Small Business Economics

(The TQCC of Small Business Economics is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Do institutional dimensions matter at different stages of the entrepreneurial process? A multi-country study244
The psychological strain of becoming self-employed: a longitudinal investigation of honeymoon-hangover effects130
What conditions favor high-potential entrepreneurship? Unpacking the nexus between the industrial structure and startup typologies128
Turmoil over the crisis: innovation capabilities and firm exit93
Women-led ventures: target margins in emerging markets88
What gets published and what doesn’t? Exploring optimal distinctiveness and diverse expectations in entrepreneurship articles79
How scientists interpret and address funding criteria: value creation and undesirable side effects78
Entrepreneurship in religious organizations: How the Church of England developed an entrepreneurial orientation72
Divergent thinking and post-launch entrepreneurial outcomes: non-linearities and the moderating role of experience71
Beware the community type: engagement and growth in core vs. open online communities65
Financial Access and Entrepreneurship by Gender: Evidence from Rural India61
Questions worth asking for futures worth making: an effectual approach59
Angel investors: the impact of regret from missed opportunities59
Did the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program get disbursed to minority communities in the early stages of COVID-19?57
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hours lost by self-employed racial minorities: evidence from Brazil56
Saras Sarasvathy: recipient of the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research55
Social capital and small informal business productivity: the mediating roles of financing and customer relationships54
Gender productivity gap: does gender-equal ownership compensate for female entrepreneurs’ lack of prior industry experience?47
The role of cognitive legitimacy in social entrepreneurship: a multilevel analysis42
Preparing fertile ground: how does the quality of business environments affect MSE growth?42
The role of distinct ADHD symptoms for pre-entry entrepreneurial behavior: when intentions do not translate into action39
Entrepreneurial prototyping: the role of purpose, prototype recycling, and skills bricolage39
Historiography and the excavation of nascent business venturing38
Assessing the impact of the EIB’s intermediated lending to SMEs during funding shocks38
When do firms learn? Learning before versus after exporting36
SME participation in research grant consortia—the emergence of coordinated attention in collaborative innovation36
Financial and social sustainability in the European microfinance sector35
Site entrepreneurship: desolation to destination35
You are only as strong as your weakest link: Founder and community social capital and start-up survival35
The effects of social spending on entrepreneurship in developed nations34
Realizing expectations? High-impact entrepreneurship across countries34
Does religion matter to angels? Exploring the influence of religion in entrepreneurial investor decision-making33
Assessing the influence of institutions on students’ entrepreneurial dynamics: evidence from European post-socialist and market-oriented economies32
Coping with high decline: firms’ resilience to adversity32
Colors and Entrepreneurial Activities: An Exploratory Study29
From independent inventor to inventor entrepreneur: an application of the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship28
“All that glitters is not gold!”: The (Unexplored) Determinants of Equity Crowdfunding26
Is the German Mittelstand more resistant to crises?26
Innovation ambidexterity, resource configuration and firm growth: is smallness a liability or an asset?25
Entrepreneurial finance and regional ecosystem emergence25
The evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971–202123
Does competition from informal firms hurt job creation by formal manufacturing SMEs in developing and emerging countries? Evidence using firm-level survey data23
Entrepreneurship and innovation in worker cooperatives and conventional firms: the role of external cooperation23
Who benefits from SMEs’ radical innovations?—empirical evidence from German biotechnology23
Embracing the “fail fast and learn fast” mindset: conceptualizing learning from failure in knowledge-intensive SMEs23
Microfranchising and necessity entrepreneurs23
Administrative reform and the disposal of zombie enterprises: evidence from China23
A contingency model of employees’ turnover intent in young ventures22
Heterogeneity and state dependence in firms’ access to bank credit22
It is not because it is offered that it is used: an investigation into firm-level determinants of use intensity of buffering services in science parks22
Different outcomes for different founders? Local organizational sponsorship and entrepreneurial finance21
The protestant ethic and entrepreneurship: inside the black box21
Enablers of exit through trade sale: the case of early-stage research-based spin-offs21
Female self-employment: prevalence and performance effects of having a high-income spouse21
Do exploration and exploitation in university research drive early-stage equity financing of university spin-offs?21
Trans-contextual work: doing entrepreneurial contexts in the periphery21
CEOs’ religiosity and corporate green initiatives20
Financial munificence, R&D intensity, and new venture survival: critical roles of CEO attributes20
Digitalization and trade participation of SMEs19
Mapping SME productivity research: a systematic review of empirical evidence and future research agenda19
Estimating the innovation benefits of first-mover and second-mover strategies when micro-businesses adopt artificial intelligence and machine learning19
Local banking development and SME conservative financing policy. Does bank branch density matter?19
SMEs’ line of credit under the COVID-19: evidence from China19
Quid pro quota: a cross-country study on the impacts of immigration quotas on early-stage entrepreneurship19
Subjective value in entrepreneurship19
Missing links of knowledge spillover effects on firm intensity and regional development19
Remittances, ethnic diversity, and entrepreneurship in developing countries19
Bursting the bubble: why sustainability initiatives often lack adequate intention to action translation18
