Simulation in Healthcare-Journal of the Society for Simulation in Heal

(The TQCC of Simulation in Healthcare-Journal of the Society for Simulation in Heal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Process Modeling of ABCDE Primary Survey in Trauma Resuscitations35
Taking Stock and Looking Ahead29
Is Technology Enhanced Learning Cost-effective to Improve Skills?23
The Use of Virtual Standardized Patients for Practice in High Value Care19
In Situ Simulation as a Tool to Longitudinally Identify and Track Latent Safety Threats in a Structured Quality Improvement Initiative for SARS-CoV-2 Airway Management17
Creating a Safe Space for Simulation16
Effect of Remote Cardiac Monitoring System Design on Response Time to Critical Arrhythmias13
Who Can Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare? Different Perspectives on Teledebriefing Assessments13
Automated Video Debriefing Using Computer Vision Techniques12
Medical Student Ultrasound-Guided Intravenous Catheter Education12
Evaluation of Communication and Safety Behaviors During Hospital-Wide Code Response Simulation11
Mapping Simulated-Based Learning Experiences Incorporated Into Professional Placements in Allied Health Programs10
The Effects of Reflective Pauses on Performance in Simulation Training10
Just-in-Time In Situ Simulation Training as a Preparedness Measure for the Perioperative Care of COVID-19 Patients10
The Addition of High-Technology Into the Stop the Bleed Program Among School Personnel Improves Short-Term Skill Application, Not Long-Term Retention10
Biomechanically Compliant Gynecologic Training Simulator10
Collaboration Scripts or Checklists to Engage Novice Observers in Immersive Simulation?9
Cognitive Load Assessment Scales in Simulation9
Simulation in the Continuing Professional Development of Academic Emergency Physicians9
Engagement Across Professions9
Manual Conservation of Supplemental Oxygen in Low-Resource Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic9
The PEARLS Debriefing Checklist—Optimal Use for Faculty Development9
Simulated Participants' Experiences and Challenges With Online and Face-to-Face Interactions During COVID-198
Life and Death 28
Anxiety and Performance in Prehospital Emergency Care Simulation Assessments8
Teaching Families How to Manage Diabetic Emergencies Using Their Children as Patient Simulators8
Applicability of Artificial Societies to Evaluate Health Care Policies8
It Is Not Just the Script that Matters: Overlooked Elements in Standardized Patient Methodology8
Building Global Partnerships8
Abstracts Presented at the 24th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, January 20–24, 2024, San Diego, CA: Erratum7
Using Mobile and Remote Simulation as a Research Methodology for Health Care Delivery Research7
Increase in Newborns Ventilated Within the First Minute of Life and Reduced Mortality After Clinical Data-Guided Simulation Training6
A Randomized Controlled Trial on Teaching the Safe Handling of Firearms Using a Simulation-Based Assessment6
Incorporating Augmented Reality Patients Into Online Trauma Training to Support Mental Model Development6
Optimal Duration of High-Fidelity Simulator Training for Bronchoscope-Guided Intubation6
Content Validity for a 3D-Printed Model for Simulation-Based Training of Basic Epistaxis Management6
Call to Action6
Nasal Fiber-optic Intubation Training for Nurse Anesthesia Students Incorporating Deliberate Practice and Summative Assessment6
Peer Teachers' Professional Identity Development During a Prehospital Simulation5
Artificial Intelligence and the Simulationists: More Iterations Needed: Erratum5
Assessing Healthcare Simulation Facilitation5
Structural Competency in Simulation-Based Health Professions Education5
Synchronization of Pupil Dilations Correlates With Team Performance in a Simulated Laparoscopic Team Coordination Task5
Characteristics, Impact, and Trends of Healthcare Simulation in Latin America and the Caribbean5
A Comparison of Two Debriefing Rubrics to Assess Facilitator Adherence to the PEARLS Debriefing Framework5
Adding Safety Rules to Surgeon-Authored Virtual Reality Training5
Enhancing Safety of a System-Wide In Situ Simulation Program Using No-Go Considerations4
Using Simulation to Teach Learners in Health Care Behavioral Skills Related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion4
Guiding, Intermediating, Facilitating, and Teaching (GIFT)4
Designing Sustainable Solutions to Implement a Distance-Based Simulation Basic Life Support Training Program During COVID-19 Pandemic in Low-Income Countries4
The Physiologic and Emotional Effects of 360-Degree Video Simulation on Head-Mounted Display Versus In-Person Simulation4
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Training Techniques in the Development of Leopold’s Maneuver Skills4
Efficacy of Computer-Based Simulation as a Modality for Learning Pediatric Disaster Triage for Pediatric Emergency Nurses4
Maintaining Social Distancing4
How Clean Are You Really? A Simulation Study of Droplet Splash Using an Acrylic Box During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation4
Emotional Activation in Simulation4
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Bystander Defibrillator Search Time and Experience With and Without Directional Assistance: A Randomized Simulation Trial in a Community Setting4
Debriefing for Simulation-Based Medical Education4
Use of the Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgical Training Workstation for Immediate Objective Feedback During Training Improves Hand-Tied Surgical Knot Proficiency4
The Impact of the Patient Role on Medical Student Learning During Peer Simulation3
Acknowledgment of Reviewers3
Using a Systems-Focused Simulation to Rapidly Prepare for Large Volume COVID-19 Vaccination3
The Case of the Inadvertently Triggered Laser3
Open-Source Ultrasound Trainer for Healthcare Professionals3
Using Simulation to Develop Solutions for Ventilator Shortages From the Epicenter3
Breaking the COVID-19 Barriers to Health Professional Team Training With Online Simulation3
Global consensus statement on simulation-based practice in healthcare3
Chemical Components of Smoke Produced From Versatile Training Tissue Models Using Electrocautery3
An Application of Kane's Validity Framework to Evaluate Formative and Summative Assessment Instruments for Telesimulations in Clinical Lactation3
Training Program for Orthopedic Residents in Forefoot Osteotomy Skills3
A Heart Surgery Simulator With an Integrated Supervision System for Self-Learning the Key Steps and Pitfalls of the Mitral Valve Repair3
Factors Affecting Implementation of Simulation-Based Education After Faculty Training in a Low-Resource Setting3
Electronic Decision Support in the Delivery Room Using Augmented Reality to Improve Newborn Life Support Guideline Adherence3
Older Taiwanese Volunteers as Standardized Patients3
Why I Anthropomorphize My High-Fidelity Simulators3
Tolerability and Acceptability of Autonomous Immersive Virtual Reality Incorporating Digital Twin Technology for Mass Training in Healthcare3
Simulation for Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation Training3
Physical Realism of Simulation Training for Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries—A Systematic Review3
Quantifying Simulated Contamination Deposition on Healthcare Providers Using Image Analysis3
Abstracts Presented at the 24th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, January 20–24, 2024, San Diego, CA3
The Development of an Assessment Rubric for the Core and Contingency Team Interaction Among Rapid Response Teams3
Preliminary Evaluation of a Novel Neural Network-Based Hybrid Simulator for Surgical Training and Performance Assessment of Neonatal Thoracentesis3
Measuring Residents' Competence in Chest Tube Insertion on Thiel-Embalmed Bodies3
A Scoping Review of Interprofessional Simulation-Based Team Training Programs3
Latent Safety Threats and Countermeasures in the Operating Theater3