Labour History

(The TQCC of Labour History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Managerial Capitalism and White-Collar Professions: Social Mobility in Australia’s Corporate Elite7
Guardians of Workers’ Bodies? Trade Unions and the History of Occupational Health and Safety4
Surviving School and “Survival Schools”: Resistance, Compulsion and Negotiation in Aboriginal Engagements with Schooling4
“If You Thought about Those Things, Your Life Would Be a Misery!” Mental Health and the Safety of Seafarers3
Nature, Labour and Agriculture: Towards Common Ground in New Histories of Capitalism3
“Re-Emergence” of Silicosis and Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis in Australia1
“Our Side of the Story”: The Political Memoirs of the Rudd–Gillard Labor Cabinet1
“Selling Their Jobs?” Thatcherism, Voluntary Redundancy and Worker Resocialisation1
Aboriginal Worlds and Australian Capitalism1
Knowledge Activists on Health and Safety: Workmen-Inspectors in Metalliferous Mining in Australia 1901–251
Labour History and the “Neoliberal Era”: Context and Conceptualisation1
Migrant Labour and Their “Capitalist Compatriots”: Towards a History of Ethnic Capitalism1
Labor, the External Affairs Power and the Rights of Aborigines1
Introduction: Political Implications for the New History of Capitalism1
Paying Aboriginal Rural Workers: Racism, the Labour Market and Worker Agency1
Shopgirls as Consumers: Selling Popular Music in 1920s Australia1
Co-operative Education: The Credit Union Foundation of Australia Development Education Program 1991–20131
Stuart Macintyre (1947–2021)0
Labour History: Volume 121, Issue 10
Forced Labour, Indenture and Convict Transportation: A Case Study of the Western Australian Pastoral Industry, 1830–500
Carceral Frontiers: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand’s Pacific0
Labour History: Volume 122, Issue 10
Luxury and the Australian Labour Press, 1890–19180
Jared Davidson, Blood & Dirt: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand0
The Legacies of British Slavery in Australia’s Labour History0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
The Radical Left and the Movement in Australia against the First Gulf War, 1990–91: Anti-Imperialism at the End of the Cold War0
Thinking Capitalism from the Bedroom: The Politics of Location and the Uses of (Feminist, Queer, Crip) Theory0
“Fix the Workplace, Not the Worker”: Labour Feminism and the Shifting Grounds of Equality in the US Workplace, 1960–910
Mary Davis, UNITE History Volume 5 (1974–1992): The Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU): From Zenith to Nadir?0
James Lesh, Values in Cities: Urban Heritage in Twentieth-Century Australia0
Socialist Settlers on a Capitalist Frontier: The Contradictions of New Australia, Paraguay0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Anti-Imperialism and International Solidarity in Central Australia 1980–20000
“Railway Work, Life & Death”: Exploring British and Irish Railway Worker Accidents, c. 1890–19390
Tasman George Parsons (1942–2020)0
Wide Combs: A Disillusioned Career0
Research Thesis Notice Board0
My Mother, Ethel Rosenberg0
Lee-Ann Monk and David Henderson with Christine Bigby, Richard Broome, and Katie Holmes, Failed Ambitions: Kew Cottages and Changing Ideas of Intellectual Disabilities0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Historical Developments in the Gender Pay Gap in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Longitudinal Employment Relations Critique0
“Guiding the Wobbly Hand of Justice”: The Early Years of the Council for Aboriginal Rights, c. 1951–550
The Fragility of Governmentality and Domination: The State, Carceral Labour and “(In)docile Resistance” in the Late Ottoman Empire0
Matthew Gerth, Anti-Communism in Britain during the Early Cold War: A Very British Witch Hunt0
Union Industrial Responses to Escalation in Live Cattle Export in Brisbane, 19780
New Histories and the Return of Crisis: Labour History at 600
The Proletarian and the Political Challenge of Communism on the Australian Left0
Engineers and Social Engineering: Professional/Trade Unions and Social Mobility0
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022)0
Book Reviews0
“Don’t Be Too Polite Girls”: Gender Hierarchies and Women’s Leadership in the Meatworkers’ Union in the 1970s0
Sally Young, Paper Emperors: The Rise of Australia’s Newspaper Empires0
“Part of What We Thought and Felt”: Antifascism, Antisemitism and Jewish Connections with the New Theatre0
Solidarity for the Indonesian Revolution0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Remembering Moss Cass, 1927–2022: Whitlam Minister and Champion of Progressive Causes0
