Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications

(The TQCC of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Comparing the notions of opacity for discrete-event systems24
Intermittent fault diagnosability of discrete event systems: an overview of automaton-based approaches16
A general language-based framework for specifying and verifying notions of opacity14
Formal specification and verification of decentralized self-adaptive systems using symmetric nets11
Discrete-event systems subject to unknown sensor attacks10
Decentralized state estimation and diagnosis of p-time labeled Petri nets systems7
Supervisor synthesis and throughput optimization of partially-controllable manufacturing systems6
Supervisory controller synthesis and implementation for safety PLCs5
Detectability of labeled weighted automata over monoids5
Discrete event optimization of a vehicle charging station with multiple sockets5
Transformational supervisor synthesis for evolving systems5
Correction to: Probabilistic state estimation for labeled continuous time Markov models with applications to attack detection5
Optimal Modular Control of Discrete Event Systems with Distinguishers and Approximations5
Synthesis of winning attacks on communication protocols using supervisory control theory: two case studies5
Probabilistic state estimation for labeled continuous time Markov models with applications to attack detection5
Counter approach for the estimation of optimal sequences in Partially Observable Untimed Petri Nets4
Diagnosability verification using LTL model checking4
Observation-assisted heuristic synthesis of covert attackers against unknown supervisors4
Decentralized diagnosis of discrete event systems subject to permanent sensor failures4
A survey on compositional algorithms for verification and synthesis in supervisory control4