British Food Journal

(The TQCC of British Food Journal is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The shape of creaminess: consumers expected and perceived rounded chocolates as creamier than squared152
Development of evaluation indicators for senior-friendly restaurants91
Interorganisational citizenship behaviours: development and validation of a measurement scale in South African craft breweries86
Household food waste and pathways to responsible consumer behaviour: evidence from Australia68
Consumer understanding of food date labels: preventing food wastage68
Predicting and promoting the consumption of plant-based meat63
Consumers’ attitudes, perceived risks and perceived benefits towards repurchase intention of food truck products54
Effectiveness of pictorial warnings on food fat content: consumers’ perception and neurological responses51
From brick and mortar to click and order: consumers' online food delivery service perceptions post-pandemic51
Pasture shooting and mobile slaughterhouses from a consumer's point of view: alternative slaughter methods and the meat paradox46
Processors' understanding of process quality: a qualitative interview study with employees of organic dairies in Germany and Switzerland44
Implementation of the SDGs by social economy enterprises in the agrifood sector44
Using bibliometric analysis to map innovative business models for vertical farm entrepreneurs43
Limits and potential of organic farming towards a more sustainable European agri-food system43
Sustainable and healthy purchasing behaviors towards palm oil-based food in Italy42
Nutritional knowledge, eating habits and quality of life of coeliac disease patients41
Development and quality assessment of low-sodium functional chevon patties39
Marketing geographical indication products in the digital age: a holistic perspective38
Factors affecting the diffusion of traceability practices in an imported fresh produce supply chain in China37
Including sustainability factors in the derivation of eater profiles of young adults in Canada36
Innovative food and sustainable consumption behaviour: the role of communication focus and consumer-related characteristics in lab-grown meat (LGM) consumption36
Serbian, Croatian and Spanish consumers' beliefs towards artisan cheese36
Effect of tasting and flavour on chocolate-evoked emotions by consumers34
Gender differences among teenagers: healthy and unhealthy lifestyle habits and eating behaviours, food involvement and packaging cues34
Inulin enhances nutritional, sensorial and technological characteristics of synbiotic yogurt drink33
Unveiling sustainable service innovations: exploring segmentation patterns in Ecuadorian restaurant sector33
Applying blockchain to quality food products: a marketing perspective32
Determinants of quality and food safety systems adoption in the agri-food sector31
Consumption of fishery products in Turkey's coastal regions30
Effect of stress coping strategies on comfort foods consumption: evidence from older Americans30
Agreement level of vitamin D intake between food frequency questionnaire and 24-h food recall in young Qatari women29
Feasibility of adopting imperfect produce in on-site foodservice: expert opinions and consumer sensory discrimination29
The impact of front-of-the-packaging nutrition labelling warnings on consumer habits: a scoping review exploring the case of the Chilean Food Law29
Consumer attitudes in the ecological sociotechnical transition: a comparative study between Argentina, Brazil, China, France and Italy29
Addressing sustainable food management in hotels: proposing a framework and examining hotel groups28
New passive modified atmosphere packaging to extend peaches shelf life at ambient temperature to reduce economic losses28
Dietary supplements' knowledge, attitude and consumption pattern among United Arab Emirates population28
Exploring the determinants of ice cream purchase intention: a case of emerging economy28
Consumers' views on egg quality and preferences for responsible production – results from nine European countries27
Drivers of liking and value perception for a new apple cultivar in Italy27
ISM- and MICMAC-based modelling of dairy supply chain: a study of enablers in Indian economy perspective27
Nutritional and quality characteristics of wheat bread fortified with different levels of soaked–dehulled moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia) seeds powder27
Comparison of biopolymer-based edible coatings incorporating Piper nigrum and Schinus terebinthifolia applied on minimally processed pineapple27
A fuzzy AHP study of barriers for circularity in the wine sector in Bulgaria26
Examining ecological strategies adopted by agricultural exporting firms in an emerging country26
Exploring high amylose rice in combination with carboxymethyl cellulose for preparation of low glycemic index gluten-free shelf-stable cookies26
Evaluation of protein digestibility and iodine bioavailability in raw and cooked Sargassum fusiforme (harvey) setchell using in vitro methods26
Financing innovation in agri-food industries: an analysis of the Italian micro, small and medium enterprises26
Investigating the effect of restaurant menu labelling on consumer food choices using a field experiment26
Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on the omega-3 index, and exercise performance among Malaysian football players: a randomised controlled trial26
