Information Technology for Development

(The TQCC of Information Technology for Development is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Threshold effects of ICT access and usage in Burkinabe and Ghanaian households99
The role of digitalization in decreasing gender gap in opportunity driven entrepreneurship86
Reducing technology-mediated service exclusion by providing human assistant support for senior citizens: evidence from China49
Organizational ethics and position relationship moderators among knowledge workers: a regional study of Poland40
Introducing digital health information systems in post-conflict Mozambique: a historical perspective32
Deconstructing big data for development (BD4D): continuities and reflections of development discourse in the age of datafication27
Intention to participate in smartphone-based data collection: the case of smallholder farmers in Uganda27
Mobile payments and money technologies in sustainable development: a systematic literature review and computer-assisted interpretive analysis27
Electronic commerce for development: a conceptual analysis and future research agenda for Africa26
Mobile phone use for social inclusion: the case of internally displaced people in Nigeria26
The role of governance in the effect of the internet on financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa26
Understanding local social processes in ICT4D research23
Blockchain for development: a guiding framework23
ICT initiatives for vulnerable groups in Brazil: intended and unintended consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic21
Pandemics within the pandemic: confronting socio-economic inequities in a datafied world19
AI for social good and the corporate capture of global development18
Smart phone usage for women’s empowerment to respond against domestic violence in Bangladesh17
Estimating effects of ICT intensity on productivity, employment and output in South Africa: an industry-level analysis17
Does information and communication technology really affect human development? An empirical analysis16
Overcoming barriers to mHealth co-design in low- and middle-income countries: a research toolkit16
Digital innovation in SMEs: a systematic review, synthesis and research agenda15
Impacts of ICT and digital finance on poverty and income inequality: a sub-national study from India14
‘ICT Development and depopulation: exploring the effects of municipal size on citizens’ technological profiles and policy evaluation in rural Spain'14
Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) critique14
The entrepreneurial effect of digital infrastructure development: micro evidence from China14
Digitalization the necessary evil: integrating digital technologies in businesses of BOP countries14
Impact of e-commerce on income inequality: evidence from rural China based on cross-county panel data13
Exploring the nexus of digital inclusion and environmental sustainability: insights from Cambodia13
Firm level evidence on diffusion and returns on ICT: a study on Indian informal MSMEs12
The role of mobile broadband in poverty alleviation: a comparison of the effects of 3G and 4G network expansion in underdeveloped regions of Indonesia12
Unlocking the potentials of hybrid business models in the sharing economy: an integrative review and new research agenda10
M-government continuance intentions: an instrument development and validation10
Decolonizing gender through ICT: a semiotic analysis of web images from Two-Spirit people websites10
Digital transformation for development: a human capital key or system of oppression?9
Blockchain-enabled government efficiency and impartiality: using blockchain for targeted poverty alleviation in a city in China9
Harnessing knowledge networking for Global Capability Sourcing: the development imperative9
‘I pretend to be an ideal woman just to keep their mouths shut’: Bangladeshi women’s contestation of abuse through social media platforms9
Blockchain technology in the Middle East and North Africa region8
ICT uptake and use and social connectedness in rural and remote communities: a study from Sarawak, Malaysia8