Energy Journal

(The TQCC of Energy Journal is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Impact of Low-carbon City Construction on Financing, Investment, and Total Factor Productivity of Energy-intensive Enterprises74
Urban Residential Energy Demand and Rebound Effect in China: A Stochastic Energy Demand Frontier Approach42
The Dynamic Time-frequency Relationship between International Oil Prices and Investor Sentiment in China: A Wavelet Coherence Analysis28
Carbon Intensity and the Cost of Equity Capital26
Emission Pathways Towards a Low-Carbon Energy System for Europe: A Model-Based Analysis of Decarbonization Scenarios26
Locational Investment Signals: How to Steer the Siting of New Generation Capacity in Power Systems?24
Switching Energy Suppliers: It’s Not All About the Money23
Consumer Preferences for Solar Energy: A Choice Experiment Study23
Growth Sources of Green Economy and Energy Consumption in China: New Evidence Accounting for Heterogeneous Regimes21
Efficient Renewable Electricity Support: Designing an Incentive-compatible Support Scheme21
How Does Industrial Intellectualization Affect Energy Intensity? Evidence from China20
Least-cost Distribution Network Tariff Design in Theory and Practice19
Closer to One Great Pool? Evidence from Structural Breaks inOil Price Differentials18
The Impact of a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax on GDP Dynamics: The Case of British Columbia17
The Role of Uncertainty in Shaping Individual Preferences for Residential Energy Renovation Decisions14
European Industries’ Energy Efficiency under Different Technological Regimes: The Role of CO2 Emissions, Climate, Path Dependence and Energy Mix14
Rebound Effects for Household Energy Services in the UK14
European Industrial Energy Intensity: Innovation, Environmental Regulation, and Price Effects14
Electric Heating and the Effects of Temperature on Household Electricity Consumption in South Africa13
Behavioral Anomalies and Energy-related Individual Choices: The Role of Status-quo Bias13
Size Matters: Estimation Sample Length and Electricity Price Forecasting Accuracy13
Under Pressure! Nudging Electricity Consumption within Firms. Feedback from a Field Experiment13
The Rebound Effect in Energy-Intensive Industries:A Factor Demand Model with Asymmetric Price Response13
Decarbonizing the Residential Sector: How Prominent is Household Energy-Saving Behavior in Decision Making?13
Optimal Allocation of Variable Renewable Energy Considering Contributions to Security of Supply13
Impact of Energy Market Distortions on the Productivity of Energy Enterprises in China13
How Cost-effective are Electric Vehicle Subsidies in Reducing Tailpipe-CO2 Emissions? An Analysis of Major Electric Vehicle Markets12
Stretching the Duck: How Rising Temperatures will Change the Level and Shape of Future Electricity Consumption11
Peak Load Habits for Sale? Soft Load Control and Consumer Preferences on the Electricity Market11
Evaluating the Impact of Energy Poverty in a Multidimensional Setting11
Does Global Value Chain Participation Decouple Chinese Development from CO2 Emissions? A Structural Decomposition Analysis11
Renewable Energy Technologies and Electricity Forward Market Risks11
Utilities Included: Split Incentives in Commercial Electricity Contracts11
On the CO2 Emissions Determinants During the EU ETS Phases I and II: A Plant-level Analysis Merging the EUTL and Platts Power Data11
The Effect of Human Capital on CO2 Emissions: Macro Evidence from China10
Competitive Energy Storage and the Duck Curve10
How Sensitive are Optimal Fully Renewable Power Systems to Technology Cost Uncertainty?10
Intermittency and CO2 Reductions from Wind Energy10
Are Carbon Prices Redundant in the 2030 EU Climate and Energy Policy Package?10
Factors Affecting Renters’ Electricity Use: More Than Split Incentives10
Market Design Considerations for Scarcity Pricing: A Stochastic Equilibrium Framework10
Direct and Indirect Energy Rebound Effects in German Households: A Linearized Almost Ideal Demand System Approach10
Adaptation Funding and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Halo Effect or Complacency?9
Market Power and Renewables: The Effects of Ownership Transfers9
Cross-border Effects of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms: The Swiss Case9
Energy Efficiency and Productivity: A Worldwide Firm-level Analysis9
