Ecological Applications

(The TQCC of Ecological Applications is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal allocation of law enforcement patrol effort to mitigate poaching activities190
Radio‐tracking urban breeding birds: The importance of native vegetation138
The economic tradeoffs and ecological impacts associated with a potential mesopelagic fishery in the California Current127
Response of lion demography and dynamics to the loss of preferred larger prey101
Evaluation of a two‐season banding program to estimate and model migratory bird survival80
The changes in plant and soil C pools and their C:N stoichiometry control grassland N retention under elevated N inputs74
A recovery network leads to the natural recolonization of an archipelago and a potential trailing edge refuge71
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Wetland hydropattern and vegetation greenness predict avian populations in Palo Verde, Costa Rica44
How far to build it before they come? Analyzing the use of the Field of Dreams hypothesis in bull kelp restoration42
Mowing increased community stability in semiarid grasslands more than either fencing or grazing41
Disease and weather induce rapid shifts in a rangeland ecosystem mediated by a keystone species (Cynomys ludovicianus)40
Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure: Comment38
Pelagic calcifiers face increased mortality and habitat loss with warming and ocean acidification38
Cattle and sheep differentially alter floral resources and the native bee communities in working landscapes37
Biotic interactions in soil and dung shape parasite transmission in temperate ruminant systems: An integrative framework37
Climate change mitigation potential of Louisiana's coastal area: Current estimates and future projections36
Mimicking functional elements of the natural flow regime promotes native fish recovery in a regulated river35
Multidecadal vegetation transformations of a New Mexico ponderosa pine landscape after severe fires and aerial seeding34
Longevity of hymenopteran parasitoids in natural versus agricultural habitats and implications for biological control33
Misapplied management makes matters worse: Spatially explicit control leverages biotic interactions to slow invasion33
Allometric relationships and trade‐offs in 11 common Mediterranean‐climate grasses31
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Trends in bird abundance differ among protected forests but not bird guilds29
Predator‐ and competitor‐induced responses in amphibian populations that evolved different levels of pesticide tolerance28
Approaches for estimating benefits and costs of interventions in plant biosecurity across invasion phases28
Political economy of renewable resource federalism27
Pollen–insect interaction meta‐networks identify key relationships for conservation in mosaic agricultural landscapes27
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A satellite‐based mobile warning system to reduce interactions with an endangered species25
Consequences of underexplored variation in biodiversity indices used for land‐use prioritization25
Predicting anoxia in low‐nutrient temperate lakes25
Local connections and the larval competency strongly influence marine metapopulation persistence25
Applying stochastic and Bayesian integral projection modeling to amphibian population viability analysis25
Forest restoration treatments indirectly diversify pollination networks via floral‐ and temperature‐mediated effects24
Climate and fire impacts on tree recruitment in mixed conifer forests in northwestern Mexico and California24
Species traits explain public perceptions of human–bird interactions23
Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities23
Wild herbivores and cattle have differing effects on postfire herbaceous vegetation recovery in an African savanna23
An approach to defining and achieving restoration targets for a threatened plant community23
Spatial prioritization for widespread invasive species control: Trade‐offs between current impact and future spread23
Do southern seed or soil microbes mitigate the effects of warming on establishing prairie plant communities?22
Can the impact of canopy trees on soil and understory be altered using litter additions?22
Trucks versus treks: The relative influence of motorized versus nonmotorized recreation on a mammal community22
Monitoring partially marked populations using camera and telemetry data22
Improved assessment of baseline and additionality for forest carbon crediting22
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Contrasting plant responses to multivariate environmental variations among species with divergent elevation shifts21
High‐latitude invasion and environmental adaptability of the freshwater mussel Limnopernafortunei in Beijing, China21
Transgenerational plasticity in morphological characteristics and biomass of the invasive plant Xanthium strumarium21
