New Media & Society

(The TQCC of New Media & Society is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Book Review: Media, journalism and disaster communities123
Book Review: Cultural Analytics109
The Pacific futures of subsea data centers96
Who reaps the benefits? A cross-country investigation of the absolute and relative normalization and equalization theses in the 2019 European Parliament elections80
Social capital in video game studies: A scoping review74
Dealing with disagreement: The depolarizing effects of everyday diplomatic skills face-to-face and online69
Book Review: Reality Media: Augmented and Virtual Reality69
Book Review: Diminished faculties: A political phenomenology of impairment63
Mundane work for utopian ends: Freeing digital materials in peer production60
Nomadic life archiving across platforms: Hyperlinked storage and compartmentalized sharing58
Hot air and corporate sociotechnical imaginaries: Performing and translating digital futures in the Danish tech scene56
Visions of unification and integration: Building brains and communities in the European Human Brain Project56
Agenda-setting in social TV: How and when user comments influence perceived issue importance52
“Chinese Elm 1030595 . . . (or can I call you Dale??)”: Communication and representation in mediated encounters with nonhuman others51
Synthetic versus human voices in audiobooks: The human emotional intimacy effect46
Double lockdown: The effects of digital exclusion on undocumented immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic43
Anatomy of audience duplication networks: How individual characteristics differentially contribute to fragmentation in news consumption and trust41
Enhanced self-regulation: The case of Facebook’s content governance39
Mediated by the giants: Tracing practices, discourses, and mediators of platform isomorphism in a media organization38
Social media platforms for politics: A comparison of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, and WhatsApp37
Beyond dislike counts: How YouTube users react to the visibility of social cues36
Platform affordances, discursive opportunities, and social media activism: A cross-platform analysis of #MeToo on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, 2017–202036
The role of news media knowledge for how people use social media for news in five countries36
Theorizing the 2017 blockchain ICO bubble as a network scam34
Analyzing narrative contagion through digital storytelling in social media conversations: An AI-powered computational approach34
Culturally centring digital inclusion and marginality: A case study in Aotearoa New Zealand33
Difficult heritage on social network sites: An integrative review32
Book Reviews: Mixed Methods Perspectives on Communication and Social Media Research32
Do squeaky wheels get the grease? Understanding when and how municipalities respond to online requests32
Conceptualizing social media sub-platforms: The case of mourning and memorialization practices on Facebook32
Character assassination as a right-wing populist communication tactic on social media: The case of Matteo Salvini in Italy32
An institutional perspective to bridging the divide: The case of Somali women refugees fostering digital inclusion in the volatile context of urban Kenya32
A critical appraisal of diversity in digital knowledge production: Segregated inclusion on YouTube30
Introduction to geomedia histories30
A genealogy of social geomedia: The life, death, and (possible) afterlife of location-based social networks29
Co-operative aerial images: A geomedia history of the view from above29
The effects of augmented reality on prosocial behavior intentions in the disaster news context: The mediating role of physical presence and empathy29
Framing Indigenous protest in the online public sphere: A comparative frame analysis28
Beyond subcultures: A literature review of gaming communities and sociological analysis28
How do transnational public spheres emerge? Comparing news and social media networks during the Madrid climate talks27
Countering underproduction of peer produced goods27
Toward an integrated framework for misinformation and correction sharing: A systematic review across domains27
Book Reviews: Automation is a myth27
Digital heuristics: How parties strategize political communication in hybrid media environments26
mHealth and social mediation: Mobile support among stigmatized people living with HIV and substance use disorder26
How offline backgrounds interact with digital capital26
“What an idiot!” – How the appraisal of the writer of an uncivil comment impacts discussion behavior25
Playing platformized language games: Social media logic and the mutation of participatory cultures in Chinese online fandom25
Tactics of news literacy: How young people access, evaluate, and engage with news on social media25
QR codes and automated decision-making in the COVID-19 pandemic25
