Carbon Management

(The TQCC of Carbon Management is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Soil organic carbon and biological indicators of uncultivated vis-à-vis intensively cultivated soils under rice–wheat and cotton–wheat cropping systems in South-Western Punjab46
An LSTM-STRIPAT model analysis of China’s 2030 CO2 emissions peak40
China’s pathways of CO2 capture, utilization and storage under carbon neutrality vision 206027
Physical and chemical stabilization of soil organic matter in cropland ecosystems under rice–wheat, maize–wheat and cotton–wheat cropping systems in northwestern India25
Envisaging the asymmetrical association among FDI, ICT, and climate change: a case from developing country25
Environmental legitimacy pressure, political connection and impression management of carbon information disclosure23
Chemical composition controls the decomposition of organic amendments and influences the microbial community structure in agricultural soils20
Sequestration of CO2 by red mud with flue gas using response surface methodology19
Fossil fraction of CO2 emissions of biofuels18
Effects of biochar on methane emission, grain yield, and soil in rice cultivation in Thailand18
A review on carbon pools and sequestration as influenced by long-term management practices in a rice–wheat cropping system16
Carbon footprint of a university campus from Colombia14
Higher carbon sequestration on Swedish dairy farms compared with other farm types as revealed by national soil inventories14
Carbon disclosure project: Chinese chief executive officer background and corporate voluntary climate change reporting14
Measurement on carbon lock-in of China based on RAGA-PP model14
Aboveground and belowground tree biomass and carbon stocks in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt in Zambia13
Push-pull technology improves carbon stocks in rainfed smallholder agriculture in Western Kenya12
Total and labile pools of organic carbon in relation to soil biological properties under contrasting land-use systems in a dry mountainous region12
Carbon emission, sequestration, credit and economics of wheat under poplar based agroforestry system12
Advancing carbon management through the global commoditization of CO2: the case for dual-use LNG-CO2 shipping12
Above- and belowground biomass and biomass carbon stocks in homegarden agroforestry systems of different age groups at three sites of southern and southwestern Ethiopia12
A comparative CO2 emissions analysis and mitigation strategies of short-sea shipping and road transport in the Marmara Region12
Assessment of soil organic and inorganic carbon stock at different soil depths after conversion of desert into arable land in the hot arid regions of India11
Greenhouse gas emission and mitigation potential from livestock production in the drylands of Northern Ethiopia11
CO2 emissions from biomass combustion Accounting of CO2 emissions from biomass under the UNFCCC11
Influence of 16 years of fertilization and manuring on carbon sequestration and agronomic productivity of groundnut in vertisol of semi-arid tropics of Western India9
Why is Bangladesh’s electricity generation heading towards a GHG emissions-intensive future?9
Trends in household energy-related GHG emissions during COVID-19 in four Chilean cities9
What makes an operational farm soil carbon code? Insights from a global comparison of existing soil carbon codes using a structured analytical framework9
Carbon sequestration and storage value of coffee forest in Southwestern Ethiopia9
Do the globalization and imports of capital goods from EU, US and China determine the use of renewable energy in developing countries?9
External financing demands, media attention and the impression management of carbon information disclosure9
Crop yields and soil organic matter pools in zero-till direct-seeded rice-based cropping systems as influenced by fertigation levels in the Indo-Gangetic plains in India8
Aggregation, carbon, nitrogen, and natural abundance of 13C and 15N in soils under no-tillage system fertilized with injection and surface application of pig slurry for five year8
Data driven approach on in-situ soil carbon measurement8
Estimating carbon stocks and biomass accumulation in three different agroforestry patterns in the semi-arid region of Pakistan8
Crop residue management to reduce GHG emissions and weed infestation in Central India through mechanized farm operations8
Pyrogenic conversion of rice straw and wood to biochar increases aromaticity and carbon accumulation in soil8
Silvopastoral systems: how to use them for carbon neutral milk production?8
Do environmental regulations promote low-carbon diffusion among different scales of enterprise? A complex network-based evolutionary game approach8
Biomass and soil carbon stocks of the main land use of the Allada Plateau (Southern Benin)8
Above ground biomass carbon assessment using field, satellite data and model based integrated approach to predict the carbon sequestration potential of major land use sector of Arunachal Himalaya, Ind7
The impact of tree loss on carbon management in West Africa7
Assessing production of phytolith and phytolith occluded carbon in above-ground biomass of intensively cultivated rice ecosystems in India7
The most important GHG accounting concept you may not have heard of: the attributional-consequential distinction7
Multi-period Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis (CEPA) for reducing emissions in the Trinidad and Tobago power generation sector7
Assessing crediting scheme standards and practices for ensuring unit quality under the Paris agreement7
Exploring the mitigation potential for carbon dioxide emissions in Indonesia’s manufacturing industry: an analysis of firm characteristics7
Above ground carbon stock mapping over Coimbatore and Nilgiris Biosphere: a key source to the C sink7
Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in apple orchard soils of Kashmir Himalaya, India7