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Joint species distribution modeling reveals a changing prey landscape for North Pacific right whales on the Bering shelf20
Cyanobacterial mats as benthic reservoirs and vectors for coral black band disease pathogens20
Natural habitat connectivity and organic management modulate pest dispersal, gene flow, and natural enemy communities20
Assessing temperature‐dependent competition between two invasive mosquito species20
Temporal dynamics in the composition of bird communities along a gradient of farmland restoration20
Invasive blackberry outcompetes the endemic Galapagos tree daisy Scalesiapedunculata19
Improving the ability of a BACI design to detect impacts within a kelp‐forest community19
Comparative assessment of satellite‐ and drone‐based vegetation indices to predict arthropod biomass in shrub‐steppes19
Large size (>100‐μm) microplastics are not biomagnifying in coastal marine food webs of British Columbia, Canada19
Support for an area–heterogeneity tradeoff for biodiversity in croplands19
Unraveling spatial heterogeneity of soil legacy phosphorus in subtropical grasslands19
Recruitment variability and sampling design interact to influence the detectability of protected area effects19
Finding rare species and estimating the probability that all occupied sites have been found19
Tracking an invasion front with environmental DNA19
Context‐dependent carryover effects of hypoxia and warming in a coastal ecosystem engineer19
Precision and bias of spatial capture–recapture estimates: A multi‐site, multi‐year Utah black bear case study19
Long‐term trends in the phylogenetic and functional diversity of Anatidae in South China coastal wetlands18
Modeling impacts of drought‐induced salinity intrusion on carbon dynamics in tidal freshwater forested wetlands18
Thinning followed by slash burning enhances growth and reduces vulnerability to drought for Pinus nigra18
Pollinator richness, pollination networks, and diet adjustment along local and landscape gradients of resource diversity18
Chemical diversity rather than cultivar diversity predicts natural enemy control of herbivore pests18
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The role of spatial structure in at‐risk metapopulation recoveries18
Mapping marine benthic biological traits to facilitate future sustainable development17
Alien insect dispersal mediated by the global movement of commodities17
Seabirds subsidize terrestrial food webs and coral reefs in a tropical rat‐invaded archipelago17
Trajectories and state changes of a grassland stream and riparian zone after a decade of woody vegetation removal17
Functional diversity regulates the effects of habitat degradation on biocrust phylogenetic and taxonomic diversities17
Restoration and fuel hazard reduction result in equivalent reductions in crown fire behavior in dry conifer forests17
Long‐term Spartina alterniflora invasion simplified soil seed bank and regenerated community in a coastal marsh wetland17
EcoDiet: A hierarchical Bayesian model to combine stomach, biotracer, and literature data into diet matrix estimation17
Whole‐of‐community invertebrate rewilding: Leaf litter transplants rapidly increase beetle diversity during restoration17
Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA16
Rapid deforestation of a coastal landscape driven by sea‐level rise and extreme events16
Adapting western North American forests to climate change and wildfires: 10 common questions16
Bridging the gap between commercial fisheries and survey data to model the spatiotemporal dynamics of marine species16
Environmental DNA metabarcoding as a useful tool for evaluating terrestrial mammal diversity in tropical forests16
Classic indicators and diel dissolved oxygen versus trend analysis in assessing eutrophication of potable‐water reservoirs16
Evidence to inform spatiotemporal management of a western Pacific Ocean tuna purse seine fishery16
Contrasting effects of shooting disturbance on the movement and behavior of sympatric wildfowl species16
Diverse values, philosophies and ideas beget innovation and resilience in ecology and for our world16
High summer macrophyte cover increases abundance, growth, and feeding of juvenile Atlantic salmon16
Mega‐disturbances cause rapid decline of mature conifer forest habitat in California16
Age‐specific survival rates, causes of death, and allowable take of golden eagles in the western United States16
Harvest and density‐dependent predation drive long‐term population decline in a northern ungulate16
Functional diversity of ground beetles improved aphid control but did not increase crop yields on European farms16
Positive long‐term impacts of restoration on soils in an experimental urban forest15
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Breeding bird sensitivity to urban habitat quality is multi‐scale and strongly dependent on migratory behavior15
Predictive accuracy of post‐fire conifer death declines over time in models based on crown and bole injury15
Facilitating the recovery of insect communities in restored streams by increasing oviposition habitat15
