Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space

(The TQCC of Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
What can co-creation do for the citizens? Applying co-creation for the promotion of participation in cities35
From right to good, and to asset: The state-led financialisation of the social rented housing in Italy28
Ban the (plastic) bag? Explaining variation in the implementation of plastic bag bans in Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda28
Reclaiming the city one plot at a time? DIY garden projects, radical democracy, and the politics of spatial appropriation27
The revenge of the village? The geography of right-wing populist electoral success, anti-politics, and austerity in Germany25
Criminalizing solidarity: Search and rescue in a neo-colonial sea25
Rethinking the biopolitical: Borders, refugees, mobilities…20
Reframing refugee crisis: A “European crisis of migration” or a “crisis of protection”?19
The hybrid governance of environmental transnational municipal networks: Lessons from 100 Resilient Cities17
Beyond experiments: Embedding outcomes in climate governance17
Rethinking urban environmental and infrastructural governance in the everyday: Perspectives from and of the global South17
“Wait for a permanent contract”: The temporal politics of (in)fertility as an early career researcher16
Do no harm? The impact of policy on migration scholarship14
Minor keywords of political theory: Migration as a critical standpoint14
The fantasmatic narrative of ‘sustainable development’. A political analysis of the 2030 Global Development Agenda14
Aversive racism and community-instigated policing: The spatial politics of Nextdoor13
Left behind in perception of air pollution? A hidden form of spatial injustice in China12
Producing a Chinese hydrosocial territory: A river of clean water flows north from Danjiangkou11
Conflict, consent, dissensus: The unfinished as challenge to politics and planning11
Infrastructure governance in the post-networked city: State-led, high-tech sanitation in Addis Ababa’s condominium housing11
Noxious deindustrialization: Experiences of precarity and pollution in Scotland’s petrochemical capital10
Hybrid contractual landscapes of governance: Generation of fragmented regimes of public accountability through urban regeneration10
Introducing the YIMBYs: Renters, housing, and supply-side politics in Los Angeles10
Retrofitting an emergency approach to the climate crisis: A study of two climate emergency declarations in Aotearoa New Zealand10
Critical political geographies of slow violence and resistance10
Biopolitics of migration: An assemblage approach9
The borderization of waiting: Negotiating borders and migration in the 2011 Syrian civil conflict9
Breathing in the polyrhythmic city: A spatiotemporal, rhythmanalytic account of urban air pollution and its inequalities9
Introduction: Anti-politics, austerity and spaces of politicisation9
Sexual(ities that) progress: Introduction9
Aid micropolitics: Everyday southern resistance to racialized and geographical assumptions of expertise9
Negotiating the boundaries of China’s Belt and Road Initiative9
Pipe dreams? Practices of everyday governance of heterogeneous configurations of water supply in Baruipur, a small town in India9
Toward the commoning of governance8
The popular sovereignty continuum: Civil and political society in contemporary South Africa8
WITHDRAWN – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Critical political geographies of slow violence and resistance8
Building a better host city? Reforming and contesting the Olympics in Paris 20247
For political geographies of fertilities7
Contracting-out care: The socio-spatial politics of nursing home care at the intersection of British Columbia’s labor, land, and capital markets7
Incompatible with life: Embodied borders, migrant fertility, and the UK’s ‘hostile environment’7
Rhythmanalysis: Rethinking the politics of everyday negotiations in ordinary public spaces7
Urban governance dispositifs: cohering diverse ecologies of urban energy governance7
Between nation and state: Boundary infrastructures, communities of practice and everyday nation-ness in the Chinese rail system7
Roads to China and infrastructural relations in Nepal7
The prefigurative politics of social movements and their processual production of space: The case of the indignados movement7
Smart as (un)democratic? The making of a smart city imaginary in Kolkata, India7
Spaces of Islamophobia and spaces of inequality in Greater Paris7
Staying with the trouble of collegiality, professionalism and care: Fertilities in academia6
Easier said than done? Involving citizens in the smart city6
The landrush of wind energy, its socio-material workings, and its political consequences: On the entanglement of land and wind assemblages in Denmark6
The declining appeal of mega-events in entrepreneurial cities: From Los Angeles 1984 to Los Angeles 20286
Beyond the success/failure of travelling urban models: Exploring the politics of time and performance in Cape Town’s East City6
