International Review of Economics & Finance

(The TQCC of International Review of Economics & Finance is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Who is financing corporate green innovation?235
Does fintech innovation improve bank efficiency? Evidence from China’s banking industry220
The impact of clean energy consumption on economic growth in China: Is environmental regulation a curse or a blessing?172
Pandemic-related financial market volatility spillovers: Evidence from the Chinese COVID-19 epicentre161
Does digital finance promote manufacturing servitization: Micro evidence from China153
Does enterprise digital transformation contribute to the carbon emission reduction? Micro-level evidence from China139
Event study on the reaction of the developed and emerging stock markets to the 2019-nCoV outbreak139
COVID-19 pandemic and firm performance: Cross-country evidence137
Human Capital efficiency and equity funds’ performance during the COVID-19 pandemic135
Financial inclusion and economic growth: The role of governance in selected MENA countries130
The effect of digital transformation on real economy enterprises’ total factor productivity108
Economic policy uncertainty and firm innovation: Evidence from a risk-taking perspective102
The realized volatility of commodity futures: Interconnectedness and determinants98
Predictive role of online investor sentiment for cryptocurrency market: Evidence from happiness and fears90
A bibliometric review of sukuk literature89
Infectious disease-related uncertainty and the safe-haven characteristic of US treasury securities86
Multilayer information spillover networks analysis of China’s financial institutions based on variance decompositions81
Financial development and entrepreneurship80
Oil price uncertainty and enterprise total factor productivity: Evidence from China74
Dynamic connectedness among the implied volatilities of oil prices and financial assets: New evidence of the COVID-19 pandemic73
What are bitcoin market reactions to its-related events?72
A study on the motivation of financialization in emerging markets: The case of Chinese nonfinancial corporations70
Corporate ESG performance and trade credit financing – Evidence from China69
Effect of ESG performance on the cost of equity capital: Evidence from China68
Environmental regulation and corporate R&D investment—evidence from a quasi-natural experiment68
How does corporate ESG performance affect bond credit spreads: Empirical evidence from China68
Digital financial capability and entrepreneurial performance67
The resilience of Islamic equity funds during COVID-19: Evidence from risk adjusted performance, investment styles and volatility timing66
Loan loss provisioning of US banks: Economic policy uncertainty and discretionary behavior65
How do independent directors view corporate social responsibility (CSR) during a stressful time? Evidence from the financial crisis60
Environmental information disclosure and firms’ green innovation: Evidence from China59
Feeling the heat: Climate risks and the cost of sovereign borrowing59
Time-varying interactions between geopolitical risks and renewable energy consumption59
The impact of COVID-19 on the efficiency of microfinance institutions58
Connectedness between cryptocurrency and technology sectors: International evidence58
The effects of uncertainty measures on commodity prices from a time-varying perspective56
Vertical fiscal imbalance, transfer payments, and fiscal sustainability of local governments in China55
Cryptocurrency price volatility and investor attention55
Effect of oil price uncertainty on clean energy metal stocks in China: Evidence from a nonparametric causality-in-quantiles approach54
New technical indicators and stock returns predictability53
Understanding cryptocurrency volatility: The role of oil market shocks53
Corporate financial asset holdings under economic policy uncertainty: Precautionary saving or speculating?52
The impact of information communication technology on energy demand: Some international evidence52
Time-varying geopolitical risk and oil prices52
Extreme directional spillovers between investor attention and green bond markets52
Blockchain: A carbon-neutral facilitator or an environmental destroyer?52
FDI productivity spillovers and absorptive capacity in Brazilian firms: A threshold regression analysis51
Comparing search-engine and social-media attentions in finance research: Evidence from cryptocurrencies51
Dynamic risk spillover among crude oil, economic policy uncertainty and Chinese financial sectors50
Does Bitcoin or gold react to financial stress alike? Evidence from the U.S. and China50
Can bank credit withstand falling house price in China?50
Economic policy uncertainty, financial development, and financial constraints: Evidence from China50
Time and frequency dynamic connectedness between cryptocurrencies and financial assets in China49
Black swan events and COVID-19 outbreak: Sector level evidence from the US, UK, and European stock markets49
Does air pollution impede corporate innovation?49
Impact of industrial agglomeration on new-type urbanization: Evidence from Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration of China48
Geopolitical risks and historical exchange rate volatility of the BRICS48
How factor market distortions affect OFDI: An explanation based on investment propensity and productivity effects48
Monetary policy uncertainty and stock returns in G7 and BRICS countries: A quantile-on-quantile approach47
Does financial literacy alleviate risk attitude and risk behavior inconsistency?46
Climate risk disclosure and stock price crash risk: The case of China45
Urban administrative hierarchy and urban land use efficiency: Evidence from Chinese cities45
Stock market contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic in emerging economies45
