Engineering Construction and Architectural Management

(The TQCC of Engineering Construction and Architectural Management is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Empirical investigation of factors that enhance development of technology in design process improvement in architecture education: analyses of students' views86
Border-crossing frequencies of CO2 embodied in international trade of construction products for final demand56
Consumer purchase intention for extrinsic and intrinsic cues of construction and demolition waste recycled products47
The demand hierarchy of the government and investors in PPP projects44
Reference section identification of construction specifications by a deep structured semantic model41
Dynamic assessment of the abatement effects of the low-carbon practices in the prefabricated building supply chain40
Construction projects delay mitigation using integrated balanced scorecard and quality function deployment40
Configuration processing and construction of large-span karbandi vaults: a case of the karbandi vaulting of Haj-Mohammad-Qoli Timche in Tabriz Historic Bazaar40
Building information modelling adoption for construction waste reduction in the construction industry of a developing country37
A comprehensive evaluation of factors influencing offsite construction and BIM integration in the construction industry36
Knowledge discovery of correlations between unsafe behaviors within construction accidents36
How to mobilize owner-dynamic capabilities in megaprojects? A tripartite evolutionary game approach33
Prediction of construction accident outcomes based on an imbalanced dataset through integrated resampling techniques and machine learning methods33
Investigating the adoption of social media in the construction industry: empirical evidence from project teams in China33
Strategies for implementation of green roofs in developing countries33
Proposing a multifaceted model for adopting prefabricated construction technology in the construction industry31
Prioritizing the effective strategies for construction and demolition waste management using fuzzy IDOCRIW and WASPAS methods31
Time-cost optimization in repetitive project scheduling with limited resources31
Managing project scope creep in construction industry30
Impact of mobilization costs on schedule performance of highway projects30
What affects the corporate social responsibility practices of Chinese international contractors considering dynamic interactions? A hybrid structural equation modeling–fuzzy cognitive map approach29
Rural access programs in Yemen: delay of international funded road projects27
Total factor productivity growth and its decomposition in the Chinese construction industry since China's accession to the World Trade Organization27
Risk evaluation of mega infrastructure construction supply chain in engineering-procurement-construction projects: an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL approach27
Occupational health risk assessment of PC production-caused pollution based on damage assessment and cyclic mitigation model26
Evolutionary game analysis of collaborative application of BIM platform from the perspective of value co-creation25
Guest editorial25
Improving professional development through building contract administration (BCA) framework of housing projects for graduate architects25
Computer vision-based real-time monitoring for swivel construction of bridges: from laboratory study to a pilot application25
How does servitization promote value added in construction industry? The moderating role of R&D innovation24
The effectiveness of interactive virtual reality for furniture, fixture and equipment design communication: an empirical study24
Developing a method for evaluating the value of hoisting risk response strategies: a multi-stakeholder perspective24
Health and safety risk of migrant construction workers–a systematic literature review24
Understanding competency requirements in the context of AEC industry informatization: policy insights from China24
Knowledge fusion-driven sustainable decision-making for mega transportation infrastructure projects23
Digital technology-enabled AEC project management: practical use cases, deployment patterns and emerging trends23
Relationship networks between variation orders and claims/disputes causes on construction project performance and stakeholder performance22
BIM-enabled Kanban system in construction logistics for real-time demand reporting and pull replenishment22
Conceptual cost estimation of highway bid items – A systematic literature review22
Differential effects of contextual factors on promotive and prohibitive voice in construction projects: a multiteam system perspective22
Identification of barriers, benefits and opportunities of using bamboo materials for structural purposes21
Productivity estimation of cutter suction dredger operation through data mining and learning from real-time big data21
Big data analytics in the AEC industry: scientometric review and synthesis of research activities21
A systematic taxonomic review of the application of BIM and digital twins technologies in the construction industry21
Evaluating the critical resultant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality assurance of cross-border construction logistics and supply chain21
Evolutionary analysis of value co-destruction in urban village renovation using SEM-FCM model20
Effect of photovoltaic installation power and façade glazing ratio on the energy performance of a nursery building20