Morality in social media: A scoping review24
Book Review: Personal But Not Private: Queer Women, Sexuality, and Identity Modulation on Digital Platforms24
Beyond the ‘critical incident’: COVID-19, data journalism and the slow road to editorial automation in Australian newsrooms24
Direct and indirect relationships between social media use and body satisfaction: A prospective study among adolescent boys and girls23
Online social engagement, depression, and anxiety among older adults23
From individuals to emotional drones: Technology-driven change in the collective conditioning of intimacy23
Book Reviews: Worn Out: How Retailers Surveil and Exploit Workers in the Digital Age and How Workers Are Fighting Back Madison Van Oort23
(How) did self-rated health status shape Internet use among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany?22
Do people believe in misleading information disseminated via memes? The role of identity and anger22
Mapping the transnational imaginary of social media genres22
Historical figures on Instagram: A typology of themes and modes of representation22
Interpretive communities of resistance: Emerging counterpublics of immigration alarmism on social media22
‘Neither work nor leisure’: Motivations of microworkers in the United Kingdom on three digital platforms22
Disinformation on digital media platforms: A market-shaping approach22
Data and/as activism: Community-based racial justice data repertoires21
Immaterial intimacy: The neoliberal entanglement of digital technologies in social movement volunteer work21
Calls to (what kind of?) action: A framework for comparing political actors’ campaign strategies across social media platforms21
Making events: How anticipatory infrastructures produce shared temporalities21
Subverting or preserving the institution: Competing IT firm and foundation discourses about open source21
Imagining permanence on the web: Tracing the meanings of long-term preservation among the subjects of web archives21
Setting the misinformation agenda: Modeling COVID-19 narratives in Twitter communities20
Examining the impact of digital information environments, information processing, and presumed influence on behavioral responses to COVID-19 misinformation in Asia20
Love is love: Reverse isomorphism and the rise of LGBTQ+ romance publishing20
Transferred expectations of human presence: Folk theories among older adults who are inexperienced users of online services20
Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? Visibility and advocacy in the Ugandan LGBT+ Twittersphere20
Unpacking the network dynamics of online political discussions: Stochastic actor-oriented modeling with political/sociopsychological/linguistic factors20
Beyond ownership: Human–robot relationships between property and personhood20
Geek nostalgia: The reflective and restorative defence of white male geek culture20
How “the left” meme: Analyzing taboo in the Internet memes of r/DankLeft20
A different playbook for the same outcome? Examining Google’s and Meta’s strategic responses to Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code20
Discourse, digitisation and women’s rights groups in Nigeria and Ghana: Online campaigns for political inclusion and against violence on women and girls20
Technology is a wish your heart makes: How Disney harnesses practical magic discourse to legitimize MyMagic+19
Picture me in person: Personalization and emotionalization as political campaign strategies on social media in the German federal election period 202119
Platform visibility and the making of an issue: Vernaculars of hereditary cancer on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter19
Taking back and giving back on TikTok: Algorithmic mutual aid in the platform economy19
The social construction of datasets: On the practices, processes, and challenges of dataset creation for machine learning18
Conjuring algorithms: Understanding the tech industry as stage magicians18
Rohingya diaspora online: Mapping the spaces of visibility, resistance and transnational identity on social media18
The sound of disinformation: TikTok, computational propaganda, and the invasion of Ukraine18
Digital Mary: Religious Mediatization and the Re-Enchantment of a Mega Symbol17
Exploring subjective sociocultural understandings of “fear of missing out” (FoMO) and the unsettled self in a time of deep mediatization17
“I’m not this Person”: Racism, content moderators, and protecting and denying voice online17
The disciplined customer: A video-based study of automated self-service hotels17
The relationship between humanitarian NGO communication and user engagement on Twitter17
Walk in my shoes: How perspective-taking and VR enhance telepresence and empathy in a public service announcement for people experiencing homelessness17
“Check this out! ”: Collective functions of instant messaging about media content17
