Aquatic Ecology

(The TQCC of Aquatic Ecology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
AcousticIA, a deep neural network for multi-species fish detection using multiple models of acoustic cameras33
Behavioural responses of invasive (Gmelinoides fasciatus) and native (Gammarus lacustris) amphipods to predators on different bottom substrates31
West Atlantic coastal marine biodiversity: the contribution of the platform iNaturalist22
Not such a rare species, after all? Insights into Drymonema gorgo Müller 1883 (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa), a large and little-known jellyfish from Brazil19
Sargassum-associated gastropod and amphipod assemblages in relation to metal pollution in a semi-enclosed bay18
Genetic diversity of Egeria densa Planch. (Hydrocharitaceae) in Brazilian reservoirs17
The adaptation path of environmental governance in the Yellow River Basin for regional ecological improvement17
Habitat characteristics and anthropogenic activities influence the distribution of macroinvertebrate traits and ecological preferences in Nigerian streams: a case study of Osun State, Nigeria17
The effects of temperature on plasticity, shape symmetry and seasonal variation in the freshwater benthic green microalga Micrasterias thomasiana16
Balancing renewable energy and river conservation: effects of hydropeaking from small hydroelectric power plants on fish stranding in small Brazilian rivers15
Reproductive bionomics and population structure of Conus coronatus Gmelin, 1791 (Gastropoda, Conidae) of Buleji and Manora, Pakistan15
Dirty workers: What do we know about the ecotoxicological studies in polychaetes?15
Epiphytic cyanobacterial strains in the roots of Salvinia auriculata and the effect of light and nutrients on the production of heterocyst, akinete and hormogonia14
Determinant factors of diatom assemblage’s distribution along the Coastal Central Constantine (Northeastern Algeria)13
Effect of alkalinity and light intensity on the growth of the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis (Porifera: Spongillidae)13
The Sailfin Catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.) as a non-native aquarium pet: assessment of the potential distribution and public perception12
Preface: the central role of zooplankton in freshwaters, a special issue in honour of late Ramesh D. Gulati11
Enantioselective effects of dinotefuran on physiological parameters in Rana nigromaculata tadpoles11
Distribution and conservation of semiaquatic bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe, northeastern Brazil11
Phenotypic plasticity and developmental noise in hybrid and parental clones of Daphnia longispina complex10
Abundance and seasonality of phoronid larvae in coastal temperate waters: More abundant than previously thought?10
Bioluminescence in aquatic and terrestrial organisms elicited through various kinds of stimulation10
Assessments of the impacts of chemical and hydrocarbon pollution on Ologe Lagoon water and its prokaryotic community structure9
Engagement of fishers in citizen science enhances the knowledge on alien decapods in Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea)9
Trophic flexibility of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Anzali Wetland, Iran, assessed by fecal and stable isotope analysis9
Environmental association of heterotrophic micro-eukaryotes in the varying biogeochemical regimes of the Arabian Sea, resolved via high-throughput sequencing8
Anthropogenic impacts influence the functional traits of Chironomidae (Diptera) assemblages in a neotropical savanna river basin8
Effects of experimental warming on small phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in autumn in the Mediterranean coastal Thau Lagoon8
Segregation of diets by sex and individual in South American fur seals7
Do salinity, total nitrogen and phosphorus variation induce oxidative stress in emergent macrophytes along a tropical estuary?7
Exploring the fast-growing mechanism of Laguncularia racemosa from the perspective of leaf traits and ultrastructure7
Using macroinvertebrate functional traits to reveal ecological conditions of two streams in Southwest Nigeria—a case study7
Microplastics and freshwater microalgae: what do we know so far?7
The impact of Brazilian coast oil spill on the mesozooplankton of the tropical narrowest continental shelf7
Patterns of seagrass macrobenthic biodiversity in the warm-temperate Knysna estuarine bay, Western Cape: a review7
Effects of habitat complexity on trophic interactions of three congeneric fish species7
Application of deep learning in assessing the impact of flooding on the endangered freshwater fish Neolissochilus benasi (Cyprinidae) in a northern province of Vietnam7
Revealing a rapid shift in the phenology of the adult spawning migration of an introduced Chinook salmon population in Patagonia7
Applying a neural network machine learning model to predict seasonal allelopathic inhibitory effects of Myriophyllum spicatum on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa7
Taxonomic resolution of coral image classification with Convolutional Neural Network6
Ascertaining the spatiotemporal variations in seaweed assemblages associated with the endemic seaweed Ulva ovata along selected locations of the Gulf of Khambhat, India6
Invasion dynamics of quagga mussels within a Southern California reservoir and its spatially intermittent watershed6
Report on high density population of a Cladoceran, Moina macrocopa and their gut microbes in anoxic sewage water: a potential bio-indicator of aquatic pollution6
