International Journal of Health Services

(The TQCC of International Journal of Health Services is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Social Cohesion and Community Resilience During COVID-19 and Pandemics: A Rapid Scoping Review to Inform the United Nations Research Roadmap for COVID-19 Recovery97
COVID-19 and Precarious Employment: Consequences of the Evolving Crisis56
COVID-19 and the Mental Health of People From Refugee Backgrounds43
Assessing the Impact of Individual Characteristics and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Provinces of Milan and Lodi35
Inequality Set in Concrete: Physical Resources Available for Care at Hospitals Serving People of Color and Other U.S. Hospitals33
A Comprehensive Study of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches in Confronting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic30
We Must Take Advantage of This Pandemic to Make a Radical Social Change: The Coronavirus as a Global Health, Inequality, and Eco-Social Problem29
Covid-19 Outbreak in Brazil: Health, Social, Political, and Economic Implications27
COVID-19 Has Revealed America’s Broken Health Care System: What Can We Learn?26
Measuring the Commercial Determinants of Health and Disease: A Proposed Framework25
How did Sweden Fail the Pandemic?23
Health Systems and Services During COVID-19: Lessons and Evidence From Previous Crises: A Rapid Scoping Review to Inform the United Nations Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery23
For-Profit Hospitals Have Thrived Because of Generous Public Reimbursement Schemes, Not Greater Efficiency: A Multi-Country Case Study19
COVID-19 Economic Response and Recovery: A Rapid Scoping Review19
Report From Bolsonaro’s Brazil: The Consequences of Ignoring Science18
Toward an Intersectional Approach to Health Justice17
Health Inequalities in the Time of COVID-19: The Globally Reinforcing Need to Strengthen Health Inequalities Research Capacities16
COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review of Epidemiology and Public Health System Response in Nordic Region15
The Health of Indigenous Populations in South Asia: A Critical Review in a Critical Time14
Thinking with and Against the Social Determinants of Health: The Latin American Social Medicine (Collective Health) Critique from Jaime Breilh14
The Privatization of the Italian National Health System and its Impact on Health Emergency Preparedness and Response: The COVID-19 Case14
Inequalities in Older age and Primary Health Care Utilization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review14
Through An Equity Lens: Illuminating The Relationships Among Social Inequities, Stigma And Discrimination, And Patient Experiences of Emergency Health Care13
How the United Kingdom Controls Pharmaceutical Prices and Spending: Learning From Its Experience12
Temporary Refugee and Migration Visas in Australia: An Occupational Health and Safety Hazard12
Regulators, Pivotal Clinical Trials, and Drug Regulation in the Age of COVID-1912
Estimating the COVID-Related Deaths Attributable to President Trump’s Early Pronouncements About Masks12