To move closer or farther away: Active domestication and limited role of using digital media by the visually impaired people in China16
How social media users perceive different forms of online hate speech: A qualitative multi-method study16
Investigating the experience of viewing extreme real-world violence online: Naturalistic evidence from an online discussion forum16
Digitally mediated code-switching in transnational families in Australia: Fathers and children16
Unpacking platform governance through meaningful human agency: How Chinese moderators make discretionary decisions in a dynamic network16
Is it better to strike a balance? How exposure to congruent and incongruent opinion climates on social networking sites impacts users’ processing and selection of information16
Loot boxes, problem gambling and problem video gaming: A systematic review and meta-synthesis16
Affective polarization in the digital age: Testing the direction of the relationship between social media and users’ feelings for out-group parties16
Lurking as literacy practice: A uses and gratifications study in neighborhood Facebook groups16
Sowing “seeds of doubt”: Cottage industries of election and medical misinformation in Brazil and the United States16
Sociotechnical imaginaries of remote personal touch before and during COVID-19: An analysis of UK newspapers15
The online structure and development of posting behaviour in Dutch anti-vaccination groups on Telegram15
Facing blockchain’s double bind: Trustless technologies and “IRL friends” in Berlin’s NFT community15
Exploring data ageism: What good data can(’t) tell us about the digital practices of older people?15
When is the right time to remember? Social media memories, temporality and the kairologic15
When friction becomes the norm: Antagonism, discourse and planetary data turbulence15
We are all (not) Anonymous: Individual- and country-level correlates of support for and opposition to hacktivism15
Structures that tilt: Understanding “toxic” behaviors in online gaming15
Making a complex story simple: The exclusion of social media from life stories14
The telephone answering machine: Mediated presence and the participatory condition14
Enhancing social connectedness: How adults with vision impairment perceive and use social media in Nigeria14
What does it mean to “do your own research?” A comparative content analysis of DYOR messages in Instagram and Facebook posts about reproductive health, food, and vaccines14
Environmental activism in the platform society: Spatial agency in digital maps14
From bliss to burden: An ethnographic inquiry into how social, material and individual obstacles to digital well-being shape everyday life14
The “greenfluence”: Following environmental influencers, parasocial relationships, and youth’s participation behavior14
Enforcing platform sovereignty: A case study of platform responses to Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code14
The psychological influence of dating app matches: The more matches the merrier?14
The computational turn in online mental health research: A systematic review14
Exploring older adults’ ICT support: A mismatch between needs and provision14
Pre-service teachers’ insights on data agency13
Classified children: A critical analysis of the digital interfaces and representations that mediate adoption in the United States13
Investigating longitudinal and bidirectional relationships between parental factors and time spent on social media during early adolescence13
Futures in mobile communication research: Introduction to the special issue13
Be my boss: Migrant youth and the contradiction of hope labour on Kuaishou13
The production of destruction: How employee values shape platform afterlives13
Road to micro-celebration: The role of mutation strategy of micro-celebrity in digital media13
Translocal networked public spheres: Spatial arrangements of metropolitan Twitter13
Book Review: Media Ethics and Global Justice in the Digital Age13
Algorithms as complementary abstractions13
Verified play, precarious work: GamerGate and platformed authenticity in the cultural industries13
Convenient efficiency: A media genealogy of QR codes13
Emotional talk about robotic technologies on Reddit: Sentiment analysis of life domains, motives, and temporal themes13
Digital citizenship and disability in the covid era13
Aging differently: How socioemotional reactions to perceived remaining time in life influence older adults’ satisfaction in virtual communities13
Deadpan humour, the comic disposition and the interpretation of ironic ambiguity online13
Gamblification: A definition13
Digital detox tourism: Practices of analogization13
Online social connections and Internet use among people with intellectual disabilities in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic13
The visual politics of public police Instagram use in Canada13
