Review of Accounting Studies

(The TQCC of Review of Accounting Studies is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Mandatory CSR and sustainability reporting: economic analysis and literature review585
The impact of carbon disclosure mandates on emissions and financial operating performance184
Do ESG funds make stakeholder-friendly investments?142
Stock price reactions to ESG news: the role of ESG ratings and disagreement118
Using machine learning to detect misstatements114
Measuring audit quality82
Textual classification of SEC comment letters75
Walk the talk: ESG mutual fund voting on shareholder proposals71
Is artificial intelligence improving the audit process?71
Financial misconduct and employee mistreatment: Evidence from wage theft71
Why are expanded audit reports not informative to investors? Evidence from the United Kingdom70
Prepare for takeoff: improving asset measurement and audit quality with drone-enabled inventory audit procedures52
Measuring credit risk using qualitative disclosure51
Meet, beat, and pollute47
Real effects of auditor conservatism42
Trust, social capital, and the bond market benefits of ESG performance42
Analysts’ role in shaping non-GAAP reporting: evidence from a natural experiment40
Voluntary versus mandatory disclosure37
The use of adjusted earnings in performance evaluation35
Do high-ability managers choose ESG projects that create shareholder value? Evidence from employee opinions34
How do most low ETR firms avoid paying taxes?34
A new take on voice: the influence of BlackRock’s ‘Dear CEO’ letters34
The role of the external auditor in managing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reputation risk34
Going digital: implications for firm value and performance33
Social media analysts and sell-side analyst research29
Heterogeneity in expertise in a credence goods setting: evidence from audit partners29
Walking the walk? Bank ESG disclosures and home mortgage lending27
Major government customers and loan contract terms27
Investors’ response to the #MeToo movement: does corporate culture matter?26
Languages and corporate tax avoidance25
Green new hiring25
The power of firm fundamental information in explaining stock returns24
Unexpected distractions and investor attention to corporate announcements23
Visuals and attention to earnings news on twitter23
Are corruption and corporate tax avoidance in the United States related?22
SEC comment letters on form S-4 and M&A accounting quality22
Corporate social performance and the managerial labor market21
Audit process, private information, and insider trading21
Is tax aggressiveness associated with tax litigation risk? Evidence from D&O Insurance20
What moves stock prices around credit rating changes?20
Buying products from whom you know: personal connections and information asymmetry in supply chain relationships19
Is all disaggregation good for investors? Evidence from earnings announcements19
Voluntary disclosure when private information and disclosure costs are jointly determined19
Earnings forecasts of female CEOs: quality and consequences18
How pervasive is corporate fraud?18
When doing good for society is good for shareholders: importance of alignment between strategy and CSR performance18
Does litigation change managers’ beliefs about the value of voluntarily disclosing bad news?18
Manager perception and proprietary investment disclosure18
Re-examining the impact of mandatory IFRS adoption on IPO underpricing17
Climate-risk materiality and firm risk16
Brokerage trading volume and analysts’ earnings forecasts: a conflict of interest?16
Researchers’ data analysis choices: an excess of false positives?16
The real effects of risk disclosures: evidence from climate change reporting in 10-Ks15
Does social responsibility begin at home? The relation between firms’ pension policies and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities15
Bank financial reporting opacity and regulatory intervention15
Can short sellers constrain aggressive non-GAAP reporting?15
Measurement error, fixed effects, and false positives in accounting research15
Explaining firms’ earnings announcement stock returns using FactSet and I/B/E/S data feeds14
Executive equity incentives and opportunistic manager behavior: new evidence from a quasi-natural experiment14
Real-time revenue and firm disclosure14
Earnings beta14
Capitalization vs. expensing and the behavior of R&D expenditures13
Accounting for uncertainty: an application of Bayesian methods to accruals models13
Valuation uncertainty and analysts’ use of DCF models13
The role of individual audit partners for narrative disclosures12
Taxes and director independence: evidence from board reforms worldwide12
The disclosure function of the U.S. patent system: evidence from the PTDL program and extreme snowfall12
Unpatented innovation and merger synergies12
Financial reporting for cryptocurrency12
Principles-based accounting standards and audit outcomes: empirical evidence12
Do auditors charge a client business risk premium? Evidence from audit fees and derivative hedging in the U.S. oil and gas industry11
CEO pay ratio voluntary disclosures and stakeholder reactions11
Disagreement about fundamentals: measurement and consequences11
Political information flow and management guidance11
Credit risk assessment and executives’ legal expertise11
Doing good when doing well: evidence on real earnings management11
Cyber risk and voluntary Service Organization Control (SOC) audits11