Graduates of venture creation programs – where do they apply their entrepreneurial competencies?18
The persistence of family firms: How does performance threshold affect family firm exit?18
Initial Coin Offerings: a Hybrid Empirical Review18
Contextualizing small business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from small business owner-managers18
Crowdfunding: different types of legitimacy18
COVID-19 and the global venture capital landscape17
Soft and hard information in equity crowdfunding: network effects in the digitalization of entrepreneurial finance17
Crowdfunding investors, intermediaries and risky entrepreneurs17
Cultural diversity, social integration, and migrant entrepreneurship—evidence from the China migrants dynamic survey17
The influence of start-up motivation on entrepreneurial performance17
Levels of necessity of entrepreneurial ecosystems elements17
Making, unmaking and remaking of context in entrepreneurial identity construction and experiences: a comparative analysis between Türkiye and the Netherlands17
Defining networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: the openness of ecosystems17
The timing dilemma: understanding the determinants of innovative startups’ patent collateralization for loans16
Correction to: Entrepreneurship capital spillovers at the local level16
Institutions, financial development, and small business survival: evidence from European emerging markets16
Cognitive financial constraints and firm growth16
Correction to: The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship16
Proximity and inter-firm corruption: A transaction cost approach16
Speed of pro-market reforms and entrepreneurial innovation16
European SMEs’ growth: the role of market-based finance and public financial support16
Correction to: Human capital effects on fundraising for necessity- and opportunity-based entrepreneurs15
The early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on business sales15
Informal institutions, transaction risk, and firm productivity in Myanmar15
High-growth firms’ contribution to aggregate productivity growth15
Resilient entrepreneurs? — revisiting the relationship between the Big Five and self-employment15
Is sustainable entrepreneurship profitable? ESG disclosure and the financial performance of SMEs15
Exploration-exploitation and acquisition likelihood in new ventures14
I believe I can fly: how target venture CEO overconfidence affects acquisition completion14
Learning to ride the high growth “Rollercoaster”: the role of publicly funded business accelerator programmes14
“Remembering David J Storey, a pioneer of the entrepreneurship field”14
The non-linear impact of risk tolerance on entrepreneurial profit and business survival14
The contribution of board experience to opportunity development in high-tech ventures14
Does local government corruption inhibit entrepreneurship?14
Fiscal windfalls and entrepreneurship: fostering entry or promoting incumbents?14
Fostering regional innovation, entrepreneurship and growth through public procurement14
Bank failures, local business dynamics, and government policy14
Are there wages from “sin”? Working conditions spillover from paying bribe in Vietnam13
Spatial variations in financial constraints of SMEs—evidence from firm-level estimates of investment-cash flow sensitivities in Sweden13
The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields13
The productivity impact of short-term labor mobility across industries13
Can corporate social responsibility mitigate the liability of newness? Evidence from China13
Fluffy cuffs: SME’s innovation in alliances with buyer firms13
The dynamic impact of inter-firm network agreements13
Persistence in firm growth: inference from conditional quantile transition matrices13
Seeds in rocky soil: the interactive role of entrepreneurial legacy and bridging in family firms’ organizational ambidexterity13
Reexamining the gender gap in microlending funding decisions: the role of borrower culture13
The interplay between human, social and cognitive resources of nascent entrepreneurs12
A meta-analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem elements and entrepreneurial activity12
Entry-regulation and corruption: grease or sand in the wheels of entrepreneurship? Fresh evidence according to entrepreneurial motives12
Being your own boss and bossing others: the moderating effect of managing others on work meaning and autonomy for the self-employed and employees12
Public research and the quality of inventions: the role and impact of entrepreneurial universities and regional network embeddedness12
Do Nonfamily Managers Enhance Family Firm Performance?12
Innovation and borrower discouragement in SMEs12
Knowledge-based information and the effectiveness of R&D in small firms12
From modesty to market: shareholder reactions to humility rhetoric in family and nonfamily firms under media scrutiny12
Does mobile money enable women-owned businesses to invest? Firm-level evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa12
Stickiness of entrepreneurs: an exploratory study of migration in two mid-sized US cities12
Financing constraints and SME growth: the suppression effect of cost-saving management innovations11
Signalling entrepreneurs’ credibility and project quality for crowdfunding success: cases from the Kickstarter and Indiegogo environments11
Is there a gender gap in equity-based crowdfunding?11
A Quantum view of entrepreneurial opportunity: moving beyond the Discovery and Creation views11
Does climate risk affect entrepreneurial growth aspirations? The moderating effects of gender and solo-founded ventures11
Experts in the crowd and their influence on herding in reward-based crowdfunding of cultural projects11
Recovery and exit of zombie firms in Portugal11
Artificial intelligence and firm growth — catch-up processes of SMEs through integrating AI into their knowledge bases11
Imprinting parental signals: a key driver of network status for new spinoff firms11
The creation of digital innovative start-ups: the role of digital knowledge spillovers and digital skill endowment11
Initial coin offerings, information disclosure, and fraud11
My mother-in-law does not like it: resources, social norms, and entrepreneurial intentions of women in an emerging economy11
Unveiling the role of entrepreneurial teams in the equity crowdfunding journey11
Motivational drivers to choose worker cooperatives as an entrepreneurial alternative: evidence from Spain11