OR Spectrum

(The TQCC of OR Spectrum is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Acknowledgement to reviewers36
Assessing green performance of power plants by multiple hybrid returns to scale technologies19
Performance evaluation of supply chain resilience in epidemic crises: an extension of network non-parametric methodology18
Multi-facility location models incorporating multipurpose shopping trips16
Convex or non-convex? A new meta-frontier data envelopment analysis framework considering technology compatibility15
Dual sourcing inventory management with nonconsecutive lead times from a supply chain perspective: a numerical study13
Dominance and ranking interval in DEA parallel production systems13
Outstanding Reviewer Award OR Spectrum 202012
Multicriteria asset allocation in practice12
Optimizing termination decision for meta-heuristic search techniques that converge to a static objective-value distribution11
Multi-criteria optimization in industry11
A matheuristic for tactical locomotive and driver scheduling for the Swiss national railway company SBB Cargo AG10
Consistent routing for local same-day delivery via micro-hubs9
Cost minimizing planning of container inspection and repair in multiple facilities8
Retrieval optimization in a warehouse with multiple input/output-points8
Outlier detection in network revenue management8
An interactive algorithm for resource allocation with balance concerns7
Pricing, coalition stability, and profit allocation in the pull assembly supply chains under competition7
Customized GRASP for rehabilitation therapy scheduling with appointment priorities and accounting for therapist satisfaction7
DEA-based proportional-sharing fixed cost allocation considering bi-objective optimization7
Robust combinatorial optimization problems under budgeted interdiction uncertainty7
Estimation of a logistic regression model by a genetic algorithm to predict pipe failures in sewer networks7
Column-generation-based heuristics for integrating static rebalancing and faulty bike collection in bike-sharing systems6
Intraday power trading: toward an arms race in weather forecasting?6
Robust productivity growth and efficiency measurement with undesirable outputs: evidence from the oil industry6
A matheuristic for passenger service optimization through timetabling with free passenger route choice6
The multi-period home healthcare routing and scheduling problem with electric vehicles6
Sourcing decisions with loss aversion under yield and demand randomness5
Acknowledgement to reviewers5
Optimization and analysis of three-part tariff pricing strategies5
A column-oriented optimization approach for the generation of correlated random vectors5
Sequential claim games5
Optimal bidding functions for renewable energies in sequential electricity markets4
Outstanding Reviewer Award OR Spectrum 20214
Multitrip vehicle routing with delivery options: a data-driven application to the parcel industry4
The bi-objective multimodal car-sharing problem4
Correction to: Solution procedures for block selection and sequencing in flat-bedded potash underground mines4
Derivatives of feed-forward neural networks and their application in real-time market risk management4
Patient diversion using real-time delay predictions across healthcare facility networks4
How to design a multi-stage tournament when some results are carried over?4
Minimizing setups and waste when printing labels of consumer goods4
Dynamic hedging for the real option management of hydropower production with exchange rate risks3
Optimizing last-mile delivery: a dynamic compensation strategy for occasional drivers3
Using tornado-related weather data to route unmanned aerial vehicles to locate damage and victims3
Balancing resources for dynamic vehicle routing with stochastic customer requests3
One-stage product-line design heuristics: an empirical comparison3
The home health care routing with heterogeneous electric vehicles and synchronization3
Two-stage stochastic formulation for relief operations with multiple agencies in simultaneous disasters3
Convex and nonconvex nonparametric frontier-based classification methods for anomaly detection3
Planning road network restoration and relief distribution under heterogeneous road disruptions3
Minimizing total weighted latency in home healthcare routing and scheduling with patient prioritization3
Inventory management with advance demand information and flexible shipment consolidation3
Learning judgment benchmarks of customers from online reviews3
A Bi-Integrated Model for coupling lot-sizing and cutting-stock problems3
Airport capacity extension, fleet investment, and optimal aircraft scheduling in a multilevel market model: quantifying the costs of imperfect markets3
Statistical arbitrage: factor investing approach3
Managing the two-echelon distribution systems with dual delivery modes3
The traveling salesman problem with drone resupply3
Data-driven customer acceptance for attended home delivery3
Correction to: Preventive healthcare facility location planning with quality-conscious clients3
Mobile healthcare services in rural areas: an application with periodic location routing problem3
Optimal chance-constrained pension fund management through dynamic stochastic control3
Evaluation of stochastic flow lines with provisioning of auxiliary material3
Live shopping promotions: which categories should a retailer discount to shoppers already in the store?3
A discrete-time benchmark tracking problem in two markets subject to random environments3