Dairy industry employee knowledge, attitudes and practices in response to COVID -19 policies in Jordan25
Supporting youths to continue further education in emerging nations: food for education intervention or education for food policy?25
Effect of varied spray drying parameters on physicochemical, micrometric and microstructural characteristics of pear powder employing response surface approach25
Assessing land, nutrients and monetary value associated with postharvest loss of persimmon in Brazil: pathways toward sustainability in agri-food systems24
Food losses and waste quantification in supply chains: a systematic literature review24
The perceived authenticity in food among sociological generations: the case of cheeses in Mexico24
Virtual grocery shopping intention: an application of the model of goal-directed behaviour24
In search of restaurant excellence in Peru: key insights on food values24
Eco-innovation of food processing and manufacturing SMEs24
Local food: a constellation of perceived proximity24
A vegetarian educator in a meat obsessed country24
Self-efficacy, habit strength, health locus of control and response to the personalised nutrition Food4Me intervention study23
Capturing consumer loyalty through technological innovation and sustainability: the moderating effect of the grocery commercial format23
Investigating the prevalence and predictors of food insecurity: a comparison of HFSSM and EU-SILC indicators23
Cheers to local! Exploring consumer ethnocentrism in the context of regional wines23
Engaging citizens in sustainability research: comparing survey recruitment and responses between Facebook, Twitter and qualtrics23
Determinants of healthy diet choices during austerity in Greece22
Is China ready for change? Consumer behaviour towards buying plant-based meat alternatives: applying the COM-B model22
Drought assessment in paddy rice fields using remote sensing technology towards achieving food security and SDG222
Systematic mapping of food safety outbreaks in the hospitality sector in the Dominican Republic22
Policy, regulation, and institutional approaches to digital innovation in the wine sector: a cross-country comparison22
Do health anxiety and social value shape the intention to consume functional food: the role of health knowledge levels—evidence from Istanbul22
Integrating the value–belief–norm model and the theory of planned behavior for explaining consumers’ purchase intention of suboptimal food22
Choice for sustainable meals at staff restaurants: influence of at-home food habits and food triggers22
Investigating consumers' behavioral intentions toward suboptimal produce: an extended theory of planned behavior – a cross-cultural study22
Technical-economic evaluation of lipo- and water-soluble fractions from annatto seeds by green technology22
Young consumers' purchase intention toward organic food: exploring the role of mindfulness21
Organic line extensions: do they make sense for brands?21
Accounting conservatism and income smoothing practices in EU food and drink industry21
“Green” practices in the food retail sector: evidence from the Romanian market21
Culinary tourism: exploring cultural diplomacy through gastronomy festivals in Turkey and Italy21
Market-oriented product development of novel sustainably sourced seafood product concepts: consumers' preferences for a different kettle of fish cake21
An integrative model to understand consumers' trust and willingness to buy imported fresh fruit in urban China21
Consumers' sensory perception and technological properties of whole foods utilization in bakery products: a case of study of banana peel21
The psychological mechanism of consumers’ behavioral intentions of suboptimal food products from the perspective of economic value20
Sustainability and short-term profitability in the agri-food sector, a cross-sectional time-series investigation on global corporations20
Effects of replacement of fat and NaCl by hydrolyzed collagen and mix of herbs on quality properties of chicken hamburger20
Perceptions, use and perceived value of nutrition and health claims among Australian consumers: a cross-sectional survey20
Keep dreaming: how personality traits affects the recognition and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities in the agritourism industry19
β-glucan rich functional instant talbina (porridge) premix from barley flour using extrusion: investigating effect of varied moisture and barrel temperature levels using response surface19
The use of video to maximise cooking skills19
Impact of faith on food marketing and consumer behaviour: a review19
Color, microstructure, physicochemical, textural and sensory properties with the retention of secondary metabolites in convective-, microwave- and freeze-dried carrot (Daucus carota) slices18
Marketing and communication in the wine sector: the Catalan wine DO on social networks18
More than meets the eye: the interplay of spending and product variety in organic shopping18
Drivers, inhibiting factors and facilitating factors influencing purchase intention of suboptimal foods among Taiwanese consumers18
Innovation in cheese preservation: antimicrobial starch-based films produced by casting and thermo-compression techniques18
A diffusion of innovation (DOI) analysis of 3D food printing adoption among food sector early adopters18
Perceived severity: a mediator of parental nutrition knowledge and overweight/obesity in adolescents18
