Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Res

(The TQCC of Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Res is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Intelligent driving model considering vehicular dynamics and heterogeneous road environments89
Introducing the concept of alternative intersections with three-phase traffic signals80
Dynamic repositioning problem of dockless electric scooter sharing systems64
Dynamical systems approach for queue and delay estimation at signalized intersections under mixed traffic conditions51
A hybrid multi-objective solution approach for a reliable truck-drone routing problem integrated with pickup and delivery services44
Innovations impacting the future of transportation: an overview of connected, automated, shared, and electric technologies44
Route optimization of vacant taxicab considering sequential dependence in abstract grid network based on quadtree39
Sustainable development goals and quality practices: a winning combination for customer loyalty in ride-hailing companies38
Dynamic Carriage Reserving for an Over-crowded Metro Junction Station35
Modeling car-following behavior during queue discharge at signalized intersections with countdown timer33
Bicycle trips in Endomondo, Google Maps, and MapQuest: A comparison between South Florida and North Holland31
A human-in-the-loop ensemble fusion framework for road crash prediction: coping with imbalanced heterogeneous data from the driver-vehicle-environment system27
Daily activity-travel and fragmentation patterns in the weekly cycle: evidence of the role of ICT, time use, and personal networks26
Achieving robustness in the capacitated vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands26
The impacts of longitudinal separation, efficiency loss, and cruise speed adjustment in robust terminal traffic flow problem under uncertainty25
Investigating lane-changing moves of vehicles departing from signalized junction24
Special issue on understanding the relationships between COVID-19 and transportation23
Modified two-fluid model of traffic flow19
Joint optimization of metro travel reservation and compartment capacity allocation for an overcrowded metro line18
Issues with work zone free flow speed computation in 6th edition HCM and proposed improvements18
The relationship of bicycle use and aggressive driving behaviour: a latent variable model approach16
Modeling vehicular and pedestrian delays at signalized midblock crosswalk under mixed traffic conditions16
Socially-aware evaluation framework for transportation16
Exploring college students’ purchasing strategies for trip ticket in Chinese Spring Festival using a sequential stated adaptation experiment: three comparative modeling approaches16
Modeling a closed-loop inventory routing problem for returnable transport items under horizontal logistics collaborations and dynamic demand structure16
Transporting COVID-19 testing specimens by routing unmanned aerial vehicles with range and payload constraints: the case of Istanbul15
Analytical model of road bottleneck queueing system14
Activity-based integrated modelling for assessing COVID-19 impacts on transport operations and emissions13
High-speed train rescheduling and arrival-departure tracks utilization planning in infectious epidemic13
Effect of vehicle size on crash risk in a heterogeneous traffic scenario: a bivariate extreme value approach13
Evaluating Social and Spatial Equity in Public Transport: A Case Study12
Matrix-based long-term traffic flow prediction12
Public preferences and concerns regarding automated vehicle-based transportation services: a mechanism analysis from a Kentucky survey12
On the path to mobility as a service: a MaaS-checklist for assessing existing MaaS-like schemes12
Improved time series models for the prediction of lane-change intention12
Impact of COVID-19 on educational trips – an Indian case study12
Is a dedicated bus lane operationally and environmentally beneficial? A case study in Beijing12
Optimization of train timetables in high-speed railway corridors considering passenger departure time and seat-class preferences12
Introducing novel statistical-based method of screening and combining currently well-known surrogate safety measures11
How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact traveler behavior toward public transport? The case of Athens, Greece11
Evaluating the mileage and time efficiency of ridesourcing services: Austin, Texas case11
Revisiting kernel logistic regression under the random utility models perspective. An interpretable machine-learning approach11
Comparison of crossing time estimation models in the Mediterranean Region to optimize safe pedestrian crossing behavior in signalized intersections11
Exploring the effect of COVID-19 on driver injury severities in freeway single-vehicle crashes accounting for unobserved heterogeneity11
Hazard-based overtaking duration model for mixed traffic11
Aggregate delivery tour modeling through AVM data: experimental evidence for light goods vehicles11
Integration of machine learning and statistical models for crash frequency modeling11
Analyzing the transfer duration of public transport passengers using classification and regression tree-multiple-Cox proportional hazards (CART-Multi-Cox) model11
Why do respondents give non responses to the income question during a transport survey? What can be learned by mhurdle models and for respondents’ attitudes to pricing change10
Exploring disparities and similarities in daily travel mode choices between electric vehicle owners and internal combustion engine vehicle owners10
Modeling injury severities of single and multi-vehicle freeway crashes considering spatiotemporal instability and unobserved heterogeneity10
A probe-based demand responsive signal control for isolated intersections under mixed traffic conditions10
