Journal of Operations Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Operations Management is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Issue Information178
Issue Information70
Issue Information56
Issue Information56
Rethinking Six Sigma: Learning from practice in a digital age49
The impact of poverty on base of the pyramid operations: Evidence from mobile money in Africa45
Impact of working capital on firm performance: DoesITmatter?43
Editorial: Toyota Production System practices asFast‐and‐Frugalheuristics35
Issue Information31
Revenue management in a refurbishing duopoly with cannibalization31
Innovation in complex assembled electronic products: An analysis of the evolution of television components31
Does leader disability status influence the operational performance of teams with individuals with disabilities? An empirical study in the apparel industry30
The impact of foreign competition on domestic firms' product quality: Evidence from a quasi‐natural experiment in the United States25
Closed‐loop supply chains with product remanufacturing: Challenges and opportunities25
Strengthening supply chain resilience during COVID‐19: A case study of JD.com25
Need for speed, but how much does it cost? Unpacking the fee‐speed relationship in Bitcoin transactions25
Explicating the microfoundations of operational excellence in services: A capabilities perspective24
The impact of governmental COVID‐19 measures on manufacturers' stock market valuations: The role of labor intensity and operational slack24
Real‐time demands, restaurant density, and delivery reliability: An empirical analysis of on‐demand meal delivery21
The roles of locus of causality and buyer attribution in resolution of recurrent supplier‐induced disruptions20
Accelerating vehicle fleet turnover to achieve sustainable mobility goals19
Last‐minute coordination: Adapting to demand to support last‐mile operations19
Accounting for cross‐location technological heterogeneity in the measurement of operations efficiency and productivity19
The effects of surge pricing on driver behavior in the ride‐sharing market: Evidence from a quasi‐experiment19
Designing the transition to operations in large inter‐organizational projects: Strategy, structure, process, and people19
Digital transformation in operations management: Fundamental change through agency reversal18
The role of communication style in adaptation to interorganizational project disruptions18
Uncertainty in healthcare operations: How hospitals weather the perfect storm17
Empirically grounding analytics (EGA) research in the Journal of Operations Management17
People, performance and transition: A case study of psychological contract and stakeholder orientation in the Toyota Australia plant closure17
Issue Information16
The cost of convenience: Ridehailing and traffic fatalities16
The signaling effect of supplier's customer network instability on service price: Insights from the container shipping charter market14
Global buyer–supplier networks and innovation: The role of technological distance and technological breadth14
Issue Information13
Issue Information13
Possibility theory: A foundation for theoretical and empirical explorations of uncertainty13
Into the unknown? Explaining management nonresponse after a supply‐base disruption13
Product personalization and brand retailer performance: The critical role of brand retailer‐upstream supplier control13
Competition and slack: The role of tariffs on cost stickiness12
Hospital and surgeon experience and patient health outcomes after coronary artery bypass graft surgery12
Demand planning for the digital supply chain: How to integrate human judgment and predictive analytics11
Issue Information11
Customer base environmental disclosure and supplier greenhouse gas emissions: A signaling theory perspective11
The impact of project‐based interorganizational networks: Evidence from the Chinese movie industry11
Network orchestration in a large inter‐organizational project11
All along the asset life cycle: Research opportunities for operations and supply chain management10
When do part‐time workers increase effectiveness? A study of food banks and the SNAP program outreach10
Gender mismatch and bias in people‐centric operations: Evidence from a randomized field experiment10
A behavioral perspective on service center routing: The role of inertia10