Human Relations

(The TQCC of Human Relations is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
‘Is it worth doing this or is it better to commit suicide?’: On ethical clearance at a university129
The micro-politics of collective bargaining: The case of gender equality89
Questing for meaningfulness through narrative identity work: The helpers, the heroes and the hurt81
The pragmatic cycle of knowledge work: Unlocking cross-domain collaboration in open innovation spaces77
The suspension of morality in organisations: Conceptualising organisational moral disengagement and testing its role in relation to unethical behaviours and silence51
Professional responsibility in the borderlands: Facing irreconcilable accountability regimes in veterinary work46
Narratives of workplace resistance: Reframing Saudi women in leadership41
Repoliticizing spirituality: A collaborative autoethnography on Indigenous identity dynamics during an environmental conflict in a Mapuche community in Chile38
Fifty years of fighting sex discrimination: Undermining entrenched misogynies through recognition and everyday resistance35
Constructing promissory futures to defer moral scrutiny: The dilemma of healthcare austerity34
Cruel optimism as organizing strategy in USA Gymnastics: The threat of high-stakes organizations in precarious times33
Relations between reflexivity and institutional work: A case study in a public organisation32
Understanding meaningful work in the context of technostress, COVID-19, frustration, and corporate social responsibility31
Movement-oriented labor organizations in an authoritarian regime: The case of China28
Drivers of career success among the visually impaired: Improving career inclusivity and sustainability in a career ecosystem26
Professional boundaries in action: Using reflective spaces for boundary work to incorporate a new healthcare role25
Freedom, work and organizations in the 21st century: Freedom for whom and for whose purpose?25
Strategic, episodic and truncated orientations to planning in post-redundancy career transitions24
Why does unpaid labour vary among digital labour platforms? Exploring socio-technical platform regimes of worker autonomy22
Human Relations Reviewer of the Year Award 202222
Bloody suffering and durability: How chefs forge embodied identities in elite kitchens21
Contesting Social Responsibilities of Business: Experiences in Context20
Critical Essay: Wicked problems in the Age of Uncertainty20
Institutionalized affect in organizations: Not an oxymoron19
Revisiting conflict: Neoliberalism at work in the gig economy19
From empathic leader to empathic leadership practice: An extension to relational leadership theory18
Shape-shifting: How boundary objects affect meaning-making across visual, verbal, and embodied modes17
Patient mistreatment and new nurse adjustment: The role of rumination and work engagement17
Too sleepy to be innovative? Ethical leadership and employee service innovation behavior: A dual-path model moderated by sleep quality17
The extensification of managerial work in the digital age: Middle managers, spatio-temporal boundaries and control17
Thinking outside Pandora’s box: Revealing differential effects of coping with physical and psychological menopause symptoms at work17
Human Relations Annual Call for Special Issue Proposals16
Hacking work: Critically examining the implications of the new discourse and practices of hacking for work intensification and organisational control16
When can display of authenticity at work facilitate coworker interactions? The moderating effect of perception of organizational politics15
The hazards of performance management: An investigation into its effects on employee absenteeism and presenteeism15
Mobilizing landscapes of practice to address grand challenges15
Inspired to be transformational: The interplay between employee voice type and manager construal level15
Addressing durability in collaborative organising: Event atmospheres and polyrhythmic affectivity15
The act of (de/re)growing: Prefiguring alternative organizational landscapes of socioecological transformations14
Worker cooperative ‘regeneration’: Insights from the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers Movement14
Building higher value-added firm practices in challenging contexts: Formal networks and talent management in Turkey14
A woman’s got to be what a woman’s got to be? How managerial assessment centers perpetuate gender inequality14
Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal13
Humanizing work in the digital age: Lessons from socio-technical systems and quality of working life initiatives13
What enables us to better experience our work as meaningful? The importance of awareness and the social context13
Financially insecure and less ethical: Understanding why and when financial insecurity inhibits ethical leadership13
Mitigating anxiety: The role of strategic leadership groups during radical organisational change13
Contesting Social Responsibilities of Business: Experiences in Context13
Moved to speak up: How prosocial emotions influence the employee voice process12
Looking over your shoulder: Embodied responses to contamination in the emotional dirty work of prison officers12
Cracking the box or stretching its walls? Exploiting institutional plasticity in Iranian creative advertising12
HUMAN RELATIONS Special Issue – Call for Critical Reviews (Targeted for 2026)12
‘Brazil must be a country for entrepreneurs and workers, not scoundrels’: Personal branding mechanisms underpinning CEO activism12
Contesting corporate responsibility in the Bangladesh garment industry: The local factory owner perspective11
City governance and visual impression management: Visual semiotics and the Biccherna panels of Siena11
Relative status and dyadic help seeking and giving: The roles of past helping history and power distance value11
Of charities and choice: Researching the choices of the long-term unemployed on third-sector employability programmes11
Female board membership and stakeholder strategy: Consistency under complexity and uncertainty11
Expression of Concern: “Understanding social responsibility and relational pressures in nonprofit organisations”10
Racial minority CEOs, board characteristics, and skilled migrant hiring10
Paradoxical effects of narcissism on creative performance: Roles of leader–follower narcissism (in)congruence and follower identification with the leader10
Mirroring and switching authoritative personae: A ventriloquial analysis of shareholder engagement on carbon emissions10
Power as an enabling force: An integrative review10
Contesting Social Responsibilities of Business: Experiences in Context10
#Knowyourworth: How influencers commercialise meaningful work10
Resisting by not resisting: Constructing inconsistencies to resist dual mandated changes10
Special Issue – Call for Critical Reviews10
Human Relations special issue call for papers10
Delivering bad news fairly: The influence of core self-evaluations and anxiety for the enactment of interpersonal justice10