Sickness and Slavery: Reflecting upon Aboriginal Domestic Workers and Disease in Australian History0
“An Active and Conscious Agent”? Ric Throssell and Soviet Espionage0
“A Bloody Migrant Who Thinks He Can Run a Union”: The Case of Jerzy Bielski, a Migrant Trade Unionist in 1950s Australia0
Michael Easson, Whitlam’s Foreign Policy0
Deindustrialisation and the Origins of the Care Economy: Reworking Class Analysis with a US Case Study0
Solidarity and Dilemmas: Tranby, Indenture and the Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific Campaigns, 1980s0
Labour History: Volume 119, Issue 10
The Colonial Ambiguities of Military Labour on the Penal Frontier: The Newcastle Penal Station 1804–240
Peter John Love (1947–2023)0
Book Notes0
“At Work, in Hospital, or in Gaol”: Women in British Guiana’s Jails, 1838–19170
Thomas Carlyle and the Australasian Labour Movement0
OSH Research Should Properly Take into Account Gender Differences0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
“The Best Way to Help Vietnam is to Make Revolution in Your Own Country”: Student Radicalism at Flinders University in the Long 1960s0
Movement, Academy, Struggle: The Transformations of Labour History, Past, Present, and Future0
“Stopping the Mad Stampede”: The New South Wales Labor Party Opposes Sending More Men Overseas and Favours Home Defence, May–June 19180
Ralph Darlington, Labour Revolt in Britain 1910–140
“Pony Up!” Managing Destitution among Grooms from Australia in British India0
The Radical Arm of the Welfare Lobby: A History of the Victorian Coalition Against Poverty and Unemployment, 1980–910
Putting Capitalism in Its Place: Economies of Worth and the Practice of Australian History0
Obstacle Course: Women’s Entry into Skilled Positions in the Newcastle Steel Industry, 1980–20000
Oral History and Intersectional Approaches to Labour History in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Personal Perspective0
Pictorial: An Editorial History0
Anti-Communism in the Unions: The Case of the Federated Clerks’ Union in South Australia, 1944–600
“Temper Discipline with Kindness”: Female Officers at the Old Melbourne Gaol and City Watch House, 1845–19350
Notice Board0
Jan Lokan and Philip Payton, eds, More than Miners: Cornish Essays from South Australia0
An Editorial View0
On Looking Back at Who Are Our Enemies? Racism and the Australian Working Class0
Raymond Arthur Markey (1949–2022)0
Nick Mansfield and Martin Wright, Made by Labour: A Material and Visual History of British Labour c. 1780–19240
Labour History: Volume 120, Issue 10
British Colonialism and Prison Labour in Inter-War Palestine0
“Fascism Can Only Grow in Secrecy”: Greek and Yugoslavian Anti-Fascism in Melbourne’s “Long 1960s”0
Philanthropy and the “Management” of Working-Class Women: The West Gate Bridge Disaster0
The New Zealand Northern Drivers’ Union: Trade Union Anti-Racism Work, 1937–800
“Aussies and Stinking Reds”: The Anti-Fascism of the Communist Party of Australia0
The Unreliable Witness: Clarence Dakin, ASIO, and Espionage0
Evan Smith, Jayne Persian, and Vashti Jane Fox, eds, Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australia0
Who Are the True Believers? The Manning Clark Labor History Memorial Lecture0
Communists and the 1933 Campaign That Ended Frontier Massacres in Australia0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
Disability as Labour History0
Cheryl Buchanan: Activist, Mentor, Publisher0
Labour, History and Labour History: Writing from a Business School0
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History0
A Beaut of a Cut Near Cairns: The Butty Gang System in the Cane Fields in John Naish’s The Cruel Field0
“We Just Thought We Were Superhuman”: An Oral History of Noise and Piecework in Paisley’s Thread Mills0
The 1973 Migrant Workers’ Conference and Histories of Multiculturalism0
Fighting for Life: Class, Community and Care in Labour History: The 17th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, Bendigo, 22–24 April 20220
Shelton Stromquist, Claiming the City: A Global History of Workers’ Fight for Municipal Socialism0
“Ain’t I a Bastard, Well I Received My Training in Aussie”: The Life of Frank Maybank, an Australian Trade Unionist in Central Africa0
“No Place for Tourists”: Deaths on Western Australian Construction Sites0
Labour in the Technocratic Frame: Macroeconomic Policy and Wages in 1950s Australia0
Sweated Labour among Clothing Outworkers at the Start of the Twenty-First Century0
The Palimpsest of Welfarism: Enduring Layers of Paternalism in a New Zealand Industry Town0
Working-Class Women’s Writing of Activism and Imprisonment: Political Violence and Emotions in Cold War Italy0
Dangerous Workplaces0