Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions

(The TQCC of Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Providing decent living with minimum energy: A global scenario257
The global scale, distribution and growth of aviation: Implications for climate change211
Imperialist appropriation in the world economy: Drain from the global South through unequal exchange, 1990–2015161
Multiple cropping systems of the world and the potential for increasing cropping intensity130
The Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale116
The climate change mitigation impacts of active travel: Evidence from a longitudinal panel study in seven European cities114
Anticipating futures through models: the rise of Integrated Assessment Modelling in the climate science-policy interface since 1970111
Contextualizing climate justice activism: Knowledge, emotions, motivations, and actions among climate strikers in six cities111
Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: An international analysis of social provisioning100
Global-scale impact analysis of mine tailings dam failures: 1915–202097
Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations97
Global inequalities in food consumption, cropland demand and land-use efficiency: A decomposition analysis95
Provisioning systems for a good life within planetary boundaries89
Surge in global metal mining threatens vulnerable ecosystems88
The trap of climate change-induced “natural” disasters and inequality88
The influence of political ideology on greenhouse gas emissions83
Exploring river nitrogen and phosphorus loading and export to global coastal waters in the Shared Socio-economic pathways83
Climate change in news media across the globe: An automated analysis of issue attention and themes in climate change coverage in 10 countries (2006–2018)82
(Un)making in sustainability transformation beyond capitalism80
Linking internal and external transformation for sustainability and climate action: Towards a new research and policy agenda79
Nature-dependent people: Mapping human direct use of nature for basic needs across the tropics79
Explaining Growing Glyphosate Use: The Political Economy of Herbicide-Dependent Agriculture79
Exploratory modeling for analyzing coupled human-natural systems under uncertainty79
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure78
Knowledge co-production for Indigenous adaptation pathways: Transform post-colonial articulation complexes to empower local decision-making77
Improving the evidence base: A methodological review of the quantitative climate migration literature76
Income, consumer preferences, and the future of livestock-derived food demand73
Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems: The Eur-Agri-SSPs72
Air conditioning and global inequality71
Science with society: Evidence-based guidance for best practices in environmental transdisciplinary work70
Use of aviation by climate change researchers: Structural influences, personal attitudes, and information provision69
Toward a climate mobilities research agenda: Intersectionality, immobility, and policy responses68
Negative-emissions technology portfolios to meet the 1.5 °C target67
The economics of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) deployment in a 1.5 °C or 2 °C world66
Early warnings and emerging accountability: Total’s responses to global warming, 1971–202164
Aligning climate and sustainable development finance through an SDG lens. The role of development assistance in implementing the Paris Agreement62
Climate change in a changing world: Socio-economic and technological transitions, regulatory frameworks and trends on global greenhouse gas emissions from EDGAR v.5.060
How EU policies could reduce nutrient pollution in European inland and coastal waters60
Nature unsettled: How knowledge and power shape ‘nature-based’ approaches to societal challenges60
Systems thinking as a paradigm shift for sustainability transformation59
Prospects for a saturation of humanity’s resource use? An analysis of material stocks and flows in nine world regions from 1900 to 203558
The scale and drivers of carbon footprints in households, cities and regions across India57
Knowing like a global expert organization: Comparative insights from the IPCC and IPBES57
A conceptual framework for cross-border impacts of climate change56
Global long-term mapping of surface temperature shows intensified intra-city urban heat island extremes55
Socio-economic and climatic changes lead to contrasting global urban vegetation trends54
How the future of the global forest sink depends on timber demand, forest management, and carbon policies53
Greenhouse gas emissions from global cities under SSP/RCP scenarios, 1990 to 210051
The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection51
China’s pathway to carbon neutrality for the iron and steel industry51
Environmental and land defenders: Global patterns and determinants of repression50
No peace for the forest: Rapid, widespread land changes in the Andes-Amazon region following the Colombian civil war50
Legume dreams: The contested futures of sustainable plant-based food systems in Europe50
An assessment of the performance of scenarios against historical global emissions for IPCC reports50
The political ecology playbook for ecosystem restoration: Principles for effective, equitable, and transformative landscapes49
Climate change action as a project of identity: Eight meta-analyses49
A scale-based framework to understand the promises, pitfalls and paradoxes of irrigation efficiency to meet major water challenges49
Cattle ranchers and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Production, location, and policies49
Public concern about, and desire for research into, the human health effects of marine plastic pollution: Results from a 15-country survey across Europe and Australia47
Mapping global patterns of land use decision-making47
Plastic pollution and the open burning of plastic wastes46
Trans-Arctic shipping routes expanding faster than the model projections44
Co-designing global target-seeking scenarios: A cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability43
The global environmental paw print of pet food43
Fairness critically conditions the carbon budget allocation across countries43
Understanding plastic packaging: The co-evolution of materials and society43
Hot dry days increase perceived experience with global warming43
Making sense of the politics in the climate change loss & damage debate43
Sharing responsibility for trade-related emissions based on economic benefits43
Climate anxiety: Conceptual considerations, and connections with climate hope and action42
Why climate migration is not managed retreat: Six justifications42
Incorporating blue carbon sequestration benefits into sub-national climate policies42
Climate variability and child nutrition: Findings from sub-Saharan Africa42
Global sustainability, innovation and governance dynamics of national smart electricity meter transitions42
Mining threatens isolated indigenous peoples in the Brazilian Amazon42
Designing effective and equitable zero-deforestation supply chain policies41
Why are carbon taxes unfair? Disentangling public perceptions of fairness41
Greenhouse gas emissions from Mediterranean agriculture: Evidence of unbalanced research efforts and knowledge gaps41