Exploring effective incentive policies for sustainable development of green buildings in China: based on evolutionary game theory and numerical simulation analysis20
Experience-based systematic construction hazard warning19
A framework to evaluate sustainable construction principles in government building projects: the case of Jordan19
Identifying focus areas to decode the decision to litigate contractual disputes in construction19
Development of zero-based budgeting approach for multinational construction contractors19
Collaborations between industry and academia for future workforce development: construction practitioners’ perspective19
Managing risks in IPD-ish projects: experience from Hong Kong18
Determinants of cloud computing deployment in South African construction organisations using structural equation modelling and machine learning technique18
Shaping online and offline informal learning networks in off-site construction projects: a proximity perspective18
Application of the maturity model for collaborative scheduling for construction projects18
Development of risk assessment tool using damaging energy and argumentation theory for evaluating construction occupational safety and health risks18
Critical considerations on tower crane layout planning for high-rise modular integrated construction18
Risk accumulation assessment method for building construction based on complex network18
Optimized resource-constrained method for project schedule compression18
The interplay between financial rules, trust and power in strategic partnerships in the construction industry18
Quantifying the predictability and preventability of conflicts between construction project parties17
What influences stakeholders' decision in adopting blockchain-based quality tracking systems in prefabricated construction17
Enhancing the adoption of building information modeling in the Iranian AEC sector: insights from a Delphi study17
Measuring sensitivity to change orders in construction projects using eigenvector centrality and radius of gyration17
Framework for implementing an Agile-BIM in Brazilian public organizations based on the value-focused thinking method17
Impacts of COVID-19 on construction project management: a life cycle perspective17
How did polycentric spatial structure affect carbon emissions of the construction industry? A case study of 10 Chinese urban clusters16
Scientometric review of construction conflict from 1991 to 202016
Critical risk management strategies for the operation of public–private partnerships: a vulnerability perspective of infrastructure projects16
Bargaining optimization model for risk renegotiation with fairness concerns in infrastructure PPP projects16
Entity recognition in the field of coal mine construction safety based on a pre-training language model16
A hybrid spherical fuzzy AHP-MARCOS model for evaluating the condition of saltwater pipes in Hong Kong16
Integrating as-built BIM model from point cloud data in construction projects16
Assessing project criticality in project portfolio: a vulnerability modeling approach16
To internalize or not? Addressing key differences between Turkish migrant and native workers in construction employment16
Evaluation and decision-making framework for concrete surface quality based on computer vision and ontology16
Multi-objective planning for time-cost trade-offs in multi-project parallel environment16
Analysis of critical factors influencing sustainable infrastructure vulnerabilities using an ISM-MICMAC approach16
Interdisciplinary perspective on architectural programming: current status and future directions16
How technological, environmental and managerial performance contribute to the productivity change of Malaysian construction firms16
Modification of HFACS model for path identification of causal factors of collapse accidents in the construction industry16
Safety climate and occupational safety behaviours: the mediating role of psychological ownership among construction professionals16
Towards attaining efficient joint ventures in international construction: the case of Saudi Arabia16
Study on dissipative structure of mega railway infrastructure project management system16
Teaching BIM as a collaborative information management process through a continuous improvement assessment lens: a case study15
The construction-related project management evolution and its future research directions15
Barriers to modular construction systems implementation in developing countries’ architecture, engineering and construction industry15
Barriers to stakeholder engagement in sustainable procurement of public works15
Assessing the readiness for sustainable building material adoption: a study from construction organizations of different sizes15
Linking frontline construction workers' perceived abusive supervision to work engagement: job insecurity as the game-changing mediation and job alternative as a moderator15
Identifying impact of variables in deep learning models on bankruptcy prediction of construction contractors15
Tri-optimization of building shape and envelope properties using Taguchi and constraint limit method15
Social network analysis of the Construction Community in the anti-epidemic emergency project: a case study of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital, China15
An evidence-based framework validation for building code improvement in New Zealand15
Can reputation system complement limited inspection accuracy in deterring opportunistic claims?15
Blockchain technology in construction organizations: risk assessment using trapezoidal fuzzy ordinal priority approach14
Risk coupling analysis of causal factors in construction fall-from-height accidents14
