
(The TQCC of Oikos is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A conceptual guide to measuring species diversity327
Plant dispersal syndromes are unreliable, especially for predicting zoochory and long‐distance dispersal47
A synthesis of biological invasion hypotheses associated with the introduction–naturalisation–invasion continuum47
Beyond spatial overlap: harnessing new technologies to resolve the complexities of predator–prey interactions46
Resolving whole‐plant economics from leaf, stem and root traits of 1467 Amazonian tree species41
The internal structure of metacommunities38
Mapping species niche and fitness differences for communities with multiple interaction types33
Methodological overview and data‐merging approaches in the study of plant–frugivore interactions30
Plasticity in the trophic niche of an invasive ant explains establishment success and long‐term coexistence28
Seed predation and dispersal by small mammals in a landscape of fear: effects of personality, predation risk and land‐use change27
Dead wood diversity promotes fungal diversity27
Linked networks reveal dual roles of insect dispersal and species sorting for bacterial communities in flowers26
Incorporating human behaviors into theories of urban community assembly and species coexistence24
Landscapes shaped from the top down: predicting cascading predator effects on spatial biogeochemistry24
Positive species interactions shape species' range limits24
A trait‐based approach predicting community assembly and dominance of microbial invasive species24
Non‐native species drive biotic homogenization, but it depends on the realm, beta diversity facet and study design: a meta‐analytic systematic review24
Aerobic bacteria and archaea tend to have larger and more versatile genomes24
The dangers of irreversibility in an age of increased uncertainty: revisiting plasticity in invertebrates23
Fruits, frugivores, and the evolution of phytochemical diversity23
Microclimatic variability buffers butterfly populations against increased mortality caused by phenological asynchrony between larvae and their host plants23
Earthworm invasion causes declines across soil fauna size classes and biodiversity facets in northern North American forests23
Meta‐ecosystem dynamics drive the spatial distribution of functional groups in river networks22
Deriving indicators of biodiversity change from unstructured community‐contributed data22
Migrant birds disperse haemosporidian parasites and affect their transmission in avian communities22
Incorporating belowground traits: avenues towards a whole‐tree perspective on performance21
First measurements of field metabolic rate in wild juvenile fishes show strong thermal sensitivity but variations between sympatric ecotypes21
The effect of inter‐ and intraspecific competition on individual and population niche widths: a four‐decade study on two interacting salmonids21
Nectar robbing and plant reproduction: an interplay of positive and negative effects21
Soundscapes predict species occurrence in tropical forests20
Are we underestimating the ecological and evolutionary effects of warming? Interactions with other environmental drivers may increase species vulnerability to high temperatures20
Nectar chemistry is not only a plant's affair: floral visitors affect nectar sugar and amino acid composition19
Diversity mediates the responses of invertebrate density to duration and frequency of rivers' annual drying regime19
How competitive intransitivity and niche overlap affect spatial coexistence19
A seed dispersal effectiveness framework across the mutualism–antagonism continuum19
Polyploidy‐promoted phenolic metabolism confers the increased competitive ability of Solidago canadensis19
The commonness of rarity in a deep‐sea taxon18
The dual nature of metacommunity variability18
Below‐ and aboveground traits explain local abundance, and regional, continental and global occurrence frequencies of grassland plants18
Directionality and community‐level selection18
Agent‐based models to investigate sound impact on marine animals: bridging the gap between effects on individual behaviour and population level consequences17
Scavenging in changing environments: woody encroachment shapes rural scavenger assemblages in Europe17
Tracking unstable states: ecosystem dynamics in a changing world17
Understanding behavioural responses to human‐induced rapid environmental change: a meta‐analysis17
Seasonal dynamics of competition between honey bees and wild bees in a protected Mediterranean scrubland17
Size‐mediated priority effects are trait‐dependent and consistent across latitudes in a damselfly17
The link between body size, colouration and thermoregulation and their integration into ecogeographical rules: a critical appraisal in light of climate change16
Predator control alters wolf interactions with prey and competitor species over the diel cycle16
Heterospecific pollen deposition is positively associated with reproductive success in a diverse hummingbird‐pollinated plant community16
Root trait variation along a sub‐arctic tundra elevational gradient16
Recreation and hunting differentially affect deer behaviour and sapling performance16
Dietary availability determines metabolic conversion of long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in spiders: a dual compound‐specific stable isotope approach16
