Research Policy

(The TQCC of Research Policy is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Academic engagement: A review of the literature 2011-2019236
Economic complexity and the green economy212
Digital technologies, innovation, and skills: Emerging trajectories and challenges199
How open is innovation? A retrospective and ideas forward128
How Artificial Intelligence Technology Affects Productivity and Employment: Firm-level Evidence from Taiwan127
Unpacking liabilities of newness and smallness in innovative start-ups: Investigating the differences in innovation performance between new and older small firms123
Innovation, growth and the transition to net-zero emissions114
The drivers of SME innovation in the regions of the EU112
Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives109
Can public R&D subsidy facilitate firms’ exploratory innovation? The heterogeneous effects between central and local subsidy programs105
Patent Quality: Towards a Systematic Framework for Analysis and Measurement103
Evaluating impact from research: A methodological framework101
Natural language processing to identify the creation and impact of new technologies in patent text: Code, data, and new measures96
Organisational institutionalisation of responsible innovation90
The new paradigm of economic complexity89
Advanced manufacturing technology adoption and innovation: A systematic literature review on barriers, enablers, and innovation types85
Artificial intelligence and industrial innovation: Evidence from German firm-level data83
Embodied and disembodied technological change: The sectoral patterns of job-creation and job-destruction79
Digital skills, relatedness and green diversification: A study of European regions78
Measure Twice, Cut Once: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Metrics77
Openness in platform ecosystems: Innovation strategies for complementary products74
China's catching-up in artificial intelligence seen as a co-evolution of corporate and national innovation systems74
Does green public procurement trigger environmental innovations?73
Green innovation and financial performance: A study on Italian firms70
Threats and opportunities in the digital era: Automation spikes and employment dynamics66
Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data65
Corporate commitment to climate change: The effect of eco-innovation and climate governance65
Differential moderating effects of strategic and operational reconfiguration on the relationship between open innovation practices and innovation performance63
Why do people use mobile payment technologies and why would they continue? An examination and implications from India62
The role of technology standards in product innovation: Theory and evidence from UK manufacturing firms59
Technological complexity and economic growth of regions59
Re-examining path dependence in the digital age: The evolution of connected car business models58
Directed innovation policies and the supermultiplier: An empirical assessment of mission-oriented policies in the US economy56
Industry-university knowledge flows and product innovation: How do knowledge stocks and crisis matter?56
R&D tax credit and innovation: Evidence from private firms in india55
Assessing transitions through socio-technical configuration analysis – a methodological framework and a case study in the water sector55
Greenfield foreign direct investments and regional environmental technologies55
Could machine learning be a general purpose technology? A comparison of emerging technologies using data from online job postings54
Stimulating a more Circular Economy through Public Procurement: Roles and dynamics of intermediation52
Innovation performance feedback and technological alliance portfolio diversity: The moderating role of firms’ R&D intensity51
The role of proximity in sustainability transitions: A technological niche evolution analysis51
Interplay of policy experimentation and institutional change in sustainability transitions: The case of mobility as a service in Finland47
The impact of the pandemic-enforced lockdown on the scholarly productivity of women academics in South Africa47
Is innovation (increasingly) concentrated in large cities? An international comparison47
Inventor migration and knowledge flows: A two-way communication channel?46
Migrant inventors and the technological advantage of nations46
Socializing the risks and rewards of public investments: Economic, policy, and legal issues46
Effective innovation via better management of firms: The role of leverage in times of crisis45
Local entrepreneurial ecosystems as configural narratives: A new way of seeing and evaluating antecedents and outcomes45
Can direct innovation subsidies relax SMEs’ financial constraints?45
Organizational drivers of innovation: The role of workforce agility44
Industrial policy intensity, technological change, and productivity growth: Evidence from China44
The time and frequency of unrelated diversification44
Inbound Open Innovation and Innovation Performance: A Robustness Study44
Public funding of innovation: Exploring applications and allocations of the European SME Instrument44
A dynamic multi-sector analysis of technological catch-up: The impact of technology cycle times, knowledge base complexity and variety43
Politics of complexity: Conceptualizing agency, power and powering in the transitional dynamics of complex adaptive systems43
Innovation and uneven development: The challenge for low- and middle-income economies43
Talent goes to global cities: The world network of scientists’ mobility43
Innovation vs. standardization: The conjoint effects of eco-innovation and environmental management systems on environmental performance42
Next-generation consumer innovation search: Identifying early-stage need-solution pairs on the web42
How do new use environments influence a technology's knowledge trajectory? A patent citation network analysis of lithium-ion battery technology41
Artificial intelligence in science: An emerging general method of invention41
Teaching-focused university–industry collaborations: Determinants and impact on graduates’ employability competencies41
Technological Diversification to Green Domains: Technological Relatedness, Invention Impact and Knowledge Integration Capabilities41
How status of research papers affects the way they are read and cited39