Abundant microbes of surface sea waters of the uncharted Engaño Bay at the Atlantic Patagonian Coast: relevance of bacteria-sized photosynthetic eukaryotes6
Fish abundance estimation from multi-beam sonar by improved MCNN6
Overview of microbial communities in the surface water of the Seine River to understand their response to climate change and human activities6
Negative effects of ghost nets on Mediterranean biodiversity6
Strain-related differences in bacterivory and demography of Diaphanosoma mongolianum (Cladocera) in relation to diet and previous exposure to cyanobacteria in nature6
Unveiling the ecology of planktonic harpacticoids (Harpacticoida: Copepoda) in a stressed tropical coastal ecosystem, Bay of Bengal, India6
A tale of Mundeswari River: unfolding endo-helminth biodiversity and seasonal variation6
Cigarette butt effects on diatom health in a stream ecosystem6
Correction to: Aluminium in aquatic environments: abundance and ecotoxicological impacts5
Correction: Tilapia venturing into high-salinity environments: A cause for concern?5
Support from mother ramets declines with increasing independence of daughter ramets in submerged clonal Vallisneria natans5
Coral reef collapse in South-Central Vietnam: a consequence of multiple negative effects5
Structure and dynamics of mollusk communities from intermittent rivers in Brazilian semiarid region5
Insights into heterotrophic protozoa assemblages spatiotemporal distribution in urban-agricultural landscapes streams5
Diversity and composition of cladoceran egg bank in sediments and macrophyte roots from the littoral zone of tropical lakes5
Effects of rice–crayfish co-culture on ammonia-oxidizing microbial abundance and community structure5
Responses of riparian plant roots to acute combined nitrogen and phosphorus stress: changes in root morphology and antioxidant system5
Changes in phototaxis, geotaxis, and sinking velocity in relation to larval development of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and red snow crab (Chionoecetes japonicus) under laboratory conditions5
Aluminium in aquatic environments: abundance and ecotoxicological impacts5
Environmental descriptors and reproductive modes drive multiple facets of tadpole diversity in subtropical temporary ponds5
Can zooplankton species be used as indicators of trophic status and ecological potential of reservoirs?5
The influence of microplastics on the toxic effects and biodegradation of bisphenol A in the microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa5
Advanced description of the morphology of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in a shallow mediterranean lake5
Upstream/downstream food quality differences in a Caribbean Island River4
Coexistence of two sympatric hermit crab species from South Brazil: the effect of the shell adequacy index and circadian movement patterns4
Trophic ecology of a small characid reflects the degradation of a basin after the rupture of an ore tailings dam4
Medusae (Scyphozoa and hydrozoa) from the Moroccan Mediterranean coast: abundance and spatiotemporal dynamics and their economic impact4
Effect of land use on the phytoplankton community of Pampean shallow lakes of the Salado River basin (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)4
Effects of experimental sediment resuspension on protozooplankton grazing activity: implication for the planktonic food web structure4
Can the use of zooplankton dormant stages from natural wetlands contribute to restoration of mined wetlands?4
Differences in feeding ecology of the pink shrimps Penaeus brasiliensis and P. paulensis (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in Brazilian tropical ecosystems4
Distribution characteristics of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms and their responses to external nitrogen and carbon in sediments of a freshwater reservoir, China4
Sphagnum physiological responses to elevated temperature, nitrogen, CO2 and low moisture in laboratory and in situ microhabitats: a review4
Are aquatic Hemiptera good indicators of environmental river conditions?4
Biometry and size distribution of Crambionella annandalei and Chrysaora spp. along the coast of Andhra Pradesh, India4
Impacts of exposure to mine tailings on zooplankton hatching from a resting egg bank4
The temporal and spatial variation in morphospecies, size and viability of Microcystis colonies in Lake Taihu4
Community responses of intertidal foraminifera to pH variations: a culture experiment with propagules4
Triggers affecting crayfish burrowing behaviour4
Testing whether reducing brown trout biomass in peatland lakes increases macro-invertebrate biomass and invertivorous waterbird occurrence4
Aquatic chemical ecology meets ecotoxicology4
Lipkea ruspoliana Vogt, 1886 (Cnidaria: Staurozoa) in Portugal: the contribution of citizen science to range extension and taxonomic discussion of rare species4
Fishermen’s knowledge and conservation attitudes: focus on the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Minho River, Portugal4
Responses of early recruitment processes with rhizome to flooding depth and salinity in Manchurian wild rice (Zizania latifolia)4
Fish functional diversity is less impacted by mining than fish taxonomic richness in an Amazonian stream system4
Responses of phytoplankton community dynamics to reduced underwater light in spring4
Embryonic exposure to native and alien predator cues tunes tadpole defensive behaviour4
Characterization of the molecular differential responses in marine benthic macroinvertebrates exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons4