Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Native biodiversity collapse in the eastern Mediterranean84
Towards a taxonomically unbiased European Union biodiversity strategy for 203079
Trait-based approaches to global change ecology: moving from description to prediction73
A deepening understanding of animal culture suggests lessons for conservation71
Perspective on musculoskeletal modelling and predictive simulations of human movement to assess the neuromechanics of gait70
Maximum CO2diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size55
Predicting the zoonotic capacity of mammals to transmit SARS-CoV-253
The Archean origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and extant cyanobacterial lineages53
A biologist's guide to model selection and causal inference51
Rapid behavioural response of urban birds to COVID-19 lockdown50
The critical role of mental imagery in human emotion: insights from fear-based imagery and aphantasia50
Network ecology in dynamic landscapes49
The phantom chorus: birdsong boosts human well-being in protected areas49
Temporal niche partitioning as a novel mechanism promoting co-existence of sympatric predators in marine systems49
Fossils improve phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters48
Environmental DNA provides quantitative estimates of Pacific hake abundance and distribution in the open ocean47
Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities47
Limited plasticity in thermally tolerant ectotherm populations: evidence for a trade-off46
Tropical bats counter heat by combining torpor with adaptive hyperthermia44
Why don't we share data and code? Perceived barriers and benefits to public archiving practices42
Introduction of probiotic bacterial consortia promotes plant growth via impacts on the resident rhizosphere microbiome42
Census of heat tolerance among Florida's threatened staghorn corals finds resilient individuals throughout existing nursery populations42
‘Inert’ ingredients are understudied, potentially dangerous to bees and deserve more research attention41
Overcoming racism in the twin spheres of conservation science and practice41
Plants in the UK flower a month earlier under recent warming39
Psychoactive pollution suppresses individual differences in fish behaviour39
Ecological opportunity and the rise and fall of crocodylomorph evolutionary innovation39
Long-term gene–culture coevolution and the human evolutionary transition38
Biomechanical analyses of Cambrian euarthropod limbs reveal their effectiveness in mastication and durophagy38
The extensibility of the plantar fascia influences the windlass mechanism during human running38
Genotype by environment interactions in coral bleaching37
Species-specific but not phylosymbiotic gut microbiomes of New Guinean passerine birds are shaped by diet and flight-associated gut modifications36
Variable metabolic scaling breaks the law: from ‘Newtonian’ to ‘Darwinian’ approaches35
Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution35
Trophic consequences of terrestrial eutrophication for a threatened ungulate35
Senescence: why and where selection gradients might not decline with age34
Whose trait is it anyways? Coevolution of joint phenotypes and genetic architecture in mutualisms33
Reversible plasticity in brain size, behaviour and physiology characterizes caste transitions in a socially flexible ant (Harpegnathos saltator)32
Climate change and lithium mining influence flamingo abundance in the Lithium Triangle32
Positive selection and gene duplications in tumour suppressor genes reveal clues about how cetaceans resist cancer32
The effects of ants on pest control: a meta-analysis32
Loss of vocal culture and fitness costs in a critically endangered songbird32
Broadening the ecology of fear: non-lethal effects arise from diverse responses to predation and parasitism32
Poorly differentiated XX/XY sex chromosomes are widely shared across skink radiation31
Late Holocene spread of pastoralism coincides with endemic megafaunal extinction on Madagascar31
Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals and unpacks a biodiversity conservation paradox in Mediterranean marine reserves31
Extensive hybridization reveals multiple coloration genes underlying a complex plumage phenotype31
Elevated temperature increases genome-wide selection on de novo mutations31
Interaction capacity as a potential driver of community diversity30
Thermal niches of specialized gut symbionts: the case of social bees30
Disease-driven mass mortality event leads to widespread extirpation and variable recovery potential of a marine predator across the eastern Pacific30
Beat gestures influence which speech sounds you hear30