Population ageing, labour market rigidity and corporate innovation: Evidence from China38
Causality and explanation in socio-technical transitions research: Mobilising epistemological insights from the wider social sciences38
The heterogeneous effects of environmental taxation on green technologies38
Bridging the equity gap for young innovative companies: The design of effective government venture capital fund programs37
Coworking spaces: An overview and research agenda37
Even winners need to learn: How government entrepreneurship programs can support innovative ventures37
The effectiveness of university regulations to foster science-based entrepreneurship37
Regional innovation effects of applied research institutions36
Intermediaries for the greater good: How entrepreneurial support organizations can embed constrained sustainable development startups in entrepreneurial ecosystems36
Technology sovereignty as an emerging frame for innovation policy. Defining rationales, ends and means36
Regional governments and opportunity entrepreneurship in underdeveloped institutional environments: An entrepreneurial ecosystem perspective35
Different founders, different venture outcomes: A comparative analysis of academic and non-academic startups35
To what extent do young innovative companies take advantage of policy support to enact innovation appropriation mechanisms?34
A New Measurement Conception for the ‘Doing-Using-Interacting’ Mode of Innovation34
Breakthrough innovations and where to find them34
Framing improvements of public innovation in a living lab context: Processual learning, restrained space and democratic engagement34
Does gender affect innovation? Evidence from female chief technology officers34
Disentangling the effects of business groups in the innovation-export relationship33
On the signaling effect of reward-based crowdfunding: (When) do later stage venture capitalists rely more on the crowd than their peers?33
Destabilization and consolidation: Conceptualizing, measuring, and validating the dual characteristics of technology32
Returns to ICT skills32
A composite indicator analysis for optimizing entrepreneurial ecosystems32
Distinguishing between appropriability and appropriation: A systematic review and a renewed conceptual framing31
The role of data for AI startup growth31
The determinants of AI innovation across European firms31
Should there be lower taxes on patent income?31
Knowledge diversity and team creativity: How hobbyists beat professional designers in creating novel board games31
Gender-equal funding rates conceal unequal evaluations30
Hype cycles during socio-technical transitions: The dynamics of collective expectations about renewable energy in Germany30
Navigating implementation dilemmas in technology-forcing policies: A comparative analysis of accelerated smart meter diffusion in the Netherlands, UK, Norway, and Portugal (2000-2019)30
Asymmetries between partners and the success of university-industry research collaborations30
Profiting from digital innovation: Patents, copyright and performance30
Does the merger of universities promote their scientific research performance? Evidence from China30
Obstacles affecting innovation in small and medium enterprises: Quantitative analysis of the Argentinean manufacturing sector30
Why do firms publish? A systematic literature review and a conceptual framework29
Why do incumbents fund startups? A study of the antecedents of corporate venture capital in China29
Knowledge complexity and the mechanisms of knowledge generation and exploitation: The European evidence29
Goal heterogeneity at start-up: are greener start-ups more innovative?29
The ability of European regions to diversify in renewable energies: The role of technological relatedness29
Entrepreneurship in Cities29
A new tool for policymakers: Mapping cultural possibilities in an emerging AI entrepreneurial ecosystem29
Birthplace diversity and economic complexity: Cross-country evidence29
It's about time: The timing of entrepreneurial experience and the career dynamics of university graduates29
Mounting corporate innovation performance: The effects of high-skilled migrant hires and integration capacity28
Do firms profit from patent litigation? The contingent roles of diversification and intangible assets28
What drives the delegation of innovation decisions? The roles of firm innovation strategy and the nature of external knowledge27
Towards a firm-level technological capability framework to endorse and actualize the Fourth Industrial Revolution in developing countries27
The fall of the innovation empire and its possible rise through open science27
Innovation in economically developed and lagging European regions: A configurational analysis27
Towards an integrated framework for evaluating transformative innovation policy27
Gendered knowledge in fields and academic careers27
Capturing information on global knowledge flows from patent transfers: An empirical study using USPTO patents27
The funding-productivity-gender nexus in science, a multistage analysis27
Becoming an intellectual monopoly by relying on the national innovation system: the State Grid Corporation of China's experience26
The influence of information depth and information breadth on brokers’ idea newness in online maker communities26
Technological improvement rate predictions for all technologies: Use of patent data and an extended domain description26
Policy mixes for business model innovation: The case of off-grid energy for sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa26
Capturing conversations in entrepreneurial ecosystems26
Resolving information asymmetries in financing new product development: The case of reward-based crowdfunding26
Benchmarking U.S. university patent value and commercialization efforts: A new approach26
Rich on paper? Chinese firms’ academic publications, patents, and market value26
Externalities and complementarities in platforms and ecosystems: From structural solutions to endogenous failures26
Do public R&D subsidies produce jobs? Evidence from the SBIR/STTR program25
How and why accelerators enhance female entrepreneurship25
The stakeholder value proposition of digital platforms in an urban ecosystem25
The formal institutional context of informal entrepreneurship: A cross-national, configurational-based perspective25
Reconceptualising innovation failure25
