Review of African Political Economy

(The TQCC of Review of African Political Economy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Debt, distress, dispossession: towards a critical political economy of Africa’s financial dependency17
Dependency in a financialised global economy15
Auctioning a ‘just energy transition’? South Africa’s renewable energy procurement programme and its implications for transition strategies12
Revisiting Marxism and decolonisation through the legacy of Samir Amin12
Struggles over value: corporate–state suppression of locally led mining mechanisation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo10
Green extractivism and financialisation in Mozambique: the case of Gilé National Reserve10
Covid-19 containment policies in Nigeria: the role of conflictual federal–state relations in the fight against the pandemic10
Fighting monetary colonialism in francophone Africa: Samir Amin’s contribution9
The hidden legacy of Samir Amin: delinking’s ecological foundation9
Language of the unheard: police-recorded protests in South Africa, 1997–20139
Resource nationalism and community engagement in extractive resource governance: insights from Tanzania8
Samir Amin and beyond: the enduring relevance of Amin’s approach to political economy7
The Pretoria Agreement: mere cessation of hostilities or heralding a new era in Ethiopia?6
Collapsing banks and the cost of finance capitalism in Ghana5
Development, division and discontent in informal markets: insights from Kampala5
Interpreting contemporary imperialism: lessons from Samir Amin5
Understanding West Africa’s informal workers as working class5
Reducing deforestation and forest degradation in Democratic Republic of Congo: market-based conservation in a context of limited statehood4
The political economy of disability in South Africa, between social grants and job-creation programmes4
Between green extractivism and energy justice: competing strategies in South Africa’s hydrogen transition in the context of climate crisis4
East Asia has delinked – can Ethiopia delink too?4
Transition now? Another coup d’état in Burkina Faso4
Should Nigeria join the European Union’s Economic Partnership Agreement with the other ECOWAS states?4
Mining, capital and dispossession in post-apartheid South Africa4
Crony capitalism in Nigeria: the case of patronage funding of the Peoples Democratic Party and the power sector reform, 1999–20154
When anti-corruption fails: the dynamics of procurement in contemporary South Africa4
Samir Amin in Beijing: delving into China’s delinking policy4
South Africa’s unjust climate reparations: a critique of the Just Energy Transition Partnership3
Anti-fraud measures in Western Africa and commentary on research findings across the three regions analysed3
The historical logic of the mode of capital accumulation in Mozambique3
Minimal hegemony in Sudan: exploring the rise and fall of the National Islamic Front3
Africa’s new urban spaces: deindustrialisation, infrastructure-led development and real estate frontiers3
Generational populism and the political rise of Robert Kyagulanyi – aka Bobi Wine – in Uganda3
He who laughs last laughs the loudest: the 2021 donchi-kubeba (don’t tell) elections in Zambia3
Historical roots of militarised conservation: the case of Uganda3
Anti-fraud measures in Eastern Africa3
Rethinking the ‘patron–client’ politics of oil block allocation, development and remittances in Nigeria3
Commercial finance for development: a back door for financialisation2
How capitalism is destroying the Horn of Africa: sheep and the crises in Somalia and Sudan2
Reclaiming Africa: scramble and resistance in the 21st century2
Confronting the climate crisis in Africa: just transitions and Extinction Rebellion in Nigeria and South Africa2
Mozambique – neither miracle nor mirage2
The deep coloniality of economics – a (r)evolutionary appraisal2
Work in agro-industry and the social reproduction of labour in Mozambique: contradictions in the current accumulation system2
Racial capitalism and capitalism in Africa: the utility and limits of Cedric Robinson’s perspective2
Zimbabwe’s Emerging Farmer Classification model: a ‘new’ countryside2
Green imperialism, sovereignty, and the quest for national development in the Congo2
Crony capitalist deals and investment in South Africa’s platinum belt: a case study of Anglo American Platinum’s scramble for mining rights, 1995–20192
The politics of incontournables: entrenching patronage networks in eastern Congo’s mineral markets2
The expansion of capitalist agricultural production and social reproduction of rural labour: contradictions within the logic of capital accumulation in Mozambique2
Caught in Europe’s net: ecological destruction and Senegalese migration to Spain2
Africa’s stalled structural transformation: the end of the flying geese?2
Ten challenges in reconfiguring African Studies2
Cooperatives and the reorganisation of labour-intensive production in South Africa’s clothing industry2
‘Illegal’ gold mining and the everyday in post-apartheid South Africa2
Popular struggles and the search for alternative democracies2