Economics & Politics

(The TQCC of Economics & Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Who is afraid of sanctions? The macroeconomic and distributional effects of the sanctions against Iran25
Presidential antagonism and central bank credibility20
Oil price shocks, protest, and the shadow economy: Is there a mitigation effect?14
Inflation concerns and mass preferences over exchange‐rate policy10
Does geopolitical risk matter for corporate investment decisions? Evidence from cross‐border acquisitions9
Trade agreements and Global Value Chain (GVC) participation: Evidence from Chinese industries8
The price of doing business: Why replaceable foreign firms get worse government treatment8
Revisiting global imbalances: A comparative analysis of income and consumption inequality8
Pull factors for migration: The impact of migrant integration policies8
Firms, states, and global production7
Death and taxes: Does taxation matter for firm survival?7
Political decentralization and corruption: Exploring the conditional role of parties7
The economic impact of political instability and mass civil protest7
Misremembering Weimar: Hyperinflation, the Great Depression, and German collective economic memory7
Labor upgrading and export market opportunities: Evidence from Vietnam6
The effect of female representation on political budget cycle and public expenditure: Evidence from Italian municipalities6
Examining the effect of IMF conditionality on natural resource policy5
The economics of change and stability in social trust: Evidence from (and for) Catalan secession5
Fostering global value chains through international agreements: Evidence from Vietnam5
Institutional quality and public spending in Europe: A quantile regression approach5
Conditional political budget cycles: The role of time preference5
The impact of international sanctions on innovation of target countries5
Uninformed voters with (im)precise expectations: Explaining political budget cycle puzzles4
The democratic (dis)advantage: The conditional impact of democracy on credit risk and sovereign default4
Are electronic government innovations helpful to deter corruption? Evidence from across the world4
Natural resource windfalls and efficiency in local government expenditure: Evidence from Peru4
Political connections and labor investment efficiency: Evidence from China's private firms4
Inside job: Migration and distributive politics in the European Union4
Dynamic lobbying: Evidence from foreign lobbying in the U.S. Congress4
Policy uncertainty and inventory behavior: Evidence from the US manufacturing sector4
The political globalization trilemma revisited: An empirical assessment across countries and over time4
“Restrict foreigners, not robots”: Partisan responses to automation threat4
The effects of foreign aid on rebel governance: Evidence from a large‐scale US aid program in Syria4
The political economy of state economic development incentives: A case of rent extraction3
Higher turnout increases incumbency advantages: Evidence from mayoral elections3
Investment commitments in PTAs and MNCS in partner countries3
The influence of financial and economic literacy on policy preferences in Italy3
Stock markets in turmoil: political institutions and the impact of elections3
Effectiveness and counter‐cyclicality of fiscal consolidation under compliance regulation: The case of the Stability and Growth Pact3
Federalism, but how? The impact of vertical fiscal imbalance on economic growth. Evidence from Belgium*3
The effect of presidential election outcomes on alcohol drinking2
The stock market and NO2 emissions effects of COVID‐19 around the world2
The voice of radio in the battle for equal rights: Evidence from the U.S. South2
Dynamics of public opinion and policy response under proportional and plurality elections2
Endogenous expropriation and political competition2
Do tax and expenditure limitations exacerbate rising income inequality?2
The microfoundation of macroeconomic populism: The effects of economic inequality on public inflation aversion2
Public–private partnership, cost of debt and accounting conservatism2
Local donation culture and corporate tax avoidance: Evidence from China2
Does economic growth benefit the poor? The role of institutions and religions2
American financial hegemony, global capital cycles, and the macroeconomic growth environment2
Commodity terms of trade shocks and political transitions2
Foreign lobbying through domestic subsidiaries2
The end of currency manipulation? Global production networks and exchange rate outcomes2