Journal of Contemporary European Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Contemporary European Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Online disinformation on Facebook: the spread of fake news during the Portuguese 2019 election18
Is China’s rising influence in the Western Balkans a threat to European integration?18
The Western Balkans between Russia and the European Union : perceptions, reality, and impact on enlargement17
Northern Ireland and Brexit: where sovereignty and stability collide?16
International assistance, donor interests, and state capture in the Western Balkans15
The conceptual dimensions of EU public diplomacy15
The use of the past by the Alternative for Germany and the Front National: heritage populism, Ostalgia and Jeanne D’Arc14
A geopolitical turn to EU enlargement, or another postponement? An introduction13
Weaponizing narrative: Russia contesting EUrope’s liberal identity, power and hegemony13
‘I will handle it personally’: The neo-patrimonial rhetoric of the Czech Prime Minister in the times of COVID-1912
Who wants to buy a visa? Comparing the uptake of residence by investment programs in the European Union12
Is Alt-Europe possible? Populist radical right counternarratives of European integration11
The EU’s stability-democracy dilemma in the context of the problematic accession of the Western Balkan states11
Narrative Ju-jitsu: counter-narratives to European union11
Between EU’s aspiring saint and disillusioned rebel: hegemonic narrative and counter-narrative production in Poland10
The greening of European radical left parties: red and green politics10
The political construction of the ‘citizen turn’ in the EU: disintermediation and depoliticisation in the Conference on the Future of Europe9
A matter of preference: Taking sides on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project8
Bilateral relations in the Western Balkans as a challenge for EU accession8
The Europeanization of Hungarian foreign policy and the Hungarization of European foreign policy, 2010-188
The role of (rule of law) conditionality in MFF 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU, or the stressed budget8
When COVID-19 circulates in right-wing populist discourse: the contribution of a global crisis to European meta-populism at the cross-border regional scale8
Beyond anger: the populist radical right on TikTok8
Public diplomacy and the persistence of the conflict and cooperation dichotomy in EU-Russia relations7
The impact of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict on military expenditures of European states: security alliances or geography?7
Global perspectives on European Union public diplomacy: an introduction7
Left-Right radicalism and Populist attitudes in France and Spain7
The right to privacy and an implication of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe: challenges to the companies6
From narrative to counter-narrative: the European constraint and the rise of Italian populist Euroscepticism6
The Soft Power of China and the European Union in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Strategy6
Stimulating return migration to Romania: a multi-method study of returnees’ endorsement of entrepreneurship policies6
The persistent dilemma of supranational representation. Framing the weakness of the European Parliament’s representative function in light of the rise of Euroscepticism6
Ukraine: remedial secession and Russian aggression6
EU public diplomacy in the United States: socio-political challenges & EU delegation agency5
Double two-level games and international negotiations: making sense of migration governance in EU-Africa relations5
Centrist and Radical Right Populists in Central and Eastern Europe: Divergent Visions of History and the EU5
Debating European Union governance in times of crisis5
Society and territory: making sense of Italian populism from a historical perspective5
The European Parliament put to the test by COVID-19: voting dynamics and coalition patterns of the EP’s first response to the global pandemic5
South caucasus and a ‘New Great Game’: the communication of competition in securitised international relations5
Rally around the EU flag: Irish party positions on the EU in the wake of Brexit5
‘The more populism types you know, the better political scientist you are?’ Machine-learning based meta-analysis of populism types in the political science literature4
EU global human rights sanctions regime: is the genie out of the bottle?4
Dealing with a difficult past: historical memories of the Vichy regime and fascism in the ideology of the Rassemblement National and the Lega4
Experience of economic hardship and right-wing political orientation hinder climate concern among European young people4
Representing the radical right of the Grande Nation in the Grand Duchy: the viral ‘fortress Europe’, the contagious ‘borderless Europe’ and the non-communicable ‘cross-border regional Europe’4
Populism and social capital in structurally disadvantaged regions and the 2023 Czech presidential election: making democracy work again?4
Local advisory councils in deliberative decision-making. Findings from research in Polish cities4
How the traumatic past influences the vote of the populist radical right parties in Germany, Poland, and Spain4
A divorce of convenience: exploring radical right populist parties’ position on Putin’s Russia within the context of the Ukrainian war. A social media perspective4
The ‘migrant other’ as a security threat: the ‘migration crisis’ and the securitising move of the Polish ruling party in response to the EU relocation scheme4
The uses of victimhood as a hegemonic meta-narrative in eastern Europe4
Sensing, imagining, doing Europe : Europeanisation in the boundary work of welcome cultures4
Invasion of Ukraine: Frames and sentiments in Zelensky’s Twitter communication4
Contesting the European Union in a changing climate: policy narratives and the justification of supranational governance4
Heroisation and victimisation: populism, commemorative narratives and National Days in Hungary and Poland3
Conceptualising the waves of Islamist radicalisation in the UK3
The perceived rationale, variegated institutional take and impact of the EU’s human rights policy in Armenia and Georgia3
Repressing the Protests through Law, Police and Discourse: the Example of the Yellow Vests’ Movement in France3
Does left populism short-circuit itself? Podemos in the labyrinths of cultural elitism and radical leftism3