Supplements purchase intention: young consumer's perspective18
An analytical hierarchical process approach to assessing local food preferences among foreign tourists18
How do push and pull factors affect non-vegetarians’ intention to buy plant-based meat products?18
Improving gender responsiveness of the cassava value chain in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of CSR in Nigeria’s oil-producing region18
Towards a framework of menu research: insights from the multiple level perspective and signaling theory18
How COVID-19 affects individuals' food consumption behaviour: a consumer survey on attitudes and habits in Turkey17
Application of the technology acceptance model to food delivery apps17
Embedded big data in packaged foods: examining consumer sentiment during the purchasing process post-COVID-1917
Measuring food inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic in real time using online data: a case study of Poland17
Do institutional networks affect winery survival?17
A multi-actor ICT platform for increasing sustainability and resilience of small-scale farmers after pandemic crisis17
How do foodservice companies organize for inbound open innovation? Empirical evidence from a Dutch organization17
Farmers' choice between endogenous vs. exogenous e-commerce: alignment with resources and performance goals17
Exploration of constructing the catering quality indices of university canteens in China from the viewpoint of food safety17
Consumers’ willingness to pay in socially sustainable restaurants: an application of the decent work scale17
Consumer sophistication as an enhancer of innovation in the food industry: measurement development and validation17
Finish your plate! Food disposition behaviour among late adolescents16
Effect of ambient scent temperature on food choice: perspectives from the construal-level theory and sensory marketing16
Consumer perception of clean food labels16
Producers' and processors' perceptions of locality and its interaction with the concept of organic farming – empirical evidence from Denmark16
Valorisation of mango (Mangifera indica) kernel as an ingredient of macaron: sensory acceptance and physicochemical properties16
Studying the effect of tomato pomace incorporation on physicochemical, nutritional and storage characteristics of corn-based extrudates using response surface approach16
A qualitative evaluation of an in-school social norms approach intervention for reducing unhealthy snacking behaviours amongst secondary school students16
Identification, analysis and improvement of red meat supply chain strategies considering the impact of COVID-19 pandemic: a hybrid SWOT-QSPM approach in an emerging economy16
Is local the new organic? Empirical evidence from German regions15
Managing brand equity in the brewing sector15
Intention versus behaviour: integration of theories to help curb food waste among young Spanish consumers15
Consumer adoption of digital grocery shopping: what is the impact of consumer’s prior-to-use knowledge?15
Edible insects, what about the perceptions of Belgian youngsters?15
Why millennials of smart city are willing to pay premium for toxic-free food products: social media perspective15
Antioxidant activity of vitamin E enhanced by cyclodextrin inclusion complex15
Where was my cup of honey made? PDO honey and sub-regional ethnocentric consumer segments14
Declaration of free sugars from fruits on food labels: a scoping review14
What are the fundamental knowledge-sharing drivers of small family businesses in the restaurant and fast-food industry?14
Branding Creative Cities of Gastronomy: the role of brand experience and the influence of tourists' self-congruity and self-expansion14
Unleashing the potential of social media celebrities to promote food waste reduction in educational institutions: developing an extended model based on the value-belief-norm theory14
Food authenticity, culture, and tourism: analysing the dimensions of local gastronomic image among foreign tourists in Fiji14
Agroforestry in the UK: exploring consumer knowledge and interest14
Rethinking and redesigning storage, packaging and distribution practices for food supply chain14
Marketing and family-related factors affecting food label use: the mediating role of consumer knowledge14
Consumers attitude toward lack of food safety14
Effects of pulsed magnetic field intensity on the freezing rate and heat loads reduction of harvested mango and tomato14
Beggars can't be choosers: factors influencing intention to purchase organic food in pandemic with the moderating role of perceived barriers14
How sauce color affects consumer emotional response and purchase intention: a structural equation modeling approach for sensory analysis14
A model of online food delivery service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: a combination of PLS-SEM and NCA approaches14
Understanding barriers to consumers to stop washing raw poultry through in-depth interviews14
The main motives for buying organic food in people of the former Yugoslavia13
Cooperatives' performance relative to investor-owned firms: a non-distorted approach for the wine sector13
Oyster shell powder (Crassostrea gasar): evaluation of its potential as a natural and sustainable source of calcium in bread13
Consumer attitude and behavioural intention towards organic wine: the roles of consumer values and involvement13
Intermediate short food supply chains: a systematic review13
