Quantitative Finance

(The TQCC of Quantitative Finance is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Investing with cryptocurrencies – evaluating their potential for portfolio allocation strategies52
Bitcoin, currencies, and fragility37
When the blockchain does not block: on hackings and uncertainty in the cryptocurrency market34
Implied volatility directional forecasting: a machine learning approach27
Volatility is (mostly) path-dependent24
Empirical analysis of rough and classical stochastic volatility models to the SPX and VIX markets19
State-dependent Hawkes processes and their application to limit order book modelling19
An investigation of cryptocurrency data: the market that never sleeps19
Optimal investment strategy in the family of 4/2 stochastic volatility models18
Forecasting with fractional Brownian motion: a financial perspective17
Optimal trade execution for Gaussian signals with power-law resilience16
Option hedging using LSTM-RNN: an empirical analysis16
A practical guide to robust portfolio optimization16
Empirical deep hedging12
A data-driven explainable case-based reasoning approach for financial risk detection12
Backtesting expected shortfall and beyond11
Mean–variance portfolio selection under partial information with drift uncertainty11
Bitcoin: jumps, convenience yields, and option prices11
How to build a cross-impact model from first principles: theoretical requirements and empirical results11
Why has the equal weight portfolio underperformed and what can we do about it?10
A functional analysis approach to the static replication of European options10
Scale-, time- and asset-dependence of Hawkes process estimates on high frequency price changes10
Active and passive portfolio management with latent factors10
Refinement by reducing and reusing random numbers of the Hybrid scheme for Brownian semistationary processes9
Optimal portfolio allocation and asset centrality revisited9
Quantitative statistical robustness for tail-dependent law invariant risk measures9
Short-dated smile under rough volatility: asymptotics and numerics9
Explicit option valuation in the exponential NIG model9
What is the value of the cross-sectional approach to deep reinforcement learning?9
Optimal asset allocation for outperforming a stochastic benchmark target9
Cross-impact of order flow imbalance in equity markets8
Robust deep hedging8
A fast algorithm for simulation of rough volatility models8
Estimation risk and the implicit value of index-tracking8
From quadratic Hawkes processes to super-Heston rough volatility models with Zumbach effect8
Markovian approximations of stochastic Volterra equations with the fractional kernel8
Effects of a government subsidy and labor flexibility on portfolio selection and retirement8
Pairs trading under delayed cointegration8
Additive normal tempered stable processes for equity derivatives and power-law scaling8
Dynamic patterns of daily lead-lag networks in stock markets8
A statistical test of market efficiency based on information theory8
Stock market prediction based on adaptive training algorithm in machine learning8
The effects of errors in means, variances, and correlations on the mean-variance framework7
Incorporating financial news for forecasting Bitcoin prices based on long short-term memory networks7
Can heterogeneous agent models explain the alleged mispricing of the S&P 500?7
Forecasting crude oil prices: do technical indicators need economic constraints?7
A two-step framework for arbitrage-free prediction of the implied volatility surface7
Delta hedging bitcoin options with a smile7
Integrating prediction in mean-variance portfolio optimization7
Stationary increments reverting to a Tempered Fractional Lévy Process (TFLP)7
Distributionally robust portfolio optimization with linearized STARR performance measure7
Forecasting interval-valued crude oil prices using asymmetric interval models7
The Hull–White model under volatility uncertainty7
Sparse index clones via the sorted ℓ1-Norm7
Estimating large losses in insurance analytics and operational risk using the g-and-h distribution6
On detecting spoofing strategies in high-frequency trading6
AI-driven liquidity provision in OTC financial markets6
Graph theoretical representations of equity indices and their centrality measures6
Pricing electricity day-ahead cap futures with multifactor skew-t densities6
Equal risk pricing and hedging of financial derivatives with convex risk measures6
Coherent portfolio performance ratios6
A data-driven deep learning approach for options market making6
Are missing values important for earnings forecasts? A machine learning perspective6
The performance of venture capital investments: failure risk, valuation uncertainty & venture characteristics6
Liquidity fluctuations and the latent dynamics of price impact6
The SINC way: a fast and accurate approach to Fourier pricing6
Drawdown beta and portfolio optimization6
Kelly investing with downside risk control in a regime-switching market6