Intersectionality and climate policy-making: The inclusion of social difference by three Swedish government agencies6
Shanghai municipal investment corporation: Extending government power through financialization under state entrepreneurialism6
Navigating Sino-Thai ‘rocky’ bilateral ties: The geopolitics of riverine trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion6
Resistance is in the air: From post-politics to the politics of expertise6
Feminist political geographies: Critical reflections, new directions6
The role of the media in staging air pollution: The controversy on extreme air pollution along Oxford Street and other debates on poor air quality in London6
Epidermal politics: Control, violence and dissent at the biometric border6
Belts and roads every- and nowhere: Conceptualizing infrastructural corridorization in the Indian Ocean6
Improvising against the racial state in Atlanta: Reimagining agency in environmental justice6
The Belt and Road as political technology: Power and economy in Pakistan and Tajikistan6
The making of low-carbon urbanism: Climate change, discursive strategy, and rhetorical decarbonization in Chinese cities6
Conjuring a cooler world? Imaginaries of Improvement in Blockchain Climate Finance Experiments6
Dealing with violence: Varied reactions from frontline workers acting in highly vulnerable territories5
Invasion and colonization: Islamophobia and anti-refugee sentiment in West Virginia5
Linguistic ambivalence amidst suburban diversity: LGBTQ2S municipal ‘social inclusions’ on Vancouver’s periphery5
Postpartum geographies: Intersections of academic labor and care work5
Consensus and entrepreneurship: The contrasting local and national politics of UK air pollution5
Participatory governance in China: ‘Informal public participation’ through neighbourhood mobilisation5
Spatial shifts in migration governance: Public-private alliances in Swedish immigration administration5
Fragmentation, commodification and responsibilisation in the governing of flood risk mitigation in Sweden5
Lockdown and the list: Mexican refugees, asylum denial, and the feminist geopolitics of esperar (waiting/hoping)5
Pragmatic state rescaling: The dynamics and diversity of state space in Indonesian megaproject planning and governance5
Mothers, babies, and abortion at the border: Contradictory U.S. policies, or targeting fertility?5
Political dynamics of local government reform in a development context: The case of Turkey5
Institutional capacity development within the national urban policy formation process – Participants’ views4
Towards a sensory politics of the Anthropocene: Exploring activist-artistic approaches to politicizing air pollution4
(In)coherent subjects? The politics of conceptualising resistance in the UK asylum system4
After the facts: Producing, using and contesting knowledge in two spatial-environmental conflicts in the Netherlands4
Urban speculation for survival: Adaptations and negotiations in Forest City, Malaysia4
The time and place of social mixing: Everyday rhythms of long-term residents and newcomers in a Dutch neighborhood4
And then came this number PM2.5: Atmospheric particulate matter, sociotechnical imaginaries, and the politics of air quality data4
Expertise, legitimacy and subjectivity: Three techniques for a will to govern low carbon energy projects in India4
Dispossession by municipalization: Property, pipelines, and divisions of power in settler colonial Canada4
Spatial justice as a prerequisite for a just transition in rural areas? The case study from the Irish peatlands4
Who will man the rigs when we go?” transnational demographic fever dreams between Qatar and Texas4
“We just need the developer to develop”: Entrepreneurialism, financialization and urban redevelopment in Lexington, Kentucky4
The veil of transparency: Blockchain and sustainability governance in global supply chains4
From towers to walls: Trump’s border wall as entrepreneurial performance4
Street level bureaucracy in response to environmental pressure. Insights from forestry and urban green space governance in Poland4
The political conditions of the rise of real-estate developers in French housing policies4
The urban politicization of fossil fuel infrastructure: Mediatization and resistance in energy landscapes4
Why are designs for urban governance so often incomplete? A conceptual framework for explaining and harnessing institutional incompleteness4
Differential inclusion through education: Reforms and spatial justice in Finnish education policy4
‘Utopia’ failed? Social enterprise, everyday practices and the closure of neoliberalism4
State-led stigmatisation of place and the politics of the exception4
Institutional logics and regional policy failure: Air pollution as a wicked problem in East African cities4
Shadows of the shadow state: Grassroots, refugee-led organizations within a multi-scalar and contested resettlement institutional domain4
Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship in EU participatory governance4
Scenes of emergency: Dis/re-assembling the promise of the UK emergency state4