Ties that bind: Ethnic inventors in multinational enterprises’ knowledge integration and exploitation25
Unpacking the process of resource allocation within an entrepreneurial ecosystem25
The role of pre-innovation platform activity for diffusion success: Evidence from consumer innovations on a 3D printing platform25
The bright and dark sides of institutional intermediaries: Industry associations and small-firm innovation24
Can antitrust law enforcement spur innovation? Antitrust regulation of patent consolidation and its impact on follow-on innovations24
Knowledge remittances: Does emigration foster innovation?23
Innovative events: product launches, innovation and firm performance23
Exclusive licensing of university technology: The effects of university prestige, technology transfer offices, and academy-industry collaboration23
The unintended consequences of the pandemic on non-pandemic research activities23
The interplay between product innovation, publishing, patenting and developing standards23
Foreign-Born graduates and innovation: Evidence from an Australian skilled visa program✰,✰✰,★,★★23
Crowdsourcing research questions in science23
Complementarity formation mechanisms in technology value chains23
Who games metrics and rankings? Institutional niches and journal impact factor inflation22
The authenticity premium: Balancing conformity and innovation in high technology industries22
Exploring the dynamics of novelty production through exaptation: a historical analysis of coal tar-based innovations22
Varieties of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A comparative study of Tokyo and Bangalore22
The complex nature of regional knowledge production: Evidence on European regions22
Is open innovation imprinted on new ventures? The cooperation-inhibiting legacy of authoritarian regimes22
Technological paradigms, labour creation and destruction in a multi-sector agent-based model22
Managing individual research productivity in academic organizations: A review of the evidence and a path forward22
Mentorship and creativity: Effects of mentor creativity and mentoring style22
The impact of public funding on science valorisation: an analysis of the ERC Proof-of-Concept Programme22
The knowledge and skill content of production complexity21
Paradoxical transparency? Capital market responses to exploration and exploitation disclosure21
Catching up or lagging behind? The long-term business and innovation potential of subsidized start-ups out of unemployment21
Governance of data sharing: A law & economics proposal21
Cross-border effects of R&D tax incentives21
Governance rigidity, industry evolution, and value capture in platform ecosystems21
Technology transfer from national/federal labs and public research institutes: Managerial and policy implications20
Innovation effects of academic executives: Evidence from China20
Invention value, inventive capability and the large firm advantage20
What 5,000 acknowledgements tell us about informal collaboration in financial economics20
The policy implications of economic complexity20
Sector heterogeneity and dynamic effects of innovation subsidies: Evidence from Horizon 202019
Political tie hot potato: The contingent effect of China's anti-corruption policy on cash and innovation19
Business and management research: Low instances of replication studies and a lack of author independence in replications19
Winner takes all? Tech clusters, population centers, and the spatial transformation of U.S. invention19
Project-oriented agency and regeneration in socio-technical transition: Insights from the case of numerical weather prediction (1978–2015)19
Which innovation regime for public service innovation networks for social innovation (PSINSIs)? Lessons from a European cases database19
Depoliticizing the European immigration debate: How to employ public sector innovation to integrate migrants19
Adjusting to the digital: Societal outcomes and consequences19
The March of the Techies: Job Polarization Within and Between Firms19
Market power and artificial intelligence work on online labour markets19
Assessing differences between university and federal laboratory postdoctoral scientists in technology transfer19
Does TTO capability matter in commercializing university technology? Evidence from longitudinal data in South Korea19
Licensing standard-essential patents in the IoT – A value chain perspective on the markets for technology18
Assessing the effects of a deliberate policy mix: The case of technology and innovation advisory services and innovation vouchers18
On the syndemic nature of crises: A Freeman perspective18
Do scientific capabilities in specific domains matter for technological diversification in European regions?18
Matching patents to compustat firms, 1980–2015: Dynamic reassignment, name changes, and ownership structures18
For whom the bell tolls: The firm-level effects of automation on wage and gender inequality18
Firm R&D investment and export market exposure18
The Startup Cartography Project: Measuring and mapping entrepreneurial ecosystems18
Technological competition and patent strategy: Protecting innovation, preempting rivals and defending the freedom to operate18
How firms undertake organizational changes to shift to more-exploratory strategies: A process perspective18
Environmental concerns, income inequality, and purchase of environmentally-friendly products: A longitudinal study of U.S. counties (2010-2017)18
The scientific and technological cross-space: Is technological diversification driven by scientific endogenous capacity?18
Vaccine technology transfer in a global health crisis: Actors, capabilities, and institutions18
The role of Proof-of-Concept programs in facilitating the commercialization of research-based inventions18
Climbing the Ladder: Inward Sourcing as an Upgrading Capability in Global Value Chains18
Design thinking and public sector innovation: The divergent effects of risk-taking, cognitive empathy and emotional empathy on individual performance18
Standards and innovation: A review and introduction to the special issue18
Measuring the impact of AI on jobs at the organization level: Lessons from a survey of UK business leaders18
OK computer: Worker perceptions of algorithmic recruitment18
Does local knowledge spillover matter for firm productivity? The role of financial access and corporate governance18