Direct and legacy‐mediated drought effects on plant performance are species‐specific and depend on soil community composition15
Observing frugivores or collecting scats: a method comparison to construct quantitative seed dispersal networks15
The limits of demographic buffering in coping with environmental variation15
A field experiment reveals seasonal variation in the Daphnia gut microbiome15
Phenotypic plasticity and the leaf economics spectrum: plasticity is positively associated with specific leaf area15
Bird pollination syndrome is the plant's adaptation to ornithophily, but nectarivorous birds are not so selective15
Mismatches between birds' spatial and temporal dynamics reflect their delayed response to global changes15
Plant–plant facilitation increases with reduced phylogenetic relatedness along an elevation gradient14
The hidden half of the fine root differentiation in herbs: nonacquisitive belowground organs determine fine‐root traits14
Maintenance of phenotypic plasticity is linked to oxidative stress in spadefoot toad larvae14
Evaluating ecological uniqueness over broad spatial extents using species distribution modelling14
Early predation risk shapes adult learning and cognitive flexibility14
Competition and facilitation among fungal plant parasites affect their life‐history traits14
Small invertebrate consumers produce consistent size spectra across reef habitats and climatic zones14
Rewiring of interactions in a changing environment: nettle‐feeding butterflies and their parasitoids14
The compound topology of host–parasite networks is explained by the integrative hypothesis of specialization14
Richness, not evenness, of invasive plant species promotes invasion success into native plant communities via selection effects14
Do positive interactions between marine invaders increase likelihood of invasion into natural and artificial habitats?14
Towards a pragmatic view of theories in ecology13
Nutritional quality of giant kelp declines due to warming ocean temperatures13
Social information use by predators: expanding the information ecology of prey defences13
Facilitation promotes plant invasions and indirect negative interactions13
Context‐dependent specialisation drives temporal dynamics in intra‐ and inter‐individual variation in foraging behaviour within a generalist bird population13
Water the odds? Spring rainfall and emergence‐related seed traits drive plant recruitment13
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in pollinator communities maintains within‐species floral odour variation13
Fruit abundance and trait matching determine diet type and body condition across frugivorous bird populations13
Shifts from pulled to pushed range expansions caused by reduction of landscape connectivity13
A framework for fine‐root trait syndromes: syndrome coexistence may support phosphorus partitioning in tropical forests13
Environmental controls on African herbivore responses to landscapes of fear13
Bird species co‐occurrence patterns in an alpine environment supports the stress‐gradient hypothesis12
Floral preferences of mountain bumble bees are constrained by functional traits but flexible through elevation and season12
Catastrophes, connectivity and Allee effects in the design of marine reserve networks12
Ecological consequences of urbanization on a legume–rhizobia mutualism12
Changes in the structure of seed dispersal networks when including interaction outcomes from both plant and animal perspectives12
Host–parasite dynamics set the ecological theatre for the evolution of state‐ and context‐dependent dispersal in hosts12
Seascape context matters more than habitat condition for fish assemblages in coastal ecosystems12
The landscape of fear has individual layers: an experimental test of among‐individual differences in perceived predation risk during foraging12
Movement with meaning: integrating information into meta‐ecology12
Plasticity and co‐variation of root traits govern differential phosphorus acquisition among 20 wheat genotypes12
Estimating abundance and phenology from transect count data with GLMs12
Local population collapse of Ross's and lesser snow geese driven by failing recruitment and diminished philopatry12
Seasonality affects specialisation of a temperate forest herbivore community12
Repeated extreme droughts decrease root production, but not the potential for post‐drought recovery of root production, in a mesic grassland12
Temporal consistency in interactions among birds, ants, and plants in a neotropical savanna12
Food web aggregation: effects on key positions12
Informational constraints on predator–prey interactions12
Diapause and bet‐hedging strategies in insects: a meta‐analysis of reaction norm shapes12
Shared predators between primate groups and mixed species bird flocks: the potential for forest‐wide eavesdropping networks12
The tradeoff between information and pathogen transmission in animal societies11
Suppression of a plant hormone gibberellin reduces growth of invasive plants more than native plants11
Extending the growth rate hypothesis to species development: Can stoichiometric traits help to explain the composition of macroinvertebrate communities?11
Individual variation in marine larval‐fish swimming speed and the emergence of dispersal kernels11
Effects of soil conditioning, root and shoot litter addition interact to determine the intensity of plant–soil feedback11