Stranded Asset Risk and Political Uncertainty: The Impact of the Coal Phase-Out on the German Coal Industry9
In Light of Democracy and Corruption: Institutional Determinants of Electricity Provision9
Investment Allocation with Capital Constraints. Comparison of Fiscal Regimes9
Distinguishing the Complex Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Environmental Pollution: Evidence from China9
Drivers of People’s Preferences for Spatial Proximity to Energy Infrastructure Technologies: A Cross-country Analysis8
Price Formation in Auctions for Financial Transmission Rights8
Assessing the Impact of Exceptional Drought on Emissions and Electricity Generation: The Case of Texas8
Are Energy Executives Rewarded for Luck?8
Green is Good—The Impact of Information Nudges on the Selection of Voluntary Green-Power Plans8
Locational (In)Efficiency of Renewable Energy Feed-In Into the Electricity Grid: A Spatial Regression Analysis8
Structural Transformation Options of the Saudi Economy Under Constraint of Depressed World Oil Prices8
Rockets and Feathers Revisited: Asymmetric Retail Gasoline Pricing in the Era of Market Transparency8
How Valuable is the Reliability of Residential Electricity Supply in Low-Income Countries? Evidence from Nepal8
The Energy Kuznets Curve: Evidence from Developed and Developing Economies7
Market Segmentation and Energy Efficiency: Evidence from China’s Regional Economies7
Green Bonds for Renewable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean7
Governance, Environmental Vulnerability, and PM2.5 Concentrations: International Evidence7
Selling Wind7
Are Energy Endowed Countries Responsible for Conditional Convergence?7
National Climate Policies and Corporate Internal Carbon Pricing7
Oil Price Volatility is Effective in Predicting Food Price Volatility. Or is it?7
The Negative Pricing of the May 2020 WTI Contract7
The Effects of The Multi-Target Policy on Green Productivity: Evidence from China’s Fossil Fuel Power Plants7
Why Has China Overinvested in Coal Power?7
Time-Frequency Spillovers and the Determinants among Fossil Energy, Clean Energy and Metal Markets7
Impact of Permit Allocation on Cap-and-trade System Performance under Market Power7
A Compound Real Option Approach for Determining the Optimal Investment Path for RPV-Storage Systems7
The Integration of Variable Generation and Storage into Electricity Capacity Markets7
The Impact of Electric Vehicle Density on Local Grid Costs: Empirical Evidence from Norway7
Does Income Affect Climbing the Energy Ladder? A New Utility-Based Approach for Measuring Energy Poverty6
Competition in Markets for Ancillary Services? The Implications of Rising Distributed Generation6
Statistical Arbitrage and Information Flow in an Electricity Balancing Market6
Why the Effects of Oil Price Shocks on China’s Economy are Changing6
Analyzing Commodity Prices in the Context of COVID-19, High Inflation, and the Ukrainian War: An Interview with James Hamilton6
Transient and Persistent Energy Efficiency in the Wastewater Sector based on Economic Foundations6
The Economics of Demand-side Flexibility in Distribution Grids6
The Household Appliance Stock, Income, and Electricity Demand Elasticity6
Market-Based Redispatch May Result in Inefficient Dispatch5
Investigating Price Formation Enhancements in Non-Convex Electricity Markets as Renewable Generation Grows5
Cryptocurrency Bubble on the Systemic Risk in Global Energy Companies5
Volatility Forecasting of Crude Oil Market: Which Structural Change Based GARCH Models have Better Performance?5
A Retrospective Evaluation of the GDF/Suez Merger: Effects on the Belgian Gas Hub5
Renewable Portfolio Standards5
Financing Power: Impacts of Energy Policies in Changing Regulatory Environments5
Oil Price Declines Could Hurt U.S. Financial Markets: The Role of Oil Price Level5
The Effect of Restructuring Electricity Distribution Systems on Firms’ Persistent and Transient Efficiency: The Case of Germany5
Futures Prices are Useful Predictors of the Spot Price of Crude Oil5
Energy Cost Information and Consumer Decisions: Results from a Choice Experiment on Refrigerator Purchases in India5
The Cost of Carbon Leakage: Britain’s Carbon Price Support and Cross-border Electricity Trade5
Household Solar Analysis for Policymakers: Evidence from U.S. Data5
Pricing and Competition with 100% Variable Renewable Energy and Storage5
Asymmetric Information on the Market for Energy Efficiency: Insights from the Credence Goods Literature5