Online food delivery habits and its environmental impact during the COVID-19 pandemic: an Italian and Polish study13
Impacts of consumers’ perceived risks in eco-design packaging on food wastage behaviors13
Combining online market research methods for investigating brand alignment: the case of Nespresso13
The consumers' (mis)perceptions of ecolabels' regulatory schemes for food products: insights from Canada13
Social media on the route to circular economy transition from a dialogic perspective: evidence from the agri-food industry13
Italian wine sustainability: new trends in consumer behaviors for the millennial generation13
The role of social media in consumers’ intentions to buy green food: evidence from Türkiye13
Consumption of low pesticides food: implications for producers and policymakers. Results from a multi-attribute analysis13
Non-vegan consumers buying vegan food: the moderating role of conformity13
Effect of banana peel flour on rheological, physico-chemical, mineral content and sensory properties of chicken patties13
Do consumer ethnocentrism and animosity affect the importance of country-of-origin in dairy products evaluation? The moderating effect of purchase frequency13
Food discourse: ethics and aesthetics on Instagram12
Assessing the awareness of nutritional benefits of millets amongst women in Bangalore12
Do connoisseur consumers care about sustainability? Exploring coffee consumption practices through netnography12
Food prices in the United States during COVID-19: generalized facts on price inflation and volatility12
Co-encapsulation of vitamin D3 and Cordia myxa fruit peel extract in nanoemulsions12
Natural or organic? How framing impacts choices of sustainable food and wine products12
How influencer characteristics drive Gen Z behavioural intentions of selecting fast-food restaurants: mediating roles of consumer emotions and self-construal12
Exploring the moderating effect of brand image on the relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intentions in the fast-food industry12
The influence of price and availability on university millennials’ organic food product purchase intention12
Sustainability and authenticity: are they food risk relievers during the COVID-19 pandemic?12
Third-party certification labels for organic food: consumers' purchase choice and willingness-to-pay12
Front-of-pack nutrition labels: perceptions and preferences of Brazilian adult consumers12
Exploring the dynamics of innovation: patterns of growth and contraction in the local food industry12
The potential for blockchain to improve small-scale agri-food business’ supply chain resilience: a systematic review12
The more followers the better? The impact of food influencers on consumer behaviour in the social media context12
Toddy trends and the organic conundrum: a closer look at consumer behaviour with decision tree12
The impact of food culture on patronage intention of visitors: the mediating role of satisfaction12
Emotional or logical: reason for consumers to buy organic food products12
Organic food and Instagram health and wellbeing influencers: an emerging country's perspective with gender as a moderator12
The role of third actors in the dyadic business relationship initiation: an empirical perspective of sommelier in the wine context12
Consumers’ perception and willingness to pay for hydroponic tomatoes: the effects of sustainability and quality attributes12
The role of expert judgments in wine quality assessment: the mismatch between chemical, sensorial and extrinsic cues12
A moderated mediation study of consumer extrinsic motivation and CSR beliefs towards organic drinking products in an emerging economy12
An efficient deep learning model for cultivar identification of a pistachio tree11
The way we live, the way we travel: generation Z and sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences11
Improving online food ordering and delivery service quality by managing customer expectations: evidence from Italy11
The role of preventive education on the effectiveness of responsible drinking campaigns: a qualitative study of university students11
Food poverty contributors: individual, structural or political? Examining stakeholder perspectives using interviews and nominal group technique11
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the dietary sources of healthy fats and essential oil supplements11
Consumers’ attitudes towards healthy eating: a qualitative comparison between older and younger Chinese consumers11
Traditional communities and dietary habits: understanding the dynamics of food and climate change in the western Himalayan region11
Measuring a multidimensional green brand equity: a tool for entrepreneurship development11
Happy customers means more business – a comparative study of a global food chain in the COVID-19 endemic era11
Investigating determinants of willingness to buy genetically modified foods: an approach of structural equation modeling11
Consumers' social self-identity drivers on social commerce platforms-based food and beverage11
Packaging customization in the Italian food industry. When is it really worth it?11
Acceptance of in vitro meat and the role of food technology neophobia, dietary patterns and information – Empirical evidence for Germany11
Understanding consumers' intention to revisit bubble tea stores: an application of the theory of planned behaviour11
Characterization of the shopping preferences and needs of low-income consumers living in food deserts11