What impacts the productivity performance of government construction projects?14
Mitigating the aftermath of relationship conflict between the owners and contractors: a contract enforcement approach14
Construction 4.0: enhancing sustainable construction practices by evaluating digital twin barriers in the Nigerian AEC industry14
Sharp schedule compression in urgent emergency construction projects via activity crashing, substitution and overlapping: a case study of Huoshengshan and Leishenshan Hospital projects i14
Aiming for bullseye: a novel gameplan for circular economy in the construction industry14
Green building adoption in Qatar: PLS-SEM-based analysis of drivers and barriers14
Enhancing infrastructure project outcomes through optimized contractual structures and long-term warranties14
Mitigation of contractual breaches in international construction joint ventures under conditions of absent legal recourse: case studies from Iran14
Examining critical project management skills for successful delivery of major maintenance projects: insights from the United Kingdom energy sector14
Collaboration in BIM-based construction networks: a qualitative model of influential factors14
Risk response incorporating risk preferences in international construction projects14
The mediating role of job stress on the relationship between job satisfaction facets and turnover intention of the construction professionals14
Factors-driven comparison between BIM-based and traditional 2D quantity takeoff in construction cost estimation14
A morphology-Euclidean-linear recognition method for rebar point clouds of highway tunnel linings during the construction phase13
The empirical relationship between contractor success and project innovation13
Coopetition configuration and performance of international joint ventures for high-speed rail projects13
A meta-network-based management framework for megaproject social responsibility behaviour in China13
Group management model for construction workers' unsafe behavior based on cognitive process model13
Towards a BIM-based approach for improving maintenance performance in IBS building projects13
Dynamic evaluation of thermal comfort scenarios in a Colombian large-scale social housing project13
Predicting structure performance of urban critical infrastructure: an augmented attention-based LSTM model13
A generative design-based optimization model for multi-objective construction site layout planning13
Obstacles to the career progression of professional female project managers (PFPMs) in the Ghanaian construction industry13
Exploring the application of PLS-SEM in construction management research: a bibliometric and meta-analysis approach13
Effect of network position on inter-team conflict and project success in megaprojects13
Effects of load carrying techniques on gait parameters, dynamic balance, and physiological parameters during a manual material handling task13
Transportation infrastructure network optimisation based on computer simulation using Sichuan Province, China as an example13
A Bayesian belief network predictive model for construction delay avoidance in the UK13
Government efforts and roadmaps for building information modeling implementation: lessons from Singapore, the UK and the US12
COVID-19: main challenges during construction stage12
Exploring the impacts of risk perception and risk management planning on innovation orientation: a PLS-SEM approach12
Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility implementation and contractor competitiveness12
Decision support system for tower crane location and material supply point in construction sites using an integer linear programming model12
Evolution model and quantitative assessment of risk network in housing construction accidents12
Paths to BIM-based digital transformation: a bibliometric and systematic review of critical factors12
Challenges of workforce diversity uptake in the construction industry: a mixed review approach12
Enhancing environmental sustainability through lean construction principles: an industry-based SEM analysis12
Evolution modeling of stakeholder performance on relationship management in the dynamic and complex environments of megaprojects12
Applications of digital twin technology in construction safety risk management: a literature review12
What makes the reconstruction of old residential buildings complex? A study in Vietnamese urban areas12
An integrated multi-criteria decision making approach for selecting the starting location of railroad projects12
Bolstering the initiative of construction project members: a self-determination lens combining project social media use12
Unveiling the complexity code: navigating BIM-enabled projects with a project management complexity index12
Utilizing multiple intelligences as a means to improving claim performance outcomes in project-based organizations12
Construction and application of urban digital infrastructure—practice of “Urban Brain” in facing COVID-19 in Hangzhou, China11
Impacts of leader anger expressions on newcomer proactive career behavior and work alienation in the construction industry11
Fall-portent detection for construction sites based on computer vision and machine learning11
Strategies for sustainable irrigation system management: a socio-technical system approach11
Research on the green development path of prefabricated building industry based on intelligent technology11
Quantification and benchmarking of construction waste and its impact on cost – a case of Pakistan11
Professionalism in built environment research: beyond integrity and good practice11
