Population and Environment

(The TQCC of Population and Environment is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Population living on permafrost in the Arctic47
No future, no kids–no kids, no future?37
Is migration an effective adaptation to climate-related agricultural distress in sub-Saharan Africa?29
Petrochemical releases disproportionately affected socially vulnerable populations along the Texas Gulf Coast after Hurricane Harvey28
Real-time information on air pollution and avoidance behavior: evidence from South Korea22
Scales and sensitivities in climate vulnerability, displacement, and health20
Rising seas, immobilities, and translocality in small island states: case studies from Fiji and Tuvalu20
Childhood exposure to polluted neighborhood environments and intergenerational income mobility, teenage birth, and incarceration in the USA19
Climate events and the role of adaptive capacity for (im-)mobility17
Climatic conditions and infant care: implications for child nutrition in rural Ethiopia15
Climate Mobility and Development Cooperation15
Climate change and non-migration — exploring the role of place relations in rural and coastal Bangladesh14
Temperature, climate change, and birth weight: evidence from Hungary14
The social correlates of flood risk: variation along the US rural–urban continuum13
Comparative assessment of gridded population data sets for complex topography: a study of Southwest China13
Left home high and dry-reduced migration in response to repeated droughts in Thailand and Vietnam12
Disentangling the relationship between immigration and environmental emissions10
The effect of social network sites usage in climate change awareness in Latin America9
Spatial heterogeneity in drinking water sources in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana9
Moving up the energy ladder: does socio-religious status matter?9
Social change, out-migration, and exit from farming in Nepal8
Local perceptions of socio-ecological drivers and effects of coastal armoring: the case of Moorea, French Polynesia8
Complex climate and network effects on internal migration in South Africa revealed by a network model8
As California burns: the psychology of wildfire- and wildfire smoke-related migration intentions8
Floods and maternal healthcare utilisation in Bangladesh7
Population responses to environmental change: looking back, looking forward7