Geopolitical risk and oil price volatility: Evidence from Markov-switching model45
Information spillover effects from media coverage to the crude oil, gold, and Bitcoin markets during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from the time and frequency domains44
Volatility spillovers between fine wine and major global markets during COVID-19: A portfolio hedging strategy for investors43
Time-frequency spillovers and connectedness between precious metals, oil futures and financial markets: Hedge and safe haven implications43
The impact of internet on entrepreneurship43
Fiscal policy choices of local governments in China: Land finance or local government debt?42
The influence of green innovation on default risk: Evidence from Europe42
Does volatility connectedness across major cryptocurrencies behave the same at different frequencies? A portfolio risk analysis42
Does climate policy uncertainty affect Chinese stock market volatility?42
Do green financial markets offset the risk of cryptocurrencies and carbon markets?42
Effect of economic policy uncertainty on stock market return and volatility under heterogeneous market characteristics41
The nexus between toxic-air pollution, health expenditure, and economic growth: An empirical study using ARDL40
Return and volatility connectedness across global ESG stock indexes: Evidence from the time-frequency domain analysis40
Innovation decisions through firm life cycle: A new evidence from emerging markets40
Does stock market liberalization reduce stock price synchronicity? —Evidence from the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect39
Do oil prices and economic policy uncertainty matter for precious metal returns? New insights from a TVP-VAR framework38
Can green finance development abate carbon emissions: Evidence from China38
Digital transformation, environmental disclosure, and environmental performance: An examination based on listed companies in heavy-pollution industries in China37
Has the Belt and Road Initiative improved the quality of economic growth in China's cities?37
Will the China's carbon emissions market increase the risk-taking of its enterprises?37
Land finance, land attracting investment and housing price fluctuations in China37
Spillovers between green and dirty cryptocurrencies and socially responsible investments around the war in Ukraine36
Complex causalities between the carbon market and the stock markets for energy intensive industries in China36
Imitative innovation and financial distress risk: The moderating role of executive foreign experience35
ESG scores and the response of the S&P 1500 to monetary and fiscal policy during the Covid-19 pandemic35
Oil market shocks and financial instability in Asian countries35
Digital finance, environmental regulation and emission reduction in manufacturing industry: New evidence incorporating dynamic spatial-temporal correlation and competition35
Regime-switching energy price volatility: The role of economic policy uncertainty34
Intellectual property rights protection and export product quality: Evidence from China34
Does financial structure promote energy conservation and emission reduction? Evidence from China33
Does corporate engagement in social responsibility affect firm innovation? The mediating role of digital transformation33
The role of US implied volatility index in forecasting Chinese stock market volatility: Evidence from HAR models33
Determinants of defaults on P2P lending platforms in China32
Environmental law enforcement as external monitoring: Evidence from the impact of an environmental inspection program on firm-level stock price crash risk32
Employee-related corporate social responsibilities and corporate innovation: Evidence from China32
Islamic Stock indices and COVID-19 pandemic32
Environmental regulations and capital investment: Does green innovation allow to grow?32
How does economic policy uncertainty affect corporate diversification?32
Investor sentiment and predictability for volatility on energy futures Markets: Evidence from China32
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): A bibliometric and systematic review, current streams, developments, and directions for future research31
Role of energy finance in geothermal power development in Japan31
Sustainable factor investing: Where doing well meets doing good31
Financial literacy and fraud detection——Evidence from China30
Do online media and investor attention affect corporate environmental information disclosure?Evidence from Chinese listed companies30
Good for the firm, good for the society? Causal evidence of the impact of equity incentives on a firm's green investment30
The impact of green energy infrastructure on firm productivity: Evidence from the Three Gorges Project in China30
Impact investment for sustainable development: A bibliometric analysis30
Industrial agglomeration, urban characteristics, and economic growth quality: The case of knowledge-intensive business services29
Why do U.S. uncertainties drive stock market spillovers? International evidence29
Stringent environmental regulation and capital structure: The effect of NEPL on deleveraging the high polluting firms29
Macroeconomic policies and the pandemic-driven recession29
Assessing the impacts of financial stress index of developed countries on the exchange market pressure index of emerging countries29
Interconnectivity and investment strategies among commodity prices, cryptocurrencies, and G-20 capital markets: A comparative analysis during COVID-19 and Russian-Ukraine war29
Managerial ability, product market competition, and firm behavior28
Uncertainty and exchange rate volatility: Evidence from Mexico28
Non-linear nexus between economic policy uncertainty and bank lending28
