Journal of Demographic Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of Demographic Economics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Gender inequality in COVID-19 times: evidence from UK prolific participants62
A meta-analysis of the literature on climate change and migration39
Sex and the mission: the conflicting effects of early Christian missions on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa23
Can the historical gender gap index deepen our understanding of economic development?17
Educational inequalities in longevity in 18 OECD countries16
Domestic and international migration intentions in response to environmental stress: A global cross-country analysis14
Age culture, school-entry cutoff, and the choices of birth month and school-entry timing in South Korea10
Gendered migration responses to drought in Malawi10
What determines women's labor supply? The role of home productivity and social norms7
Son preference and the fertility squeeze in India7
The geography of climate migration7
Social interactions, ethnicity, religion, and fertility in Kenya6
Immigrant supply of marketable child care and native fertility in Italy5
Economic returns of family planning and fertility decline in India, 1991–20615
Demography and provisions for retirement: the pension composition, a behavioral approach5
Prussia disaggregated: the demography of its universe of localities in 18715
The impact of natural disasters on migration: findings from Vietnam5
Religion, family structure, and the perpetuation of female genital cutting in Egypt4
Wage and employment effects of immigration: Evidence from South Korea4
Hong Kong wives say no to a big family—educational pairings and fertility in Hong Kong4
Relationship between asset ownership and women's empowerment? Evidence from DHS data from 18 developing countries4
Women's personal networks and recourse to prenatal care in Bamako4
Female education, marital assortative mating, and dowry: Theory and evidence from districts of India4
The role of family networks and social capital on women's fertility intentions in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso4
Religious prohibition and sacrifice: evidence from the Amish restriction on high school education4
Migration-induced transfers of norms: the case of female political empowerment3
Segregation, fertility, and son preference: the case of the Roma in Serbia3
Were Jews in interwar Poland more educated?3
Urbanization, long-run growth, and the demographic transition3
A recent change in the relation between women's income and childbirth: heterogeneous effects of work-family balance policy3
The role of religion in female labor supply: evidence from two Muslim denominations3
Effect of the COVID-19 frailty heterogeneity on the future evolution of mortality by stratified weighting2
Fertility, electricity and television: is there a link? Evidence from Pakistan, 1990–20182
Investigating the long-term effects of child labor on household poverty and food insecurity in Ghana2
Water, walls, and bicycles: wealth index composition using census microdata2
Changing educational homogamy: shifting preferences or evolving educational distribution?2
Has the COVID-19 pandemic widened the gender gap in paid work hours in Spain?2
Self-employment as a stepping stone to better labor market matching: a comparison between immigrants and natives2
More choice for men? Marriage patterns after World War II in Italy2
Instrumental support exchanges among kin and non-kin in light of personal configurations2
Pareto-improving transition to fully funded pensions under myopia2
Fertility, migration, and altruism2
Longevity risk and capital markets: the 2021–22 update2
Educational assortative mating and income inequality in Thailand2
Household expenditure and child health in Vietnam: analysis of longitudinal data2
A new method for identifying the role of marital preferences at shaping marriage patterns2
Financial support by older adults to family members: a configurational perspective2