Governing principles: Articulating values in social media platform policies13
Social media use of the police in crisis situations: A mixed-method study on communication practices of the German police12
How digital devices transform literary reading: The impact of e-books, audiobooks and online life on reading habits12
Online social support for infertility in Azerbaijan12
Visibility agents: Organizing transparency in the digital era12
Subverted agency: The dilemmas of disempowerment in digital practices12
Debating (in) echo chambers: How culture shapes communication in conspiracy theory networks on YouTube12
Admins, mods, and benevolent dictators for life: The implicit feudalism of online communities12
The power of predictability: How Angela Merkel constructed her authenticity on Instagram12
The alt-right digital migration: A heterogeneous engineering approach to social media platform branding12
High-speed broadband availability, Internet activity among older people, quality of life and loneliness12
The whole earth and apartheid: Media, peer-production, segregation12
Algorithmic media use and algorithm literacy: An integrative literature review11
Flagging as a silencing tool: Exploring the relationship between de-platforming of sex and online abuse on Instagram and TikTok11
Human–AI communication in initial encounters: How AI agency affects trust, liking, and chat quality evaluation11
Editor’s introduction11
A longitudinal examination of Internet users’ privacy protection behaviors in relation to their perceived collective value of privacy and individual privacy concerns11
Friction in the Netflix machine: How screen workers interact with streaming data11
Monopolization and competition under platform capitalism: Analyzing transformations in the computing industry11
“Pose”: Examining moments of “digital” dark sousveillance on TikTok11
Social access: role of digital media in social relations of young people with disabilities11
The platformization of music production: How digital audio workstations are turned into platforms of labor market relations11
Between anger and love: A multi-level study on the impact of policy issues on user reactions in national election campaigns on Facebook in Germany, Hungary, and Norway11
Hip-hop music producers’ labour in the digital music economy: Self-promotion, social media and platform gatekeeping11
Amplification and the limits of visibility: Complicating strategies of trans voice and representations on social media11
Anticipated affordances: Understanding early reactions to new technologies11
“Authentic” digital inclusion? Dis/ability performances on social media by users with concealable communicative disabilities10
Assessing the relative merits of news literacy and corrections in responding to misinformation on Twitter10
Book Review: The social structure of online communities10
The limits of live fact-checking: Epistemological consequences of introducing a breaking news logic to political fact-checking10
From the barbecue to the sauna: A comparative account of the folding of media reception into the everyday life10
Disrupting deliberation? The impact of the pandemic on the social practice of deliberative engagement10
Locked up and left out: Formerly incarcerated people in the context of digital inclusion10
Games-as-a-service: Conflicted identities on the new front-line of video game development10
Internet access, place and belonging in the British asylum system10
Pathways to persuasion: The impact of social media influencers’ self-disclosure and follower size on persuasion outcomes10
Experiencing organ failure in virtual reality: Effects of self- versus other-embodied perspective taking on empathy and prosocial outcomes10
Who will govern the metaverse? Examining governance initiatives for extended reality (XR) technologies10
Book Review: tumblr10
Book Review: Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Production: Critical Perspectives on Digital Platforms10
TikTok as algorithmically mediated biographical illumination: Autism, self-discovery, and platformed diagnosis on #autisktok10
Social media news deserts: Digital inequalities and incidental news exposure on social media platforms10
Converging cultures of communication: A comparative study of Internet use in China, Europe, and the United States10
How to grow a transnational field: A network analysis of the global fact-checking movement10
Social media corporations as actors of counter-terrorism9
Reviewer acknowledgements for volume 239
Book Review: All the News That’s Fit to Click: How Metrics Are Transforming the Work of Journalists9
Fear of Missing Out as motivation to process information: How differences in Instagram use affect attitude formation online9
Algorithms, contexts, governance: An introduction to the special issue9
Constraining context: Situating datafication in public administration9
Book Reviews: The Prison House of the Circuit: Politics of Control from Analog to Digital9