Normalizing far right party rhetoric: the impact of media populist frames and coverage on the electoral prospects of far-right parties in the case of Cyprus3
From Brexit to Dexit? Alternative für Deutschland’s Euroscepticism on European debates in the Bundestag3
Europol and cybercrime: Europol’s sharing decryption platform3
Thinking outside the box: the political process model and far right party emergence3
The politics of the Brexit debate abroad: an analysis of parliamentary questions on Brexit in Belgian parliaments3
Critical evaluation of Romani inclusion strategies in Finland and Sweden3
Towards a fruitful concept of radicalisation: a synthesis3
Still a great power? Russia’s status dilemmas post-Ukraine war3
Actors and Sites for Knowledge Production on Radicalisation in Europe and Beyond3
The rising fear of terrorism and the emergence of a European security governance space: citizen perceptions and EU counterterrorism cooperation3
Counter-narratives in the European Parliament: Far Left and Far Right Groups and European ‘union’ in the 1980s3
Reaction to the Russian aggression against Ukraine: cities as international standards’ supporters3
Turning the sock inside out: history of Basque studies from a transnational perspective3
Role conflict, its compromise, and the European Union’s public diplomacy in China3
The importance of trust and transparency in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence from sixteen EU member states3
Counter-terrorism and the repression of Islamic activism: Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain and Denmark3
Same rights different outcomes? Decomposition of differences in over-qualification among mobile EU workers3
Reflecting on public policies for Portuguese Roma since implementation of the NRIS: theoretical and practical issues3
A profoundly discriminatory entity? A discourse mythological analysis of the AKP’s discourse on the EU3
EUPD performance in Latin America: Assessing the cases of Brazil, Mexico and Colombia3
Finland’s responses to Brexit: seeking shelter while hedging against changing risks3
Networked social movements and radicalisation: yellow vests’ cross-ideological horizon for underrepresented groups3
EU Eastern Partnership, Ontological Security and EU- Ukraine/Russian warfare3
The Akademik Lomonosov and the Arctic legal regime: geopolitics versus international law?2
When do football fans tend to acquire a more Europeanised mind-set? The impact of participation in European club competitions2
OK Google: is (s)he guilty?2
Exploring Sino-Russian-Nordics triangular relations: complex balancing along the Polar Silk Road2
Back to the future, recovering the past: a critical discourse analysis of the terms ‘democracy’ and ‘direct democracy’ in the speeches of the Rassemblement National and the Freiheitliche Par2
Introduction: resilient states versus resilient societies? Whose security does the EU protect through the Eastern Partnership in times of geopolitical crises?2
Right-wing populist education policy in a social democratic welfare state context2
Institutional quality convergence in the Euro area countries: a note and further evidence2
An ‘East-West split’ about the posting of workers? Questioning the representation of socio-economic interests in the European Parliament2
Antiestablishment populism in Bulgaria: mainstreaming in the digital era2
Historical legacies and the political mobilization of national nostalgia: Understanding populism’s relationship to the past2
The neutralisation of the political. Carl Schmitt and the depoliticisation of Europe2
Political drivers of Muslim youth radicalisation in France: religious radicalism as a response to nativism2
The Energy Community and Europeanization of South East Europe and beyond: a rational choice - historical institutionalist explanation2
Architects of regional regime complexity: states and regional organizations in Europe2
Brexit as a (de)politicized issue? Evidence from Czech and Slovak parliaments2
The symbolic representation of the ‘People’ and the ‘Homeland’ in Spanish left populism: an opportunity for feminist politics?2
Sticking to the core or going beyond? The Austrian freedom party’s educational approach in a longitudinal perspective2
Portugal’s strategic response to Brexit: enduring Europeanisation?2
A new business as usual? The impact of the ‘resilience turn’ on the EU’s foreign policy and approach towards the eastern neighbourhood2
Public opinion about Finland joining NATO: analysing Twitter posts by performing natural language processing2
In the spotlight, or behind the scenes? The European Parliament as an actor in Article 50 withdrawal negotiations2
What makes democratic institutions resilient to crises? Applying a novel analytical framework to the case of Finland2
Drivers of domestic politicisation of European issues: explaining low politicisation of differentiated integration in Czechia2
An unhealthy relationship? The reputational risks of Europe’s health focused public diplomacy in Africa2
Brexit coping strategies of the Baltic states2
Bringing Erasmus home: the European universities initiative as an example of ‘Everyday Europeanhood’2
In search of an appropriate channel for voicing political concerns: political participation among radicalised youth in Europe2
'Us vs. Them': Stigma, discrimination, social exclusion and human rights violations in Erdoğan’s Turkey2
Building legitimacy: why the populist radical right engages in grassroots activism at the local level2
Resilience in EU crisis interventions in Ukraine: A complexity perspective2
Debating irregular migration in the European Parliament: a ‘parliament without a public’ or the voice of the people?2
The rise and fall of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: ‘open strategic autonomy’ in action2
Negotiations in the Council of the EU under a new institutional setting: the case of the asylum policy2
The art of securitising. Orbán’s handling of the European refugee crisis2
The Open Balkan initiative: A step forward towards European integration or running on empty?2
How to approach state capture in post-communist Europe. A new research agenda2
Depoliticising the people: post-normative power Europe in the women-led protests in Belarus2
The false promise of Europeanisation in Turkey’s national identity discourse2
Brexit and Trump: contesting new cleavage formation2
Imperial Gothic 2.0: Brexit, Brex-Lit, and everyday Euroscepticism in British popular culture2
Ambiguous identities in crisis-ridden Greece: ‘us’ and/against ‘Europe’2