Cuttlefish exert self-control in a delay of gratification task30
Fluctuating selection and global change: a synthesis and review on disentangling the roles of climate amplitude, predictability and novelty30
First Atlantic satellite tracks of ‘lost years’ green turtles support the importance of the Sargasso Sea as a sea turtle nursery30
Extensive polyploid clonality was a successful strategy for seagrass to expand into a newly submerged environment30
Genomic analysis of distinct bleaching tolerances among cryptic coral species29
How do habitat amount and habitat fragmentation drive time-delayed responses of biodiversity to land-use change?29
Long-term exposure to artificial light at night in the wild decreases survival and growth of a coral reef fish28
Scaling up biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental heterogeneity in space and time28
Wild epigenetics: insights from epigenetic studies on natural populations28
Tropical mammal functional diversity increases with productivity but decreases with anthropogenic disturbance28
Sedimentation and overfishing drive changes in early succession and coral recruitment28
Noise distracts foraging bats28
Cross-ocean patterns and processes in fish biodiversity on coral reefs through the lens of eDNA metabarcoding28
Self-clearance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: implications for lifetime risk and population at-risk of tuberculosis disease27
Aerial photogrammetry and tag-derived tissue density reveal patterns of lipid-store body condition of humpback whales on their feeding grounds27
Specialized terminology reduces the number of citations of scientific papers27
Influence of water content on mechanical behaviour of gastropod taenioglossan radulae27
Longer telomeres during early life predict higher lifetime reproductive success in females but not males27
The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds26
A multi-faceted comparative perspective on elevational beta-diversity: the patterns and their causes26
Unexpected cryptic species among streptophyte algae most distant to land plants26
Speed and strength of an epidemic intervention26
Practical advice on variable selection and reporting using Akaike information criterion26
Drought-driven wildfire impacts on structure and dynamics in a wet Central Amazonian forest26
Kinship dynamics: patterns and consequences of changes in local relatedness26
Large mesopelagic fish biomass in the Southern Ocean resolved by acoustic properties26
Population genomic, climatic and anthropogenic evidence suggest the role of human forces in endangerment of green peafowl ( Pavo muticus )25
Sociability increases survival of adult female giraffes25
Age and sex influence social interactions, but not associations, within a killer whale pod25
Coming together—symbiont acquisition and early development in deep-sea bathymodioline mussels25
A triple threat: high population density, high foraging intensity and flexible habitat preferences explain high impact of feral cats on prey25
Determinate growth is predominant and likely ancestral in squamate reptiles24
Florivory of Early Cretaceous flowers by functionally diverse insects: implications for early angiosperm pollination24
Enthalpy efficiency of the soleus muscle contributes to improvements in running economy24
Climate warming changes synchrony of plants and pollinators24
Sex determination systems as the interface between male-killing bacteria and their hosts24
Allometric analysis of brain cell number in Hymenoptera suggests ant brains diverge from general trends24
DNA metabarcoding reveals trophic niche diversity of micro and mesozooplankton species24
The roles of T cell competition and stochastic extinction events in chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy23
Avian behaviour changes in response to human activity during the COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom23
Functional constraints during development limit jaw shape evolution in marsupials23
Life-history traits and habitat availability shape genomic diversity in birds: implications for conservation23
Insect-host control of obligate, intracellular symbiont density23
Seeing the forest for the trees—and the grasses: revisiting the evidence for grazer-maintained grasslands in Madagascar's Central Highlands23
Isochrony and rhythmic interaction in ape duetting23
Why don't all animals avoid inbreeding?23
Modelling homing suppression gene drive in haplodiploid organisms23
Traffic noise inhibits cognitive performance in a songbird23
Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals winners and losers of global change in coastal waters23
