Journal of Cultural Economy

(The TQCC of Journal of Cultural Economy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Pitching agri-food tech: performativity and non-disruptive disruption in Silicon Valley27
From selling songs to engineering experiences: exploring the competitive strategies of music streaming platforms24
Biopolitical platforms: the perverse virtues of digital labour23
Umbrella platform of Tencent eSports industry in China21
Neo-colonial credit: FinTech platforms in Africa20
The fabrication of environmental intangibles as a questionable response to environmental problems19
‘Level up your money game’: an analysis of gamification discourse in financial services18
The making of the corporate carbon footprint: the politics behind emission scoping16
Financial contagion: problems of proximity and connectivity in financial markets15
Enrolling into exclusion: African blockchain and decolonial ambitions in an evolving finance/security infrastructure15
Infrastructural power: discretion and the dynamics of infrastructure in action15
Whose money? Digital remittances, mobile money and fintech in Ghana14
FinTech and women’s entrepreneurship in Africa: the case of Burkina Faso and Cameroon14
The myths and legends of king Satoshi and the knights of blockchain10
Fintech urbanism in the startup capital of Africa10
Tracking lives, forging markets10
The financialization of social policy and the politicization of student debt in Chile9
Negotiating platformisation: MusicTech, intellectual property rights and third wave platform reintermediation in the music industry9
A market infrastructure for environmental intangibles: the materiality and challenges of index insurance for agriculture in Senegal9
Conservation, finance, bureaucrats: managing time and space in the production of environmental intangibles8
Financial untouchability: a polysemic narrative of digital financial inclusion in Modi’s India8
Between a knock at the door and a knock to your score: re-thinking ‘governing through debt’ through the hopeful ‘imaginaries’ of UK debtors8
Tales of carbon offsets: between experiments and indulgences?8
Consumption work in household circular economy activities: findings from a cultural probe experiment8
The politics of value revisited: commodities, assets, and the gifts of nature7
Valuing value in urban live music ecologies: negotiating the impact of live music in the Netherlands7
When tales of money fail: the importance of price, trust, and sociality for cryptocurrency users7
Platformizing Ubuntu? FinTech, Inclusion, and Mutual Help in Africa7
Experiments in co-modification: a relational take on the becoming of commodities and the making of market value7
Playing Spotify’s game: artists’ approaches to playlisting in Latin America6
Holding on to and letting go of seed: quasi-commodities and the passage of property6
FinTech in Africa: an editorial introduction6
The mutability of economic things6
Crafting values: economies, ethics and aesthetics of artistic valuation6
Platform sabotage5
Managing oil theft: socio-material relations, debt, and disruption in Southeastern Turkey5
The Round Table on Responsible Soy’s Landnahme: converting sustainable practices into tradable intangibles to protect the environment5
High net-worth attachments: emotional labour, relational work, and financial subjectivities in private wealth management5
Deleuze in the wild: making philosophy matter for fintech5
The artist Karl Marx and the auctioned god: ‘post-practice’ ethnographies of the art world, impossible collaborations, and renewable anthropologies5
Deep time financing? ‘Generational' responsibilities andthe problem of rendez-vousin the U.S. nuclear waste programme5
Doing economics otherwise, from one crisis to the next5
Finding the sweet spot: critiquing a cultural ecosystems approach to civic cultural strategy making5
Individual pension decision-making in a financialised landscape: a typology of everyday approaches4
The significance of boring FinTech: technology imaginaries and value vernaculars in established banks4
Sites of qualification: the motorcycle rider airbag and the production of safety4
Economic under-determination: industrial competitiveness and free allowances in the European carbon market4
Fintech and tax in Sub-Saharan Africa: taxation versus financial inclusion4
The financialization of anti-capitalism? The case of the ‘Financial Independence Retire Early’ community4
Curating disaster: a way to turn science into action in times of the Corona pandemic4
Anti-Crisis: thinking with and against crisis excerpt from interview with Janet Roitman4
Mediating and mapping climate risk: micro-insurance and earth observation3
The interpretive and relational work of financial innovation: a resemblance of assurance in Islamic finance3
‘A video or a flat fee?’ on the performances of concert fees3
Finance: cultural or political?3
Introduction: the tale as a special discourse vehicle3
Creative industries micro-enterprises and informality: a case study of the Shweshwe sewing industry in South Africa3
Cultural work and contributive justice3
Speculating on precarious income: finance cultures and the risky strategies of healthy volunteers in clinical drug trials3
What was the project? Thoughts on genre and the project form3
Murky moralities: performing markets in a charitable food aid organization3
Commodity and the commons: accumulations of capital on the space frontier3
Trading with risk: associating bovine Tuberculosis to cattle commodities in risk-based trading3
The frontier in heterogeneous time: finance, temporality, and an economic zone on hold3
Pardoning Kaçak : politics of building amnesties and the making of the (im)moral urban economy in Istanbul3
How app companies use GitHub: on modes of valuation in the digital attention economy3
Working for your own folks: the microeconomics of social media3
Derivative character investments: social impact bonds as path-changing devices3
Storying Indigenous cryptocurrency: reckoning with the ghosts of US settler colonialism in the cultural economy3
Does social media pay for music artists? Quantitative evidence on the co-evolution of social media, streaming and live music3
Financial frontiers: borders, conversions, enclosures2
Legitimation crisis in contemporary technoscientific capitalism2
Stack bricolage and infrastructural impermanence in financial machine-learning modelling2
Distributed accountability: picking a carbon price for cost–benefit analysis2
Outlining startup culture as a global form2
The engineering of stock market indices: winners and losers2
Digitizing other markets: lessons from the Bush Internet of Island Melanesia2
Kaçak as a mode of feeling and being: sovereignty, fantasy, and the undercommons2
Partners in crime: smuggling economies ( Kaçak/Qaçax ) and human-animal collaborations in Turkey’s Kurdish borderlands2
From rag market to creative economy: interview with Angela McRobbie2
New financializations, old displacements: neo-extractivism, ‘whitening’, and consumption in Latin America2
Biowaste as fluid matter: valuing biogas and biofertilisers as assets in the Finnish biogas sector2
Contract as frontier device, or, the political publics of water infrastructures2
Deal or no deal? Some reflections on the ‘Baker-Thompson rule,’ ‘matching,’ and ‘market design’2
Nine Lives of Neoliberalism2
The curious case of tweeting an Aadhaar number: trust/mistrust in security practices of public data infrastructures2
From reactivity to reputation management: online consumer review systems in the restaurant industry2
Spectrally shape-shifting: biometrics, fintech and the corporate-state in India2
A story of its own: creating singular gift-commodities for voluntary carbon markets2
The figural space of the business simulacrum: examining an educative change management simulation2
The stakes of religious fundraising: economic transition and religious resurgence in Irish Catholicism and Tibetan Buddhism2
Gendered Relational Work: How gender shapes money attitudes and expectations of young adults2
Debt trails: following relations of debt across borrowers, organizations, and states2
Securing participation in global pork production networks: biosecurity, multispecies entanglements, and the politics of domestication practices2
What is a financial frontier?2
Negotiating smuggling: tribes, debt, and the informal economy in Turkish Kurdistan2