Race Ethnicity and Education

(The TQCC of Race Ethnicity and Education is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Social and emotional learning is hegemonic miseducation: students deserve humanization instead45
Racism camouflaged as impostorism and the impact on Black STEM doctoral students40
Education and racial capitalism37
How to counteract racism in education – A typology of teachers’ anti-racist actions30
Black families’ resistance to deficit positioning: addressing the paradox of black parent involvement25
Ratings in black and white: a quantcrit examination of race and gender in teacher evaluation reform21
‘That’s My Job’: Black Teachers’ Perspectives on Helping Black Students Navigate White Supremacy21
Theorizing racial microaffirmations: a Critical Race/LatCrit approach19
Critical Race Theory and Islamophobia: challenging inequity in Higher Education18
Linguistic Confinement: Rethinking the Racialized Interplay between Educational Language Learning and Carcerality17
‘Oh, this is really great work—especially for a Turk’: a critical race theory analysis of Turkish Belgian students’ discrimination experiences17
Toward a framework for critical racial literacy15
The role of racial literacy in US K-12 education research: a review of the literature14
Impact of Islamophobia on post-secondary Muslim students attending Ontario universities13
Remixin’ and flowin’ in centros: exploring the biliteracy practices of Black language speakers in an elementary two-way immersion bilingual program12
DisCrit at the margins of teacher education: informing curriculum, visibilization, and disciplinary integration12
Transformative agency for justice: addressing racial disparity of school discipline with the Indigenous Learning Lab11
Teacher perspectives on the presence of police officers in English secondary schools: A Critical Race Theory analysis11
Global conversations: recovery and detection of Global South multiply-marginalized bodies10
When the Mirage Fades: Black Boys Encountering Antiblackness in a Predominantly White Catholic High School10
Plessy’s Tracks: African American students confronting academic placement in a racially diverse school and African American community10
Understanding Black students beyond resistance: the tensions of centering Black life10
Revitalising race equality policy? Assessing the impact of the Race Equality Charter mark for British universities10
The racial learning of Chinese international students in the US: a transnational perspective10
Extending DisCrit: a case of universal design for learning and equity in a rural teacher residency10
Traerás tus Documentos (you will bring your documents): navigating the intersections of disability and citizenship status in special education9
Conflicted: How Black women negotiate their responses to racial microaggressions at a historically White institution9
Where we’re going, not where we’ve been: Indigenous leadership in Canadian higher education9
School of choice or schools’ choice? Intersectional correspondence testing on ethnic and class discrimination in the enrolment procedure to Flemish kindergarten9
Conceptualizing and studying ‘Affective Nationalism’ in education: theoretical and methodological considerations8
Organized anxiety: respectability politics, John Henryism, and the paradox of Black achievement8
Sent out or sent home: understanding racial disparities across suspension types from critical race theory and quantcrit perspectives8
‘I don’t want to be pushed into an islamic school’: biography and raciolinguistic ideologies in education8
Safe & sound? Perceptions of campus safety for Black college students7
‘I didn’t want to be a statistic’: Black males, urban schooling, and educational urgency7
‘That hat means a lot more than a hat for some of us’: Gay Latino collegians in the era of Trump7
(Re)creating family and reinforcing pedagogies of the home: How familial capital manifests for Students of Color pursuing STEM majors7
Feminism, Islam and higher education: towards new roles and family relationships for young Spanish-Moroccan Muslim women in Spain7
We who believe in freedom: Freedom Schools as a critical context for the positive, sociopolitical development of Black youth7
Do numbers speak for themselves? Exploring the use of quantitative data to measure policy ‘success’ in historical Indigenous higher education in the Northern Territory, Australia7
Denied, but effective – stock stories in Danish welfare work with refugees6
First things first: Black women situating identity in the first-year faculty experience6
Minoritised teachers’ experiences of multiple, intersectional racisms in the school system in England: ‘carrying the weight of racism’6
‘Teaching shouldn’t feel like a combat sport’: how teaching evaluations are weaponised against minoritised academics6
The schooling experiences and aspirations of students belonging to intersecting marginalisations based on race or ethnicity, sexuality, and socioeconomic status6
White racial ignorance and refusing culpability: how the emotionalities of whiteness ignore race in teacher education6
Remembering and honoring the dead: Dia de los Muertos, Black Lives Matter and radical healing6
“Life was brought back into my body”: a Critical Race Feminista analysis of racial microaffirmations6
Whose story counts? Staking a claim for diverse bicultural narratives in New Zealand secondary schools6
Pushed to the edge: the consequences of the ‘Prevent Duty’ in de-radicalising pre-crime thought among British Muslim university students6
COVID-19 racism and the perpetual foreigner narrative: the impacts on Asian American students6
What’s going on here? Black men and gendered-antiblackness at a Hispanic-Serving Institution6
Teacher bias matters: an integrative review of correlates, mechanisms, and consequences6
‘The heaviest thing for me is being seen as aggressive’: the adverse impact of racial microaggressions on Black male undergraduates’ mental health5
‘He looks like a monster ’: kindergarten children, racial perceptions, and systems of socialization in dual language education5
Just go to the office! An intersectional exploration of the role of race and gender in discipline referral reasons5
Bringing DisCrit theory to practice in the development of an action for equity collaborative network: passion projects5
From the Personal to the Global: Engaging with and Enacting DisCrit Theory Across Multiple Spaces5
The politics of curricular erasure: debates on race, gender, and sexuality in the Brazilian ‘common core’ curriculum5
“We just do us”: How Black teachers co-construct Black teacher fugitive space in the face of antiblackness5
Freedom of speech or freedom to silence?: how color-evasive racism protects the intimidation tactics of American extreme rightwing organizations5
‘Demonstrable experience of being a Mammy or Crazy Black Bitch’ (essential). A critical race feminist approach to understanding Black women Headteachers’ experiences in English schools5
A lost generation: perpetual education insecurity among the Rohingya5
Connecting counterspaces and community cultural wealth in a professional development program5
Patchwork capital and postsecondary success: Latinx students from high school to college5
Our college degree: familial engagement in the lives of diverse Black collegians5
‘In it together’: activist teachers of color networks combating isolation5
‘I’m picking a side’: Thick solidarity, antiblackness and the grammar of the model minority5
Transforming the future of quantitative educational research: a systematic review of enacting quantCrit5
‘It’s just how we articulate the Blackness in us’: African American teachers, Black students, and African American Language5