Bridging parametric and nonparametric measures of species interactions unveils new insights of non‐equilibrium dynamics11
Species coexistence in resource‐limited patterned ecosystems is facilitated by the interplay of spatial self‐organisation and intraspecific competition11
Shifts in climatic realised niches of Iberian species11
Mechanistic models of seed dispersal by animals11
Elevational trends of tree fine root traits in species‐rich tropical Andean forests11
Ontogeny of movement patterns and habitat selection in juvenile albatrosses11
Co‐occurrence patterns in a steppe bird community: insights into the role of dominance and competition11
Community composition influences ecosystem resistance and production more than species richness or intraspecific diversity11
Turning summer into winter: nutrient dynamics, temperature, density dependence and invasive species drive bioenergetic processes and growth of a keystone coldwater fish11
Different measures of niche and fitness differences tell different tales11
Understandable multifunctionality measures using Hill numbers11
Host specificity and interaction networks of insects feeding on seeds and fruits in tropical rainforests11
Magnitude and timing of resource pulses interact to affect plant invasion11
Studying seed dispersal through the lens of movement ecology11
Assembly history modulates vertical root distribution in a grassland experiment10
Seasonal release from competition explains partial migration in European moose10
The upsizing of the São Tomé seed dispersal network by introduced animals10
Considerations of varied thermoregulatory expressions in migration theory10
Intra‐ and inter‐specific variation in root mechanical traits for twelve herbaceous plants and their link with the root economics space10
Environmental variation in sex ratios and sexual dimorphism in three wind‐pollinated dioecious plant species10
Isotopic niches of tropical birds reduced by anthropogenic impacts: a 100‐year perspective10
Stochastic predation exposes prey to predator pits and local extinction10
A trait‐based approach across the native and invaded range to understand plant invasiveness and community impact10
Biotic homogenisation in bird communities leads to large‐scale changes in species associations10
Nutritional grouping of marine forage species reveals contrasted exposure of high trophic levels to essential micro‐nutrients10
Vibrational noise from wind energy‐turbines negatively impacts earthworm abundance10
Unifying ecosystem responses to disturbance into a single statistical framework10
The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale10
Microclimate relationships of intraspecific trait variation in sub‐Arctic plants10
Individual‐based networks reveal the highly skewed interactions of a frugivore mutualist with individual plants in a diverse community10
Secondary production increases with species richness but decreases with species evenness of benthic invertebrates10
Inter‐specific aggression generates ant mosaics in canopies of primary tropical rainforest10
Ecological specialisation and range size determine intraspecific body size variation in a speciose clade of insect herbivores9
Elevational gradients in constitutive and induced oak defences based on individual traits and their correlated expression patterns9
The influence of provisioning on animal‐mediated seed dispersal9
Extreme drought reduces climatic disequilibrium in dryland plant communities9
Assessing short and long‐term variations in diversity, timing and body condition of frugivorous birds9
Does fine scale spatiotemporal variation in seed rain translate into plant population structure?9
Puma responses to unreliable human cues suggest an ecological trap in a fragmented landscape9
Comparison of size‐structured and species‐level trophic networks reveals antagonistic effects of temperature on vertical trophic diversity at the population and species level9
Do natural enemies mediate conspecific negative distance‐ and density‐dependence of trees? A meta‐analysis of exclusion experiments9
Sex, competition and mimicry: an eco‐evolutionary model reveals unexpected impacts of ecological interactions on the evolution of phenotypes in sympatry9
Divergent terrestrial responses of soil N2O emissions to different levels of elevated CO2and temperature9
Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: a systematic synthesis review9
Why don't all species overexploit?9
A macro‐ecological approach to predation density‐dependence9
Estimating the effects of stressors on the health, survival and reproduction of a critically endangered, long‐lived species9
Population responses to observed climate variability across multiple organismal groups9
The effects of human‐altered habitat spatial pattern on frugivory and seed dispersal: a global meta‐analysis9
Reproducing in a changing world: combined effects of thermal conditions by day and night and of water constraints during pregnancy in a cold‐adapted ectotherm9
Exposure order effects of consecutive stressors on communities: the role of co‐tolerance8
Habitat partitioning of soil microbial communities along an elevation gradient: from plant root to landscape scale8
Fractal triads efficiently sample ecological diversity and processes across spatial scales8
Seeing shapes in clouds: the fallacy of deriving ecological hypotheses from statistical distributions8
