Journal of Derivatives

(The TQCC of Journal of Derivatives is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Semi-Closed Form Prices of Barrier Options in the Time-Dependent CEV and CIR Models9
Pricing Discretely Monitored Barrier Options under Markov Processes through Markov Chain Approximation7
Pricing and Hedging Options on Assets with Options on Related Assets5
Evaluation of Deep Learning Algorithms for Quadratic Hedging5
Semi-Analytical Solutions for Barrier and American Options Written on a Time-Dependent Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process5
Term Risk-Free Rates: Methodologies, Challenges, and the Future3
The Contribution of Transaction Costs to Expected Stock Returns: A Novel Measure3
American Option Pricing and Filtering with a Hidden Regime-Switching Jump Diffusion3
Cosine Willow Tree Structure under Lévy Processes with Application to Pricing Variance Derivatives3
A Primer on Hedging with Stock Index Futures3
How Rational Are the Option Prices of the Hong Kong Dollar Exchange Rate?3
Multi-Asset Option Pricing Using Normal Tempered Stable Processes with Stochastic Correlation2
Price Discovery in a New Futures Market: Micro E-Mini Index Futures2
Income Enhancement with Options2
Cover’s Rebalancing Option with Discrete Hindsight Optimization2
A Model-Free Fourier Cosine Method for Estimating the Risk-Neutral Density2
A Closed-Form Model-Free Implied Volatility Formula through Delta Families2
SOFR Term Rates from Treasury Repo Pricing2
Robust and Nearly Exact Option Pricing with Bilateral Gamma Processes2
Tail Risk Hedging in a Low-Rate Environment1
A Bayesian View on Autocallable Pricing and Risk Management1
Lattice Approach for Option Pricing under Lévy Processes1
Wavelet Multiscale and Spillover Analyses of Volatility and Correlation1
Semi-Analytical Pricing of Barrier Options in the Time-Dependent Heston Model1
Analytical Formula for Pricing European Options with Stochastic Volatility under the GARCH-PDE Approximation1
Do Options Belong in the Portfolios of Individual Investors?1
Good Volatility, Bad Volatility, and VIX Futures Pricing: Evidence from the Decomposition of VIX1
Compound Option Pricing and the Roll-Geske-Whaley Formula under the Conjugate-Power Dagum Distribution1
Model Risk in Risk Analysis for No-Negative-Equity-Guarantees1
Option Pricing with Greed and Fear Factor: The Rational Finance Approach1
Delta-Gamma-Like Hedging with Transaction Cost under Reinforcement Learning Technique1
An Arbitrage-Free Real-World Model for Fractional Option Prices1
Negative WTI Price: What Really Happened and What Can We Learn?1
Generalized Compounding and Growth Optimal Portfolios Reconciling Kelly and Samuelson1
Can the Improved CMBO Strategies Beat the CMBO Index?1