Historical ecology identifies long‐term rewilding strategy for conservingMediterranean mountain forests in southItaly15
Food‐web dynamics of a floodplain mosaic overshadow the effects of engineered logjams for Pacific salmon and steelhead15
Probabilistic ecological risk assessment for deep‐sea mining: A Bayesian network for Chatham Rise, Pacific Ocean15
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Concentration‐discharge relationships derived from a larger regional dataset as a tool for watershed management15
Livestock shifts lepidopteran herbivore community due to intraguild elimination in Mediterranean agroforestry systems15
Unfriendly neighbors: When facilitation does not contribute to restoration success in tidal marsh15
Bird species responses to rangeland management in relation to their traits: Rio de la Plata Grasslands as a case study15
Disentangling direct and indirect effects of landscape structure on urban bird richness and functional diversity14
Using near‐term forecasts and uncertainty partitioning to inform prediction of oligotrophic lake cyanobacterial density14
Snapshot Wisconsin: networking community scientists and remote sensing to improve ecological monitoring and management14
A comparison of monitoring designs to assess wildlife community parameters across spatial scales14
Introduction of non‐native Douglas fir reduces leaf damage on beech saplings and mature trees in European beech forests14
Multiple genetic sources facilitate the northward range expansion of an intertidal oyster along China's coast14
Vegetation zones as indicators of denitrification potential in salt marshes14
Land‐use drives the temporal stability and magnitude of soil microbial functions and modulates climate effects14
Inconsistent responses of conservation biocontrol to landscape structure: new insights from a network‐based review14
Eyes on the herd: Quantifying ungulate density from satellite, unmanned aerial systems, andGPScollar data14
Habitat management for stopover and breeding songbird communities along rights‐of‐way in forest‐dominated landscapes14
Predator–prey landscapes of large sharks and game fishes in the Florida Keys14
Transient dynamics during kelp forest recovery from fishing across multiple trophic levels14
Are we telling the same story? Comparing inferences made from camera trap and telemetry data for wildlife monitoring14
Counting the Capital's cats: Estimating drivers of abundance of free‐roaming cats with a novel hierarchical model13
An eco‐epidemiological modeling approach to investigate dilution effect in two different tick‐borne pathosystems13
Blending Indigenous and western science: Quantifying cultural burning impacts in Karuk Aboriginal Territory13
The history of natural history and race: Decolonizing human dimensions of ecology13
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Cross‐scale analysis reveals interacting predictors of annual and perennial cover in Northern Great Basin rangelands13
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Loss of density dependence underpins decoupling of livestock population and plant biomass in intensive grazing systems13
Using social‐ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout13
Land‐use homogenization reduces the occurrence and diversity of frugivorous birds in a tropical biodiversity hotspot13
A general model of the thermal constraints on the world’s most destructive locust,Schistocerca gregaria13
Early detection of a tree pathogen using airborne remote sensing13
Modeling long‐distance seed dispersal of the invasive tree Spathodeacampanulata in the Society Islands13
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Reconciling biodiversity with timber production and revenue via an intensive forest management experiment13
Combining mesocosms with models reveals effects of global warming and ocean acidification on a temperate marine ecosystem13
Canopy reflectance models illustrate varying NDVI responses to change in high latitude ecosystems13
Stand‐scale climate change impacts on forests over large areas: transient responses and projection uncertainties12
Broad‐scale analysis of fish community data suggests critical need to support regional connectivity of coral reefs12
Finding Liebig’s law of the minimum12
South American Dry Chaco rangelands: Positive effects of cattle trampling and transit on ecohydrological functioning12
Climate‐informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou12
Both real‐time and long‐term environmental data perform well in predicting shorebird distributions in managed habitat12
Leaf litter decomposition and its drivers differ between an invasive and a native plant: Management implications12
Beyond carbon flux partitioning: Carbon allocation and nonstructural carbon dynamics inferred from continuous fluxes12
Urban runoff and stream channel incision interact to influence riparian soils and understory vegetation12
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Factors influencing the persistence of a fire‐sensitive Artemisia species in a fire‐dependent ecosystem12