Self-reported food safety knowledge and practices of early-school-aged children – a result of analysis in towns near the Warsaw city11
Leveraging collaborations to increase the impact of food sharing platforms11
Why customers have the intention to reuse food delivery apps: evidence from China10
Why do people eat alone? An international comparison10
Dynamic performance development of entrepreneurial ecosystem in the agricultural sector10
How consumers value sustainable packaging: an experimental test combining packaging material, claim and price10
Food safety and cognitive biases: what we know, what we need to know, and why10
Dynamic conceptual framework to investigate adoption of healthy diet through agent-based modelling10
Local food communities: exploring health-related adaptivity and self-management practices10
Chemical and deep-frying oxidative stability of sunflower–red palm olein blends10
Redesigning quick commerce fresh and short food supply chains: circular economy strategies for sustainable last-mile operations10
BYOB of wine, but which one? Unveiling new boundary conditions and moderating effects for restaurant patrons' consideration set formation10
Perceptions of food business operators in relation to importance of official food control in food safety: a case of Kirklees Council10
Valorisation of chicken eggshell as a novel food ingredient in madeleine cake: an exploratory study amongst young adults10
Exploring consumer attitudes and behaviour towards sustainable health-related food choices10
Vacuum oven drying of mussels: mathematical modeling, drying characteristics and kinetics study10
Fruit-related lifestyles as a segmentation tool for fruit consumers10
Fostering ethical consumption in food sector: Insights from the Italian Solidarity Purchasing Groups10
Developing a methodology to create nutritionally balanced meals10
Investigating the effect of augmented reality packaging on behavioral intentions in traditional Iranian nougat GAZ packaging10
Allergen's labeling of food products: regulatory practices in Morocco10
Antiproliferative activity and antioxidative potential of Swiss chard from Montenegro, grown under different irrigation and fertilization regimes10
To be or not to be confident in medicine: that's the question! An explorative study on consumer information inferences toward food supplements consumption10
Illegal slaughter of sheep for “smokies” production and for the Muslim sacrifice of Qurbani in the UK: animal welfare and food safety implications10
Towards circular economy practices in food waste management: a retrospective overview and a research agenda10
Sustainability reporting in food industry: an innovative tool for enhancing financial performance10
Competitive strategies in the agri-food industry in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic: an application of K-means cluster analysis10
A repurchase intention model of Indonesian herbal tea consumers: integrating perceived enjoyment and health belief10
Targeting millers to improve rice marketing in Uganda9
An exploratory study of the experiencescape dimensions and customer revisit intentions for specialty urban coffee shops9
Ultrasound irradiation of grapes: effect on the anthocyanin profile of “Isabella” juice9
The role of tweets in agricultural export: an approach from text-mining and time-series analyses9
The usage of sourdough powder as the natural preservative and glycemic index lowering agent in salty muffins9
Antecedents of consumer purchase intention and behavior towards organic food: the moderating role of willingness to pay premium9
How pro-environmental consumption behaviour affects subjective wellbeing: the role of self-enhancement, ways of shopping and locavorism9
Jaboticaba peel extract as an antimicrobial agent: screening and stability analysis9
Knowledge of calories and its influencing factors: evidence from a fast-growing developing country9
The correlates of energy management practices and sales performance of small family food firms in Turkey9
Exploring how YouTube videos demonstrating preparation of dried wood ear mushrooms could pose food safety risks: a case study9
How do purchase preferences moderate the impact of time and price sensitivity on the purchase intention of customers on online-to-offline (O2O) delivery platforms?9
Consumer preferences for fungus-resistant grape varieties: an explorative segmentation study in Germany9
Vegan cheeses vs processed cheeses – traceability issues and monitoring countermeasures9
The shock of lockdown on the spending on wine in the Iberian market: the effects of procurement and consumption patterns9
The relationship of health-related expectancies, fruit and vegetable intake, and positive mood: expectancies are important, but not in the way you expect9
Sustainable and healthy food consumption in Europe: an analysis of consumer purchase patterns, motivations and barriers towards foods from SFSCs9
Bee pollen usage as carrier material in the drying of honey and some properties of honey-bee pollen powders9
Deleterious food socialization: the negative impacts of the school environment on children's food well-being9
Territoriality and social values: textual analysis of the #ConMuchoAcento campaign by Cruzcampo beer9
Food well-being: a review of its conceptualization and measurement9
Increasing green leafy vegetable consumption through street food dishes in Lagos, Nigeria9