry? A test in a tropical forest successional series in southwest China12
The impact of plant diversity and vegetation composition on bumblebee colony fitness12
Shifts from non‐obligate generalists to obligate specialists in simulations of mutualistic network assembly12
Rewiring of interactions in a changing environment: nettle‐feeding butterflies and their parasitoids12
Environment‐ and system‐specific interactions between population and trait dynamics12
Microbe‐induced plant resistance alters aphid inter‐genotypic competition leading to rapid evolution with consequences for plant growth and aphid abundance12
Habitat preferences and functional traits drive longevity in Himalayan high‐mountain plants12
Diapause and bet‐hedging strategies in insects: a meta‐analysis of reaction norm shapes11
Prickly postglacial pioneers: freshwater plankton community composition influences fatty acid desaturase (FADS2) copy number in southern Greenland threespine sticklebacks11
Environmental conditions differently shape leaf, seed and seedling trait composition between and within elevations of tropical montane forests11
Effects of plant‐available soil silicon on seedling growth and foliar nutrient status across tropical tree species11
Revisiting extinction debt through the lens of multitrophic networks and meta‐ecosystems11
How do global forest pests respond to increasing temperatures? – a meta‐analysis11
Biotic and abiotic effects on tree regeneration vary by life stage in European primary forests11
The distribution of distances to the edge of species coexistence11
Nectar robbing and plant reproduction: an interplay of positive and negative effects11
Flowers of ruderal species are numerous but small, short and low‐rewarding11
Community composition influences ecosystem resistance and production more than species richness or intraspecific diversity11
Resilience of tropical invertebrate community assembly processes to a gradient of land use intensity11
Aquatic insects balance growth with future supply of algal food resources11
Recent advances in stochastic simulation algorithms create opportunities to study new ecological and eco‐evolutionary problems11
Methodological overview and data‐merging approaches in the study of plant–frugivore interactions11
Evaluating ecological uniqueness over broad spatial extents using species distribution modelling11
Species interactions and diversity: a unified framework using Hill numbers11
Reindeer grazing reduces climate‐driven vegetation changes and shifts trophic interactions in the Fennoscandian tundra11
Is allocation among reproductive tissues coordinated with seed size?10
Mismatches between birds' spatial and temporal dynamics reflect their delayed response to global changes10
Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed modeling presents novel opportunities for eco‐evolutionary synthesis10
Ecological boundaries and constraints on viable eco‐evolutionary pathways10
Soil nutrient heterogeneity alters productivity and diversity of experimental plant communities under multiple global change factors10
The role of evolutionary processes in determining trophic structure10
Flower‐visitor and pollen‐load data provide complementary insight into species and individual network roles10
Non‐native species drive biotic homogenization, but it depends on the realm, beta diversity facet and study design: a meta‐analytic systematic review10
The link between body size, colouration and thermoregulation and their integration into ecogeographical rules: a critical appraisal in light of climate change10
Plasticity and co‐variation of root traits govern differential phosphorus acquisition among 20 wheat genotypes10
Increases in functional diversity of mountain plant communities is mainly driven by species turnover under climate change10
The acoustic complexity index (ACI): theoretical foundations, applied perspectives and semantics10
Early spring snowmelt and summer droughts strongly impair the resilience of bacterial community and N cycling functions in a subalpine grassland ecosystem10
Dead wood diversity promotes fungal diversity10
Fish depth redistributions do not allow maintenance of abundance in a region of rapid change10
Diversity mediates the responses of invertebrate density to duration and frequency of rivers' annual drying regime10
Effects of behavioural types on the problem‐solving performance of wild house mice under controlled and semi‐natural conditions9
Parallels and divergences in landscape genetic and metacommunity patterns in zooplankton inhabiting soda pans9
Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology9
Importance of accounting for imperfect detection of plants in the estimation of population growth rates9
Taxonomic novelty emerges more frequently and independently of functional novelty in historical coral communities9
Species differences drive spatial scaling of foraging patterns in herbivorous reef fishes9
The shape of density dependence and the relationship between population growth, intraspecific competition and equilibrium population density9
Plant community‐specific greening patterns predict population size increases in a temperate herbivore9
Expression of Concern: Phenotypic plasticity and community composition interactively shape trophic interactions9
Bumble bee niche overlap along an elevation gradient: how traits can inform novel competitive pressures under climate change9