Analyzing the factors influencing the demand and supply of solar modules in Japan – Does financing matter27
How does environmentally induced R&D affect carbon productivity? A government support perspective27
Does local corruption affect IPO underpricing? Evidence from China27
Confucius Institute, Belt and Road Initiative, and Internationalization27
Board network, investment efficiency, and the mediating role of CSR: Evidence from China26
Firm age, ultimate ownership, and R&D investments26
Oil price uncertainty, corporate governance and firm performance26
Does bank competition inhibit the formation of zombie firms?25
Network connectedness dynamics of the yield curve of G7 countries25
Earnings management at target firms and the acquirers’ performance25
Can financial inclusion affect energy poverty in China? Evidence from a spatial econometric analysis25
ESG scores and firm performance- evidence from emerging market25
Foundations and research clusters in investor attention: Evidence from bibliometric and topic modelling analysis25
Firm-level financialization: Contributing factors, sources, and economic consequences25
Online search attention, firms’ ESG and operating performance25
Do female directors enhance R&D performance?24
The impact of digital transformation on enterprise green innovation24
Can the E-commercialization improve residents’ income? --Evidence from “Taobao Counties” in China24
Does environmental regulation affect labor investment Efficiency?Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China24
How does digital finance drive the green economic growth? New discoveries of spatial threshold effect and attenuation possibility boundary24
Housing sector and economic policy uncertainty: A GMM panel VAR approach24
Empirical evidence of fintech and green environment: Using the green finance as a mediating variable24
Foreign ownership and earnings management24
Is national governance quality a key moderator of the boardroom gender diversity–firm performance relationship? International evidence from a multi-hierarchical analysis24
Green finance and green innovation: Theoretical analysis based on game theory and empirical evidence from China23
How does South-South FDI affect host economies? Evidence from China-Africa in 2003–201823
Risk-return relationship and structural breaks: Evidence from China carbon market23
Measuring risk spillovers from multiple developed stock markets to China: A vine-copula-GARCH-MIDAS model23
Gold, inflation and exchange rate in dollarized economies – A comparative study of Turkey, Peru and the United States23
Corporate investment and government policy during the COVID-19 crisis22
Do higher-order realized moments matter for cryptocurrency returns?22
Green finance and environmental, social, and governance performance22
Nonlinearity in stock returns: Do risk aversion, investor sentiment and, monetary policy shocks matter?22
Does social trust restrain excess perk consumption? Evidence from China21
On the predictive power of tweet sentiments and attention on bitcoin21
Dynamic connectedness of major financial markets in China and America21
Tail dependence and risk spillover effects between China's carbon market and energy markets21
How China's high-speed rail promote local economy: New evidence from county-level panel data21
Blockchain market and eco-friendly financial assets: Dynamic price correlation, connectedness and spillovers with portfolio implications21
CEO financial career and corporate innovation: Evidence from China21
Risk spillovers in global financial markets: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis21
Trade facilitation and firms exports: Evidence from customs data21
Do venture capital firms promote corporate social responsibility?21
Institutional investors’ corporate site visits and dividend payouts21
Foreign ownership and productivity21
Commodity futures returns and policy uncertainty21
The topics of Islamic economics and finance research20
Stock dividend and analyst optimistic bias in earnings forecast20
Cryptocurrencies versus environmentally sustainable assets: Does a perfect hedge exist?20
Heterogeneous dependence among cryptocurrency, green bonds, and sustainable equity: New insights from Granger-causality in quantiles analysis20
Hedging precious metals with impact investing19
Internal risk governance and external capital regulation affecting bank risk-taking and performance: Evidence from P.R. China19
COVID-19 and stock market performance: Evidence from the RCEP countries19
The determinants of R&D smoothing with asset sales: Evidence from R&D-intensive firms in China19
Digital finance and labor demand of manufacturing enterprises: Theoretical mechanism and heterogeneity analysis19
Measuring Chinese climate uncertainty19
Interconnectedness between healthcare tokens and healthcare stocks: Evidence from a quantile VAR approach19
Does asset redeployability affect corporate investment and equity value?19
Canadian stock market volatility under COVID-1918
Organization capital and analysts’ forecasts18
Controlling shareholder expropriation and labor investment efficiency18
Research on the impact of enterprise digital transformation on carbon emissions in the manufacturing industry17
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions, regional cultural diversity and acquirers’ corporate social responsibility: Evidence from China listed companies17
Dynamic lead–lag relationship between Chinese carbon emission trading and stock markets under exogenous shocks17
Estimating U.S. housing price network connectedness: Evidence from dynamic Elastic Net, Lasso, and ridge vector autoregressive models17
Investor sentiment and the Chinese new energy stock market: A risk–return perspective17
Forecasting Pakistan stock market volatility: Evidence from economic variables and the uncertainty index17