Repeated loss of variation in insect ovary morphology highlights the role of development in life-history evolution23
Wind plays a major but not exclusive role in the prevalence of insect flight loss on remote islands22
Speciation in the deep: genomics and morphology reveal a new species of beaked whaleMesoplodon eueu22
Information overload for (bounded) rational agents22
Managed honeybees decrease pollination limitation in self-compatible but not in self-incompatible crops22
Within-population variability in coral heat tolerance indicates climate adaptation potential22
Functional genetic diversity in an exploited marine species and its relevance to fisheries management22
Whole-organism responses to constant temperatures do not predict responses to variable temperatures in the ecosystem engineer Mytilus trossulus22
Target-capture phylogenomics provide insights on gene and species tree discordances in Old World treefrogs (Anura: Rhacophoridae)22
Food talk: 40-Hz fin whale calls are associated with prey biomass22
Human biases limit cumulative innovation22
What's my age again? On the ambiguity of histology-based skeletochronology22
Warming indirectly increases invasion success in food webs22
Contrasting effects of human settlement on the interaction among sympatric apex carnivores21
Hard to catch: experimental evidence supports evasive mimicry21
Early detection of wildlife morbidity and mortality through an event-based surveillance system21
Parallel evolution ofVarroaresistance in honey bees: a common mechanism across continents?21
A bird's-eye view on turbulence: seabird foraging associations with evolving surface flow features21
Marine heatwave challenges solutions to human–wildlife conflict21
Intensive human contact correlates with smaller brains: differential brain size reduction in cattle types21
A shared mechanism for facial expression in human faces and face pareidolia21
Restricted dispersal in a sea of gene flow21
Differences in Quaternary co-divergence reveals community-wide diversification in the mountains of southwest China varied among species21
The effect of optic flow cues on honeybee flight control in wind21
Macroevolutionary pattern ofSaussurea(Asteraceae) provides insights into the drivers of radiating diversification20
Overcoming a ‘forbidden phenotype’: the parrot's head supports, propels and powers tripedal locomotion20
The social transmission of stress in animal collectives20
Experimental cross species transmission of a major viral pathogen in bees is predominantly from honeybees to bumblebees20
The under-investigated wild side ofEscherichia coli: genetic diversity, pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance in wild animals20
Natural disturbance impacts on trade-offs and co-benefits of forest biodiversity and carbon20
Supplemented nutrition decreases helminth burden and increases drug efficacy in a natural host–helminth system20
An early dog from southeast Alaska supports a coastal route for the first dog migration into the Americas20
More than words: word predictability, prosody, gesture and mouth movements in natural language comprehension20
Past and future uses of text mining in ecology and evolution20
Humans trade off whole-body energy cost to avoid overburdening muscles while walking20
Artificial shorelines lack natural structural complexity across scales20
Increased functional diversity warns of ecological transition in the Arctic20
Oscillators and servomechanisms in orientation and navigation, and sometimes in cognition20
Viral spillover risk increases with climate change in High Arctic lake sediments20
Deep-diving beaked whales dive together but forage apart20
Plicidentine and the repeated origins of snake venom fangs20
Calibrating phylogenies assuming bifurcation or budding alters inferred macroevolutionary dynamics in a densely sampled phylogeny of bivalve families20
Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps20
Using the Goldilocks Principle to model coral ecosystem engineering19
Infectious disease and sickness behaviour: tumour progression affects interaction patterns and social network structure in wild Tasmanian devils19
Costly teaching contributes to the acquisition of spear hunting skill among BaYaka forager adolescents19
The exploitation of sexual signals by predators: a meta-analysis19
Biodiversity cradles and museums segregating within hotspots of endemism19
A single heat-stress bout induces rapid and prolonged heat acclimation in the California mussel,Mytilus californianus19
Sea ice reduction drives genetic differentiation among Barents Sea polar bears19
Adaptations to light contribute to the ecological niches and evolution of the terrestrial avifauna19