The EWMA Heston model6
Deep learning-based least squares forward-backward stochastic differential equation solver for high-dimensional derivative pricing6
Rating frailty, Bayesian updates, and portfolio credit risk analysis*6
Pairs trading with general state space models5
Robust portfolio rebalancing with cardinality and diversification constraints5
A numerical approach to pricing exchange options under stochastic volatility and jump-diffusion dynamics5
A new representation of the risk-neutral distribution and its applications5
Uncovering the mesoscale structure of the credit default swap market to improve portfolio risk modelling5
W-shaped implied volatility curves and the Gaussian mixture model5
The timing of debt renegotiation and its implications for irreversible investment and capital structure5
The contagion of extreme risks between fossil and green energy markets: evidence from China5
Bayesian model averaging and the conditional volatility process: an application to predicting aggregate equity returns by conditioning on economic variables5
Valuation of non-negative equity guarantees, considering contagion risk for house prices under the HJM interest rate model5
A reinforcement learning approach to optimal execution5
Macroeconomic uncertainty and expected shortfall (and value at risk): a new dynamic semiparametric model5
Horizon effect on optimal retirement decision5
Gram–Charlier methods, regime-switching and stochastic volatility in exponential Lévy models4
Brexit news propagation in financial systems: multidimensional visibility networks for market volatility dynamics4
Risk contributions of lambda quantiles*4
Optimal reinsurance-investment with loss aversion under rough Heston model4
GARCH-UGH: a bias-reduced approach for dynamic extreme Value-at-Risk estimation in financial time series4
The reinforcement learning Kelly strategy4
Supervised portfolios4
A generative model of a limit order book using recurrent neural networks4
An unsupervised deep learning approach to solving partial integro-differential equations4
Analysis of VIX-linked fee incentives in variable annuities via continuous-time Markov chain approximation4
Constructing long-short stock portfolio with a new listwise learn-to-rank algorithm4
Fin-GAN: forecasting and classifying financial time series via generative adversarial networks4
On an irreversible investment problem with two-factor uncertainty4
Cryptocurrencies change everything4
A note on the option price and ‘Mass at zero in the uncorrelated SABR model and implied volatility asymptotics’4
Estimating time-varying risk aversion from option prices and realized returns4
Weighted variance swaps hedge against impermanent loss4
Tempered stable processes with time-varying exponential tails4
Deep attentive survival analysis in limit order books: estimating fill probabilities with convolutional-transformers4
Portfolio optimization with a prescribed terminal wealth distribution4
Hedging cryptos with Bitcoin futures3
Classification of flash crashes using the Hawkes(p,q)framework3
Optimal solution of the liquidation problem under execution and price impact risks3
When do systematic strategies decay?3
On the optimal forecast with the fractional Brownian motion3
Myopic robust index tracking with Bregman divergence3
How does bank credit affect the shape of business groups' internal capital markets?3
Is the effectiveness of government bonds as a diversifier of equity risk weakened after the Covid-19 crisis?†3
Lifetime consumption and investment with housing, deferred annuities and home equity release3
Optimal asset allocation for commodity sovereign wealth funds3
A note on spurious model selection3
A neuro-structural framework for bankruptcy prediction3
A semi-parametric conditional autoregressive joint value-at-risk and expected shortfall modeling framework incorporating realized measures3
Stationary Heston model: calibration and pricing of exotics using product recursive quantization3
The inelastic market hypothesis: a microstructural interpretation3
Implied Markov transition matrices under structural price models3
Distributionally robust end-to-end portfolio construction3
The optimal payoff for a Yaari investor3
‘Too central to fail’ firms in bi-layered financial networks: linkages in the US corporate bond and stock markets3
Moments of integrated exponential Lévy processes and applications to Asian options pricing3
Call auction, continuous trading and closing price formation3
Bond market completeness under stochastic strings with distribution-valued strategies3
Leveraged funds: robust replication and performance evaluation3
Pricing Asian options with stochastic convenience yield and jumps3
Assessing the accuracy of exponentially weighted moving average models for Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall of crypto portfolios3
Optimal characteristic portfolios3
Peer effects in professional analysts’ choice of their portfolio of companies3
Life insurance surrender and liquidity risks3