Larvae of coastal marine invertebrates enhance their settling success or benefits of planktonic development – but not both – through vertical swimming8
Individual variation in thermal plasticity and its impact on mass‐scaling8
Temperature and multiple parasites combine to alter host community structure8
Foraging personalities modify effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity8
Rewiring of peatland plant–microbe networks outpaces species turnover8
Highly mobile seed predators contribute to interisland seed dispersal within an oceanic archipelago8
Unifying community detection across scales from genomes to landscapes8
Limits to compensatory responses to altered phenology in amphibian larvae8
Changing elemental cycles, stoichiometric mismatches, and consequences for pathogens of primary producers8
Aboveground herbivory causes belowground changes in twelve oak Quercus species: a phylogenetic analysis of root biomass and non‐structural carbohydrate storage8
Temporal environmental variation may impose differential selection on both genomic and ecological traits8
The role of fish feces for nutrient cycling on coral reefs8
Fire favors sexual precocity in a Mediterranean pine8
Direct and indirect effects of global change on mycorrhizal associations of savanna plant communities8
The joint evolution of learning and dispersal maintains intraspecific diversity in metapopulations8
Size‐dependent eco‐evolutionary feedbacks in harvested systems8
Relative influence of predators, competitors and seascape heterogeneity on behaviour and abundance of coral reef mesopredators8
Janzen–Connell effects partially supported in reef‐building corals: adult presence interacts with settler density to limit establishment8
Climate change and biocrust disturbance synergistically decreased taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in annual communities on gypsiferous soils8
Top–down effects override climate forcing on reproductive success in a declining sea duck8
Can a complex ecosystem survive the loss of a large fraction of its species? A random matrix theory of secondary extinction8
Long term analysis of social structure: evidence of age‐based consistent associations in male Alpine ibex8
Contrasting responses of early‐ and late‐season plant phenophases to altered precipitation8
Dynamic larval dispersal can mediate the response of marine metapopulations to multiple climate change impacts8
Landscape configuration and frugivore identity affect seed rain during restoration7
Soil microbiomes drive aboveground plant–pathogen–insect interactions7
Coastal heathland vegetation is surprisingly resistant to experimental drought across successional stages and latitude7
Measuring the contribution of evolution to community trait structure in freshwater zooplankton7
Competition components along productivity gradients – revisiting a classic dispute in ecology7
A simple theory for the mesopredator release effect: when does an apex predator protect their shared prey from a mesopredator?7
Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to clarify complex parasite–host interactions within food webs7
Fleshy‐fruited invasive shrubs indirectly increase native tree seed dispersal7
Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed modeling presents novel opportunities for eco‐evolutionary synthesis7
Focusing on individual plants to understand community scale biodiversity effects: the case of root distribution in grasslands7
Evolution of searching effort for resources: a missing piece of the puzzle in the ideal free distribution paradigm7
Effect of habitat quality and phenotypic variation on abundance‐ and trait‐based early warning signals of population collapses7
Sampling and asymptotic network properties of spatial multi‐trophic networks7
The effect of temperature on fish swimming and schooling is context dependent7
Biochemical traits enhance the trait concept in Sphagnum ecology7
Geomorphology shapes relationships between animal communities and ecosystem function in large rivers7
Variation in predation regime drives sex‐specific differences in mosquitofish foraging behaviour7
Effects of plant‐available soil silicon on seedling growth and foliar nutrient status across tropical tree species7
Phenotypic plasticity may mediate habitat filtering in a forest edge community7
With a little help from my friends: physiological integration facilitates invasion of wetland grass Elymus athericus into flooded soils7
Plastic but not adaptive: habitat‐driven differences in metabolic rate despite no differences in selection between habitats7
Interplay between the paradox of enrichment and nutrient cycling in food webs7
Linking fine‐root architecture, vertical distribution and growth rate in temperate mountain shrubs7
Deterioration of nature's information webs in the Anthropocene7
Frugivore diversity increases evenness in the seed rain on deforested tropical landscapes7
Prey diversity constrains the adaptive potential of predator foraging traits7
A framework for hierarchical compound topologies in species interaction networks7
Many roads to success: different combinations of life‐history traits provide accurate germination timing in seasonally dry environments7
Generational variation in nutrient regulation for an outbreaking herbivore7
Tree diversity effects on litter decomposition are mediated by litterfall and microbial processes7