Work-family conflict and project performance of construction professionals in a developing country: testing the mediating–moderating effect of project management self-efficacy11
Research trends analysis using text mining in construction management: 2000–202011
Rethinking lean synergistically in practice for construction industry improvements11
Harnessing the power of ChatGPT to promote Construction Hazard Prevention through Design (CHPtD)11
A construction contract administration (CCA) framework for graduate architects’ professional development11
BIM and real estate valuation: challenges, potentials and lessons for future directions11
Bibliometric analysis and critical review of the research on big data in the construction industry11
Manpower forecasting models in the construction industry: a systematic review11
Analysis of key factors influencing green highway project development focusing on network interaction and project success: evidence from China11
Influence of practitioners' characteristics on risk assessment in Green Building projects in emerging economies: a case of Vietnam11
Unsafe behavior identification on construction sites by combining computer vision and knowledge graph–based reasoning11
The framework of data-driven and multi-criteria decision-making for detecting unbalanced bidding11
Identification and assessment of the unionization factors of the US electrical construction trade11
A comprehensive framework for examining the influence of tower crane safe operations on sustainable practices in modular integrated construction10
Evaluation of concrete workers' interaction with a passive back-support exoskeleton10
Conceptualising project management capabilities for offsite construction10
Cybersecurity effectiveness in UK construction firms: an extended McKinsey 7S model approach10
Transforming construction health and safety management during COVID-19 pandemic using innovative technologies: PLS-SEM approach10
Application maturity evaluation of building steel structure welding robotic technology based on multi-level gray theory10
Development and comparative of a new meta-ensemble machine learning model in predicting construction labor productivity10
A mixed method for measuring incompatibilities between manufacturing approaches and off-site construction10
Fuzzy repetitive scheduling for construction projects considering risk preferences and time-cost tradeoffs10
Exploring job competency related to intelligent construction in China using a text mining method10
Exploring determinants of residents’ participation intention towards smart community construction by extending the TPB: a case study of Shenzhen city10
A novel approach for construction disputes causal inferences based on empirical data: a case-controlled method combined with Bradford Hill criteria10
Cause analysis of construction collapse accidents using association rule mining10
Evaluating the research and development (R&D) efficiency of the Chinese construction industry10
Corporate social responsibility performance and its effects on climate for innovation and opportunism: evidence from Vietnamese architectural design firms10
Retraction notice: Cost prediction of building projects using the novel hybrid RA-ANN model10
Administrative risks challenging the adoption of smart contracts in construction projects10
Optimization of production schedules of multi-plants for dispatching ready-mix concrete trucks by integrating grey wolf optimizer and dragonfly algorithm10
Exploring the impact of information technology integration capability on project management performance in Chinese construction industry: a moderated mediation analysis10
How optimal trust–dependence nexus facilitates relational behavior in contractor–subcontractor collaboration: a configurational analysis10
Effect of employee resilience on organizational resilience in construction projects: considering the role of project tasks10
Integrating lean production strategies, virtual reality technique and building information modeling method for mass customization in cabinet manufacturing10
Duration and resource constraint prediction models for construction projects using regression machine learning method10
How does contract flexibility affect the sustainability performance of public–private partnership projects? A serial multiple mediator model9
Can relational governance improve sustainability in public-private partnership infrastructure projects? An empirical study based on structural equation modeling9
Capabilities to withstand vulnerabilities and boost resilience in industrialized construction supply chains: a Hong Kong study9
Exploring the impact of incentive policy on the development of prefabricated buildings: a scenario-based system dynamics model9
A LSTM algorithm-driven deep learning approach to estimating repair and maintenance costs of apartment buildings9
Understanding the BIM actor role: a study of employer and employee preference and availability in the construction industry9
Sustainable development goals under threat: the impact of inflation on construction projects9
A fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach for climate for innovation measurement in construction firms9
Quantitative evaluation of smart construction pilot cities policies in China based on the PMC-index model9
A green project scheduling with material ordering problem considering cost constraints and quality of materials9
Development of a digital transformation maturity model for the construction industry9
A TOPSIS-based framework for construction projects’ portfolio selection in the public sector9