Hydrothermal physiology and climate vulnerability in amphibians19
Evolutionary history of quadrupedal walking gaits shows mammalian release from locomotor constraint19
Ecological impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems: a global meta-analysis19
Extant species fail to estimate ancestral geographical ranges at older nodes in primate phylogeny19
Research on sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) suggests that limited capacity to increase heart function leaves hypoxic fish susceptible to heat waves19
Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios19
Cretophengodidae, a new Cretaceous beetle family, sheds light on the evolution of bioluminescence19
A fast pace-of-life is traded off against a high thermal performance19
Application of ecological and evolutionary theory to microbiome community dynamics across systems19
Lack of phenological shift leads to increased camouflage mismatch in mountain hares19
Emerging themes in Population Consequences of Disturbance models19
How general is cognitive ability in non-human animals? A meta-analytical and multi-level reanalysis approach19
The utility of genomic prediction models in evolutionary genetics19
Enhanced problem-solving ability as an adaptation to urban environments in house mice18
Long-term study shows that increasing body size in response to warmer summers is associated with a higher mortality risk in a long-lived bat species18
Global tropical reef fish richness could decline by around half if corals are lost18
Plant carbohydrate content limits performance and lipid accumulation of an outbreaking herbivore18
Dispersal ability and its consequences for population genetic differentiation and diversification18
Early-life behaviour predicts first-year survival in a long-distance avian migrant18
Nutrient conditions are primary drivers of bacterial capsule maintenance in Klebsiella18
Autocrine and paracrine interferon signalling as ‘ring vaccination’ and ‘contact tracing’ strategies to suppress virus infection in a host18
Episodic-like memory is preserved with age in cuttlefish18
Fishes regulate tail-beat kinematics to minimize speed-specific cost of transport18
Growth acceleration results in faster telomere shortening later in life18
Body size and food–web interactions mediate species range shifts under warming18
The stagnation paradox: the ever-improving but (more or less) stationary population fitness18
Prenatal acoustic programming of mitochondrial function for high temperatures in an arid-adapted bird18
Experimental demonstration of prenatal programming of mitochondrial aerobic metabolism lasting until adulthood18
Invasive snake causes massive reduction of all endemic herpetofauna on Gran Canaria18
Energetic connectivity of diverse elasmobranch populations – implications for ecological resilience18
Locomotor transitions in the potential energy landscape-dominated regime18
Negative resistance and resilience: biotic mechanisms underpin delayed biological recovery in stream restoration18
What's in a name? Taxonomic and gender biases in the etymology of new species names18
The metabolic pace of life histories across fishes17
Terminology use in animal personality research: a self-report questionnaire and a systematic review17
Harsh is large: nonlinear vocal phenomena lower voice pitch and exaggerate body size17
Lunar rhythms in growth of larval fish17
Coordination of movement via complementary interactions of leaders and followers in termite mating pairs17
Long-term effects of noise pollution on the avian dawn chorus: a natural experiment facilitated by the closure of an international airport17
Non-numerical strategies used by bees to solve numerical cognition tasks17
Cultural diffusion dynamics depend on behavioural production rules17
Host–pathogen immune feedbacks can explain widely divergent outcomes from similar infections17
Negative density-dependent parasitism in a group-living carnivore17
Rapid frequency modulation in a resonant system: aerial perturbation recovery in hawkmoths17
Meta-analytic evidence for quantitative honesty in aposematic signals17
Male-like female morphs in hummingbirds: the evolution of a widespread sex-limited plumage polymorphism17
Individual recognition is associated with holistic face processing in Polistes paper wasps in a species-specific way17
Minimum size limits and the reproductive value of numerous, young, mature female fish17
Identification of sex chromosome and sex-determining gene of southern catfish ( Silurus meridionalis ) based on XX, XY and YY genome sequencing17
Snowball Earth, population bottleneck and Prochlorococcus evolution17
Integrating multi-taxon palaeogenomes and sedimentary ancient DNA to study past ecosystem dynamics17
