Journal of Management Analytics

(The TQCC of Journal of Management Analytics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Predicting Amazon customer reviews with deep confidence using deep learning and conformal prediction33
Effective inventory management using postponement strategy with fuzzy cost31
Health analytics in business research: a literature review28
Dividend announcement and the value of sentiment analysis26
Three-way decision TOPSIS for food business location under a benefit-opportunity-cost-risk platform23
Using smart card data to develop origin-destination matrix-based business analytics for bus rapid transit systems: case study of Jakarta, Indonesia20
Price squeeze under fairness: the road to supply chain coordination with a powerful retailer19
Enhancing queuing theory realism: analysis of reneging behavior impact on M/M/1 drive-thru service system16
Two-level supply chain models with imperfect quality items when demand influences price and marketing promotion16
Toward equation structural modeling: an integration of interpretive structural modeling and structural equation modeling15
A countermeasure designed to restrain self-serving behavior and strategic rating disclosure of credit rating agencies12
Commodity layout in supermarkets: using the integration of the comprehensive related value method and genetic algorithm11
Using a novel ensemble learning framework to detect financial reporting misconduct8
Three-stage algorithms for the large-scale dynamic vehicle routing problem with industry 4.0 approach8
Understanding the role of streamers in livestreaming commerce: a vocal–visual perspective8
Financial and non-financial determinants of the indebtedness of hospitals. The case of Poland8
An inventory analysis in a multi-echelon supply chain system under asymmetry fuzzy demand: a fmincon optimization8
Modelling the effects of emission control areas on shipping company operations and environmental consequences6
A two-tier supply chain model under two distributions with MTTF, rework, variable production rate and lead time6
MCGDM model using uncertain linguistic consistency sets of single and interval linguistic term multivalued sets6
Modeling multi-generational diffusion for competitive brands: an analysis for telecommunication industries5
Exploratory analysis of grocery product networks5
Entropy measures of simplified neutrosophic sets and their decision-making approach with positive and negative arguments5
Optimal promotional policy of an innovation diffusion model incorporating the brand image in a segment-specific market5
An integrated fuzzy production inventory model for manufacturer–retailer coordination under simple carbon tax system4
EPQ model with the effect of inflation and reliability for partial trade credit under fuzzy and cloudy fuzzy environment4
A supply chain model with two competitive buyers under a hybrid greening cost and revenue-sharing contract4
Study on coopetition relationship simulation among M-commerce information service subjects based on Lotka-Volterra model4
Systematic analysis of artificial intelligence in the era of industry 4.04
Evolutionary game analysis of information service quality control of e-commerce platforms under information ecology4
A model for selecting green suppliers through interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy multi criteria decision making models4
Crowd evacuation simulation model with soft computing optimization techniques: a systematic literature review4