Automatic activity-travel sequence generator using language, grammar, and machine theory9
Exploring joint activity-tour participation, time allocation, and mode choice decisions9
An integrated ride-sharing and parking allocation system9
Integrating data-driven and simulation models to predict traffic state affected by road incidents9
Modeling hybrid cars adoption using an extended version of the theory of planned behavior9
Spatio-temporal mobility patterns of on-demand ride-hailing service users9
Electric vehicles in emergencies and evacuations: a review of resilience and future research directions9
Determinants of residential mobility: an adaptive retrospective survey method8
Bayesian estimation of discrete choice models: a comparative analysis using effective sample size8
Exploring the design of reward functions in deep reinforcement learning-based vehicle velocity control algorithms8
Traffic congestion forecasting using multilayered deep neural network8
Impact of lockdown and change in mobility patterns on road fatalities during COVID-19 pandemic8
A generalized Benders decomposition approach for the mean-standard deviation shortest path problem8
Methods to enhance the quality of bi-level origin–destination matrix adjustment process7
A novel relationship-oriented clustering approach for extracting relational patterns from the traffic tangled data7
Longitudinal analysis of public transport usage by older people using a latent Markov model7
Joint distribution modelling of vehicle dynamic parameters using copula7
Regression approach to analyze the travel characteristics of university students7
Exploring the travel behavioral differences for the elderly mobility on public transit7
On the modelling of speed–concentration curves for multi-class traffic lacking lane discipline using area occupancy7
Exploring the effect of built environment on spatiotemporal evolution of traffic congestion using a novel GTWR model: a case study of Hefei, China7
Investigating gap acceptance behavior based on correlated random parameter survival model with heterogeneity in means7
Multimodality incentivized by employer-based travel demand management7
Modeling and evaluating the impact of electricity price on commute network flows of battery electric vehicles6
Estimation of rider’s shifting intention for electric bike adoption: An integrated choice and latent variable approach6
Short-term traffic flow prediction via weight optimization of composite models6
Collaborative traveling salesman problem with ground vehicle as a charger for unmanned aerial vehicle6
Finding the absolute and vertex center of a fuzzy tree6
An optimization method to design a skip–stop pattern for renovating operation schemes in urban railways6
Charging infrastructure planning for ride-sourcing electric vehicles considering drivers’ value of time6
Using system dynamics to understand long-term impact of new mobility services and sustainable mobility policies: an analysis pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil6
A risk assessment model for traffic crashes problem using fuzzy logic: a case study of Zonguldak, Turkey6
Structure and robustness of China’s railway transport network6
Evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement in reducing truck crashes for a rural mountainous freeway in Wyoming6
Exploration and evaluation of crowdsourced probe-based Waze traffic speed6
An agent-based simulation to analyze trucking sector regulation policies6
Mathematical program with equilibrium constraints approach with genetic algorithm for joint optimization of charging station location and discrete transport network design6
An Episode-Level Joint Model for Activity Engagement, Duration, and Destination Location Choice Decisions6
On transferability and calibration of pedestrian and car motion models in shared spaces6
Comparative analysis of macroscopic traffic models for evaluating shockwaves under lane closures on an urban highway using the LWR model6
Transportation planning for ferry services by using a continuous approximation model: the case of the Aegean Islands, Greece6
Do people spend travel time the way they think they would? a comparative study of generic and trip-specific travel time allocation using hybrid multiple discrete continuous (MDC) framework6
A hybrid speed choice model: the role of human factors5
Analysis of injury severity in rear-end crashes on an expressway involving different types of vehicles using random-parameters logit models with heterogeneity in means and variances5
Design a robust joint service of integrating demand responsive connectors (DRC) and shared bikes5
Questionnaire based study of drivers’ error and violation at four-legged signalized intersection5
A macro-scale sustainability assessment of micro-scale traffic smoothing projects in highways5
Effectiveness of Intelligent Transportation System: case study of Lahore safe city5
Optimizing electric bus charging infrastructure deployment under two charging modes considering seasonal differences5
Vehicle detection in diverse traffic using an ensemble convolutional neural backbone via feature concatenation5
Estimation of VMT using heteroskedastic log-linear regression models5
Integrated optimization of train ticket allocation and OD-shared ticket sales strategy under stochastic demand5
Potential of cellular signaling data for time-of-day estimation and spatial classification of travel demand: a large-scale comparative study with travel survey and land use data5
Incorporating travel time means and standard deviations into transportation network design problem: a hybrid method based on column generation and Lagrangian relaxation5
Mixed traffic driver behavioral modeling at urban merge section: an experimental study5
Crossing conflict models for urban un-signalized T-intersections in India5
Optimizing social costs in post-pandemic humanitarian distribution models5