Polarized platforms? How partisanship shapes perceptions of “algorithmic news bias”9
Book Review: The Routledge handbook of translation and media9
Book Review: The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Age9
Remediation in the hybrid media environment: Understanding countermedia in context9
Book Review: Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means9
Book Review: Getting Signed: Record Contracts, Musicians, and Power in Society9
A convivial-agonistic framework to theorise public service media platforms and their governing systems9
Book Reviews: Computing Taste: Algorithms and the Makers of Music Recommendations9
Book Review: The Digital Disconnect: The Social Causes and Consequences of Digital Inequalities9
Living with television and the Internet9
Artificial intelligence and mass personalization of communication content—An ethical and literacy perspective9
Mobile netware, social graphs, and the reconfiguration of space9
Book Reviews: Metrics at Work: Journalism and the Contested Meaning of Algorithms9
Book Review: Four internets: Data, geopolitics, and the governance of cyberspace9
Cynical Nonpartisans: The Role of Misinformation in Political Cynicism During the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election8
Book Review: A Precarious Game: The Illusion of Dream Jobs in the Video Game Industry8
Defining affordances in social media research: A literature review8
The social side of cryptocurrency: Exploring the investors’ ideological realities from Romanian Facebook groups8
Young people’s ‘post-digital’ relationships during COVID-19 ‘lockdowns’ in England8
A moment of turbulence: Privacy considerations in the pivot to distance learning during COVID-19 in higher education in Estonia, France, and Israel8
Toward a multidimensional streaming: A thematic case study of two Twitch channels8
Parents, carers, and policy labor: Policy networks and new media8
The emergence of creative and digital place-making: A scoping review across disciplines8
Book Review: Instagram: Visual social media cultures8
Humour and Comedy in Digital Game Live Streaming8
Disinforming the unbiased: How online users experience and cope with dissonance after climate change disinformation exposure8
‘COVID Casablanca’: A case of Dubai’s British social media influencers and postdigital intermedia geographies8
ChatGPT in the public eye: Ethical principles and generative concerns in social media discussions8
A queer kind of dwelling: Digital throwness and existential security among sexual minorities in Russia8
IQ and digital inequality: An empirical investigation8
Platform scams: Brazilian workers’ experiences of dishonest and uncertain algorithmic management8
Metaphors in critical Internet and digital media studies8
A review and provocation: On polarization and platforms8
Shaping feminist artificial intelligence8
Discontentment trumps Euphoria: Interacting with European Politicians’ migration-related messages on social media8
Defining empathy: Interconnected discourses of virtual reality’s prosocial impact8
Hashtag feminism in a blocked context: The mechanisms of unfolding and disrupting #rape on Persian Twitter8
Who gets a say in this? Speaking security on social media8
Engineering care in pandemic technogovernance: The politics of care in China and South Korea’s COVID-19 tracking apps8
An investigation of the relationship between social networking site activities and muscle dysmorphia in young men8
Mobile phone repair in Ghana: Comparing three approaches7
Behind the screen: The perception–reality gap in cybersexual harassment between remote coworkers7
Digital ventriloquism and celebrity access: Cameo and the emergence of paid puppeteering on digital platforms7
Trust-oriented affordances: A five-country study of news trustworthiness and its socio-technical articulations7
Book Review: Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the Turing Test7
The Lovelace effect: Perceptions of creativity in machines7
Clickbait news and algorithmic curation: A game theory framework of the relation between journalism, users, and platforms7
Everyday disconnection experiences: Exploring people’s understanding of digital well-being and management of digital media use7
Why Am I Seeing This Ad? The affordances and limits of automated user-level explanation in Meta’s advertising system7
Examining the digital renewal of news communication: A categorization of presentation modes in digital journalism7
Book Review: The discursive construction of the modern political self: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the age of social media7
Regimes of justification in the datafied workplace: The case of hiring7
Afterword: Medium America and the grounds of a transnational history of farm media7
#MeToo on Twitter: The migration of celebrity capital and social capital in online celebrity advocacy7