Recent natural variability in global warming weakened phenological mismatch and selection on seasonal timing in great tits (Parus major)17
Nutritional stress exacerbates impact of a novel insecticide on solitary bees' behaviour, reproduction and survival17
Social consequences of energetically costly nest construction in a facultatively social bee17
Landscape features predict the current and forecast the future geographic spread of Lyme disease17
What processes must we understand to forecast regional-scale population dynamics?17
Mercury exposure in an endangered seabird: long-term changes and relationships with trophic ecology and breeding success17
Two decades of carbonate budget change on shifted coral reef assemblages: are these reefs being locked into low net budget states?17
Production of mobile invertebrate communities on shallow reefs from temperate to tropical seas17
Downtown diet: a global meta-analysis of increased urbanization on the diets of vertebrate predators16
The three Ts of virulence evolution during zoonotic emergence16
Shark spiral intestines may operate as Tesla valves16
Population collapse of habitat-forming species in the Mediterranean: a long-term study of gorgonian populations affected by recurrent marine heatwaves16
Seed dispersers shape the pulp nutrients of fleshy-fruited plants16
The genome of a daddy-long-legs (Opiliones) illuminates the evolution of arachnid appendages16
Towards quantifying the mass extinction debt of the Anthropocene16
The evolution of trait correlations constrains phenotypic adaptation to high CO2in a eukaryotic alga16
Wildlife disturbances as a source of conspecific negative density-dependent mortality in tropical trees16
Spatial sampling heterogeneity limits the detectability of deep time latitudinal biodiversity gradients16
Does a complex life cycle affect adaptation to environmental change? Genome-informed insights for characterizing selection across complex life cycle16
Evolutionary versatility of the avian neck16
The evolution of sour taste16
Early life adversity has long-term effects on sociality and interaction style in female baboons16
Quantifying services and disservices provided by insects and vertebrates in cacao agroforestry landscapes16
After 15 years, no evidence for trophic cascades in marine protected areas16
The genetic architecture and evolution of life-history divergence among perennials in theMimulus guttatusspecies complex16
The most efficient metazoan swimmer creates a ‘virtual wall’ to enhance performance16
The development of body representations: an associative learning account16
Thermal regime during parental sexual maturation, but not during offspring rearing, modulates DNA methylation in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)16
Red-green opponency in the long visual fibre photoreceptors of brushfoot butterflies (Nymphalidae)16
Spatial ecology of conflicts: unravelling patterns of wildlife damage at multiple scales16
Quantifying pyrodiversity and its drivers16
Vocal convergence in a multi-level primate society: insights into the evolution of vocal learning16
The human placenta: new perspectives on its formation and function during early pregnancy16
Pollinators and plant nurseries: how irrigation and pesticide treatment of native ornamental plants impact solitary bees16
Habitat loss alters effects of intransitive higher-order competition on biodiversity: a new metapopulation framework16
Were all trilobites fully marine? Trilobite expansion into brackish water during the early Palaeozoic16
Investment in chemical signalling glands facilitates the evolution of sociality in lizards16
Evidence for an Allee effect in a declining fur seal population16
Series elasticity facilitates safe plantar flexor muscle–tendon shock absorption during perturbed human hopping16
Two-Round Ca2+transient in papillae by mechanical stimulation induces metamorphosis in the ascidianCiona intestinalistype A16
And thereby hangs a tail: morphology, developmental patterns and biomechanics of the adhesive tails of crested geckos ( Correlophus ciliatus )15
The patterns and modes of the evolution of disparity in Mesozoic birds15
Phylogenomic resolution of the root of Panpulmonata, a hyperdiverse radiation of gastropods: new insight into the evolution of air breathing15
Using a biologically mimicking climbing robot to explore the performance landscape of climbing in lizards15
Age at first reproduction in wolves: different patterns of density dependence for females and males15
The visual coupling between neighbours explains local interactions underlying human ‘flocking'15
Mass-flowering monoculture attracts bees, amplifying parasite prevalence15