Intellectual capital, digital transformation and firm performance: evidence based on listed companies in the Chinese construction industry9
Method for managing requirements in healthcare projects using building information modelling9
Spatial–temporal evaluation of total-factor energy efficiency in Chinese construction industry based on three-stage super-efficiency SBM-DEA model9
3D reconstruction of building interiors based on scan-to-BIM and generative design for as-built building9
Public procurement of engineering services: the influence of task characteristics on organisational control9
A measurement model of trust in construction projects9
A domain model for geometric modeling in support of the automated BIM modeling9
Cost prediction of building projects using the novel hybrid RA-ANN model9
Digital twins in lean construction: a neutrosophic AHP – BOCR analysis approach9
Green transformational leadership and green innovation in megaprojects: is green knowledge sharing a missing link?9
Barriers to adoption of reverse logistics: a case of construction, real estate, infrastructure and project (CRIP) sectors9
Assessment of the impacts of the life cycle of construction waste on human health: lessons from developing countries9
Analyzing the drivers of the low-carbon construction supply chain based on an integrated DEMATEL–ANP approach9
Barriers to adopting integrated project delivery practices9
Identifying improvements priorities in daycare centre space performance from teachers' perspectives: application of importance–performance analysis and structural equation modelling9
Adoption challenges of building information modelling (BIM) and off-site construction (OSC) in healthcare construction: are they fellow sufferers?9
Predicting construction project compliance with machine learning model: case study using Portuguese procurement data9
Resilient performance on construction projects in the post-pandemic era: an organizational perspective9
A framework of robust project portfolio selection problem under strategic objectives considering the risk propagation9
Stakeholder collaboration to mitigate constraints to delivering low-carbon buildings: insights from high-rise high-density cities9
A study on the key drivers of national construction project audit risk and evolvement mechanism9
Communication challenges and blockchain in building energy efficiency retrofits: Croatia case9
Leakages in affordable housing delivery: threat to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 118
Mapping the trajectories of digital technology innovation in the construction industry: an integrated SPNP and Louvain approach8
A hybrid approach to supporting physical-change-based renewal projects selection decisions in high-density city: a case study of Chongqing8
Comparative analysis between different risk score calculation approaches8
Quantifying costs of the productivity loss due to schedule changes in construction projects8
Impact of women authentic leadership on their own mental wellbeing through ego depletion: moderating role of leader's sense of belongingness8
IoT-based digital twin best practices for reducing operational carbon in building retrofitting: a mixed-method approach8
Design for safety in metro station evacuation: a study of fire emergency evacuation behavior and simulation8
Factors influencing the effectiveness of graduate architects as construction contract administrators (CCA)8
Barrier identification, analysis and solutions of blockchain adoption in construction: a fuzzy DEMATEL and TOE integrated method8
Barriers to incorporation of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) principles into building designs8
Safety attitudes and safety management: perspectives of managerial personnel and frontline workers in construction sites in China8
Incentive contract design and selection for inhibiting unethical collusion in construction projects8
A framework for continuation of digitalization in construction: a PLS-SEM approach8
Influencing sub-contracted operatives' attitudes and behaviours towards improved health and safety culture in construction8
The motivation of operatives in small construction firms towards health and safety – A conceptual framework8
Building information modeling (BIM) in project management: a bibliometric and science mapping review8
How the two-tier cross-domain control influence contractor’s design behavior: a configurational analysis8
Construction group conflict under resource overlap: a game theory approach8
The effects of performance measurement on megaproject performance: the moderating effects of project complexity8
Organizational structure and dynamic capabilities on business model innovation in project-driven enterprises: evidence from the construction industry8
Do regional characteristics influence PPP contract governance skills requirements?8
Evaluating construction delays using productivity-based resource reallocation for economic feasibility8
Research on the influencing factors of knowledge transfer among construction workers based on social cognitive theory8
Psychosocial hazards affecting mental health in the construction industry: a qualitative study in Australia8
Construction industry changes induced by the COVID-19 pandemic8
Assessment criteria for inter-organizational collaboration in interconnected infrastructure projects8
Investigating the effect of risk reduction strategies on the construction of mega infrastructure project (MIP) success: a SEM-ANN approach8
Students' sound environment perceptions in informal learning spaces: a case study on a university campus in Australia8