Flowering time advances since the 1970s in a sagebrush steppe community: Implications for management and restoration12
Long‐term marine protection enhances kelp forest ecosystem stability12
Multi‐species occupancy modeling provides novel insights into amphibian metacommunity structure and wetland restoration12
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(Epi)genomic adaptation driven by fine geographical scale environmental heterogeneity after recent biological invasions12
Species‐habitat networks reveal conservation implications that other community analyses do not detect11
The role of microtopography and resident species in post‐disturbance recovery of arid habitats in Hawaiʻi11
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Frequent, heterogenous fire supports a forest owl assemblage11
Conspecific and congeneric interactions shape increasing rates of breeding dispersal of northern spotted owls11
Matching methods to quantify wildfire effects on forest carbon mass in the U.S. Pacific Northwest11
Plantation management to restore early and late‐successional bird habitat under various climatic and seasonal conditions11
Reforestation of high elevation pines: Direct seeding success depends on seed source and sowing environment11
Species‐level tree crown maps improve predictions of tree recruit abundance in a tropical landscape11
Gene drives for invasive wasp control: Extinction is unlikely, with suppression dependent on dispersal and growth rates11
Clonal functional traits favor the invasive success of alien plants into native communities11
Accounting for geographic variation in species‐habitat associations during habitat suitability modeling11
Declining ecological resilience and invasion resistance under climate change in the sagebrush region, United States11
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Urban net primary production: Concepts, field methods, and Baltimore, Maryland, USA case study11
Integrating principles and tools of decision science into value‐driven watershed planning for compensatory mitigation11
Phylogenetic risk assessment is robust for forecasting the impact ofEuropean insects onNorthAmerican conifers11
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Wheat field earthworms under divergent farming systems across a European climate gradient11
Social dominance influences individual susceptibility to an evolutionary trap in mosquitofish11
Variation in flower morphology associated with higher bee diversity in urban green spaces11
Coastal squeeze on temperate reefs: Long‐term shifts in salinity, water quality, and oyster‐associated communities10
Turnover and nestedness drive plant diversity benefits of organic farming from local to landscape scales10
Migrating Whooping Cranes avoid wind‐energy infrastructure when selecting stopover habitat10
Reef design and site hydrodynamics mediate oyster restoration and marsh stabilization outcomes10
Model responses to CO2 and warming are underestimated without explicit representation of Arctic small‐mammal grazing10
Nitrogen cycling in pastoral livestock systems in Sub‐Saharan Africa: knowns and unknowns10
Water availability modifies productivity response to biodiversity and nitrogen in long‐term grassland experiments10
Local and regional‐scale effects of hedgerows on grassland‐ and forest‐associated bird populations within agroecosystems10
Social‐ecological cascade effects of land use on vertebrate pest dynamics in arid agricultural communities10
Long‐term frequent fire and cattle grazing alter dry forest understory vegetation10
Cryptic persistence and loss of local endemism in Lake Constance charr subject to anthropogenic disturbance10
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Rodents mediate the relationship between seed rain, seed bank, and plant community with increased grazing disturbance10
Long‐term demographic dynamics of a keystone scavenger disrupted by human‐induced shifts in food availability10
Pollen carryover, pollinator movement, and spatial context impact the delivery of pollination services in apple orchards10
Trophic cascade in a marine protected area with artificial reefs: spiny lobster predation mitigates urchin barrens10
Environment, vector, or host? Using machine learning to untangle the mechanisms driving arbovirus outbreaks10
Legacy effects of pre‐crop plant functional group on fungal root symbionts of barley10
Scale dependence of coral reef oases and their environmental correlates10
Successful biological control of winter moth, Operophtera brumata, in the northeastern United States10
Mapping the vulnerability of giant sequoias after extreme drought in California using remote sensing10
Evolutionary management of coral‐reef fisheries using phylogenies to predict density dependence10
Zeta diversity patterns in metabarcoded lotic algal assemblages as a tool for bioassessment10
Estimation of breeding probability can make monitoring data more revealing: a case study of amphibians10