Financial sector development and growth volatility: An international study17
Evolution of digital economy research: A bibliometric analysis17
The effects of investor attention and policy uncertainties on cross-border country exchange-traded fund returns17
Information dissemination across global markets during the spread of COVID-19 pandemic17
Does the Belt and Road Initiative cause more troubled Chinese overseas investments?17
Low-carbon city pilot policy and corporate environmental performance: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment17
Corporate governance and earnings management: Evidence from Vietnamese listed firms16
Return and volatility spillovers among global assets: Comparing health crisis with geopolitical crisis16
Dynamic interactions between financial cycles, business cycles and macroeconomic imbalances: A panel VAR analysis16
Cash holdings and profitability of banks in developed and emerging markets16
Digital finance and stock price crash risk16
Dependency of Islamic bank rates on conventional rates in a dual banking system: A trade-off between religious and economic fundamentals16
Can green finance improve the financial performance of green enterprises in China?16
Twenty-nine years of the Journal of International Review of Economics and Finance: A scientometric overview (1992–2020)16
Relationship between the financial and the real economy: A bibliometric analysis16
The liquidity impact of Chinese green bonds spreads16
FDI inflows and income inequality: A Schumpeterian economic growth16
Son preference, intrahousehold discrimination, and the gender gap in education in China16
CEO inside debt holdings and CSR activities15
Asymmetric impacts of individual investor sentiment on the time-varying risk-return relation in stock market15
Institutions, regulations and initial coin offerings: An international perspective15
Good oil volatility, bad oil volatility, and stock return predictability15
Repercussions of the Russia–Ukraine war15
OFDI and firms' sustainable productive capacity: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms15
Political connection and M&A performance: Evidence from China15
Credit ratings of Chinese households using factor scores and K-means clustering method15
Revenge consumption, product quality, and welfare15
The effect of environmental regulation and skill premium on the inflow of FDI:Evidence from Chinese industrial sectors15
The governance role of corporate party organization on innovation15
Investor sentiment based on scaled PCA method: A powerful predictor of realized volatility in the Chinese stock market15
Monetary policy uncertainty, debt financing cost and real economic activities: Evidence from China14
Capital market access and innovation efficiency: A natural experiment from China’s pilot VAT reform in 201214
US trade policy uncertainty on Chinese agricultural imports and exports: An aggregate and product-level analysis14
Effectiveness of macroprudential policies: Do stringent bank regulation and supervision matter?14
Using boosting algorithms to predict bank failure: An untold story14
Do credit conditions matter for the impact of oil price shocks on stock returns? Evidence from a structural threshold VAR model14
Optimal subsidies in the competition between private and state-owned enterprises14
Financial literacy as a determinant of market participation: New evidence from China using IV-GMM14
Volatility spillovers and hedging effectiveness between health and tourism stocks: Empirical evidence from the US14
What threatens stock markets more - The coronavirus or the hype around it?14
How does news flow affect cross-market volatility spillovers? Evidence from China’s stock index futures and spot markets14
Impacts of social trust on corporate leverage: Evidence from China14
Factors behind the performance of green bond markets14
How does boardroom diversity influence the relationship between ESG and firm financial performance?14
Does air quality affect firms’ investment efficiency? Evidence from China14
The dynamics and determinants of liquidity connectedness across financial asset markets13
Institutional distance and China's horizontal outward foreign direct investment13
The impacts of oil price volatility on financial stress: Is the COVID-19 period different?13
Research on the impact of digital transformation on the production efficiency of manufacturing enterprises: Institution-based analysis of the threshold effect13
Equity-commodity contagion during four recent crises: Evidence from the USA, Europe and the BRICS13
The disciplinary role of product market competition on cash holding13
The behavior of exchange rate and stock returns in high and low interest rate environments13
Economic policy uncertainty and acquisition performance: Australian evidence13
High-speed railway, market access and economic growth13
China’s interest rate pass-through after the interest rate liberalization: Evidence from a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model13
Can machine learning paradigm improve attribute noise problem in credit risk classification?13
Internal control reporting and cost of bond financing: Evidence from China13
Monetary policy and corporate investment: A panel-data analysis of transmission mechanisms in contexts of high uncertainty13
On bank return and volatility spillovers: Identifying transmitters and receivers during crisis periods13
Does CEO's early life experience affect corporate bond yield spread? Evidence from China's great famine13
Does passive investment have a positive governance effect? Evidence from index funds ownership and corporate innovation13
Margin trading and stock idiosyncratic volatility: Evidence from the Chinese stock market13
Concentration, competition and financial stability in the South-East Europe banking context13
Scale of cities and social trust: Evidence from China13