
(The TQCC of Empirica is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
From “Decent work and economic growth” to “Sustainable work and economic degrowth”: a new framework for SDG 845
ESG performance and economic growth: a panel co-integration analysis42
Greening work: labor market policies for the environment23
The impact of COVID-19 on the European short-term rental market22
Macroeconomic and bank-specific determinants of non-performing loans: the case of baltic states20
Transition of the automotive industry towards electric vehicle production in the east European integrated periphery17
Is there really hysteresis in the OECD unemployment rates? New evidence using a Fourier panel unit root test17
Ownership and purchase intention of crypto-assets: survey results14
Cutting through the value chain: the long-run effects of decoupling the East from the West13
Digital transformation12
Industry 4.0–the future of Austrian jobs12
The economic development of regions in Ukraine: with tests on the territorial capital approach11
Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context10
Determinants of substantial public debt reductions in Central and Eastern European Countries9
Policy instruments and self-reported impacts of the adoption of energy saving technologies in the DACH region8
Self-employment by gender in the EU: convergence and clusters8
Trading Kuznets curve: empirical analysis for China7
The European structural and investment funds and public investment in the EU countries7
Long-run dynamics between trade liberalization and income inequality in the European Union: a second generation approach6
Finance, growth and (macro)prudential policy: European evidence6
Stability of pro-sociality and trust amid the Covid-19: panel data from the Netherlands6
How is the European Union progressing towards its Europe 2020 targets? A benefit-of-the-doubt window analysis6
Fiscal rules and volatility: the role of stabilising properties and compliance6
Nowcasting and monitoring SDG 85
Ownership structure and firm export performance: evidence from Slovenian microdata5
Economic and behavioral determinants of forced household savings during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Assessing the importance of risky products in international trade and global value chains4
Commuting time and sickness absence of US workers4
Meeting investor outflows in Czech bond and equity funds: horizontal or vertical?4
Government debt: the impact of fiscal rules at the European and national level4
The effect of higher capital requirements on bank lending: the capital surplus matters4
Logistics infrastructure and export survival in European Union countries4
Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia: simulations with a macroeconometric model3
Financial and economic uncertainties and their effects on the economy3
Economic complexity and environmental pollution: evidence from the former socialist transition countries3
Special Issue: Sustainability, Work and Growth in the Context of SDG 83
Measuring private transfers between generations and gender: an application of national transfer accounts for Austria 20153
Estimating market power for the European manufacturing industry between 2000 and 20143
Asymmetric J-curve: evidence from UK-German commodity trade3
The future of employment revisited: how model selection affects digitization risks3
Economy 4.0: employment effects by occupation, industry, and gender3