Water the odds? Spring rainfall and emergence‐related seed traits drive plant recruitment9
Temporal changes in plant–soil feedbacks between the invasive Phytolacca americana and congeneric native and non‐invasive alien plants9
Host and parasite intervality in differentially human‐modified habitats9
Warming alters the top–down effect of a common mesopredator in an aquatic food web9
Defensive mutualists affect outcross pollen transfer and male fitness in their host plant8
Inconsistent relationships between area, heterogeneity and plant species richness in temperate farmed landscapes8
Web decoration is important in mediating foraging site fidelity as well as prey supplement and predation risk in an orb‐web spider8
Variation in ripe fruit hardness: a mechanical constraint?8
Can constraint closure provide a generalized understanding of community dynamics in ecosystems?8
Facilitation enhances ecosystem function with non‐random species gains8
Temporal consistency in interactions among birds, ants, and plants in a neotropical savanna8
Marine primary producers in a darker future: a meta‐analysis of light effects on pelagic and benthic autotrophs8
Evolution of dispersal and the maintenance of fragmented metapopulations8
Exogenous disturbances and endogenous self‐organized processes are not mutually exclusive drivers of spatial patterns in macroalgal assemblages8
Parental care amplifies changes in offspring production in a disturbed environment8
Parasite‐mediated changes in host traits alter food web dynamics8
The only lasting truth is change: multiple dimensions of biodiversity show historical legacy effects in community assembly processes of freshwater fish8
Variable interspecific competition under megadrought conditions: rodent population dynamics in semiarid Chile8
Age at first reproduction and senescence in a short‐lived wild mammal8
Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: a systematic synthesis review8
Movement with meaning: integrating information into meta‐ecology8
Density‐dependent effects of parasitism on the activity of a benthic engineer species: potential impact on ecosystem functioning8
A phylogenetic perspective on ecological specialisation reveals hummingbird and insect pollinators have generalist diets8
The paradox of searching efficiency or why are violent population cycles so uncommon in terrestrial ecosystem8
Resource‐to‐consumer ratio determines the functional response of an herbivorous fish in a field experiment8
Canopy buffering effects against climatic extremes of deciduous broad‐leaved forests are higher on calcareous than siliceous bedrocks8
Disentangling fine‐ and large‐scale colonization processes in metapopulation dynamics: a case study on a threatened epiphytic bryophyte8
Multilayer diffusion networks as a tool to assess the structure and functioning of fine grain sub‐specific plant–pollinator networks8
Interaction network structure and spatial patterns influence invasiveness and invasibility in a stochastic model of plant communities7
Native tree promotes invasion when native grasses are absent7
The effect of inter‐ and intraspecific competition on individual and population niche widths: a four‐decade study on two interacting salmonids7
The effects of human‐altered habitat spatial pattern on frugivory and seed dispersal: a global meta‐analysis7
Lack of synchronized breeding success in a seabird community: extreme events, niche separation, and environmental variability7
Positive species interactions shape species' range limits7
Special issue: Ecology of information enters the Anthropocene7
A mathematical model for inter‐specific interactions in seagrasses7
The role of functional and phylogenetic diversity in riparian tree vegetation on leaf litter breakdown in rivers7
Measuring individual‐level trait diversity: a critical assessment of methods7
Scavenging in changing environments: woody encroachment shapes rural scavenger assemblages in Europe7
Habitat quality drives the species–area relationship of plants and soil microbes in an ocean archipelago7
Above‐ and belowground plant pathogens along elevational gradients: patterns and potential mechanisms7
Burn hot or tolerate trees: flammability decreases with shade tolerance in grasses7
A framework for hierarchical compound topologies in species interaction networks7
Photoperiod influences the shape and scaling of freshwater phytoplankton responses to light and temperature7
Huff and puff and blow down: invasive plants traits response to strong winds at the Southern Oceanic Islands7
High compositional dissimilarity among small communities is decoupled from environmental variation7
A multi‐year case study highlighting the influence of hydrological conditions on epidemic dynamics in a natural plant pathosystem7
Root foraging strategies and niche segregation of three mediterranean shrub species7
A trophic cascade causes unexpected ecological interactions across the aquatic–terrestrial interface under extreme weather7
Plant secondary metabolite has dose‐dependent effects on bumblebees7
Combining bioenergetics and movement models to improve understanding of the population consequences of disturbance7
Patch size distribution affects species invasion dynamics in dendritic networks7
Livestock management promotes bush encroachment in savanna systems by altering plant–herbivore feedback7
Aridity and soil fertility, not species richness, interact to affect temporal stability of primary productivity along a natural gradient in northern China7