Engagement, involvement and empowerment: Three realms of a coproduction framework for climate services40
Climate-Induced migration and unemployment in middle-income Africa39
Tackling the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies by making peace with nature 50 years after the Stockholm Conference39
The impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on a network of 276 international organizations38
How stable are Australian farmers’ climate change risk perceptions? New evidence of the feedback loop between risk perceptions and behaviour37
Water borrowing is consistently practiced globally and is associated with water-related system failures across diverse environments37
IPCC emission scenarios: How did critiques affect their quality and relevance 1990–2022?36
Just adaptation? Generating new vulnerabilities and shaping adaptive capacities through the politics of climate-related resettlement in a Philippine coastal city36
Does funds-based adaptation finance reach the most vulnerable countries?36
The future urban heat-wave challenge in Africa: Exploratory analysis36
Prioritising resilience policies to reduce welfare losses from natural disasters: A case study for coastal Bangladesh35
OK Boomer: A decade of generational differences in feelings about climate change35
After the floods: Differential impacts of rainfall anomalies on child stunting in India34
Anti-corruption and corporate environmental responsibility: Evidence from China’s anti-corruption campaign34
Environmental justice in coastal systems: Perspectives from communities confronting change34
Water, energy and land insecurity in global supply chains34
Harnessing scientific and local knowledge to face climate change in small-scale fisheries34
China’s rising influence on climate governance: Forging a path for the global South33
A green-gray path to global water security and sustainable infrastructure32
Cultural ecosystem services caught in a ‘coastal squeeze’ between sea level rise and urban expansion32
Urban greenspace as a climate change adaptation strategy for subtropical Asian cities: A comparative study across cities in three countries32
The anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations: Hybrid approaches and dominant perspectives32
Pathways for climate resilient development: Human well-being within a safe and just space in the 21st century32
The prosocial origin of sustainable behavior: A case study in the ecological domain32
Willingness-to-pay for carbon dioxide offsets: Field evidence on revealed preferences in the aviation industry32
The behavioral response to a corporate carbon offset program: A field experiment on adverse effects and mitigation strategies31
Impact of a climate network: The role of intermediaries in local level climate action31
Institutional changes drive land use transitions on rangelands: The case of grazing on public lands in the American West31
A global comparison of carbon-water-food nexus based on dietary consumption31
“Mind the (Policy-Implementation) Gap”: Transport decarbonisation policies and performances of leading global economies (1990–2018)31
More than planning: Diversity and drivers of institutional adaptation under climate change in 96 major cities30
Spinning in circles? A systematic review on the role of theory in social vulnerability, resilience and adaptation research30
The strengths and weaknesses of future visioning approaches for climate change adaptation: A review30
Distributive justice in global climate finance – Recipients’ climate vulnerability and the allocation of climate funds30
Drivers and mechanisms of forest change in the Himalayas30
The geography of megatrends affecting European agriculture30
Resilient livelihoods in an era of global transformation30
Direct and mediated impacts of social norms on pro-environmental behavior30
Extreme weather and marriage among girls and women in Bangladesh30
Co-dynamics of climate policy stringency and public support30
Environmental regulation and innovation: Evidence from China30
Explaining risk perception of microplastics: Results from a representative survey in Germany30
Necessity-driven circular economy in low-income contexts: How informal sector practices retain value for circularity30
Just another buzzword? A systematic literature review of knowledge-related concepts in sustainability science29
Drivers and dimensions of flood risk perceptions: Revealing an implicit selection bias and lessons for communication policies29
The effect of industrialization and globalization on domestic land-use: A global resource footprint perspective29
The role and limits of strategic framing for promoting sustainable consumption and policy29
Socioeconomic geography of climate change views in Europe29
Inclusive wealth index measuring sustainable development potentials for Chinese cities29
Agency shifts in agricultural land governance and their implications for land degradation neutrality29
Does stakeholder participation improve environmental governance? Evidence from a meta-analysis of 305 case studies29
How qualitative approaches matter in climate and ocean change research: Uncovering contradictions about climate concern29
The ‘co’ in co-production of climate action: Challenging boundaries within and between science, policy and practice28
Reproducing injustice: Why recognition matters in conservation project evaluation28
Disaster experiences of women with disabilities: Barriers and opportunities for disability inclusive disaster risk reduction in Cambodia28
Guilty pleasures: Moral licensing in climate-related behavior27
Socioeconomics effects on global hotspots of common debris items on land and the seafloor27
Defining and operationalizing path dependency for the development and monitoring of adaptation pathways27
The Greta effect: Visualising climate protest in UK media and the Getty images collections27
What future for primary aluminium production in a decarbonizing economy?27
Catalyzing sustainability pathways: Navigating urban nature based solutions in Europe26
To be ethical or to be good? The impact of ‘Good Provider’ and moral norms on food waste decisions in two countries26
Risk-opportunity analysis for transformative policy design and appraisal26
Novel insights on intensity and typology of direct human-nature interactions in protected areas through passive crowdsourcing25
A global review of the impact of forest property rights interventions on poverty25
Beyond climate, culture and comfort in European preferences for low-carbon heat25
Climate variability and irregular migration to the European Union25
Agroecological measures and circular economy strategies to ensure sufficient nitrogen for sustainable farming25
Interannual climate variation, land type and village livelihood effects on fires in Kalimantan, Indonesia24
Climate change may impair electricity generation and economic viability of future Amazon hydropower24
Are managed retreat programs successful and just? A global mapping of success typologies, justice dimensions, and trade-offs23
Africa's protected areas are brightening at night: A long-term light pollution monitor based on nighttime light imagery23
The role of working-class communities and the slow violence of toxic pollution in environmental health conflicts: A global perspective23